Chinese Optics Letters, Volume. 19, Issue 10, 103801(2021)

Perfect light absorption in monolayer MoS2 empowered by optical Tamm states

Yangwu Li, Hua Lu*, Jiadeng Zheng, Shichang Li, Xiao Xuan, and Jianlin Zhao**
Author Affiliations
  • MOE Key Laboratory of Material Physics and Chemistry under Extraordinary Conditions, Key Laboratory of Light-Field Manipulation and Information Acquisition, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Optical Information Technology, School of Physical Science and Technology, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an 710129, China
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    We present the perfect light absorption of monolayer molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) in a dielectric multilayer system with two different Bragg mirrors. The results show that the strong absorption of visible light in monolayer MoS2 is attributed to the formation of optical Tamm states (OTSs) between two Bragg mirrors. The MoS2 absorption spectrum is dependent on the layer thickness of Bragg mirrors, incident angle of light, and the period numbers of Bragg mirrors. Especially, the nearly perfect light absorption (99.4%) of monolayer MoS2 can be achieved by choosing proper period numbers, which is well analyzed by the temporal coupled-mode theory.


    1. Introduction

    Atomically thinned materials including graphene, transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs), hexagonal boron nitride (hBN), MXenes, etc., exhibit fascinating electric, optical, mechanical, and thermal properties and attract broad interests in the fields of electronics, optoelectronics, and photonics[15]. In contrast to graphene, TMDCs are semiconductors with a direct bandgap, as they are exfoliated into monolayers, which advance the development of two-dimensional (2D) material photonics and optoelectronics[6]. As a typical TMDC, molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) possesses a direct bandgap of 1.8 eV when reducing from bulk to monolayer[7]. In the MoS2 monolayer, a hexagonal layer of Mo atoms is sandwiched between two hexagonal layers of S atoms in a trigonal prismatic arrangement. The atomic thickness and electronic band structure make MoS2 an excellent candidate for achieving field effect transistors with an ultra-high on/off ratio[8]. Recently, MoS2 has achieved numerous applications in photodetection[9,10], photoluminescence[11], mode-locking lasers[12,13], solar cells[14], and photovoltaic devices[15]. Nevertheless, the average single-pass light absorption of monolayer MoS2 is approximately 10% in the visible wavelength range[16]. The intrinsically weak interaction between light and MoS2 seriously hinders light harvesting and photoelectric conversion. Enhancing the light absorption of MoS2 is of vital importance for realizing high-performance photoelectronic devices. Fortunately, some photonic structures have been reported to improve light absorption of monolayer MoS2. A photonic crystal on a metallic mirror enabled an average light absorption of about 51% in monolayer MoS2[16]. Wang et al. employed a Fano-resonant photonic crystal structure to increase the MoS2 absorption up to 90%[17]. Bahauddin et al. designed a plasmonic architecture with silver nanoparticles to realize broadband MoS2 absorption of 37%[18]. Luo et al. demonstrated an enhanced dual-band MoS2 absorption of 57% and 87.5% by employing a metallic metamaterial with periodic nanoribbons and a flat substrate[19]. Based on an Al2O3/Al nanocavity, Janisch et al. boosted the light absorption of monolayer MoS2 up to 70% utilizing the strong interference effect[20]. Enhancing light absorption has also been investigated in other atomic-layer materials, such as graphene, WSe2, black phosphorus, etc.[2124]. However, the light absorption efficiencies of the atomic-layer materials are limited in these photonic structures with the excitation of plasmonic or cavity-supported resonances. Optical Tamm states (OTSs) are a kind of highly confined interface modes formed at the interface between two different dielectric Bragg mirrors. The operating wavelength of OTSs exists in the overlapped photonic band gaps of two Bragg mirrors[25]. The lossless OTS mode can be directly excited in arbitrary polarizations and is independent of the incident angle, providing great potential for reinforcing the MoS2 interaction with light and device capabilities[25,26].

    In this Letter, we firstly propose to realize perfect light absorption of MoS2 in a multilayer structure, consisting of a monolayer MoS2 embedded between two different Bragg mirrors. Due to the excitation of OTS, the interaction between light and monolayer MoS2 can be greatly enhanced, and thus the light absorption of MoS2 can approach 99.4% in the visible range. Both the theoretical and simulation calculations illustrate that the light absorption of MoS2 can be tailored by altering the layer thickness of Bragg mirrors, angle of incident light, and period number of Bragg mirrors. The temporal coupled-mode theory (TCMT) is employed to effectively analyze the light absorption evolution of MoS2 with the period numbers of Bragg mirrors. Our results will offer a new way to enhance the interaction between light and atomic-layer materials and realize high-performance 2D material-based optoelectrical devices.

