Photonics Research, Volume. 9, Issue 4, 424(2021)

Effects of background spectral noise in the phase-modulated single-frequency seed laser on high-power narrow-linewidth fiber amplifiers

Wei Liu1, Jiaxin Song1, Pengfei Ma1,2、*, Hu Xiao1, and Pu Zhou1,3、*
Author Affiliations
  • 1College of Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073, China
  • 2e-mail:
  • 3e-mail:
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    In this work, we analyze the effects of the background spectral noise in phase-modulated single-frequency seed lasers on the spectral purity of high-power narrow-linewidth fiber amplifiers. Through demonstrating the spectral evolution of the phase-modulated single-frequency part and the background spectral noise in a narrow-linewidth fiber amplifier, the mechanism for the spectral wing broadening effect is clarified and design strategies to maintain high spectral purity are given. Specifically, the background spectral noise in phase-modulated single-frequency seed lasers could lead to obvious spectral wing broadening and degeneration of spectral purity in narrow-linewidth fiber amplifiers through the four-wave-mixing effect. Notably, the spectral wing broadening effect could be suppressed by filtering out the background spectral noise in the seed laser or applying a counter-pumped configuration in the fiber amplifier. We have also conducted contrast experiments, which have verified the validity of the theoretical model and the design strategies for high-spectral-purity operation.


    High-power fiber lasers have been highly desired for many industrial and scientific applications, including material processing, manufacturing, nonlinear conversion, and gravitational-wave detection [14]. Unfortunately, power scaling of a single monolithic fiber laser system is currently limited by the optical nonlinearities, optical damage, and transverse mode instability [59]. Coherent beam combining and spectral beam combining provide two effective approaches to further improve the output power of fiber lasers while maintaining excellent beam quality [1013]. The key unit in the two beam combining systems is the high-power narrow-linewidth fiber amplifier. The properties of the high-power narrow-linewidth fiber amplifier, especially for the output power and spectral purity, tightly determine the performances of the two beam combining systems. However, it is challenging to realize high power and high spectral purity simultaneously due to the inevitable spectral broadening effect in high-power fiber amplifiers.

    Different types of narrow-linewidth seed sources have been applied in high-power fiber amplifiers for narrow-linewidth operation, including filtered superfluorescent fiber sources [13], random distributed feedback fiber lasers [14], fiber-Bragg-grating-stabilized laser diodes [15], multi-longitudinal fiber oscillators [1618], and phase-modulated single-frequency lasers [1921]. Those seed sources could be classified into two categories according to the strategies for narrow-linewidth operation. One is to apply the seed source with narrower spectral linewidth as much as possible and to optimize the fiber amplifier to avoid the impact of the spectral broadening [1318]. The other is to control the spectral broadening effect through applying a seed source with stable intensity [1921]. Despite that higher than kilowatt-level narrow-linewidth fiber amplifiers with diffraction-limited beam quality have been reported based on the above two categories, the extensibility of the first one is limited because the seed laser with a narrower spectral linewidth might lead to more serious issues of nonlinear effects and the spectral broadening effect [22,23]. Accordingly, most of the reported high-power narrow-linewidth fiber amplifiers are based on phase-modulated single-frequency seed lasers [2427], which naturally have stable intensity and can maintain the spectral linewidth during amplification. However, there could also exist obvious spectral wing broadening in those narrow-linewidth fiber amplifiers based on phase-modulated single-frequency seed lasers [25,26], which would decrease the spectral purity of the output laser and degrade their performance in further applications.

    In this work, we aim to clarify the mechanism of the spectral wing broadening effect in narrow-linewidth fiber amplifiers based on phase-modulated single-frequency seed lasers and propose possible techniques to suppress this phenomenon. Through investigating the effects of background spectral noise in the phase-modulated single-frequency seed laser on the spectral evolution in the Yb-doped fiber amplifier (YDFA), we propose a spectral evolution model for the phase-modulated single-frequency part and the background spectral noise in narrow-linewidth fiber amplifiers. The mechanism for the spectral wing broadening effect is clarified, and design strategies to maintain high spectral purity are given according to the theoretical analysis. We have also conducted contrast experiments to verify the theoretical model and the design strategies for high-spectral-purity operation.


    The phase-modulated single-frequency laser is commonly based on a single-frequency laser, which is externally modulated through an electro-optic modulator to broaden its linewidth to effectively suppress the stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) effect. Therefore, the phase-modulated single-frequency laser could have stable intensity and maintain its spectral shape during amplification. Accordingly, the obvious spectral wing broadening effect in a high-power narrow-linewidth fiber amplifier based on phase-modulated single-frequency seed laser indicates that additional noise is introduced into the seed laser. One strong possibility for this noise source is the background spectral noise, which could originate from the amplified spontaneous emission noise in the preamplifiers. To demonstrate the possible impact of the background spectral noise in the phase-modulated single-frequency seed laser on the spectral evolution in the high-power narrow-linewidth YDFA, we need to construct a phase-modulated single-frequency seed laser with background spectral noise and describe the spectral evolution of the total seed laser in the YDFA. There exist two different spectral components in the total seed laser: the phase-modulated single-frequency part and the background spectral noise. Accordingly, it is preferable to analyze the spectral evolution of the total seed laser through separate descriptions of the two different spectral components (two seed lasers). Then both the output properties of the total signal laser and the interactions between the two different spectral components could be included in the theoretical analysis.

