Chinese Journal of Lasers
Ruxin Li
Volume: 13 Issue 6
19 Article(s)

Aug. 02, 2012
  • Vol. 13 Issue 6 1 (1986)
  • Cheng Zhaogu, and Wang Runwen

    Analytic resolution for relative energy distribution at focal plane of low-order modes for Gaussian laser beams is given. The results are compared with the focal properties at far-field of single mode light for unstable cavity with different magnification M. With. 80% of total laser energy at focal plane as the united criterion of beam divergence, calculation indicates that with stable cavity for mode-selection, one can obtain good beam quality which may be close, even superior, to that for mode-selection for unstable cavity under some conditions. Moreover, the stable cavity construction is simple, the cavity is more stable and the electro-optic efficiency is high as well.

    Aug. 02, 2012
  • Vol. 13 Issue 6 321 (1986)
  • Chu Zexiang, Chen Liyin, and Wu Zhongxiang

    The influence of physical and construction parameters, such as the shape of discharge region, the position of cavity, the size and coupling of mirrors and the velocity of flow gas etc., on the output power of a transverse flow CO2 laser are investigated. Some regular results have been obtained which are useful in laser design and experimental work.

    Aug. 02, 2012
  • Vol. 13 Issue 6 328 (1986)
  • Liang Baogen, Fang Wuji, Zhang Binyuan, Han Shaoqin, Yin Xianhua, and Cui Jianli

    Output characteristics of our self-heated discharge dopper vapor laser arc reported. The maximum average power is 20.5 W with an efficiency of 1.5%. Luminescence performances of the device are measured and discussed.

    Aug. 02, 2012
  • Vol. 13 Issue 6 334 (1986)
  • Ou Zhenya, Yang Liming, and Song Zhanxia

    An UV nitrogen laser, which uses domestic hydrogen thyratron as switch and isotope as preionizer, is reported. The maximum pulse energy is 5mJ the time delay jitter is ±1 ns, and energy stability for single laser pulse is 5%.

    Aug. 02, 2012
  • Vol. 13 Issue 6 338 (1986)
  • Xu Fuyong, Chen Menyao, Zhao Keyu, and Du Li

    The mechanism of the known working materials for optically pumped FIB lasers is explained on the basis of the physical model of di-group vibration and linear tri-group vibration. Mathematical derivation shows a fairly good result. Based on this result a method of searching for working materials of optically pumped FIB lasers is obtained.

    Aug. 02, 2012
  • Vol. 13 Issue 6 341 (1986)
  • Wang Dadi, and Jiang Zhankui

    Laser-excited UV fluorescence spectra of OH radicals at transition in C2H2/air flame have been measured. Airlines in 0-0, 1-0, 2-1 bands obtained are in very good agreement with those by other methods, thus the present work provides useful data for temperature detection of flame. We have also determined the OH concentration distribution at different heights of the flame.

    Aug. 02, 2012
  • Vol. 13 Issue 6 348 (1986)
  • Yang Xueming, Zhu Qingshi, Shen Zhiye, and Zhang Cunhao

    Diode laser derivative spectroscopy of CH3 ON v4 band is reported here for the first time. About 120 lines of v4 band of the molecule were recorded by means of the second order derivative spectroscopic technique. With an improved least square fitting technique, improved parameters of v4 band were obtained. And some properties of diode derivative spectrosc-copic technique were discussed.

    Aug. 02, 2012
  • Vol. 13 Issue 6 351 (1986)
  • Xu Deyan

    The wavefront deviations of domestic various Fourier transform lenses are given with shearing interferemetry. Two of them are verified with a Zygo interferometer.

    Aug. 02, 2012
  • Vol. 13 Issue 6 356 (1986)
  • Gao Guochang, Li Rongpiny, Guo Ningning, Gao Wenbin, Chen Junde, and Lu Shiping

    Experimental setup and results of BS-1 model high efficiency high pressure H2 Eaman shifter are presented.Main factors affecting the energy conversion efficiency are discussed. When the Raman shifter was pumped by Nd: YAG SHG, 1st to 4th order Stokes lines and 1st to 8th anti-Stokes lines have been observed. An overall evergy conversion efficiency of 56% and an energy conversion efficiency of 34% in the 1st Stokes component have been achieved.