    2. Structure and Model

    Figure 1 shows the proposed multilayer photonic structure with a monolayer MoS2 sandwiched in two all-dielectric Bragg mirrors. The Bragg mirrors are composed of the alternatively stacked silicon nitride (Si3N4) and silica (SiO2) layers, whose refractive indices are set as na=2.05 and nb=1.46, respectively[27,28]. The Si3N4 and SiO2 layers can be deposited in turn by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition[29]. The deposition rate and time can be controlled for the different layer thickness. Monolayer MoS2 can be synthesized on a sapphire substrate with a large area by chemical vapor deposition and transferred by the wetting transfer method[14]. The thicknesses of the Si3N4 and SiO2 layers are denoted by al and bl (ar and br) for the left (right) Bragg mirror, respectively. The period numbers of Bragg mirrors are Pl and Pr. The relative permittivity of monolayer MoS2 can be determined by the Lorentz model[30,31]: εr=ε+k=1Kakωk2ω2jωbk,where ε, ak, bk, ω, and ωk stand for the DC permittivity, oscillation power, damping factor of the kth oscillator, angular frequency of incident light, and resonance frequency of the kth oscillator, respectively. These parameters in the Lorentz model can be found in Ref. [31]. The thickness of the MoS2 layer can be set as h=0.615nm[30,31]. With this value, the MoS2 light absorption matched well with the experimental data[30,31].

    Schematic diagram of the multilayer structure consisting of two different Bragg mirrors and a monolayer MoS2 sandwiched in the Bragg mirrors. The thicknesses of Si3N4 and SiO2 layers are denoted by al and bl (ar and br) for the left (right) Bragg mirror, respectively. The period numbers of the left and right Bragg mirrors are Pl and Pr, respectively. The light is incident from the left side of the structure.

    Figure 1.Schematic diagram of the multilayer structure consisting of two different Bragg mirrors and a monolayer MoS2 sandwiched in the Bragg mirrors. The thicknesses of Si3N4 and SiO2 layers are denoted by al and bl (ar and br) for the left (right) Bragg mirror, respectively. The period numbers of the left and right Bragg mirrors are Pl and Pr, respectively. The light is incident from the left side of the structure.

    The spectral response of multilayer structures can be theoretically calculated by the transfer matrix method (TMM)[3234]. Our multilayer structure can be simplified as a combination of 2(Pl+Pr)+1 dielectric layers with 2(Pl+Pr)+2 interfaces. When a TM-polarized incident light impinges on the left side of the structure with an incident angle θ, the reflection and transmission coefficients of the ith interface are expressed as ri=(nicosθi1ni1cosθi)/(nicosθi1+ni1cosθi) and ti=2ni1cosθi1/(nicosθi1+ni1cosθi), respectively. ni and θi stand for the refractive index and light propagation angle in the ith layer [i=1,2,,2(Pl+Pr)+1], respectively. The relation between the propagation angles can be governed by Snell’s law: ni1sinθi1=nisinθi (θ0=θ).

    Based on Maxwell’s equations and the continuity of tangential components for electric and magnetic field vectors at the boundaries, the transfer matrices Mi and Pi can be derived to characterize the evolution of electric field amplitudes when light passes through the ith interface and layer. They satisfy the relation as follows: [Ei1+Ei1]=[1/tiri/tiri/ti1/ti][ejϕi00ejϕi][Ei+Ei]=MiPi[Ei+Ei],where Ei1+ and Ei1 represent the electric field amplitudes of incident and reflected light on the left side of the ith interface, respectively. ϕi is the phase shift for the light propagating over distance di in the ith layer, which can be expressed as ϕi=2πdinicosθi/λ. The overall transfer matrix Q of the multilayer structure can be obtained by multiplying all matrices in sequence, Q=[i=12(Pr+Pl)+1MiPi]M2(Pr+Pl)+2=[Q11Q12Q21Q22].

