Laser & Optoelectronics Progress
Dianyuan Fan
Volume: 49 Issue 11
29 Article(s)
Chen Yu, Hu Yun′an, Wang Hongwei, and Wei Jianming

Aimed at the problem that the ominidirectional sea-wave spectrum of fractal sea-wave model could not satisfy the positive power law when spatial wave numbers is smaller than the fundamental wave number, a 2-D sea-wave model is proposed by combining statistical sea model and normalization band-limited Weierstrass-Mandelbrot fractal sea-wave model. Sea surfaces of statistical model, classical fractal model and the improved model are compared. Electromagnetic scattering coefficient of the improved model based on the Kirchhoff approximation is derived. The angular distributions of incoherent scattering intensity coefficient of statistical model, classical fractal model and improved model are compared, and incoherent scattering intensity coefficient of improved model is analyzed based on different frequency and wind direction in microwave band. Analytical results show that sea surface have both characters of large-scale turbulent waves and micro-scale capillary wave and the electromagnetic scattering of improved model can comply better with the practical situation of sea surface.

Sep. 11, 2012
  • Vol. 49 Issue 11 110101 (2012)
  • Wang Han, Zhang Tao, and Li Sha

    The effect of the atmospheric turbulence can deteriorate the performance of the free-space optical (FSO) communication system. A technique for using orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) modulation in FSO is studied, the bit error rate (BER) performance of FSO-OFDM modulation system over Gamma-Gamma atmospheric turbulence is analyzed. Under different atmospheric turbulence intensity, the BER of OFDM modulation system is compared with on/off keying (OOK) modulation system. The simulation results show that OOK modulation system and OFDM modulation system are deteriorating with the strengthening of turbulence intensity, under different atmospheric turbulence intensity, the BER performance of 4QAM-OFDM modulation system is better than 16QAM-OFDM modulation system and OOK modulation system.

    Sep. 10, 2012
  • Vol. 49 Issue 11 110102 (2012)
  • Wu Houde, and Xu Wenhai

    To solve the problem of long focal-plane-light-measuring time in ultra-high resolution CCD imaging system, an acceleration method is proposed. Pixel binning technology is adopted in this method to speed up the pixel output rate, the ratio of current integration time to minimum integration time is used as binning number of rows. In the light measuring period, the system uses the minimum integration time to expose the CCD, read out binned the pixel charge packets and calculate the average gray level and histogram for the auto exposure control arithmetic to use. This method can significantly reduce both integration time and pixel readout time, and maintain the original average gray level and histogram. The experiment results prove the performance of this method by compressing the light measuring time to 30% below. This method can be widely used in ultra-high resolution CCD light measuring process.

    Oct. 15, 2012
  • Vol. 49 Issue 11 110401 (2012)
  • Bai Long, Yang Huayong, and Luo Hong

    In recent years, geophysical detecting technologies develop increasingly in fields, such as petroleum and natural gas exploration, safety alert of ground and coast, target detection in the ocean and underground pipeline monitoring. To realize high precision detection of low-frequency geophysical signals, a novel kind of geophone based on fiber Bragg gratting (FBG) with symmetrcal push-pull structure is designed. In-depth studies are made on structural theories, simulation analysis, optimization design and three-dimensional structure. Results show that the geophone has high sensitivity up to 765.6 pm/g, and dynamic response character of 1~120 Hz is good. Furthermore, it has the function of temperature self-compensation, good direction characters, and can easy to realize three-dimensional structure. So the geophone has the ability of detecting low-frequency geophysical signals.

    Aug. 30, 2012
  • Vol. 49 Issue 11 110601 (2012)
  • Liu Xi, Xue Yuan, Xu Hongchun, and Hu Guangwen

    To meet the further demand of low cost and high link capacity to optical module products, a kind of design and test method for compact small form-factor pluggable (CSFP) optical transceiver module is provided. Above all, the CSFP application background is briefly explained, and the photoelectric integration technology in CSFP and its advantage is discussed, and then a general design scheme according to CSFP MSA agreement from sending, receiving and controlling circuit is put forward. After testing and analysing the performance parameters of CSFP sample module, the results confirmed the feasibility of the scheme, which provides a reference for the actual production of products.

