Chinese Journal of Lasers
Ruxin Li
Volume: 11 Issue 10
20 Article(s)

Sep. 04, 2012
  • Vol. 11 Issue 10 1 (1984)
  • Lu Zhiguo

    Progress of laser applications of China in the recent 10 years (1974-1984) in industry, holography and information processing, instrumentaition and other scientific research ficJds is surveyed in the present paper.

    Sep. 04, 2012
  • Vol. 11 Issue 10 577 (1984)
  • Cao Hongkui, and Wang Yuzhu

    In this paper we present a method to judge the stability of laser traps for trapping neutral atoms of gas. Using the method we prove theoretically that the bi-Gaussian light beam trap can be stable in trapping neutral (two-level) atoms of gas along the beam axis. We also discuss the stability of a throe-dimensional spatial trap which is formed by three bi-Gaussian light beam traps with the same structure but perpendicular cross.

    Sep. 04, 2012
  • Vol. 11 Issue 10 584 (1984)
  • Feng Shiyu, Guo Sigan, Zheng Shunxuan, Liang Zhenbin, and Ma Yingying

    The forward SRS phase conjugation of benzene has been studied. The experiment shows that the forward SES phase conjugation is similer to that of the backward SRS and the result is analysed.

    Sep. 04, 2012
  • Vol. 11 Issue 10 590 (1984)
  • Zheng Chengen, Cao Hongmin, Liu Bo, Wei Yunrong, Ding Aizhen, and Lou Qihong

    Effects of additional inductance in discharge circuit on discharge properties and laser output energy have been investigated in an avalanche discharge XeCl* excimer laser. Based on these results, we have obtained laser output pulse energy of 0.6 J (0.7-0.8 J/L. atm) by using film and paper capacitors as laser discharge power supply.

    Sep. 04, 2012
  • Vol. 11 Issue 10 593 (1984)
  • Sun Li, and Deng Feifan

    An analytical formula for calculating optimum length of the resonator type fiber-gyroscopes has been deduced. After considering the stimulated Brillouin scattering, the sensitivity limit of the fiber-gyroscopes, the determination of the coupling coefficient and the demanded splice loss are discussed.

    Sep. 04, 2012
  • Vol. 11 Issue 10 598 (1984)
  • Zhang Zhipeng, and Shi Shouyong

    This paper analyses and calculates the exciting efficiency of cylindrical step-index optical fiber with a spherical lens excited by GaAs lasers, and provides the parameters from which the optimum coupling is obtained. An exciting efficiency of up to over 90% can be obtained from the fundamental modes.

    Sep. 04, 2012
  • Vol. 11 Issue 10 602 (1984)
  • Tang Junhui, E Yun, Qiu Jiabai, Ding Ruisong, and Du Jinhuan

    A new non-silver haloid photographic system based on polyvinylcarbazole has been developed. Some holographic recording characteristics, such as TA-H curve, resolution, diffraction efficiency and sensitivity, have beon investigated.

    Sep. 04, 2012
  • Vol. 11 Issue 10 607 (1984)
  • Hui Lingkai, Li Qun, Zhang Zheng, Pan Ghengming, Jiang Shouping, Lian Shaohui, Chen Liqun, Kuan Kangoheng, Huang Tianqin, and Liu Songhao

    Using a Q-switched Nd: YAG laser the two photon induced fluorescence on borine high sidero-hemoglobin, globulin, tryptophane and tyrosine and their nonlinear effectz have been studied. The two-photon absorption chromophoro in borine high sidero-hemoglobin, borine serumalbumin and globulin are mainly due to the presence of tryptophanc. The obvious difference between fluorescence intensities of tryptophane and tyrosine are caused by their different cross sections. It may be a new approach for selective excitation.

    Sep. 04, 2012
  • Vol. 11 Issue 10 611 (1984)
  • Pan Yinfei

    The main components of an acousto-optic mode-locked device and the excitation source, i, e, power supply for acousto-optic modulation are described. The high-speed digital frequency mixer made of medium-scale integrated circuits and the design of a high power transistor amplifier are also presented.

    Sep. 04, 2012
  • Vol. 11 Issue 10 617 (1984)
  • YU Zengqi, Lin Fengqi, and Zhou Shiliang

    A method to study the gas phase requisite for the new electron guns has been investigated. Its results are useful for the design of CW laser devices.

    Sep. 04, 2012
  • Vol. 11 Issue 10 621 (1984)
  • Zhuang Dounan, and Zhao Donghuan

    Using the special dynamical model for 16 μm CO2 lasers, we computed the laser intensity at 16 μm. The results show that high pressure CO2-N2-He mixture may provide tlaser output high-power at 16 μm in special conditions.

    Sep. 04, 2012
  • Vol. 11 Issue 10 624 (1984)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    The performance of the ADP crystal for extracavity 90℃ phase-matched SHG of Ar+ lasers is reported. The phase-matching temperature was -11.61℃, and the efficiency 3.2%. The SHG power of 5.8 mw was obtained at the fundamental power of 1.8 w. The fluctuation of SH power was less than 5% during one hour operation.

    Sep. 04, 2012
  • Vol. 11 Issue 10 628 (1984)
  • [in Chinese]

    The characters of two-photon absorption in gases, liquids and solids are discussed by means of semiclassical theory and comparative luminescence experiments. It is shown that the two-photon absorption for electric dipole-forbidden levels is dipole-dipole transition. Both one-photon absorption of the laser second harmonic and two-photon absorption of the laser fundamental harmonic are allowed in some materials.

    Sep. 04, 2012
  • Vol. 11 Issue 10 630 (1984)
  • [in Chinese]

    The article introduces briefly the principle; structure of the automatic measurement and control system of the laser level plane and its engineering test in the construction of slipf orm and rooftruss lift.

    Sep. 04, 2012
  • Vol. 11 Issue 10 632 (1984)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    Using CO laser light incident on an InSb crystal at 12 K, we measured the output intensity from the crystal, and the nonlinear index n2 can be determined in accordance with the transmissivity curve.

    Sep. 04, 2012
  • Vol. 11 Issue 10 635 (1984)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    A simple single-frequency quasi-CW argon ion laser has been constructed. Its output power at 5145 A is over 10w. The multiline output power is up to 30w. This laser is used in ophthalmic holography.

    Sep. 04, 2012
  • Vol. 11 Issue 10 636 (1984)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    This article reports CO2 laser irradiation on Huiyin point in 30 chronic prostatitis cases with a curative rate of 33%.

    Sep. 04, 2012
  • Vol. 11 Issue 10 638 (1984)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    This paper describes a calorimeter of the mechanical pressure contact (MPC) model for measuring CO2 pulsed laser energy.

    Sep. 04, 2012
  • Vol. 11 Issue 10 638 (1984)
  • [in Chinese]

    Sep. 04, 2012
  • Vol. 11 Issue 10 640 (1984)
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