    The reflection, transmission, and absorption spectra of the multilayer structure can be calculated by R=|Q21/Q11|2, T=|1/Q11|2, and A=1RT, respectively. By using the above TMM, we investigate the light propagation characteristics of the multilayer structure with only two dielectric Bragg mirrors (i.e., h=0nm). The dielectric layer thicknesses of Bragg mirrors are set as al=89nm, bl=44nm, ar=148nm, and br=130nm. Thus, the bandgaps of two Bragg mirrors can be overlapped, providing an essential condition for the excitation of OTSs[25]. The period numbers of the left and right Bragg mirrors are chosen as Pl=8 and Pr=20, respectively. As shown in Fig. 2(a), there is an obvious and narrow dip at the wavelength of 509.5 nm in the reflection spectrum. To verify the theoretical results, we use the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method to numerically simulate the light propagation in multilayer structures (Lumerical FDTD Solutions)[35]. For the convergence of simulations, the custom non-uniform mesh is adopted, and the maximum mesh steps along the x and y directions are set as Δx=1nm and Δy=5nm. The simulation time is set as 8000 fs with an auto shutoff level of 1010. The mesh size of MoS2 layer is 0.1 nm. The electric field amplitude of incident light is set as 1 V/m. The simulation results agree well with the TMM results, as shown in Fig. 2(a). According to the TMM calculated reflection spectra of two separate Bragg mirrors, the dip wavelength (509.5 nm) is exactly located in the overlapped region of the two photonic bandgaps (not shown here). To prove the formation of OTS, the field intensity distribution of |E|2 at the dip wavelength is simulated via the FDTD method, as depicted in the upper inset of Fig. 2(b). The white dotted boxes show the areas of two Bragg mirrors. We can see that the electric field is mostly confined around the interface, and the intensity is enhanced by over 50 folds. Both the reflection dip in the overlapped bandgap and strongly confined electric field indicate the existence of OTS at the interface between two Bragg mirrors. It can contribute to the strong boosting of light–matter interaction[25]. To explore OTS-assisted light–matter interaction, we introduce a monolayer MoS2 sandwiched between the two Bragg mirrors, as shown in Fig. 1. Figure 2(b) shows the absorption spectra of the multilayer structure with the MoS2 monolayer. We can see that the absorption spectrum of MoS2 exhibits a distinct peak with a height of 43.0% at the wavelength of 510.5 nm. The theoretical calculations agree well with the numerical simulations. Because of the OTS excitation, the electric field intensity in the MoS2 monolayer at the absorption peak wavelength is enhanced to 5.2V2/m2. Thus, the reinforced light absorption can be attributed to the OTS field confined at the interface of Bragg mirrors.

    (a) Reflection spectra in the multilayer structure with Pl = 8, Pr = 20, al = 89 nm, bl = 44 nm, ar = 148 nm, br = 130 nm, and θ = 0°. (b) Light absorption spectra of the multilayer structure with a MoS2 monolayer. The lines and circles represent theoretical and simulation results, respectively. The upper inset shows the field distribution of |E|2 at the wavelength of 509.5 nm in the multilayer structure (h = 0 nm). The lower inset shows the spectrum of MoS2 light absorption in the full visible range.

    Figure 2.(a) Reflection spectra in the multilayer structure with Pl = 8, Pr = 20, al = 89 nm, bl = 44 nm, ar = 148 nm, br = 130 nm, and θ = 0°. (b) Light absorption spectra of the multilayer structure with a MoS2 monolayer. The lines and circles represent theoretical and simulation results, respectively. The upper inset shows the field distribution of |E|2 at the wavelength of 509.5 nm in the multilayer structure (h = 0 nm). The lower inset shows the spectrum of MoS2 light absorption in the full visible range.

    3. Results and Analysis

    Subsequently, we investigate the relation between the Bragg layer thickness and MoS2 light absorption. Figure 3(a) depicts the evolution of the absorption spectrum with the thickness of the Si3N4 layer al. Obviously, the absorption peak appears as a red shift with increasing al and reaches the maximum when al=82nm. The simulation results coincide well with the TMM calculations. As shown in Fig. 3(b), the absorption of monolayer MoS2 can reach 95.3% with a full width at half-maximum (FWHM) of 1.9nm when al=82nm. To clarify the physical mechanism of the light absorption improvement, we study the electric field intensities in MoS2 between the Bragg mirrors with different al, as plotted in the inset of Fig. 3(b). It is found that the electric field intensity exhibits a maximum when al=82nm, which induces the strongest light-MoS2 interaction and light absorption in the visible range. Furthermore, we investigate the dependence of MoS2 light absorption on the thickness ar and incident angle θ. Figure 3(c) depicts the evolution of the absorption spectrum with ar when al=82nm. It shows that the wavelength of the absorption peak possesses a red shift with increasing ar, and the absorption efficiency can reach the highest value of 95.7% when ar=149nm. With increasing the incident angle, there is a blue shift for the absorption peak, as shown in Fig. 3(d). The energy of OTSs rises when increasing θ[25]. Thus, we can observe a blue shift of the absorption peak. Meanwhile, the height of the absorption peak almost remains unchanged. The adjustment of incident angle θ contributes to the flexible selection of the operating wavelength and MoS2 light absorption.

