Chinese Journal of Lasers
Ruxin Li
Volume: 11 Issue 5
20 Article(s)

Sep. 04, 2012
  • Vol. 11 Issue 5 1 (1984)
  • Chen Liyin, Chu Zexiang, and Chen Haitao

    A quasi two-dimensional transverse electrical discharge model is developed with which contours with constant unsaturated gain G0 in X-Z plane are obtained. The effects of the initial conditions on the spatial distribution of T, p, u, E/n and G0 along the flow axis are numerically investigated. It shows that there is an optimum flow velocity corresponding to the best gain distribution for a given operating pressure. The calculated results are compared with the experimental ones.

    Sep. 04, 2012
  • Vol. 11 Issue 5 257 (1984)
  • Wang Mingchang, and Zhou Huifen

    Wiggler is an important part of free-electron lasers (FEL). According to the calculation analysis and the over-all requirement of the FEL, the consideration in designing the wiggler is given, a simulation device with a few periods is developed and the effect of magnetic field intensity on magnetic gap, period, size, and material are measured, and the sinusoidal distribution of the magnetic fleldis investigatied. It is concluded that the design and the device can be used in FEL.

    Sep. 04, 2012
  • Vol. 11 Issue 5 263 (1984)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    The characteristics of a variety of dye laser oscillators transversally pumped by SHG and THG of a Nd: YAG pulsed repetitive laser are reported and compared. The performances of the Brewster-prism preexpanded cavity are better than those of the simple grazing-incidence grating cavity.

    Sep. 04, 2012
  • Vol. 11 Issue 5 267 (1984)
  • Zhuang Wanru, Ma Yingdi, and Hu Yiguan

    The resistivity achieved is up to(1-2)×108 Ω.cm for D2+ bombarded GaAs single crystal chips from the room temperature to 600℃ so long as the annealing temperature is kept below 200 ℃. The near field pattern, spectral, frequency response and degradation characteristics for the isolated stripe geometry lasers made of D2+ bombarded (QaAl) As/GaAs DH chips are almost the same as those of H+ bombarded lasers.

    Sep. 04, 2012
  • Vol. 11 Issue 5 270 (1984)
  • [in Chinese]

    The output characteristics of the heliumless long lifetime repetitive TEA CO2 laser are given. One gas fill lifetime exceeds 106 shots and the overall efficiency is about 14%. The experiment indicates that the output characteristics of TEA CO2 laser are not affected by helium.

    Sep. 04, 2012
  • Vol. 11 Issue 5 273 (1984)
  • Zheng Chengen

    The heat-expanding model of discharge gas in repetitive static excimer lasers is described. The calculated results show that its effects on the average laser output power and beam quality are noticeable.

    Sep. 04, 2012
  • Vol. 11 Issue 5 276 (1984)
  • Huang Euiping, Sun Yizhu, Sang Fengting, Yuan Qinian, and Zhuang Qi

    An apparatus for measuring the spatially resolved small-signal gain of CW HF chemical lasers is described. The gain distribution of several transitions for nozzle CL-9 are obtained. A brief discussion on the experimental results and the relevant errors is given.

    Sep. 04, 2012
  • Vol. 11 Issue 5 281 (1984)
  • Zhan Suzen

    The high frequency modulation characteristics of GaAs-GaAlAs DH LBDs are analyzed and the results (data and curves) presented. Also discussed are the linear range and modulation bandwidth for P-I, V-I curves as the devices are modulated by various signals, and the optimum operation point of the device can thus be determined.

    Sep. 04, 2012
  • Vol. 11 Issue 5 283 (1984)
  • Zou Lixun, Zhang Lei, Wan Lide, and Li Chunfei

    We demonstrated a new hybrid bistable optical device by a laser beam to excite simultaneously both TE mode and TM mode in a Ti-diffused LiNbO3 waveguide modulator and making them interfere with each other outside the waveguide. The interfered light is fed back to control the waveguide modulator. An approximate theory is described.