    As for the spectral evolution of a single seed laser in a YDFA, it could be generally divided into two main energy conversion processes, i.e., the energy absorption from pump laser to signal laser and the energy conversion among different spectral components. Consequently, the basic approach to model the spectral evolution of a single seed laser in a YDFA is the joint analysis of the two energy conversion processes. Specifically, the two energy conversion processes could be described through the rate equation and the nonlinear propagation equation. When it comes to the case of two seed lasers, the interactions between the two seed lasers could also lead to energy conversion between them. Accordingly, the effects, such as gain competition, cross-phase modulation (XPM), and four-wave mixing (FWM), should also be included in the rate equation and the nonlinear propagation equation. Then the set of unidirectional spectral-spatial equations describing the spectral evolutions of two spectral components in a YDFA could be expressed as N2N0=ΓpωpAeσpaPp+12πTmAeΓsωσωa(|A˜0|2+|A˜1|2)dωΓpωpAe(σpa+σpe)Pp+1τ+12πTmAeΓsω(σωa+σωe)(|A˜0|2+|A˜1|2)dω,dPpdz=Γp(σpeN2σpaN1)PpαpPp,A˜0z=12Γs(σseN2σsaN1)A˜0αs2A˜0+i2β2ω2A˜0+iγF{(|A0|2+2|A1|2)A0+A1A1A0*},A˜1z=12Γs(σseN2σsaN1)A˜1αs2A˜1+i2β2ω2A˜1+iγF{(|A1|2+2|A0|2)A1+A0A0A1*},where the subscripts p and s stand for pump laser and signal laser, respectively; the subscripts 0 and 1 stand for the phase-modulated single-frequency part and the background spectral noise; A˜ and A are the envelope of the signal field in the spectral and temporal versions; σa and σe are the corresponding absorption and emission cross sections; N1 and N2 are the ion densities in the ground state or excited state; N1+N2=N0; N0 is the dopant density in the fiber core; Γ is the power overlap factor; is the Planck constant; ω is the angular frequency; Ae is the effective mode area of the fiber; τ is the lifetime of the excited state; Tm is the time window during the calculation; α is the loss coefficient; β2 is the second-order dispersion coefficient; γ is the nonlinear coefficient; and F{} denotes the Fourier transform. Equations (1)–(4) describe the evolutions of the ion density in the excited state N2, the pump power Pp, the spectral envelope of the phase-modulated single-frequency part A˜0, and the spectral envelope of the background spectral noise A˜1 along the fiber, respectively. An iterative solution of Eqs. (1)–(4) is obtained numerically using the Runge–Kutta method with the initial conditions.

    Normalized temporal and spectral intensity of the constructed phase-modulated single-frequency part (first line) and background spectral noise (second line): (a), (c) normalized temporal intensity; (b), (d) normalized spectral intensity.

    Figure 1.Normalized temporal and spectral intensity of the constructed phase-modulated single-frequency part (first line) and background spectral noise (second line): (a), (c) normalized temporal intensity; (b), (d) normalized spectral intensity.


    Based on the spectral evolution model and the constructed initial inserted seed lasers, we simulate the spectral evolutions of both the phase-modulated single-frequency part and the background spectral noise for a typical co-pumped high-power narrow-linewidth fiber amplifier. Here we set the power ratio and bandwidth of the background spectral noise to be 30  dB and 2 nm, respectively. The major simulation parameters of the fiber amplifier are shown in Table 1. The core and inner cladding diameters of the YDF are 20 μm and 400 μm, respectively. The absorption coefficient of the initial pump laser is set to be about 1.5 dB/m. For simplicity, the loss coefficient is set to be the same at different wavelengths, and the insertion loss of the pump laser is omitted. Due to our main purpose being to investigate the spectral evolution of the fiber amplifier, not power scaling limitations, we ignore the SBS and stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) effects and focus on a case well below the SBS and SRS thresholds.

    Major Simulation Parameters for the Fiber Amplifier

    λp976 nmλs1080 nm
    α1.5 dB/kmγ0.5  W1/km
    Lact15 mLpas1 m
    τ0.84 msN7.8×1025
    σpa1.77×1024  m2σpe1.71×1024  m2
    σsa2.29×1027  m2σse2.82×1025  m2
    β212  ps2/kmPseed50 W
    dt1×1013  sTmax5×108  s

    A. Properties of the Fiber Amplifier at Different Pump Powers

    Output powers and spectra of the total signal laser at different pump powers: (a) output power; (b) output spectra.

