Optical parametric chirped-pulse amplification (OPCPA) has been a popular technique to amplify a broadband optical pulse in recent years
High Power Laser Science and Engineering, Volume. 6, Issue 4, 04000e58(2018)
Design and experimental demonstration of a high conversion efficiency OPCPA pre-amplifier for petawatt laser facility
We present the design and experiment of a broadband optical parametric chirped-pulse amplifier (OPCPA) which provides high conversion efficiency and good beam quality at 808 nm wavelength. Using a three-dimensional spatial and temporal numerical model, several design considerations necessary to achieve high conversion efficiency, good beam quality and good output stability are discussed. To improve the conversion efficiency and broaden the amplified signal bandwidth simultaneously, the nonlinear crystal length and OPCPA parameters are analyzed and optimized with the concept of dissipating amplified idler between optical parametric amplification (OPA) of two crystals configuration. In the experiment, an amplifier consisting of two OPCPA stages of ‘L’ type configuration was demonstrated by using the optimized parameters. An amplified signal energy of 160 mJ was achieved with a total pump-to-signal efficiency of 35% (43% efficiency for the OPCPA stage 2). The output bandwidth of signal pulse reached 80 nm and the signal pulse was compressed to 24 fs. The energy stability reached 1.67% RMS at 3% pump energy variation. The optimized OPCPA amplifier operates at a repetition rate of 1 Hz and is used as a front-end injection for the main amplifier of SG-II 5PW laser facility.
1 Introduction
Optical parametric chirped-pulse amplification (OPCPA) has been a popular technique to amplify a broadband optical pulse in recent years
Before the main amplifier of a petawatt level laser, a pre-amplifier is required to provide signal pulses of tens to hundreds millijoules of energy. Many articles have reported OPCPA amplifier at different wavelengths based on different crystals, and the output energy is from millijoules to sub-joule level
-doped yttrium calcium oxyborate crystal that is highly absorptive at the idler wavelength and transparent at the pump and signal wavelengths, making an experimental OPCPA conversion efficiency of 41%
In this paper, we designed, theoretically simulated and experimentally demonstrated a high conversion efficiency broadband OPCPA system based on BBO crystals, which will be used as the optimized pre-amplifier for Shen Guang-II 5PW (SG-II 5PW) facility at National Laboratory on High Power Laser and Physics (NLHPLP, SIOM, CAS)
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2 OPCPA pre-amplifier design
The current requirement for the pre-amplifier of SG-II 5PW facility is to improve the conversion efficiency while broadening the spectrum bandwidth to support the compressed pulse duration under 30 fs. The pump pulse for OPCPA pre-amplifier is an existing Nd:YAG rod laser used in SG-II 5PW pre-amplifier, which provides hundreds of millijoules energy at second harmonics generation. Our design objective is to extract energy from the pump as much as possible while enlarging spectrum bandwidth and minimizing beam spatial distortion caused by birefringent walk-off.
The overall structure of the OPCPA pre-amplifier ordered front to back is oscillator, stretcher, OPCPA stage 1 and OPCPA stage 2. The designed pre-amplifier schematic and laser path diagram that the following analyses and numerical simulation are in relation to are given in Figure
pulses at 808 nm. The pulse duration is 10 fs and full width at half maximum (FWHM) spectrum bandwidth is about 100 nm. Then the signal is stretched in an Öffner stretcher, after which the chirped signal pulse width is 2.55 ns with the chirp ratio
and spectrum bandwidth of
. The signal energy per pulse becomes approximately 0.2 nJ after the stretcher. The pump laser provides total 450 mJ energy per pulse in 2.2 ns pulse width for the next two OPCPA stages. Pump pulse energy would be split into OPCPA stage 1 and stage 2 by the beam splitter. The repetition rate of OPCPA system is 1 Hz which is determined by the pump laser.
A special design for the OPA configuration is that there are two crystals in one OPA stage, where the two BBO crystals are not cascade. The idler is separated after amplified in the former BBO, and only pump and signal are delivered to the other BBO crystal. The specific two crystal configuration is presented in Figure
, respectively.
2.1 Numerical model
Before an experimental confirmation of our OPCPA design, theoretical analysis and parameter optimization are carried out first. The OPCPA process is numerically simulated by using the slowly varying envelope approximation nonlinear coupled wave equations
In the simulation, the intensities of the signal and pump are assumed to take the following Equations (
2.2 Numerical simulation results
OPCPA stage 1 is in the high gain region of the amplifier, and the gain obeys the small signal gain formula described in Ref. [
to guarantee the power amplification in stage 2. According to Figure
pump intensity, but the bandwidth of 40 mm length is obviously smaller than the other length because of the gain narrowing as shown in Figure
with the parameters given above.