    Sep. 04, 2012
  • Vol. 11 Issue 5 290 (1984)
  • Zhang Jucheng

    The multi-exposure holography with plate position shifting and the multi-facet holographic lens with parallel axes are presented. Some special transformations by means of these lenses are demonstrated as well as some possible applications of these lenses.

    Sep. 04, 2012
  • Vol. 11 Issue 5 294 (1984)
  • Jiang Zhonghong, Zhao Xiangshu, Su Baorong, Hu Xingyuan, Song Xiuyu, and Qian Zheng

    A technique for preparing glasses in high silica systems using a CO2 laser is presented. With this technique, the glasses in the system of ZrO2-Al2O3-SiO2 and TiO2-Al2O3-SiO2 have been investigated and some glasses containing Si3N4, A1N, SiC have been obtained. The structure of Al2O3-SiO2 glass is also discussed.

    Sep. 04, 2012
  • Vol. 11 Issue 5 298 (1984)
  • Jin Juguang, Wang Songyue, Jin Changtai, and Sheng Mingtao

    Fine structure of the atomic neon transitions of 2Pt-4S1 and 2P3-4S1 were mesured by means of optogalvanic spectroscopy and the neon line at 5919.037 A. was identified to the transition of 2p7-4d3 for the first time. The obtained profile of spectral line has a typical and symmetrical shape of line. The line width (FWHM) was measured to be 3. 2 GHz.

    Sep. 04, 2012
  • Vol. 11 Issue 5 302 (1984)
  • Xu Jie, Cheng Tuming, and He Guozhen

    The mode characteristics and the pulse compression phenomenon of backward stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) in CS2 light waveguide of different sizes are investigated.

    Sep. 04, 2012
  • Vol. 11 Issue 5 305 (1984)
  • Wu Cunkai, Zhou Feng, and Wang Zhiying

    Using laser pulses from SHG of a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser system and dish-loroethane solution of coumarin 152 as nonlinear medium, four-channel degenerate four-wave mixing was achieved. The nonlinear reflection coefficient of about 4% was obtained for every channel.

    Sep. 04, 2012
  • Vol. 11 Issue 5 308 (1984)
  • Liang Peihui, and Ye Chao

    We report a composite optical multichannel analyzer system which has been used to measure the laser parameters, such as spectrum, far-field pattern, divergency in real time mode, and to measure directly the absorption coefficient of dyes.

    Sep. 04, 2012
  • Vol. 11 Issue 5 310 (1984)
  • Wang Dao, Su Wen, Wang Suya, Li Wan, Li Xiaoyu, and Sun Xueying

    The amount of CO and NO, formed during the electric discharge of the JL6A type CW high power transverse flow CO2 laser have been determined. The catalysts Pd-Ni/r-Al2O3 and the rare earth perovskite-type compounds (ABO3) are used for the elimination of both CO and NOa. For the ABO3 catalysts, conversion rate of CO is 85.1% and NO, 63.1% when the gas space velocity is 15,000 h-1 and the temperature is 260℃.

    Sep. 04, 2012
  • Vol. 11 Issue 5 313 (1984)
  • Yang Zhengming

    The modeling of gas breakdown in the capillary is described and the view on the discussion of breakdown process in low breakdown voltage He-Ne lasers is presented.

    Sep. 04, 2012
  • Vol. 11 Issue 5 317 (1984)
  • [in Chinese]

    The analys is of influenced region near the cutting edge when CO2 laser is used for cutting and some main experimental results are given.

    Sep. 04, 2012
  • Vol. 11 Issue 5 319 (1984)
  • [in Chinese]

    The excision of external hemorrhoids infiltrated by connective tissues by CO2 laser has many advantages, such as short operation time,slight pain, no bleeding, good curative effect, no need to admit into hospital and no sequelae. It is a better method and worth popularizing.

    Sep. 04, 2012
  • Vol. 11 Issue 5 320 (1984)
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