    (a) Evolution of MoS2 light absorption spectrum with the Si3N4 layer thickness al in the structure with ar = 148 nm and θ = 0°. (b) Corresponding absorption spectrum of MoS2 monolayer when al = 82 nm and θ = 0°. The inset shows the dependence of electric field intensity in MoS2 on al. (c) Evolution of MoS2 light absorption spectrum with the thickness ar when al = 82 nm and θ = 0°. (d) Evolution of MoS2 light absorption spectrum with θ when al = 82 nm and ar = 149 nm. The circles denote the simulation results. Here, Pl = 8, Pr = 20, bl = 44 nm, and br = 130 nm.

    Figure 3.(a) Evolution of MoS2 light absorption spectrum with the Si3N4 layer thickness al in the structure with ar = 148 nm and θ = 0°. (b) Corresponding absorption spectrum of MoS2 monolayer when al = 82 nm and θ = 0°. The inset shows the dependence of electric field intensity in MoS2 on al. (c) Evolution of MoS2 light absorption spectrum with the thickness ar when al = 82 nm and θ = 0°. (d) Evolution of MoS2 light absorption spectrum with θ when al = 82 nm and ar = 149 nm. The circles denote the simulation results. Here, Pl = 8, Pr = 20, bl = 44 nm, and br = 130 nm.

    Moreover, we can see that the light absorption of MoS2 relies on the period number of Bragg mirror Pl, as depicted in Fig. 4(a). There is a slight blue shift for the MoS2 absorption peak with increasing Pl. The blue shift of the absorption peak arises from the deviation of OTS wavelengths with varying Pl. The Bloch-wave-expansion method (BWEM) is introduced to obtain the precise OTS wavelengths and its dependence on the period numbers of two Bragg mirrors[36]. The occurrence of OTSs can be characterized by matching the surface impedances at the interface of two Bragg mirrors, namely, ξleft and ξright. The match condition can be specified by the wavelength-dependent function, |ξleftξright|. It is found that the OTS wavelength coincides with the dip wavelength, where |ξleftξright| is minimum. The OTS wavelengths (red dashed line with dots) calculated with BWEM are plotted in Fig. 4(b). Since the period number of the left Bragg mirror Pl is relatively small, the increase of Pl will cause a non-negligible change for ξleft in the overlapped band gap of two Bragg mirrors, resulting in a blue shift. As shown in Fig. 4(b), the BWEM theoretical results agree well with the TMM calculations. The minor difference (1nm) between the OTS wavelength and MoS2 absorption peak could be attributed to the insertion of the MoS2 monolayer. The absorption peak gradually increases as Pl changes from 7 to 9, while it decreases when Pl further increases, as shown in Fig. 4(b). To clarify the mechanism, we analyze the MoS2 light absorption using the TCMT[37]. According to TCMT, the multilayer system can be treated as a lossy cavity with two ports, as depicted in the inset of Fig. 4(c). The cavity mode with the resonant frequency ω0 radiates to the left and right ports with the decay rates γ1 and γ2, respectively. γ3 is the internal loss rate due to the dissipative loss of MoS2. Si± (i=1 and 2) are the amplitudes of incoming and outgoing waves coupled with the cavity mode, respectively. There is no light inputting from the right port, namely, S2+=0. The coupled equations can be described as dadt=(jω0γ1γ2γ3)a+2γ1S1+,S1=S1++2γ1a,S2=2γ2a.

    (a) Light absorption spectra of MoS2 monolayer in the multilayer structure with different period numbers Pl when Pr = 20. (b) Absorption peak values of MoS2 as a function of Pl, and the wavelengths of MoS2 absorption peak and OTS as a function of Pl. (c) Absorption spectra of MoS2 obtained by the TMM calculation (dots) and fitting (line) when Pl = 9. The inset shows the TCMT model of OTS in the structure. (d) Fitting parameters γ1, γ2, and γ3 versus Pl. (e) Absorption spectra of MoS2 in the structure with different Pr when Pl = 9. The inset shows the absorption spectra around the peaks. (f) Fitting parameters γ1, γ2, and γ3 versus Pr. Here, al = 82 nm, bl = 44 nm, ar = 149 nm, br = 130 nm, and θ = 0°.

