Chinese Journal of Lasers
Ruxin Li
Volume: 10 Issue 11
18 Article(s)

Aug. 31, 2012
  • Vol. 10 Issue 11 1 (1983)
  • Tan Weihan, and Luan Shaojin

    Applying the Laplace transform of time-dependent Shrodinger equation, we have obtained a set of equations which can be treated as the stationary eigenvalue problem. The transition probability and energy level shift of Cs atoms in the process of three photon absorption have been calculated using this method.

    Aug. 31, 2012
  • Vol. 10 Issue 11 749 (1983)
  • Xie Bomin, Sun Tongkun, Li Xuechang, and Yin Shijian

    We have used a transversely-excited flowing CO2 laser with the output power of about 2kW for heat-treatment of the surface of carbon-steel. A simple method for calculating the temperature change during the scanning process is proposed. The obtained data of the hardened zone near the surface coincide with the theoretical predictions satisfactorily.

    Aug. 31, 2012
  • Vol. 10 Issue 11 754 (1983)
  • Pu Wanlin, Pen Aiping, and Miao Huihua

    In this article the structures and properties have been studied on six crabon steels in laser hardening. The rule for structural changes and unusual phenomena occuring in laser hardening have been analysed.

    Aug. 31, 2012
  • Vol. 10 Issue 11 759 (1983)
  • He Huijuan, Lu Guoxian, Li Yongchun, Gu Shengru, Qian Linxing, and Zhao Longxing

    A high repitition rate mode-locked Nd: YAG laser is reported. Pumping induced thermal lens effect in resonator is studied and the conditions for thermally stable resonator is analyzed.Two configurations of thermally stable resonators have been designed and the experimental results given. The maximum repetition rate of laser is 30pps (TEM00 mode), the energy of envelope is about 10mj, the divergence of beam is about 0.5mr and the minimum pulse width(FWHM)is 21ps.

    Aug. 31, 2012
  • Vol. 10 Issue 11 765 (1983)
  • Huang Guobiao, Dong Shalei, Guan Yiling, and Wen Zhongyi

    To improve the output stability of the mode-looked laser, technical problems have studied on the 200MHz acousto-optical modulator, 100 MHz U. H. F. driving source, the stabilization of the laser resonator length, the stable current of the Kr lamp, shock-proof, stabilization of light by light-feedback, etc.

    Aug. 31, 2012
  • Vol. 10 Issue 11 770 (1983)
  • Yu Yaojin, Jiang Aibao, Zhang Jilin, and Han Shaoqin

    Discharge spectra of mercuric halide containing Ne, N2, Xe gases have been measured. Kinetic processes have been measured with the methed of afterglow. The experimental results show that emission spectra of a mercuric halide (B3Σu+→X2Σu+) result from the electron collision, Penning reaction and the transfer of the collision energy.

    Aug. 31, 2012
  • Vol. 10 Issue 11 774 (1983)
  • Sun Rongchuan, Zhang Wenzhen, Qiu Jizhan, Ding Changrong, and Xu Chenghuang

    Using Czoehralsky method, single crystals of sizes up to φ25×100 mm of lithium-doped KC1 as color center laser material were obtained. The lithium content was controlled to within 10-3-10-2% by weight in crystal. The absorption spectra of three doped-KCl single crystals after being irradiated with X-rays were measured.

    Aug. 31, 2012
  • Vol. 10 Issue 11 778 (1983)
  • Huang Dequn, Wang Haobing, and Su Baorong

    The surface morphology, crack section morphology and metallographic structure of Fe-and-Al based eutectics (Fe-Ni-P-B-C, Al-Si, Al-Si-Mg-Mn) before and after treatment with high repetition rate YAG laser light were observed with a scanning electron microscope. The results show that the sample surface irradiated by laser light has been changed into Non-crystalline and the non-crystalline layer possesses higher ductility and better thermal stability.

    Aug. 31, 2012
  • Vol. 10 Issue 11 782 (1983)
  • Guo Zhuanyun, and Zhang Guangyin

    Photoacoustic absorption measurement of intrinsic GaAs by laser heterodyne at high temperature of 500K was made for the first time.

    Aug. 31, 2012
  • Vol. 10 Issue 11 785 (1983)
  • Lu Yaxiong

    The article discusses the possibility to improve the efficiency of frequency doubling of single-mode E6G CW dye laser radiation in an external auxiliary active ring cavity. With this technique, ultraviolet output power can be an order of magnitude greater than that obtained with a passive cavity.

    Aug. 31, 2012
  • Vol. 10 Issue 11 788 (1983)
  • Wu Jihua, Pu Dasheng, Chen Xiaohua, Gong Zhiben, Zhang Rongyao, Lian Jiyou, and Liu Jianyong

    In this paper we present the main results of the attenuation of some spectral lines of DF/HF chemical laser radiation, measured in the actual atmosphere. A comparison, of our results with other theoretical and experimental work is made.

    Aug. 31, 2012
  • Vol. 10 Issue 11 792 (1983)
  • Li Qingxiu, Yi Boten, and Wan Naibin

    A series of tests have been made to examine the effects of O2, N2, H2 and air on laser welding of titanium and inert gas was used to protect the welding section. Our experimental results indicate the necessity of using inert gas as a protective measure in obtaining satisfactory welding effects.

    Aug. 31, 2012
  • Vol. 10 Issue 11 795 (1983)
  • Zhong Qiming, Jiang Tingqiu, Che Mingyu, and Ji Rongcai

    In this paper we report some experiments of the liquid crystal light valve (LCLV) fabricated in our laboratory for realtime optical data processing, including edge enhancement, optical correlation and holographic recording of manuscripts and documents.

    Aug. 31, 2012
  • Vol. 10 Issue 11 798 (1983)
  • Xu Jie, Cheng Yuming, He Guozhen, and Zhuang Xin

    A detailed experimental study of the performances of a pulsed HF laser with unstable resonators of different magnification has been made. The significant improvement of the beamquality has been achieved. And the energy of the laser with an unstable resonator has not been decreased.

    Aug. 31, 2012
  • Vol. 10 Issue 11 801 (1983)
  • Li Xianshu, Yang Zhuohao, Chen Xiaoke, and Zhou Xianguang

    Based on the matrix theory for the light propagation in a system consisting of plane screens [1, 2] and the relevant idea [3] proposed by one of the authors, an initial design for a new kind of optical elements is first presented here. Its main feature is that regardless of the order of the input light beam mode with axial symmetry, after passing through a sequence of these elements the output light wave will be nearly a fundamental mode. Obviously, some action to transform the high order modes of light beam into the fundamental mode should take place here. Hence was named "the screen for transformation of light beam modes". Although our desing is not satisfactory, the energy losses are too large, it has been shown that there is great possibility of developing this new kind of optical element.

    Aug. 31, 2012
  • Vol. 10 Issue 11 807 (1983)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    The refractive indices and the transmissivities of the GaP crystal made in our country have been measure d.At He-Ne laser wavelength of 6328A the refractive index is 3.310, the transmissivity for the sample of 5mm thick is about 80%. The experiments showed that the characteristics of polarization rotation for the GaP prism coupler had not been observed.

    Aug. 31, 2012
  • Vol. 10 Issue 11 810 (1983)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    Emission of pulsed Nd-glass laser at 1.36μm is reported. Threshold and efficiency of the laser are measured and the optimum reflectivity of output-mirror is determined.

    Aug. 31, 2012
  • Vol. 10 Issue 11 811 (1983)
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