    Sep. 10, 2012
  • Vol. 49 Issue 11 110602 (2012)
  • Miao Zhengxiang, Li Chongguang, Zhang Zhongheng, and Pan Liping

    Base on the angular spectrum theory and sampling theorem, recording condition and the size of suitable object are discussed during an in-line hologram recorded in given sampling frequency. The total size of CCD, detecting unit size and pitch limit the size of object and recording distance. Under the condition that sampling condition is satisfied, recorded hologram could contain three-dimensional information about object. Starting with this principle, application range is presented when a CCD with given parameters is used to record a hologram.

    Sep. 11, 2012
  • Vol. 49 Issue 11 110901 (2012)
  • Feng Jie, Deng Chao, and Xing Tingwen

    In order to test concave aspheric surfaces precisely, a multifunctional computer-generated hologram (CGH) which can compensate wavefront in null test, adjust the relative position between CGH and interferometer and adjust the relative position between CGH and the tested aspheric surface is proposed and designed. It consists of three segments, called main CGH, alignment CGH and fiducial CGH. The principle of testing aspheric surfaces is reviewed and the design method is introduced. The pros and cons of the auxiliary CGH adjustment method and the common adjustment method are compared. Then a design example for testing a paraboloidal mirror (Φ187.72 mm、F number is 1.71) is presented. The effects of CGH fabrication errors on the accuracy of interferometric measurements are analyzed. The accuracy of using a CGH to measure the surface is 4.47 nm. The designed CGH meets the requirements of high precision aspheric surfaces testing.

    Oct. 18, 2012
  • Vol. 49 Issue 11 110902 (2012)
  • Liu Yanyan, Zhao Yingchao, and Hu Tao

    Both the vulnerability and laser-induced damaged image character of CCD detector are studied. The commonly used image quality assessment process is summed up. The error, signal-to-noise ratio and the similarity of two frame of series laser disturbing images are assessed through objective assessment methods. The results show that the disturbing effect of two frame of series laser disturbing images is not obvious and it is consistent with the subjective assessment, which are demonstrated in four aspects, the change of original images and the difference image along with their histograms are not obvious, the gray value difference of both images is less than 0.058%, the peak signal-to-noise ratio is 51.0793 dB and the correlativity is 0.9999. According to the nuance of two images, the vertical, horizontal, approximate and diagonal details of difference image is picked up by wavelet transform and results can reflect the original image details better.

    Oct. 15, 2012
  • Vol. 49 Issue 11 111001 (2012)
  • Hu Shuling, Wang Xinlong, Sun Yu, Huang Jie, Lu Qiaoqiao, and Geng Weibiao

    Complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) transistor cameras instead of conventional photoelectric detectors are used to obtain planar information and can improve the tolerance of electromagnetic interference and measurement precision. Three algorithms are proposed to extract central finges. With a proper design of low-coherence Young′s fiber interferometer, these algorithms are tested experimentally. The result shows that covered area comparison algorithm is most efficient and the central fringe is marked accurately. In addition, it is suitable to real-time information display systems.

    Oct. 18, 2012
  • Vol. 49 Issue 11 111002 (2012)
  • Wu Jie, and Han Yueping

    X-ray grating imaging technology can use traditional X-ray machine to get the attenuation, phase contrast and dark information of the object to be tested in one image. The basic principle and system structure of the X-ray grating imaging are introduced. And then, the respective characteristics, mutual influence and relevant features of three kinds of information of the same scence are analyzed, which are obtained by the same sensor in the same space and time. The attenuation, phase contrast and dark information are used to fuse based on the wavelet transform. The simulation results of the original Pfeiffer′s experimental data show that, reasonable image fusion technology can realize a one-time high resolution imaging detection in large dynamic range, including various light and heavy elements.

    Sep. 10, 2012
  • Vol. 49 Issue 11 111003 (2012)
  • Chen Youxian, and Nie Jianying

    To solve the problem that the resolution of the millimeter-wave passive imaging is low, a new effective super-resolution algorithm is proposed. Wiener filtering algorithm is improved, and the low-frequency components are restored. The low-frequency components of instead of the pass-band with spectrum component is put to making full use of the information in the image and make it self-adaptive. Then the adaptive Wiener filtering and regular maximum a posteriori (MAP) super-resolution algorithm which can extrapolate high-frequency component are combined. The regular MAP iterative algorithm is used to obtain extrapolated high-frequency components, the frequency domain correction is conducted for Fourier transform of the image, and inverse transform of the image is carried out for further correction, the above process is performed successesively until the resolution of the image is improved. The new adaptive super-resolution algorithm is tested through the simulation experiments. The simulation results show that the new algorithm can enhance the resolution, improve the peak value signal-to-noise ratio and has fast convergence. The visual effect is superior to the other two algorithms; which indicate that the new algorithm is effective.