    Figure 4.(a) Light absorption spectra of MoS2 monolayer in the multilayer structure with different period numbers Pl when Pr = 20. (b) Absorption peak values of MoS2 as a function of Pl, and the wavelengths of MoS2 absorption peak and OTS as a function of Pl. (c) Absorption spectra of MoS2 obtained by the TMM calculation (dots) and fitting (line) when Pl = 9. The inset shows the TCMT model of OTS in the structure. (d) Fitting parameters γ1, γ2, and γ3 versus Pl. (e) Absorption spectra of MoS2 in the structure with different Pr when Pl = 9. The inset shows the absorption spectra around the peaks. (f) Fitting parameters γ1, γ2, and γ3 versus Pr. Here, al = 82 nm, bl = 44 nm, ar = 149 nm, br = 130 nm, and θ = 0°.

    Here, a is the amplitude of the cavity mode. The reflection and transmission spectra can be achieved by R(ω)=|S1/S1+|2 and T(ω)=|S2/S1+|2, respectively. Then, the absorption spectrum of MoS2 can be obtained as A(ω)=4γ1γ3(ωω0)2+(γ1+γ2+γ3)2.

    The above parameters γ1, γ2, and γ3 can be obtained by fitting the MoS2 absorption spectra. Figure 4(c) shows the fitting absorption spectrum when Pl=9, which is in good agreement with the theoretical result. The fitting results in Fig. 4(d) illustrate that the decay rate γ1 and loss rate γ3 exhibit a distinct drop with increasing Pl. γ2 almost remains unchanged and is two orders of magnitude smaller than γ1 and γ3 (namely, γ2γ1, γ3). γ1 is closest to γ3 when Pl=9, thereby the ratio of γ1 and γ3 can approach a maximum. Therefore, the MoS2 light absorption can reach the highest value of 96.2% when Pl=9.

    Finally, we discuss the influence of period number Pr on the MoS2 light absorption. As shown in Fig. 4(e), the MoS2 absorption shows an upward trend, and the increase of peak value slows down as Pr increases. The peak value can approach 99.4% with an FWHM of 1.6 nm when Pr=26. The peak wavelength remains unchanged with varying Pr from 20 to 26. Compared to Pl, Pr is sufficiently large. The surface impedance at the interface of the right Bragg mirror ξright barely changes in the overlapped band gap of Bragg mirrors. Thus, the wavelength with a minimum |ξleftξright| (corresponding to the OTS wavelength) remains at 504.9 nm, and the wavelength of the MoS2 absorption peak is unchanged (506.0 nm). According to the BEWM calculation, the offset of the |ξleftξright| dip can be neglected when Pr increases from 18. In other words, the position of the MoS2 absorption peak will remain unchanged for Pr18. The fitting parameters in Fig. 4(f) show that γ2 still remains two orders of magnitude smaller than γ1 and γ3. Meanwhile, γ1 and γ3 get closer to each other, giving rise to a higher ratio of γ1 and γ3. Thereby, the MoS2 absorption will be infinitely close to one with gradually increasing Pr (γ1/γ31).

    4. Conclusions

    We have investigated the enhanced visible light absorption of the MoS2 monolayer sandwiched between two different Bragg mirrors with the excitation of the OTS mode. It is distinct from the cavity-supported light absorption enhancement in previous few-layer systems[20,38]. The wavelength and efficiency of MoS2 light absorption are dependent on the layer thickness of Bragg mirrors, light incident angle, and period numbers of Bragg mirrors. The nearly perfect absorption (99.4%) with an ultra-narrow FWHM of 1.6 nm can be obtained in the structure. The theoretical results are in excellent agreement with the numerical simulations. The BWEM has been applied to analyze the precise alternation of OTS wavelengths with periodic numbers of Bragg mirrors. The TCMT has been used to clarify the mechanism of tailoring MoS2 light absorption with the period numbers. Our results will pave a new way for the ultra-strong light–matter interaction and favorable applications of atomic-layer materials in highly efficient optoelectronic functionalities, such as photodetection and photoluminescence.

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    Yangwu Li, Hua Lu, Jiadeng Zheng, Shichang Li, Xiao Xuan, Jianlin Zhao, "Perfect light absorption in monolayer MoS2 empowered by optical Tamm states," Chin. Opt. Lett. 19, 103801 (2021)

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    Paper Information

    Category: Light-matter Interaction

    Received: Jan. 16, 2021

    Accepted: Mar. 26, 2021

    Published Online: Aug. 20, 2021

    The Author Email: Hua Lu (, Jianlin Zhao (

