Laser & Optoelectronics Progress
Dianyuan Fan
Volume: 47 Issue 4
22 Article(s)
Chen Hao, Li Jian, and Ma Jinji

A group of reference calibration coefficients for China-Brazil earth resource satellite(CBERS)-02′s CCD data were attained by cross calibration method using LANDSAT-5′s TM data. A method based on meteorological information and ATCOR3 was used in the atmospheric correction of CBERS-02′s CCD four bands. The definition of image and normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) before correction were compared with them after correction. The result shows that after atmospheric correction the image contrast is enhanced,the mean of NDVI is obviously improved and the difference of NDVI between vegetation and nonvegetation is increased. When the underlying surface is rugged terrain,the corner angle of mountain is distinct,the profile is clear and the original shape is recovered,which benefits the extract of remote sensing information.

Jun. 03, 2020
  • Vol. 47 Issue 4 40101 (2010)
  • Zhao Ming, Xiao Shali, Wang Xi, Shi Jun, Huang Rui, and Jiang Rongrong

    Considering the shortcomings of low data rate,low response speed,high driving voltage,low electrical to optical efficiency and excessive power of the existing short range ultraviolet (UV) communication system based on low pressure mercury lamps,an improved short-range UV communication system based on deep UV LED is proposed. This system takes pulse position modulation (PPM) and adaptive maximum likelihood demodulation as the key technologies. Photomultiplier tube is used to detect the weak optical signal. The scheme is simulated and realized by field programmable gate array. The simulation and experiment results indicate that the data rate and electrical to optical efficiency of the proposed system are improved greatly,and system power and driving voltage are also decreased.

    Jun. 03, 2020
  • Vol. 47 Issue 4 40602 (2010)
  • Ding Xiaoyu, Lu Lin, Zhang Baofu, and Dai Yufeng

    The emergence of optical clock and the precision limits of the existing time synchronization space-based make fiber one of the major high-precision time service systems. A Round-Trip method that uses dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) technology in a single fiber and achieves bidirectional time information transfer is introduced. This method restrains the delay time asymmetry of the optical time service using fiber business channel. The time deviation and random error are analysed by using typical parameters of various modules and the character of the fiber channel in the system,and the corresponding suppression of deviation and compensation of random error methods are brought forward. Theoretical analysis shows that the method can satisfy time-precision of nanosecond order of magnitude in the existing fiber distance relay. Taking advantage of the time interval,the delay time and the time stability of the major modules in the 50 km fiber time service system are measured,verifying the theoretical analysis.

    Jun. 03, 2020
  • Vol. 47 Issue 4 40603 (2010)
  • Wang Libo, Shi Zhidong, Yin Jun, and Chen Hua

    By the method of rotating quarter-wave plate,an automatic measurement system for the Stokes parameters of polarization state has been set up. It can process and display 15 polarization ellipses per second. The virtual instrument in this system consists of a data acquisition card and the LabVIEW software. The rotating angle is determined precisely by data interpolation and resample,so that the systematic error caused by the instability of rotating motor is depressed. The variation equation of transmitting light intensity with the rotating angle is deduced theoretically by Mueller matrix. The real-time acquired data is compared and fitted with the analytic equation. The coefficients of the variation equation and the correspondent Stokes parameters are given by Fourier transform. The field components and their phase difference of light wave are calculated. The distinction ratio,long axis orientation and spin-wise of polarization ellipse are determined. The influence of background noise on the measurement result is examined. The performances are compared between the two methods of rotating wave-plate and rotating analyzer.

    Jun. 03, 2020
  • Vol. 47 Issue 4 40701 (2010)
  • Jin Jing, Wei Biao, Feng Peng, Tang Yuelin, Ren Yong, and Mi Deling

    The empirical mode decomposition (EMD) is applied to analysis and processing of the fission neutrons events based on photoelectric detection. A new model on the de-noise of fission neutrons signals is established with self-adapting double-smoothness-detecting (DSD) algorithm on intrinsic mode function (IMF),and wavelet threshold filter. With the simulated and survey data,a series of comparisons with other signal de-noise methods are made. On an equal footing,the EMD-based-DSD has a better adaptability on various fission neutrons signals. The signal-to-noise ratio of the treated signal is higher while the waveform is more even. The loss of useful information caused by over-de-noise is avoided. Moreover,the de-noise degree can be customized quantifiably.