    Aug. 30, 2012
  • Vol. 49 Issue 11 111004 (2012)
  • Zhang Lei, Zhang Yu, and Wang Xiaoxia

    The purpose of this paper is to find a practical and effective fusion method for infrared and visible images. On the basis of analyzing the characteristics of visible and infrared images, a novel method for fusion of the infrared and the visible images based on phase modulation is proposed. Phase modulation on the visible and infrared images is conducted. Then the fusion image through inverse transformation is obtained. Experimental results show that the method discussed above is effective in visual effect, the quantity of information, and the details of information. It also shows that this new method gets a better fusion image than wavelet transform.

    Aug. 28, 2012
  • Vol. 49 Issue 11 111005 (2012)
  • Liu Jun, Jiang Hui, Wang Jun, Wu Quanying, Shen Tingting, Fan Junliu, and Zang Taocheng

    The configuration of torus sparse aperture is introduced, and its modulation transfer function (MTF) is derived from its pupil function. MTF is simulated by Matlab software under different internal and external diameter ratios of torus sparse aperture; an example of torus sparse aperture is designed by Zemax software, from which the MTF is obtained and compared with the above simulation results; the imaging capability of torus sparse aperture is evaluated using the standard discrimination plate as the target object. The results show that the cut-off frequency of torus sparse aperture depends on the external diameter, and the MTF curves become steeper in low frequency area as the internal and external diameter ratio e increases. Imaging results also reveal that images′ peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) decreases when the ratio e increases, and images′ details are enhanced with their contour information being kept in a better way when the fractional differential operator is utilized to enhance the image quality.

    Sep. 10, 2012
  • Vol. 49 Issue 11 111101 (2012)
  • Fan Junliu, Wang Jun, Wu Quanying, Wang Fuliang, Shen Tingting, and Zang Taocheng

    The relation between structure of entrance pupil of Golay3 telescope system and F-number of primary mirror is analyzed. Point spread function (PSF) and modulation transfer function (MTF) of telescope system are derived through entrance pupil function which considers the tilt error of one submirror; The effect of tilt error on PSF and MTF is simulated by Matlab program; a example of Golay3 telescope is designed by Zemax software, the PSF and MTF of the system are obtained with tilt error in a submirror, and compared with the theoretical simulation results. Finally, Golay3 telescope′s imaging capability is evaluated under different tilt error value with a standard board as the object. According to the result of the Zemax software, the change of both PSF and MTF of Golay3 telescope system because of tilt error is consistent with that of the theoretical simulation. When the peak-to-valley value of tilt wavefront is smaller than one wavelength, both the main lobe and the side lobes of PSF and MTF pattern vary enormously, the direction of the variation depends on the position of the submirror with tilt error. When the peak-to-valley value of tilt wavefront exceeds one wavelength, both the PSF and MTF remain unchanged basically. The imaging results show that with the increase of tilt error of the submirror in x direction, the maximal recognizable line pairs in y direction changes dramatically.

    Sep. 11, 2012
  • Vol. 49 Issue 11 111102 (2012)
  • Li Lihong, and Zhang Minglu

    Aimed at focusing precision problems under a strong shot noisy background image, the processing of focusing evaluation function is deeply studied. Based on the experiment of conventional image sequences, sum of modified laplacian (SML) and laplacian focusing evaluation functions have better performance. Aimed at strong shot noisy image sequence, an algorithm is provided that this image sequence is implemented with median filtering. Then this sequence is over-segmented using the watershed algorithm in order to obtain area blocks. The pixel value is substituted by the mean value of this area block, which can reduce the shot noise′s influence. Finally, this image sequence is processed by SML or laplacian focusing evaluation function. Experimental results show that this processing′s accuracy is close to the image sequence without strong shot noise. This algorithm has good robustness.

