Chinese Optics Letters, Volume. 16, Issue 5, 051401(2018)

Highly efficient CW laser operation in 4 at. % Tm3+ and 4 at. % Y3+ codoped CaF2 crystals

Xinsheng Guo1,2, Qinghui Wu2, Linyang Guo3, Fengkai Ma2, Fei Tang2, Cheng Zhang4, Jie Liu4, Bingchu Mei1、*, and Liangbi Su2,5、**
Author Affiliations
  • 1State Key Laboratory of Advanced Technology for Materials Synthesis and Processing, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Wuhan Institute of Technology, Wuhan 430070, China
  • 2Synthetic Single Crystal Research Center, Key Laboratory of Transparent and Opto-Functional Inorganic Materials, Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 201899, China
  • 3State Key Laboratory on High Power Semiconductor Lasers, Changchun University of Science and Technology, Changchun 130022, China
  • 4Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory of Optics and Photonic Device, College of Physics and Electronics, Shandong Normal University, Jinan 250014, China
  • 5State Key Laboratory of High Performance Ceramics and Superfine Microstructure, Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 201899, China
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    Tm:CaF2 and Tm,Y:CaF2 single crystals were prepared by the temperature gradient technique. The spectral properties of Tm,Y:CaF2 single crystals were investigated and compared with those of Tm:CaF2. It was demonstrated that codoping with Y3+ ions could efficiently improve the spectroscopic properties. Tm,Y:CaF2 crystals have larger absorption cross-sections at the pumping wavelength, larger mid-infrared stimulated emission cross-sections, and much longer fluorescence lifetimes of the upper laser level (Tm3+: H43 level) than Tm:CaF2 crystals. Continuous-wave (CW) lasers around 1.97 μm were demonstrated in 4.0 at. % Tm,4.0 at. % Y:CaF2 single crystals under 792 nm laser diode (LD) pumping. The best laser performance has been demonstrated with a low threshold of 0.368 W, a high slope efficiency of 54.8%, and a maximum output power of 1.013 W.

    Tm3+-ion-based laser materials operating at around 2.0 μm are being developed at an increasing pace in recent years[15]. Lasers around this specifc region have several atmospheric transparency windows and are strongly absorbed by water and biological tissues. The unique features of the mid-infrared (IR) domain make it very attractive for many applications, such as coherent laser radar[6], remote sensing[7], laser ablation of varicose veins in vitro[8], and medical surgery[911]. Moreover, lasers around 2 μm are suitable pumping sources for IR optical parametric oscillation (OPO)[12,13], which have wide applications in scientifc research, atmospheric pollution monitoring, and directional-IR countermeasure.

    CaF2 has been proved to be an excellent optical material with broad-band transparency and low phonon energy14. Trivalent rare-earth-ion-doped CaF2 (RE3+:CaF2) crystals have very broad and smooth absorption and emission spectra due to heterovalent substitution of Ca2+ and different forms of charge compensation. Such broad spectra are suitable for femtosecond pulses. In Nd,Y:CaF2 crystal, Qin et al. have achieved 103 fs using a diode pumping passively mode-locked technique[15]. In addition, pure CaF2 is characterized by a high thermal conductivity of 9.7W·mK1 and is thus comparable to that found in the case of Y3Al5O12 (YAG). Even though the thermal conductivity of the CaF2-doped rare-earth ions is reduced[16], it is still higher than that of glass. Many studies have been conducted based on rare–earth-doped CaF2 crystals, including Yb:CaF2, Er:CaF2, and Nd:CaF2[1721]. However, fewer studies have been performed using Tm:CaF2 crystals in the 2 μm wavelength band, since 1.9 μm lasers based on the Tm:CaF2 ceramics upon LD pumping have been demonstrated for the first time[22], to the best of our knowledge. So far, the laser of Tm:CaF2 ceramic with 4% doping only emitted an output power of 60 mW with a slope efficiency of 5.5%[23]. The laser performance of the Tm:CaF2 crystal with 1.34% doping has been reported with a slope efficiency of 41.0%[24]. Recently, a continuous-wave (CW) output power of 453 mW with a slope efficiency of 21% from a Tm,Y:CaF2 laser was obtained[25], proving that the Tm,Y:CaF2 crystal was a significant potential lasing material. However, the superiorities of Tm,Y:CaF2 crystal compared with Tm:CaF2 crystal were not been analyzed systematically.