    Jun. 03, 2020
  • Vol. 47 Issue 4 40702 (2010)
  • Shi Dan, Li Qingwu, Fan Xinnan, and Huo Guanying

    Considering the low contrast,fuzzy edge and strong noise of underwater images,an underwater image enhancement algorithm based on nonsubsampled Contourlet transform (NSCT) and multi-scale retinex is proposed. The underwater image is decomposed by nonsubsampled Contourlet transform. Then multi-scale Retinex (MSR) is used to enhance the image’s global contrast in the low frequency subband,and an improved Sigmoid function is used to process the coefficients at each scale in the directional bandpass subbands respectively,which suppresses small coefficients and enhances large coefficients by threshold denoising method. Finally,the enhanced coefficients are reconstructed to obtain enhanced image. Compared with the other traditional methods,the approach reduces the noise of original images,improves the contrast of the image,enhances object’s contour and achieves higher quantitative contrast assessment indicator.

    Jun. 03, 2020
  • Vol. 47 Issue 4 41001 (2010)
  • Zhao Wenzhe, and Qin Shiyin

    According to the current development trends in the image quality assessment,a series of assessment methodologies and their corresponding measures were comparatively analyzed in depth. Several conventional measures of performance indices are tested with samples from the image database of LIVE in U-Texas at Austin,based on which the monotonicity,veracity,and consistency of various index measures are discussed,expounded and commented by using the subjective scores in the database,so as to indicate their applicability and limitations. Thus the VQEG standard is employed to validate the correctness of the above results. Moreover,some important issues in engineering applications and possible solving approaches are proposed based on the current development trends and requirements of practical applications.

    Jun. 03, 2020
  • Vol. 47 Issue 4 41002 (2010)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    The modulation and demodulation technology of semiconductor laser self-mixing interference vibrometer is researched. With triangular wave modulation and DSP demodulation technology of self-mixing interference,a new type vibrometer is designed to achieve non-contact vibration measurement of a target. The theoretical model of the laser self-mixing interference vibrometer is analyzed and simulation and measurement error analysis are done using matlab. The modulation and demodulation technology of the vibrometer system and DSP-based data acquisition and processing system are researched. The vibrometer is small-sized,low-cost and easy to collimate,and can measure the object whose vibration frequency range arrives 5 kHz,and the vibration scope measuring accuracy may achieve 0.325 μm. The instrument can measure the vibration frequency and amplitude data of the vibration object and restore the vibration wave.

    Jun. 03, 2020
  • Vol. 47 Issue 4 41201 (2010)
  • Wei Haoming, Xing Tingwen, Li Yun, and Liu Zhixiang

    To satisfy the need of nanometer measurement for high accuracy optical system,the design of nanometer measurement 632.8 nm phase-shifting Fizeau interferometer is presented. The elementary configuration and measuring principle of the 632.8 nm phase-shifting Fizeau interferometer to measure concave and convex surface are introduced. Some errors that affect the accuracy of interferometer are pointed out,including phase-shifting error,geometrical configuration induced error,vibration error and errors caused by CCD,laser source and fluctuating surroundings. The magnitude of measurement errors is obtained through analysis and simulation,among which phase-shifting error,geometrical configuration induced error,vibration error and fluctuating surroundings have great influence. Finally a group of system parameters and environment paraments for 632.8 nm phase-shifting Fizeau interferometer to realize nanometer measurement are given in theory.

    Jun. 03, 2020
  • Vol. 47 Issue 4 41202 (2010)
  • Hu Shijie, and Wu Jian

    Several evaluation methods for laser beam quality were reviewed,their applicability for the outline characteristic of slab laser was analyzed and an evaluation method for slab laser was chosen. To get good beam quality of slab laser,a correlative technique can be used to improve beam quality of slab laser while the laser is designed. When the shape of the rectangle beam of slab laser is changed,the adaptive optics technique can be used to improve beam quality. For output beam of the practical slab laser,good quality beam can be got after adaptive optics is used.

    Jun. 03, 2020
  • Vol. 47 Issue 4 41203 (2010)
  • Gao Jianxia, Wang Ling′e, and Song Guofeng

    Nano-aperture vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs) with metal nano-particle are fabricated based on common 850 nm VCSELs. When the diameters of the aperture and the metal nano-particle are 400 nm and 100 nm respectively,the maximum far-field output power reaches 0.5 mW. The fabrication process is introduced and the output power enhancement due to localized surface plasmon is also analyzed by experiment and theory.