    Oct. 15, 2012
  • Vol. 49 Issue 11 111103 (2012)
  • Sun Mingyong, Cai Kang, Yang Deyu, and Sun Ping

    Based on an electronic speckle pattern interferometry (ESPI) optical setup with one illuminating light sensitive to out-of-plane displacement, a method is presented for three-dimensional deformation measurement by using the combination of digital speckle correlation method (DSCM) and ESPI. One speckle pattern before deformation is captured by a CCD camera without a reference light. The reference light is used and an ESPI system is constructed. The out-plane displacement component can be measured after the test object is deformed by using phase shifting technique in the ESPI system. Another speckle pattern is captured without reference light after deformation. The in-plane displacement components can be obtained by using DSCM from the two speckle patterns, one obtained before deformation and another after deformation. In this way the measurement of the three-dimensional displacement of an object is completed. A typical three-point-bending beam experiment is carried out by the method proposed. Experimental results show that the three displacement components can be obtained effectively. The deformation measurement system is simple and useful for it has a simple setup and easy operation.

    Sep. 11, 2012
  • Vol. 49 Issue 11 111201 (2012)
  • Xu Shiwei, Zhang Yueling, Wang Dapeng, Wei Dong, Liu Wancheng, Zhang Shengchong, and Tang Shuwei

    The inadequacies of traditional noise equivalent temperature difference (NETD) test are pointed out; the commonly used NETD test formula is derivatived from the principle of NETD test. The accurate measurement methods under laboratory conditions are raised and test results are corrected; NETD of cooled HgCdTe infrared push-broom system with different bands, different optical lens are tested and four sets of data on the test are got and contrast analysis is given to them. According to the detector temperature response characteristics and blackbody radiation characteristics of the medium wave and long wave band, the reasons for NETD test result differences under different test conditions are explained theoretically. At the same time, experimental result shows that NETD with the same band and the different optical calibers change little, while NETD with different bands and the same optical caliber change very much. The experimental results also confirm that only the F number in all the parameters of the optical system, is relative to NETD.

    Oct. 15, 2012
  • Vol. 49 Issue 11 111202 (2012)
  • Wang Jun, Huang Yong, Wu Quanying, Pan Yang, Fan Junliu, and Wang Fan

    In order to evaluate the apparent quality of scenic water objectively and quantitatively, a method is proposed to measure and evaluate the apparent quality of scenic water. The scenic water is illuminated by halogen lamps in the dark room, while the reflectivity and reflection spectrum data is measured by a spectrometer. The relation between reflectivity and turbidity of water as well as the relation between reflection spectrum and chroma of water are quantified respectively. By which the apparent quality factor of scenic water is defined to evaluate the apparent quality of scenic water. The affects of the water turbidity and chroma are both considered in this method,and the influence of time and surroundings can be avoided.

    Aug. 28, 2012
  • Vol. 49 Issue 11 111203 (2012)
  • Sun Bin

    As a key component of car collision-avoidance system, distance measurement puts emphasis on response time and accuracy. Several ranging methods applied in automobile area are discussed. In particular, machine vision is introduced as a popular way in distance measurement. To improve its response time and usability under bad weather, laser is adopted to locate obstacles. Experimental results show that the system can meet the ranging requirement of collision avoidance. Compared to traditional machine vision, the combined way can reduce 54% response time and 68% deviation.

    Oct. 15, 2012
  • Vol. 49 Issue 11 111204 (2012)
  • Zhu Rong, Li Weifeng, Yang Xiao, Zeng Rupeng, Liu Bing, Zhang Fengyang, and Jia Honghui

    A new method to identify the counterfeit note based on anti-Stokes effect of infrared laser by experiment is mainly discussed. Under the fundamental of analyzing the basic principles of anti-Stokes effect of infrared laser, an experimental system with tunable infrared laser to measure the anti-Stokes effect of band notes is set up and the experiment of optimum stimulated emitted light-wavelength analysis is finished; the 980 nm infrared laser is used to irradiate the anti-counterfeit windows of the real note and the counterfeit one, and the comparative study of their stimulated emitted light images using CCD is completed. The results of this experiment show that: Under the irradiating of laser, the real note can emerge stimulated emitted light with two wave crests around 640~670 nm and 530~560 nm, respectively, while there is nothing coming up on the counterfeit note; The wavelength of stimulated emitted lights for 10, 20, 50 and 100 yuan RMB are nearly the same; It is effective in identification of the counterfeit note to add an optical filter when the phenomenon is recorded by photographing using CCD. The results of the experiment prove that the technology on identify of counterfeit note based on anti-Stokes effect of infrared laser is feasible, meanwhile, it provides lessons for anti-counterfeit system of note.

