Strong-field THz light offers a powerful tool to investigate a multitude of low-energy excitations, such as resonance of phonons, spins, intersubband transitions, excitons, macromolecular vibrations and molecular rotations[
High Power Laser Science and Engineering, Volume. 12, Issue 5, 05000e61(2024)
High-repetition-rate strong-field terahertz source by optical rectification in DSTMS crystals
We present the generation of high-repetition-rate strong-field terahertz (THz) pulses from a thin 4-N,N-dimethylamino-4’-N’-methyl-stilbazolium 2,4,6-trimethylbenzenesulfonate (DSTMS) organic crystal pumped by an ytterbium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet laser. The generated THz pulse energy reaches 932.8 nJ at 1 kHz repetition rate, with a conversion efficiency of 0.19% and a peak electric field of 819 kV/cm. At a repetition rate of 10 kHz, it is able to maintain a peak electric field of 236 kV/cm and an average THz power of 0.77 mW. The high-repetition-rate, strong-field THz source provides a convenient tool for the study of THz matter manipulation and THz spectroscopy.
1 Introduction
Strong-field THz light offers a powerful tool to investigate a multitude of low-energy excitations, such as resonance of phonons, spins, intersubband transitions, excitons, macromolecular vibrations and molecular rotations[
In this paper, we report a strong-field THz source with repetition rate tunable from 1 to 10 kHz. The THz peak field is 819 kV/cm at 1 kHz and 236 kV/cm at 10 kHz, with a spectrum that covers 0.1–8 THz. The THz generation is based on OR in a DSTMS crystal driven by a compact Yb:YAG laser. The repetition rate and average power of the THz source are improved considering the pump fluence and phase-matching condition. At the constant pump power of 500 mW, the relationship among the repetition rate, output THz power and peak electric field is studied. This compact high-repetition-rate strong-field source meets the requirements of various THz pump–probe experiments for both strong field and high repetition rate.
2 Experimental setup
The experimental setup is schematically depicted in Figure 1. A high-repetition-rate ultrafast Yb:YAG laser (OR-50-IR, Ultron Photonics, Inc.) is employed as the pump laser source, which delivers 560 μJ, 800 fs laser pulses with a repetition rate tunable from 1 Hz to 100 kHz. For broadband and high-efficiency THz generation, the laser spectrum is broadened by a Herriott-type MPC, which is built in ambient air. For the given input laser pulses, the spectrum broadening is determined by the beam size, cavity length and round trips in the cavity[
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Figure 1.The experimental setup consists of an ultrafast Yb:YAG laser, a laser pulse compressor, THz generation and detection geometry. MPC, multi-pass cell; Cv. M1 and Cv. M2, concave mirrors; CM1 and CM2, chirped mirrors; BS, beam splitter; L1 and L2, lenses; NDF, neutral density filter; HDPE, high-density polyethylene; OAP1–OAP3, off-axis parabolic mirrors; TDL, time delay line; QWP, quarter wave plate; WP, Wollaston polarizer; BPD, balanced photodetector.
Figure 2.Laser spectrum and pulse duration characterization. (a) The spectrum of the Yb:YAG laser (grey), after the MPC compressor (blue) and after the DSTMS crystal (purple). (b) The pulse duration before (yellow) and after (red) the MPC compressor.
The compressed laser pulses with a pulse energy of 525 μJ are split by a 95:5 (R:T) beam splitter. The reflection part is slightly condensed by a lens (f = 1.5 m) to provide proper pump fluence for the OR process. The 1/e2 diameter of the pump beam on the DSTMS crystal is 5.4 mm, corresponding to a fluence of 4.33 mJ/cm2 as a Gaussian beam. The DSTMS crystal has a clear area of 10 mm × 7 mm and a thickness of 420 μm. The residual optical pump is blocked by a high-density polyethylene (HDPE) plate. High-resistivity silicon plates are used to filter out the environment light and avoid saturation of the detectors. The THz beam profile and pulse energy are recorded by a THz camera (RIGI S2, Swiss Terahertz, Inc.) and an energy meter (SDX-1152, Gentec-eo, Inc.), respectively. The THz electric field is characterized via electro-optic sampling (EOS) with a 100 μm thick GaP crystal.
3 Results and discussion
3.1 Strong-field THz generation and characterization
The THz electric field and corresponding spectrum are shown in Figures 3(a) and 3(b). The generated THz spectrum covers 0.1–8 THz with a peak frequency at 1.65 THz, which is lower than the frequency results from the OPA pump[
Figure 3.THz electric field (a) and the corresponding spectrum (b). The inset shows the THz focus spot. (c) The coherence length between the generated THz wave and the pump laser in the DSTMS crystal. (d) The absorption coefficient in the THz (red) and optical (purple) band in the DSTMS crystal.
The maximum THz pulse energy is 932.8 nJ, with a pump-to-THz energy conversion efficiency of approximately 0.19%. The full width at half maximum (FWHM) diameter of the THz focal spot is 0.325 mm, which is shown in the inset of Figure 3(b). The THz peak field is 819 kV/cm according to the following formula[30]:
3.2 High-repetition-rate strong-field THz source
For high-repetition-rate strong-field THz generation, the Yb laser is tuned from 1 to 10 kHz, and the MPC is operated at a fixed input pulse energy of 560 μJ to ensure the same spectrum broadening. To prevent the crystal from the damage of thermal effects caused by high average pump power, the average power on the crystal is set to approximately 500 mW for all repetition rates, that is, the pump pulse is attenuated according to the repetition rate. The parameters of the pump laser and generated THz power, THz pulse energy and conversion efficiency at different repetition rates are presented in Table 1. As the repetition rate changes from 1 to 10 kHz, the generated THz power decreases slightly from 932.8 to 776 μW. This is because the energy conversion efficiency is related to the pump fluence, which decreases from 4.33 to 0.44 mJ/cm2. Overall, due to the pump fluence being within the saturation regime, the energy conversion efficiency remains nearly constant, which is beneficial for maintaining a stable high-power THz output (shown in Figure 4(a)). Correspondingly, the THz pulse energy decreases proportionately to the increase of the repetition rate, as shown in Figure 4(b). Repetition rates higher than 10 kHz are feasible given that there is enough pump fluence for the OR process, which can be realized by moving the crystal towards the focus of the pump. For higher repetition rates, the limitation is average pump power, other than peak power, which is frequently discussed in the condition of low repetition rate but high pump energy.
Figure 4.THz power (a) and pulse energy (b) at different repetition rates.
4 Conclusion
To summarize, we report on a high-repetition-rate strong-field THz source based on OR in a DSTMS crystal driven by an Yb:YAG laser. By employing an MPC compressor, the laser pulse duration is compressed to 95 from 800 fs. With proper pump flux, intense THz pulses are generated in a collinear geometry. The THz pulse energy is 932.8 nJ with a peak electric field of 819 kV/cm at 1 kHz. At 1–10 kHz repetition rate, THz pulses are generated with average power of more than 0.77 mW and peak field above 236 kV/cm, which provides a high-repetition-rate strong-field THz source for THz pump–probe experiments and THz time-domain spectroscopy with a high signal-to-noise ratio.
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Zhuorui Zheng, Kang Wang, Hongyang Li, Xianze Meng, Ye Tian, Liwei Song. High-repetition-rate strong-field terahertz source by optical rectification in DSTMS crystals[J]. High Power Laser Science and Engineering, 2024, 12(5): 05000e61
Category: Research Articles
Received: Jan. 27, 2024
Accepted: Jul. 25, 2024
Published Online: Nov. 14, 2024
The Author Email: Ye Tian (, Liwei Song (