    Jun. 03, 2020
  • Vol. 47 Issue 4 41401 (2010)
  • Li Songbai, Deng Tao, and Wu Jiagui

    Based on the ray tracing method,considering the gain distribution with wavelength,the expressions of the output spectrum and output power of the fiber grating external cavity semiconductor lasers (FGECL) are deduced firstly. Combining with carrier rate equation,the fine structure of output spectrum and output power are numerically simulated. The results show that,in the reflective band width of grating the multi-peak structure appears,and the output spectrum becomes firmer with the decrease of the front facet reflectivity. The P-I characteristic of FGECL has been investigated. With the decrease of the front facet reflectivity,the fluctuation of the output power tends minimized and the P-I curve becomes generally a straight line.

    Jun. 03, 2020
  • Vol. 47 Issue 4 41402 (2010)
  • Tian Shaohua, Sun Mingsheng, and Li Zhiqiang

    The decay process of photoelectrons of (Zn,Cd)S:Cu,Cl luminescence materials after excitation with short pulse laser was investigated by using microwave absorption dielectric spectrum detection technique. It is shown that with the concentration of CdS increasing,the lifetimes of photoelectrons and shallow-trapped electrons have a descendent trend. Due to the factor that CdS arouses the descend of the conduction band bottom,it changes the forbidden bandwidth of the luminescent crystal and the combination rate of photoelectrons in conductive band and holes in value band increases,the lifetime of photoelectrons and shallow-trapped electrons is shortened. For the shallow traps shackling,the lifetime of shallow-trapped electrons is longer than that of photoelectrons.

    Jun. 03, 2020
  • Vol. 47 Issue 4 41601 (2010)
  • Chen Chen, Guo Shouguo, and Mao Jian

    Purple jade sample was tested before and after heat treatment under oxidational atmosphere with X-ray diffractometer(XRD),ultraviolet visible (UV-VIS) absorption spectrosmeter and Raman spectrometer. XRD analysis results show that the major components of the sample are jadeite. The sample UV-VIS absorption spectra before and after heat treatment shows that after heat treatment the spikes at 437 nm and 580 nm almost disappear,while Raman spectra of purple jade brown section after heat treatment shows that the baseline presents rising trend. According to the above analysis,the following conclusion is drawn:the main color-causing ion is Fe2+,while Fe2+ changes to Fe3+after heat treatment and Fe2O3 is formed. Therefore the sample of purple jade shows brown after the heat treatment.

    Jun. 03, 2020
  • Vol. 47 Issue 4 41602 (2010)
  • Lin Kui, Zhu Yongwei, Li Jun, Li Mao, and Li Suozhu

    A new hydrophilic fixed abrasive polishing pad (FAP) was studied. Single factor experiment method was employed to explore the effect of polishing parameters such as polishing time,eccentricity,pressure,rotational speed,flow rate and pH value of slurry with FAP on material removal rate (MRR) and surface roughness of K9 optical glass. Results show that MRR drops with time extension. After 20 min polishing,MRR reaches a maximum of 310 nm/min and surface roughness reaches a minimum of 2.73 nm. Large eccentricity distance and alkaline slurry are helpful to improve MRR. With the increase of rotational speed,MRR rises significantly. While in certain range,applied pressure and slurry flow rate have little effect on MRR.

    Jun. 03, 2020
  • Vol. 47 Issue 4 41603 (2010)
  • Zhou Wang, Shen Weimin, Zhou Jiankang, and Chen Xinhua

    A method combining several pixels into a pixel using Binning technology is proposed,considering that delicacy of linear CCD is lower in spectral analysis. Thereby several performances of linear CCD,such as responsibility,sing-noise ratio and frame speed are enhanced. The researches include discussing the sign output structure of a CCD,and capturing the spectrum family,and analyzing data of sample. They indicate that combining sensitivity sub-family of spectrum together (Binning) through changing drive sequence of CCD,can get higher sensitivity and signal-noise-ratio (SNR). The influence of Binning on near pixels is discussed.