    Sep. 10, 2012
  • Vol. 49 Issue 11 111401 (2012)
  • Xiao Baoling, Hu Zhaohui, Zhou Zhehai, Zhang Shulian, Yang Jie, Wang Xiaoling, and Zhu Lianqing

    A novel method based on a cat-eye cavity laser and a Mach-Zehnder interferometer is presented to generate various axially symmetric linearly-polarized vector beams (ASLPVB) by modes superposition. Transverse modes of TEM00, TEM01, TEM10, TEM11, TEM20, TEM21, TEM30 and TEM31 are obtained by adjusting the cat-eye cavity laser. And then, four kinds of ASLPVB, whose polarization orders and initial azimuthal polarization angles are (+1,0°), (+1,-90°), (-1,0°) and (-1,90°) respectively, are further achieved by modes superposition using the Mach-Zehnder interferometer. The transmitted intensities of generated beams passing through a linear polarizer are further measured using a CCD, which verify the polarization properties of generated vector beams. Various forms of ASLPVB can also be generated using such method in one system, which does not need special optical components, costs least and operates easily.

    Oct. 18, 2012
  • Vol. 49 Issue 11 111402 (2012)
  • Zhang Xuepeng, Sun Ying, and Zhao Xia

    The study is to observe the effect of photodynamic therapy (PDT) mediated with new photo sensitizer (5-aminolevulinic acid, ALA) in Fischer 334 rats with 9L glioma glioma and explore its mechanisms. Twenty Fischer 334 rats are implanted 9L cells to brain and randomly subjected to no treatment and PDT treatment (40, 80, 120 J/cm2). After 7-day implantation, rats with PDT treatment are injected ALA at the dose of 300 mg/kg and then receive PDT treatment for 3 h, respectively. All animals are sacrificed after 7-day PDT treatment and the tumor size is measured by Hematoxylin-Eosin (H-E) staining. Immunohistochemical staining for Ki67 and TUNEL staining are used to detect the proliferation of tumor cells and apoptosis, respectively. Different doses of ALA-PDT treatment significantly improves the decreased living status induced by glioma, and significantly reduces gliomas size. These effects depend on the dosage of PDT in some range, but between the two high doses (80 J/cm2 and 120J/cm2), the therapeutic effect has no significantly difference. By detection of tumor cell proliferation and apoptosis respectively, ALA-PDT treatment can lead apoptosis of tumor cells but has no effect on cell proliferation. ALA-PDT can suppress the development of glioma by induction of apoptosis of tumor cells.

    Aug. 30, 2012
  • Vol. 49 Issue 11 111701 (2012)
  • Wang Qin, Xu Hongchun, and Hu Guangwen

    Three key technologies of planar lightwave circuit (PLC) opto-electronic integrated devices for passive optical network (PON) are introduced briefly, including surface mounted photonics, passive alignment of the laser diode (LD), photo diode (PD), fiber and waveguide, as well as non-hermetic and high reliable plastic packaging. The coupling of optical fiber and waveguide is analyzed in theory, thus through simulation fitting curves it infers that the 3 dB tolerance of z offset of the fiber and waveguide is 70 μm, and the 3 dB tolerance of angle offset is less than 5°. The results of sample test show that the sensitivity is (-30.7±0.3) dBm in high temperature, (-31.3±0.2) dBm in normal temperature, (-31.2±0.2) dBm in low temperature. Optical power in normal temperature is (2.0±0.5) dBm with clear eye diagram. The results show the PLC opto-electronic integrated device has good stable performance.

    Sep. 10, 2012
  • Vol. 49 Issue 11 112301 (2012)
  • Tang Xionggui, Tong Wei, Liao Jinkun, Li Heping, Lu Rongguo, and Liu Yongzhi

    The microlens with variable focal length is a novel microoptical component, which has wide potential application in the optical fields. A novel approach for tunable bifocal microlens has been proposed in this work, which is based on tunable refractive index resulting from Kerr effect in blue-phase liquid crystal. The finite element method has been used to simulate the controllable performance of tunable bifocal microlens, including the distribution of electric field, refractive index and optical field along propagation direction. The numerical calculation results show that the focused position of bifocal microlens can be effectively regulated by the changing of external applied voltage, which exhibits good optical performance. The presented microlens has many advantages, such as simple structure, easy to fabricate, easy to integrate with other photonic components, fast tuning speed and independence of optical polarization, which has a good potential application prospect in micro-optical system.

