Fiber lasers have already found a wide variety of applications ranging from scientific research and medical treatment to industrial processing[
Chinese Optics Letters, Volume. 20, Issue 2, 021402(2022)
High-power fiber laser with real-time mode switchability
A hundred-watt-level spatial mode switchable all-fiber laser is demonstrated based on a master oscillator power amplifier scheme. The performance of the amplifier with two seed lasers, i.e., with the acoustically induced fiber grating (AIFG) mode converter inside and outside the seed laser cavity, is investigated. Real-time mode switching with millisecond scale switching time between the
1. Introduction
Fiber lasers have already found a wide variety of applications ranging from scientific research and medical treatment to industrial processing[
In fact, there are several approaches to realizing mode adjusting/switching in fiber lasers[
In this Letter, we demonstrate a hundred-watt-level spatial mode switchable fiber laser system adopting an AIFG. The output beam profiles can be switched from the mode to the mode as well as a mixture of both modes during full power operation by varying the applied modulation frequency on the AIFG. The performance, including mode switching speed, beam profile maintenance, output power, and overall efficiency, of the mode switchable fiber laser system exploiting two different seed lasers is systematically investigated.
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2. Experimental Setup
The experiment system is based on a master oscillator power amplifier (MOPA) structure, which consists of a mode switchable seed fiber laser operating at and a single-stage fiber amplifier. The fiber amplifier includes a pump and signal combiner (PSC), two 976 nm multimode laser diodes (LDs), a piece of 5-m-long ytterbium-doped fiber (YDF), and a quartz block holder (QBH). The output power of the two LDs is combined by the PSC, and the total pump power reaches . The core/cladding diameter of the signal arms of the PSC, the pigtail fiber of the QBH, and the YDF is all 15/130 µm. The absorption coefficient of the YDF is at 976 nm. Two different kinds of seed laser sources are adopted in this setup. The first one is based on a conventional single-mode fiber oscillator, the output port of which is connected with an AIFG before splicing with the fiber amplifier, as shown in Fig. 1(a). The second one has the AIFG integrated within the cavity. As shown in Fig. 1(b), the fiber oscillator is composed of a single-mode fiber loop mirror (FLM), a mode field adapter (MFA), an AIFG, a PSC, a piece of 5-m-long YDF, and a few-mode FBG. The parameters of the YDF are the same as the YDF used in the fiber amplifier. The FLM is implemented by splicing the adjacent two ports of a 3 dB coupler, and the core/cladding diameter of the pigtail fiber is 10/125 µm. The core/cladding diameter of the germanium-doped fiber (GDF) in the AIFG is 15/130 µm, and the MFA is spliced between the AIFG and the FLM to decrease the insertion loss. A PC is integrated between the AIFG and the PSC to help control the propagating mode within the cavity. Cladding light strippers (CLSs), which are made by coating high refractive index glue on the bare fiber around the splicing point between the YDF and QBH as well as the splicing point between the YDF and the FBG, are used to remove the cladding mode. Note that the V number of all of the 15/130 µm fiber is at 1070 nm; therefore, only the two lowest-order modes, i.e., and modes, are supported. Moreover, the amplifier of the second scheme is identical to the first scheme shown in Fig. 1(a).
Figure 1.(a) Experimental setup of the mode switchable fiber laser based on a master oscillator power amplifier scheme; (b) schematic of the intra-cavity mode switchable seed fiber laser. AIFG, acoustically induced fiber grating; RF, radio frequency; LD, laser diode; PSC, pump and signal combiner; YDF, ytterbium-doped fiber; CLS, cladding light stripper; QBH, quartz block holder; FLM, fiber loop mirror; MFA, mode field adapter; PC, polarization controller; FBG, fiber Bragg grating.
The few-mode FBG and the AIFG are first characterized with the methods illustrated in our previous work[
Figure 2.(a) Transmission and reflection spectra of the few-mode FBG used in the intra-cavity mode switchable fiber oscillator; (b) transmission spectra of the AIFG under different modulation frequencies.