    Aug. 02, 2012
  • Vol. 13 Issue 6 359 (1986)
  • Hong Guangyan, Yue Shuying, and Gao Jianzhang

    The crystals of K3Pr(PO4)2 have been grown from a KF-KC1 flux. The influence of the flux evaporation on the crystal yield is given. The chemical analysis and X-ray diffraction pattern confirmed that the crystal was K3Pr(PO4)2. The infrared, absorption and fluorescence spectra have been determined.

    Aug. 02, 2012
  • Vol. 13 Issue 6 362 (1986)
  • Ye Lili, Tang Shijun, Lu Shiping, Chen Junde, Gao Wenbing, and Ji Hanting

    A transient digitizer is combined with a multichannel analyzer to form a multichannel averaging system. This system has faster response time and higher accumulation velocity than normal multichannel signal averagers. It has been used in some simulating experiment and laser-induced fluorescence measurement of CH4.

    Aug. 02, 2012
  • Vol. 13 Issue 6 365 (1986)
  • Xu Kunxian

    Off-axial reflection holographic visual display elements which records in dichro-mated gelatin (DCG) deposited on planar substrate of glass has been developed for pilot head-up display (HUD). Important image characteristics such as diffraction efficiency, aberrations, dispersion, distortion and optical transfer function (OTF) etc for the off-axial reflection holographic lens are analysed. Preparation and processing of DCG film and several important techniques for obtaining high quality holographic lens are recommended.

    Aug. 02, 2012
  • Vol. 13 Issue 6 368 (1986)
  • Chen Guojian, Tang Hong, Liu Jiajun, and Wang Haijin

    The principle and formula for determing ametropia of eyes by laser speckles are presented. The optical system and properties of laser speckle refractometer as well as the results of clinical application for testing refraction are described in detail.

    Aug. 02, 2012
  • Vol. 13 Issue 6 373 (1986)
  • Liu Te, and Tang Xiangchun

    Narrow linewidth down to 0.0006 nm was obtained with a coated prism expander in the grating tuned dye laser. Keeping the cavity loss as low as possible and with proper choice of prism angle and incident angle, the minimum loss of the expander can be obtained.

    Aug. 02, 2012
  • Vol. 13 Issue 6 376 (1986)
  • Wang Yingcai

    Experiment on Nd:glass laser rods which is longer than their ellipsoidal pump cavity have been made. The resuls show that, under some conditions, their laser efficiency is higher and threshold lower than that of rods of equal-length to the cavity.

    Aug. 02, 2012
  • Vol. 13 Issue 6 377 (1986)
  • Meng Shaoxian, Ren Jianglong, Zhang Weiging, and Kang Yuying

    Stimulated Raman forward scattering of ethanol is investigated with 530. 0 nm picosecond laser pulses. Output of the Stokes light pulse is amplified by a travelling wave dye amplifier.

    Aug. 02, 2012
  • Vol. 13 Issue 6 379 (1986)
  • Zhuang Dounan, and Tian Yonghe

    A molecular N2 laser with the first positive band (B3πδ-A-3∑u+ tran-sition) is reported. The laser can operate stably at 0.8913 or 1.051 μm in TEM00 mode. It can also operate stably at 337.1 nm if the cavity and other conditions are changed. Its electrical pulse width and laser pulse width (FWHM)are nearly 300 ns to 100 ns.Injecting the 1.051μm single mode laser light into a Nd3+: phosphate glass laser, amplified laser pulses have been observed.

    Aug. 02, 2012
  • Vol. 13 Issue 6 381 (1986)
  • Xu Renfang

    A novel power supply was constructed for quasi-CW solid state lasers. It provided currents from 15 A to 50 A with pulse-width of 830 ms and repetition rate of 1-15/pps. The device was successfully used to pump a double krypton lamp laser system, with shot-to-shot fluctuation of <0.3%, and ripple coefficient of <1%.

    Aug. 02, 2012
  • Vol. 13 Issue 6 383 (1986)
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