    Aug. 30, 2012
  • Vol. 49 Issue 11 112302 (2012)
  • Zhou Zhen, and Shi Linxing

    To improve the performances of thin-film solar cells, particles swarm optimization and the finite-difference time domain algorithm are combined to optimize the structural parameters of the metal nanogratings on the surface of solar cells. A test for the short circuit current over the solar spectrum shows an enhancement up to 39% when comparing with bare thin film cell. Absorption improvement and quantum efficiency enhacement in different polarization mode are analysed. Analytical results show that, the guided-wave modes coupled in the absorbing layer by metal nanogratings, surface plasmon polaritons supported by metal nanogratings and Fabri Pérot resonance in the absorbing layer lead to the performance improvement in thin-film solar cells.

    Oct. 18, 2012
  • Vol. 49 Issue 11 112303 (2012)
  • Chen He, Chen Shengping, Hou Jing, and Yang Lijia

    High quality picosecond laser pulse can be generated from gain-switching laser diode system, which is composed of gain-switching laser diode, injection locking technology, pulse compressing and reshaping technology, as well as pulse amplification technology. The recent research progress of gain-switching laser diode system prove that pulse with higher output power, narrower pulse width, higher pulse quality and more flexible tunability can be achieved with the system. As a result, ultrafast gain-switching laser diode system has been used in much more new fields. The research progress in the above technical aspects are reviewed, and the new applications of ultrafast gain-switching laser diode system are introduced briefly. This may offer a reference for the future research in this field.

    Oct. 15, 2012
  • Vol. 49 Issue 11 110001 (2012)
  • Zheng Huadong, Sun Guodong, and Yu Yingjie

    Holographic printing is a technology with some characteristics such as good stereo images effect and well flexibility, and has promising application prospects and important value in modern life, commercial and military fields. This paper briefly introduces the principle, methods and the present research situation of holographic printing technologies. A sum-up and analysis of the existing holographic printing technologies are given according to characteristics of the printing system, and the developing trend of holographic printing technology in the future is introduced.

    Aug. 30, 2012
  • Vol. 49 Issue 11 110002 (2012)
  • Shi Jun, Tang Ming, Fu Songnian, Shen Ping, and Liu Deming

    The operation principle, characteristics and requirements of laser sources for laser display applications are reviewed, including 2D flat panel spatial light modulator type, scanned linear architecture type and scanned beam type laser projection display. Then, a comprehensive comparison of current light sources for laser display is presented and their key technologies and existing problems is pointed out. Finally, the state of art and future development of Pr3+-doped fluoride glass fiber laser are reviewed, and the potential capability of Pr3+-doped fluoride glass fiber laser as a light source for laser display is discussed. Wideband tunability of Pr3+-doped fluoride glass fiber laser enables optimize the color gamut through careful selection of the RGB wavelenth, hence improves the color reproducibility of the display system.

    Oct. 24, 2012
  • Vol. 49 Issue 11 110003 (2012)
  • Li Li, Fan Zhongwei, Yu Jin, Niu Gang, Teng Songhan, and Tang Xiongxin

    Femtosecond laser has many applications in different areas, such as the strong-field laser physics, ultrafast chemical kinetics, the microstructure of materials science, and life science. The Yb:KGW crystal with its excellent performance is so suitable to be femtosecond laser gain media that the research of Yb:KGW femtosecond laser is of great significance. Since Switzerland-developed the world′s first passively mode-locked Yb:KGW femtosecond laser in 2000, there have been a number of domestic and foreign institutions dedicating to the research of Yb:KGW femtosecond laser. The latest progress of the Yb:KGW femtosecond laser at home and abroad is reported. The shortest pulse width is 100 fs. There′s still a big gap between experimental value and the theoretical value of 47 fs.

    Oct. 18, 2012
  • Vol. 49 Issue 11 110004 (2012)
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