3. Results and Discussion
As for the MOPA shown in Fig. 1(a), the output mode from the 1070 nm seed laser could be manipulated by actively controlling the applied RF signal on the AIFG. The output mode would be switched from the mode to the mode upon applying the RF signal of 698.52 kHz. The output power of the seed laser is in the mode and decreases to as the operating mode switches to the mode. The power degradation results from the dissipated cladding mode power after mode conversion (referring to ‘conversion loss’). Power scaling of the seed laser is subsequently conducted in the fiber amplifier. The output power of the and modes from the amplifier as a function of the pump power is shown in Fig. 3(a). The maximum output power reaches 105.7 W for the mode with a slope efficiency of and 101.3 W for the mode with a slope efficiency of under the maximum pump power of 120.3 W. Further power scaling is limited by the available pump power. The output beam profiles of the mode under different pump powers are recorded and depicted in Fig. 3(a), which are well maintained during the power scaling process, indicating the high purity of the output mode. The output spectra of both modes under the maximum output power are shown in Fig. 3(b), which broaden slightly as the pump power increases. The 3 dB linewidth of the mode laser increases from to , while that of the mode increases from to . The slightly different linewidth broadening phenomenon is possibly owing to the dispersion difference of these two modes.
Figure 3.(a) Output power of the LP01 and LP11 modes from the fiber amplifier as a function of the pump power (inset: beam profiles of the LP11 mode); (b) output spectra of the LP01 and LP11 modes under the maximum output power (inset: output spectra of the seed laser).
Furthermore, as shown in Fig. 1(b), an intra-cavity mode switchable seed fiber oscillator is built by integrating an AIFG within the cavity. In previous work based on AIFG[
Figure 4.(a) Output power of the LP01 and LP11 modes from the fiber oscillator as a function of the pump power; (b) output spectra and corresponding beam profiles of different operation modes.
Power scaling of the intra-cavity mode conversion seed fiber laser by MOPA is also performed. The seed power of 7.22 W in the mode and in the mode are individually injected into the fiber amplifier, and the results are shown in Fig. 5. The output powers of the and modes both increase linearly with the pump power with very similar slope efficiencies of and , respectively. The corresponding maximum output power of the and modes reaches 104.6 and 100.6 W under the maximum pump power of 120.3 W. The beam profiles of the mode are well maintained during the power amplification. The 3 dB linewidth of the and modes slightly increases from to and from to , respectively.
Figure 5.(a) Output power of the LP01 and LP11 modes from the amplifier as a function of the pump power (insets: mode profiles of the LP11 mode under different pump powers); (b) output spectra of the LP01 and LP11 modes under the maximum output power.
The switching time between the and modes is an important aspect relating to the performance of the laser system, which is measured using a 2 GHz oscilloscope combined with a 5 GHz photodetector. The signal input window of the photodetector is covered with a pinhole and placed close to the lob center of the mode. Therefore, higher voltage reading in the oscilloscope should be expected when the laser outputs the mode. Here, we define the switching time as the time interval from the moment when the detected signal starts to change to the time when the signal starts to stabilize. When the AIFG is outside the seed laser oscillator, as for the setup in Fig. 1(a), the switching time is mainly determined by the transit time of the acoustic flexural wave propagating through the acousto-optic coupling region of the AIFG and establishing the standing wave, which is in the current setup. The switching time from the to mode without the amplifier is measured to be , and it takes to switch back to the mode, the temporal traces of which are shown in Fig. 6(a). The actual switching time () from the to mode is deviated from the theoretical value (), which could possibly be induced by the non-circularity of the GDF’s inner cladding, and the residual strain in the unjacketed GDF during the AIFG fabrication. However, it would take a longer time after passing through the fiber amplifier since the saturation level of the amplifier also impacts the lasing dynamics, which reaches from the to mode and from the to mode, as shown in Fig. 6(b). As for the setup shown in Fig. 1(b), the AIFG is integrated within the laser cavity, and mode switching is accompanied by wavelength shifting, which requires longer time for the oscillation buildup. As indicated by the temporal traces in Fig. 7(a), the switching time from the to mode is and the other way around in the oscillator. As presented in Fig. 7(b), the switching time in the amplifier also slightly increases to from the to mode and from the to mode, owing to the amplification saturation. Therefore, when the AIFG is outside the laser cavity, the switching time from the to mode is limited by the length of the acousto-optic interaction region, which could be reduced by employing shorter unjacketed GDF in the AIFG. However, according to our experimental results, when the mode switching is correlated with the wavelength switching process or when the laser extracts gain from the fiber amplifier, the mode switching speed is mainly limited by the lifetime of in the excited state, which is around 0.84 ms. In this case, perhaps there is limited space for faster mode switching speed.