    Figure 2.Output powers and spectra of the total signal laser at different pump powers: (a) output power; (b) output spectra.

    Power-ratio spectral linewidths of total signal laser at different output powers.

    Figure 3.Power-ratio spectral linewidths of total signal laser at different output powers.

    B. Mechanism for the Spectral Wing Broadening

    Power evolutions of the two spectral components along the fiber amplifier.

    Figure 4.Power evolutions of the two spectral components along the fiber amplifier.

    Normalized spectral evolutions along the fiber amplifier: (a) the phase-modulated single-frequency part; (b) the background spectral noise.

    Figure 5.Normalized spectral evolutions along the fiber amplifier: (a) the phase-modulated single-frequency part; (b) the background spectral noise.

    The two spectral components have similar spectral bands, and the power ratio of the background spectral noise is much lower than that of the phase-modulated single-frequency part in the initial inserted seed laser; thus, the gain competition between them would not lead to obvious enhancement of the background spectral noise. Therefore, it could be inferred that obvious energy conversion occurs between the phase-modulated single-frequency part and the background spectral noise during amplification, which finally leads to the spectral wing broadening in narrow-linewidth fiber lasers.

    Output spectrum of the total signal laser at a pump power of 2 kW when ignoring FWM terms in the simulation.

    Figure 6.Output spectrum of the total signal laser at a pump power of 2 kW when ignoring FWM terms in the simulation.

    C. Design Strategies to Suppress Spectral Wing Broadening

    According to the above analysis, two types of strategies could be applied to suppress the spectral wing broadening effect in narrow-linewidth fiber amplifiers, i.e., to optimize the properties of the background spectral noise in the phase-modulated single-frequency seed laser or to suppress the FWM effect in the fiber amplifier. The background spectral noise in phase-modulated single-frequency seed laser could be optimized through filtering out part of the background spectral noise. In this way, both the power ratio and bandwidth of the background spectral noise would be changed. Here we analyze the impact of the power ratio and bandwidth of the background spectral noise on the spectral wing broadening effect separately.

    Power-ratio spectral linewidths of the total signal laser at a pump power of 2 kW when the power ratio or the bandwidth of the background spectral noise is different: (a) the power ratio is different; (b) the bandwidth is different.

    Figure 7.Power-ratio spectral linewidths of the total signal laser at a pump power of 2 kW when the power ratio or the bandwidth of the background spectral noise is different: (a) the power ratio is different; (b) the bandwidth is different.

    Power-ratio spectral linewidths of the total signal laser at a pump power of 2 kW when the power ratio of the backward pump power is different.

    Figure 8.Power-ratio spectral linewidths of the total signal laser at a pump power of 2 kW when the power ratio of the backward pump power is different.


    Experimental setup of the fiber amplifier.

    Figure 9.Experimental setup of the fiber amplifier.

    Normalized measured and simulated spectra of the fiber amplifier at different output powers: (a) seed laser; (b) 0.48 kW; (c) 0.99 kW; (d) 1.51 kW.

    Figure 10.Normalized measured and simulated spectra of the fiber amplifier at different output powers: (a) seed laser; (b) 0.48 kW; (c) 0.99 kW; (d) 1.51 kW.

    Ninety-nine percent power-ratio spectral linewidths of the total signal laser at different output powers when the experimental setups are different.

    Figure 11.Ninety-nine percent power-ratio spectral linewidths of the total signal laser at different output powers when the experimental setups are different.


    In this work, we propose a spectral evolution model for narrow-linewidth fiber amplifiers to analyze the effects of the background spectral noise in the phase-modulated single-frequency seed laser on the spectral purity of the signal laser. Through demonstrating the spectral evolutions of the phase-modulated single-frequency part and the background spectral noise, the interactions between the two spectral components are given. The theoretical results clarify that it is the FWM effect that transfers energy from the phase-modulated single-frequency part into the background spectral noise and leads to the spectral wing broadening in narrow-linewidth YDFAs. Accordingly, the spectral wing broadening effect could be suppressed by filtering out the background spectral noise in the seed laser or applying a counter-pumped configuration in the YDFAs. We have also conducted contrast experiments, which have verified the validity of the theoretical model and the design strategies for high-spectral-purity operation. We believe that this work could provide a good reference for improving the spectral purity of high-power narrow-linewidth fiber lasers.


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    Wei Liu, Jiaxin Song, Pengfei Ma, Hu Xiao, Pu Zhou, "Effects of background spectral noise in the phase-modulated single-frequency seed laser on high-power narrow-linewidth fiber amplifiers," Photonics Res. 9, 424 (2021)

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    Paper Information

    Category: Lasers and Laser Optics

    Received: Nov. 4, 2020

    Accepted: Jan. 18, 2021

    Published Online: Mar. 11, 2021

    The Author Email: Pengfei Ma (, Pu Zhou (