    In this Letter, comparative studies on spectroscopic properties between Tm:CaF2 and Tm,Y:CaF2 were performed for the first time, to the best of our knowledge. As we know, the quenching effect will occur due to defects and impurities introduced by increasing concentration of rare-earth ions. We found that codoping of Y3+ ions in Tm:CaF2 can alleviate the cluster quenching effect and improve the spectral performance. 4 at. % Tm,4 at. % Y:CaF2 demonstrated the laser performance with a high slope efficiency of 54.8% and a maximum output power of 1.013 W. To the best of our knowledge, this is the highest slope efficiency and largest power reported in Tm3+-doped CaF2 crystals.

    Tm:CaF2 and Tm,Y:CaF2 crystals were grown by the temperature gradient technique (TGT). The raw materials of grown crystals are CaF2, TmF3, and YF3. To prevent oxidation in the growing process, 1 wt. % PbF2 was added to the starting materials. All of the raw materials used for our experiment were of 99.99% purity. The weighed chemical powders were mixed thoroughly and then sealed in the graphite crucibles during the process of growth. The crystal samples were cut and then polished into a size of 10mm×10mm×2mm for spectral measurements.

    The room temperature absorption spectra were measured using a Jasco V-570 UV/visible (VIS)/near-IR (NIR) spectrophotometer. Fluorescence spectra were obtained using an FLS 980 time-resolved fluorimeter with grating blazed at 1820 nm and detected using a Hamamatsu InSb. Fluorescence decay curves measured at 1820 nm were obtained with FLS 980 spectrophotometers under an 808 nm pulse laser excitation with the frequency of 9 Hz and duration of 10 μs. All of the measurements were carried out at room temperature.

    Figure 1 shows the X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns of 4% Tm:CaF2 and 4% Tm,4% Y:CaF2 crystals compared with the standard pattern of the pure CaF2 phase. No impurity peaks are found, and all of the diffraction peaks of the Tm:CaF2 and Tm,Y:CaF2 crystals are in good agreement with those of the pure CaF2 phase. These suggested that Tm3+ and Y3+ ions have substitutionally entered the Ca2+ sites and the doping ions do not change the perovskite-like structure of the pure CaF2 crystal. The structural parameters of these crystals were obtained by fitting the XRD data using the software JADE 6.0. The lattice parameters of 4% Tm,4% Y:CaF2 crystal is a bit larger than those of 4% Tm:CaF2 crystal. It is well in agreement with the fact that the radius of Y3+ is greater than that of Tm3+.

    XRD patterns of the Tm:CaF2 and Tm,Y:CaF2 crystals.

    Figure 1.XRD patterns of the Tm:CaF2 and Tm,Y:CaF2 crystals.

    Figure 2 shows the room temperature absorption spectra of 4% Tm:CaF2 and 4% Tm,4% Y:CaF2 crystals in the wavelength range of 720–880 nm. There are three strong absorption peaks centered at 767, 784, and 792 nm, corresponding to the transitions from the ground state to the higher levels of Tm3+.

    Absorption spectra of Tm:CaF2 and Tm,Y:CaF2 crytals.

    Figure 2.Absorption spectra of Tm:CaF2 and Tm,Y:CaF2 crytals.

    The absorption coefficient and absorption cross-section at the strongest absorption peak of 767 nm in 4% Tm,4% Y:CaF2 crystal are enhanced from 2.85cm1 and 0.34×1021cm2 to 4.54cm1 and 4.7×1021cm2, respectively, compared with 4% Tm:CaF2 crystal. The larger absorption cross-section means a higher pump absorbing efficiency. The increasing of the absorption cross-section benefits from the stronger crystal field induced by codoping of Y3+ ions. While the crystallographic Ca2+ sites were occupied by the Y3+ ions, the compensation ions F were introduced to fill the vacancies of cubic lattices. This leads to distorted crystallographic sites and a stronger crystal field around Tm3+.

