Chinese Journal of Lasers
Ruxin Li
Volume: 10 Issue 6
17 Article(s)

Aug. 31, 2012
  • Vol. 10 Issue 6 1 (1983)
  • Tan Weihan, Song Xiaojue, and Gu Zhichong

    The effect of finite beam width on the Sagnac frequency shift has been calculated by Zhbairy and Scully. However, their analysis is somewhat incorrect. In the present paper,, we point out the questions included in their article and give a new analysis on this subject and the corrected equations for Sagnac effect for square ring lasers.

    Aug. 31, 2012
  • Vol. 10 Issue 6 327 (1983)
  • Zhuang Wanru, Yang Peisheng, Gao Jilin, and Ma Yindi

    We have investigated experimentally the causes for degradation of the isolated stripe CW(GaAl)As/GaAs DH lasers by proton bombardment. The results of ageing tests show that the fast degraded lasers are caused by defects (such as dark spot, dark line and dark region) in the active region extendeing rapidly during the test process. One of the factors limiting the lifetime to 103 hours is the oxidization of the mirror facet of laser cavity; and the moving of mierodefects by proton bombardment into the active region becomes one of the reasons limiting the lifetime to 104 hours.

    Aug. 31, 2012
  • Vol. 10 Issue 6 331 (1983)
  • Wang Runwen

    In this paper we analyze the frequency correction caused by a finite beam width in an optical gyro. It has been proved that there exists the same correction factor for any polygonal optical gyro. The frequency correction factor for an optical gyro with its light transmitting along a circular waveguide is calculated and compared with that obtained by Zubairy.

    Aug. 31, 2012
  • Vol. 10 Issue 6 334 (1983)
  • Zhang Bangxing, and Wang Dinghua

    Characteristics of AgGaS2 crystal for frequency doubling of 10.6μm laser light has been investigated. When the crystal is 4.3mm in length, the maximum conversion efficiency is 0.122%. The experimental phase matching angle is 71.5° and the adjustment range 8°±1°. These data are in good agreement with the theoritieal values.

    Aug. 31, 2012
  • Vol. 10 Issue 6 339 (1983)
  • Gui Zhenxing, and Zhang Shunyi

    The experimental results are reported on the correlation of CW CO laser lines. It has been observed that P11-10(21) and P12-11(16) transitions overlap with R17-16(25) and R17-16 (23) respectively at lower pressures, and resonant absorption pumping occurs. Due to the overlaping of P-R branch oscillation, P branch in a frequency selected CO laser is often suppressed.

    Aug. 31, 2012
  • Vol. 10 Issue 6 343 (1983)
  • Cai Maolue, Luo Taizhao, and Liang Lizhen

    Laser Raman spectra of several terpene compounds such α-pinene, β-pinene and camphene are presented. Frequency shift of the Raman spectral lines have been measured, and the relationship between frequency shift and the molecular structure of these compounds discussed. The results are in agreement with chemical analysis.

    Aug. 31, 2012
  • Vol. 10 Issue 6 347 (1983)
  • Wu Zhengliang, Shu Juping, and Teng Yueli

    Rhodamine 640 with rigid structure has been synthesized and its spectral and lasing behaviour measured. The absorption maximum is at 568nm and the fluorescence maximum at 620 nm.It can be pumped by a variety of light sources. It is found that Rho 640 lasing at 606 nm has low threshold and high efficiency.

    Aug. 31, 2012
  • Vol. 10 Issue 6 351 (1983)
  • Xia Kangmin, Liu Miaohong., Li Liquan, and Chen Jianwen

    This paper presents the results on energy coupling process of an excimer laser of Blumlein type UV preionization, using a group of voltage divider with a rise time of 0.8 ns and volttgeresistane of 60 kv and magneto-optic method. The problems on the optimum coupling form are discussed.

    Aug. 31, 2012
  • Vol. 10 Issue 6 358 (1983)
  • Xu Kunxian

    The parameters and aberrations of holographic projection system for static three-dimensional images are analysed to achieve the systematization of computation principle on holographic projection system and optimum structure of projection system according to different operation.

    Aug. 31, 2012
  • Vol. 10 Issue 6 362 (1983)
  • Chen Shuchun, Song Xiuyu, and Dai Fengmei

    Experimental research indicates that the water introduced during the preparation of phosphate glasses is directly responsible for the enhancement of nonradiative transition probability. Temperature dependence of the nonradiative relaxation rates in the range of 300-600K has been measured and the characteristics of the nonradiative relaxation have been analyzed.

    Aug. 31, 2012
  • Vol. 10 Issue 6 366 (1983)
  • Li Li

    The simplified optical-path design of a multipass reflective cell made of two spherical mirrors is described. The major characters of the miltipass reflective beam are discussed and the errors estimated. The calculated results are in fair agreement with the experimental ones.

    Aug. 31, 2012
  • Vol. 10 Issue 6 370 (1983)
  • Zhu Xinming, Xue Bin, and Fan Dianyuan

    A laser pulse slicer with a cryotron high voltage pulse generator is reported. An avalanche transistor trigger circuit with suspended photoelectric input and pulse simmering circuit are used. Pulses with a rise-time of 1.8ns and variable widths have been obtained by means of slicing Q-switched laser pulses.

    Aug. 31, 2012
  • Vol. 10 Issue 6 374 (1983)
  • Zhang Fuquan

    A new formula for obtaining the electrodes with uniform field profile is presented. It is useful in designing a desired profile of W. Rogowski electrodes.

    Aug. 31, 2012
  • Vol. 10 Issue 6 377 (1983)
  • [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    When common films sensitized by pentamethlidyne dye are activated by ps. ns and μS Nd laser pulses, their sensitivity have been significantly improved. The dye is proved to be inexpensive and with higher chemical stability.

    Aug. 31, 2012
  • Vol. 10 Issue 6 381 (1983)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    Range finding from ground-to-Lageos satellite was conducted using a frequency doubled Nd-YAG laser. Values of range are from 6000-6900 km, and the measurement accuracy is about ±20cm.

    Aug. 31, 2012
  • Vol. 10 Issue 6 382 (1983)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    We have treated 14 cases of late lung cancer, which are not suitable to the treatment of surgical operation and radiotherapy, with N2 laser as well as chemotherapy, traditional Chinese herbs and immuization from April 1980 to May 1982, observation for over 6 months show that there are 9 survivors, while there is only one survivor of the 14 cases in the control group. Our results indicate that N2 laser may be useful to cure the late lung cancer.

    Aug. 31, 2012
  • Vol. 10 Issue 6 384 (1983)
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