    Jun. 03, 2020
  • Vol. 47 Issue 4 41604 (2010)
  • Ye Qing, Li Fuxin, Liu Yu, Zhou Wenyuan, Zhang Chunping, and Tian Jianguo

    An optical coherence tomography (OCT) system with two low coherence sources emitting at 980 nm and 1300 nm is set up. Using this system,we acquire the OCT images of fresh pork at two wavelengths and different source powers respectively. We compare the images obtained at one wavelength with different source power and at two wavelengths with same source power. The corresponding curves of OCT signals versus detection depth are also discussed. The scattering coefficient change of the tissue with the light emitting at two different wavelengths is analyzed by fitting the curve. Results show that the increase of the source power can finitely improve the probe depth and the increase of the source wavelength can improve the probe depth remarkably. The influence of wavelength on parameters of OCT system and the reason for differences between images are also discussed.

    Jun. 03, 2020
  • Vol. 47 Issue 4 41701 (2010)
  • Han Xingzi, Yu Xin, and Dong Bing

    The primary method for calibrating a co-axial three-mirror system is the computer-aided alignment method,and it is complicated for having to calculate wavefront error. Stochastic parallel gradient descent (SPGD) control algorithm is used to caliberate the second mirror of three-mirror system,with no need to calculate wavefront error. Through adjusting the six degrees of freedom of the second mirror directly,finding system extremal value and then calibrating system error,the calibrating process is predigested. The major factors that will affect computing speed of SPGD algorithm are analysed and optimized,and the simulation results show that SPGD algorithm can distinctly improve peak-valley value and root-mean-square of the system.

    Jun. 03, 2020
  • Vol. 47 Issue 4 42201 (2010)
  • Wang Yawei, Deng Xiaobin, Wang Lifeng, Liu Mingli, and Hang Guangcai

    Subwavelength periodic structures have many specific properties different from the traditional structures. Based on these properties,new nano-photonics devices can be designed. Using finite difference time domain (FDTD) numerical simulation methods,abnormal transmission phenomenon under TE polarized light excitation is realized by adding dielectric coating in the subwavelength peridic metallic slits. By comparing effects of adding dielectric in different locations such as left or right surface of metal films and metallic slits for extraordinary transmission phenomenon,it is proved that dielectric coatings on the metal films can excite a surface wave which transmits in dielectric waveguides in the metal slits,and results in extraordinary transmission phenomenon.

    Jun. 03, 2020
  • Vol. 47 Issue 4 43101 (2010)
  • Yan Aimin, Zhou Yu, Sun Jianfeng, and Liu Liren

    The satellite laser communications are of potential applications and have reached a level of high data rate,compact and light construction,and low-power consumption in the world. One of the most key technologies is the design and control of pointing,acquisition and tracking (PAT) system. The composite axis system,consisting of the coarse tracking system and the fine tracking system can accomplish the wide ranging and high accuracy tracking tasks. The properties and key technologies of PAT are discussed. And the scanning,acquisition,pointing and tracking processes are introduced. International progress of the compound-axis control system of PAT is reviewed. Finally,the application prospect of compound-axis control system is given.

    Jun. 03, 2020
  • Vol. 47 Issue 4 40601 (2010)
  • Gong Shunsheng, Cheng Xuewu, Li Faquan, Yang Guotao, Yang Yong, and Wang Jiamin

    Atomic filter is an optoelectronic device used for optical spectra filtering and optical frequency discrimination. As the working frequency of this device is determined by atomic or molecular transitions,the atomic fitler has ultra-high stability of working frequency,ultra-narrow working band-pass,good out-of-band suppression,high transmission,and so on. Therefore,the atomic filters are widely used in the fields of lidar and optical communication,and have enhanced the performance of lidar and optical communication systems. The principle,structure,development and some applications of the atomic filters are introduced and discussed.

    Jun. 03, 2020
  • Vol. 47 Issue 4 42301 (2010)
  • Yang Qun, and Wang Yilin

    Unzymic Biluochun tea,zymic Pu-er tea,and half-zymic Oolong tea,were distinguished by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Although they′re similar in infrared spectrum,the results still show differences in the characteristic peaks of infrared spectrum caused by difference between three kinds of teas of different zymic degree.The results show that zymic degrees of teas tie up with variety of absorbance band at about 1037,1147,1324,1520 and 1240 cm . According to the studies of the spectral peaks and absorbance rations,unzymic,half-zymic and zymic teas can be easily identified.

    Jun. 03, 2020
  • Vol. 47 Issue 4 43001 (2010)
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