    According to the known absorption cross-section based on the reciprocity method, the emission cross-sections were calculated and shown in Fig. 3: σem(λ)=σabs(λ)ZLZuexp(EZLhc/λkT),where Zu and ZL are the partition functions of the lower and upper levels, EZL is the zero line energy defined as the energy gap between H63 and F34 manifolds, h is Planck’s constant, k is Boltzmann’s constant, and T is temperature. Here, the zero line is 1666 nm, and Zu/ZL is 1.512[11]. There are three emission peaks located at 1611, 1666, and 1820 nm, respectively. The emission cross-section of 4% Tm,4% Y:CaF2 crystal was calculated to be 0.45×1020cm2 at 1820 nm, which is increased by 40.96% compared with the value of 0.32×1020cm2 in 4% Tm:CaF2 crystal. The emission cross-section is enhanced by the incorporation of 4% Y3+ ions. There are two reasons to be concerned for the phenomenon. On the one hand, part of the f-f forbidden transition between F43 and H63 energy levels of Tm3+ ions was relieved by a stronger crystal field, as discussed above for absorption cross-sections. That is to say, higher absorption intensity results in a stronger emission in Tm,Y:CaF2 crystal. On the other hand, it was pointed out that the Y3+ ions enter the lattice predominantly in the vicinity of the Tm3+ ions[26]. Thus, codoped Y3+ ions may separate the clustered Tm3+ ions in the lattice at an appropriate distance. As a result, the probability of cross-relaxation between Tm3+ ions was increased, and there will be more population inversion on the upper energy level. The emission was improved accordingly. Table 1 shows the comparison of the emission cross-section between our work and the Tm laser in other oxide hosts reported. The value of the Tm,Y:CaF2 crystal is lower than those of YAG, YAlO3 (YAP), and C22H36NNaO7S (SSO) but higher than that of CaYAlO4. The data indicate that laser energy conversion efficiency of Tm:SSO is lower than those of YAP and CaF2. In addition, the full widths at half-maximum of the emission peaks at 1820 nm of these samples were similar, which were about 200 nm.

    Emission spectra of the Tm:CaF2 and Tm,Y:CaF2 crystals.

    Figure 3.Emission spectra of the Tm:CaF2 and Tm,Y:CaF2 crystals.

    • Table 1. Emission Cross-section, Emission Lifetime, and Laser Parameters of Tm-doped Hosts

      Table 1. Emission Cross-section, Emission Lifetime, and Laser Parameters of Tm-doped Hosts

      HostsEmission Cross-section (cm2)Emission Lifetime (ms)Pout (W)η (%)References
      Tm:CaF23.2×10212.99This work
      Tm,Y:CaF24.5×10213.941.01354.8This work

    The fluorescence decay curves of these samples excited by 808 nm pulsed lasers show a single exponential decay behavior, which are shown in Fig. 4. By fitting the decay curves, the lifetimes are obtained to be 2.99 and 3.94 ms in 4% Tm:CaF2 crytal and 4% Tm,4% Y:CaF2 crytal, respectively. The longer lifetime in Tm,Y:CaF2 crystal further proved that codoping Y3+ is beneficial to luminescence. Moreover, compared to other oxide-based laser materials, the lifetime of Tm,Y:CaF2 crystal is relatively long, which is listed in Table 1. Also, longer lifetime also means higher quantum efficiency.

    Fluorescence decay curves at (a) 4 at. % Tm:CaF2 and (b) 4 at. % Tm,4 at. % Y:CaF2.

    Figure 4.Fluorescence decay curves at (a) 4 at. % Tm:CaF2 and (b) 4 at. % Tm,4 at. % Y:CaF2.