Figure 6.(a) Switching time between the LP01 and LP11 modes of the seed laser with the AIFG outside the fiber oscillator; (b) switching time between the LP01 and LP11 modes from the amplifier with the AIFG outside the fiber oscillator.
Figure 7.(a) Switching time between the LP01 and LP11 modes of the seed laser with the AIFG inside the fiber oscillator; (b) switching time between the LP01 and LP11 modes from the amplifier with the AIFG inside the fiber oscillator.
Figure 8.Output power of the LP11 mode in both configurations recorded in the total duration of 10 min.
The stability of the output power of the mode in both configurations under the maximum pump power is also measured. The data are collected every 1 min for a total duration of 10 min, as shown in Fig. 8. The output power of the MOPA configuration with AIFG inside the seed laser cavity ranges from 100.3 to 101.4 W, and the maximum deviation of the output power from the average is . As for the configuration with AIFG outside the seed laser cavity, the output power from the amplifier fluctuates between 100.8 and 101.9 W, with the maximum deviation of the output power from the average of . The power fluctuations in both configurations are very small, indicating good reliability of the system.
In comparison, although similar efficiencies, output powers, and switching times are obtained from the power amplifiers with two distinctively different mode-switchable seed lasers, quite different characteristics are found in these two seed lasers. The seed laser with the AIFG outside the cavity is superior in terms of switching time and overall efficiency owing to a simpler mode conversion process and lower insertion loss, which makes it more advantageous as the seed laser. In addition, it is also worth studying the mode purity difference with the AIFG inside and outside the laser cavity, which will be carried out through mode decomposition in the near future. In fact, since the AIFG is a passive component, it is also possible to realize a high-power mode switchable fiber laser with output power up to hundreds and even thousands of watts by integrating an AIFG directly after a high-power fiber laser.
Moreover, the fiber laser system adopting the AIFG can potentially be applied in the study of transverse mode instability (TMI). The TMI is recognized as the mode coupling process between the fundamental mode and high-order modes on the kHz level[
4. Conclusion
In conclusion, we have demonstrated a high-power mode switchable fiber laser system based on an AIFG. Two kinds of several-watt-level mode switchable seed fiber lasers, with the AIFG inside and outside the laser cavity, are adopted as the seeds for power amplification. In comparison with all the previous intra-cavity mode switchable fiber lasers based on AIFG, a true few-mode fiber laser is realized with a designated setup, where the few-mode laser could extract the gain. Furthermore, by taking advantage of the MOPA technique, more than 100 W output power in both the and modes has been obtained. The MOPA system highlights the advantages of high-power capability up to hundreds and even thousands of watts, real-time mode switchability on the millisecond scale while operating in full power, and system simplicity without any free-space optical components for mode switching. Our work not only verifies the feasibility of realizing stable few-mode operation via dynamic mode switching in a fiber oscillator, but also realizes a high-power fiber amplifier with real-time mode switchability, which could find potential applications in material processing, TMI suppression, etc. Future work could be expected to realize mode switching between more transverse modes by adopting fibers with higher NA or larger core diameter and reach higher output power for more practical applications.
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Hanshuo Wu, Jiangtao Xu, Liangjin Huang, Xianglong Zeng, Pu Zhou, "High-power fiber laser with real-time mode switchability," Chin. Opt. Lett. 20, 021402 (2022)
Category: Lasers, Optical Amplifiers, and Laser Optics
Received: Aug. 29, 2021
Accepted: Oct. 21, 2021
Posted: Oct. 22, 2021
Published Online: Nov. 17, 2021
The Author Email: Pu Zhou (