    As the absorption and emission cross-section were calculated, the gain cross-section σg could be estimated by the following equation: σg=P·σabs(1P)·σem,where parameter P is the relative inverted population of the involved levels. The gain cross-sections of 4 at. % Tm:CaF2 and 4 at. % Tm,4 at. % Y:CaF2 crystals with the P varying from 0 to 0.4 were estimated and illustrated in Fig. 5. Obviously, the gain cross-section becomes positive when the population inversion level reaches 10%. In particular, the value of Tm,Y:CaF2 is almost two times higher than that of Tm:CaF2 crystal when the value of P is equal to 0.4.

    Gain cross-section at (a) 4 at. % Tm:CaF2 and (b) 4 at. % Tm,4 at. % Y:CaF2.

    Figure 5.Gain cross-section at (a) 4 at. % Tm:CaF2 and (b) 4 at. % Tm,4 at. % Y:CaF2.

    CW laser operations were carried out by inserting an uncoated Tm,Y:CaF2 sample inside a plane–concave laser resonator with water cooling at 13°C, and the setup was shown in Fig. 6. The pump source was a fiber-coupled 792 nm diode laser, delivering a maximum power of 30 W with a core diameter of 105 μm and a numerical aperture of 0.22. The pump beam was expanded into the gain medium by a coupling system of 1:2. M1 was a flat mirror (more than 90% transmission at the pump wavelength and more than 99% reflectivity at the lasing wavelength); M2 was a concave mirror having a radius of 100 mm with output transmissions of 2%, 5%, and 10% around 2.0 μm, respectively. The cavity length was about 90 mm. The laser sample was in dimensions of 3mm×3mm×7mm. Laser operations were demonstrated around 1.97 μm with an LD pumping at 792 nm.

    Schematic of the Tm,Y:CaF2 crystal laser.

    Figure 6.Schematic of the Tm,Y:CaF2 crystal laser.

    As shown in Fig. 7, CW laser operations around 1.97 μm were demonstrated in 4 at. % Tm,4 at. % Y:CaF2. A slope efficiency of 54.8% and a maximum output power of 1.013 W were achieved by using the 5% transmissive output coupler (OC). To the best of our knowledge, this is the highest slope efficiency and largest power reported in Tm3+-doped CaF2 crystals. A comparative study for laser properties of Tm,Y:CaF2 with other oxide hosts is shown in Table 1. The η value of Tm,Y:CaF2 crystal is 54.8%, which is the highest in these hosts. The data indicate that the laser energy conversion efficiency of Tm,Y:CaF2 is lower than those of oxide materials. The laser output power is 1.013 W, which is remarkable. The laser slope efficiencies are 49.9% and 53.6% by using the OCs with transmissions of 2% and 10%, respectively. The maximum output powers are 0.976 and 0.867 W, respectively. In order to protect the crystal, the experiments were done at low incident pump powers. Therefore, higher output power can be achieved with the increasing pump power.

    Output powers versus absorbed pump power with output coupler transmissions of 2%, 5%, and 10%, respectively.

    Figure 7.Output powers versus absorbed pump power with output coupler transmissions of 2%, 5%, and 10%, respectively.

    In summary, CaF2 crystals doped with Tm3+ ions and Y3+ ions are obtained by the TGT. The fluorescent emissions around 1820 nm, corresponding to F43H63 transitions of Tm3+, were observed under the excitation of an 808 nm LD. The emission intensity at 1820 nm increased with codoping of Y3+ ions. Under LD pumping, a maximum CW output power of 1.013 W and a slop efficiency of 54.8% were obtained in the 4% Tm,4% Y:CaF2 crystal. Further studies will foucus on Y3+ doping concentration in Tm:CaF2 for potential CW lasers.

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    Xinsheng Guo, Qinghui Wu, Linyang Guo, Fengkai Ma, Fei Tang, Cheng Zhang, Jie Liu, Bingchu Mei, Liangbi Su, "Highly efficient CW laser operation in 4 at. % Tm3+ and 4 at. % Y3+ codoped CaF2 crystals," Chin. Opt. Lett. 16, 051401 (2018)

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    Paper Information

    Category: Lasers and Laser Optics

    Received: Feb. 9, 2018

    Accepted: Mar. 1, 2018

    Published Online: Dec. 6, 2018

    The Author Email: Bingchu Mei (, Liangbi Su (