) under 80 mJ pump energy. The other length combination of two crystals is arbitrarily chosen but the total length is kept at 46 mm. There is an obvious energy growth retardation at the beginning of the second BBO crystal because of the idler dissipation in ‘L’ type configuration. However, the signal energy increases rapidly in the second crystal and gets the same output signal gain or even slightly larger than in one long crystal (see the inset in Figure
). This is mainly because of the pump pulse walk-off effect in a long crystal, as shown in Figure
The simulated output signal parameters of OPCPA stage 1 are shown in Table
In OPCPA stage 2, a quantity of energy should be converted to signal from the rest of 370 mJ pump. For obtaining high conversion efficiency here, both spatial and spectrum aspects are deliberated. First, the signal beam from stage 1 is expanded by 5-fold such that the amplified parts can completely match with the pump beam aperture and the pump energy will not be wasted. As to the spectrum, the amplified bandwidth is closely related to the conversion efficiency in stage 2. To reflect the effect of bandwidth optimization on the conversion efficiency, the efficiency bandwidth product (EBP) (EBP equals the product of conversion efficiency and amplified spectrum FWHM) would be the optimizing assessment criteria. Figure
This result can be explained by comparing the OPCPA evolutionary process between different crystal length combinations. Figure
in Figures
In addition to the conversion efficiency and gain bandwidth, the output energy growth curve under the pump energy fluctuation in OPCPA stage 2 is given in Figure
compared to the nominal value of 450 mJ. The most stable region appears at 11 mm length of BBO4, which is marked as point A in Figure
The signal beam shape output from OPCPA stage 2 is shown in Figure
direction, and the walk-off is stronger when the crystal length goes to 9 mm as shown in Figure
3 Experiment
Our optimized OPCPA pre-amplifier has been experimentally demonstrated. All the parameters are the same as the OPCPA amplifier design in Section
, where
is the central wavelength and
is the light velocity.) After the saturation amplification in the BBO3, the dip near 770 nm wavelength was filled up and the FWHM was increased to 65 nm. The final output spectrum from BBO4 was more flattened and the wavelength at the side of the spectrum obtained large energy gain especially around 840 nm. In addition to the influence of idler dissipation, the phase matching in BBO4 was slightly adjusted to make the energy growing easier around 840 nm. The final FWHM of output spectrum bandwidth is broadened to 80 nm and its corresponding transform-limited pulse duration is 12 fs. This experimental phenomenon agrees well with the numerical simulation results shown in Figure
efficiency in the OPCPA stage 2. The efficiency is comparable with that of 41% achieved by OPA
The measured spatial beam profile of the amplified signal is shown in Figure
direction. The compression of the amplified signal pulse was achieved with the main compressor used in SG-II 5PW laser facility
. Therefore, the spatial–temporal couplings among the spatial filters and the compressor will influence the pulse compression. Another reason is that the transform-limited pulse duration of super Gaussian profile is basically larger than Gaussian profile.
While there is not much effective method to suppress optical parametric fluorescence (OPF) during the OPCPA process, we also make some measures to control it as much as possible. First, the pump pulse width must be smaller than that of the signal and they have to be synchronized precisely; second, all of the crystals are cut with
wedge angles at the rear face and coated on the surfaces with 532 nm and 808 nm broadband antireflective films. What is more, the beam expander which also can act as a spatial filter between two OPCPA stages is aligned with a pinhole to suppress the high-frequency modulations and the OPF generated in the amplification. Portion of the OPF transmits as high order angular spectra can be significantly suppressed by the pinholes in the spatial filters.
4 Conclusion
The design and experimental study were carried out for a high efficiency OPCPA pre-amplifier based on the BBO crystal. By introducing ‘L’ type configuration into two OPCPA stages, we theoretically analyzed its effect on the optimization of conversion efficiency, bandwidth and beam quality. In the high gain region such as OPCPA stage 1, the small signal gain does not recede due to the elimination of idler, but the gain is little higher than the traditional OPCPA of one crystal because the spatial walk-off is compensated between two crystals. The conversion efficiency and bandwidth are greatly improved in the OPCPA stage 2, and the back conversion after the saturated amplification can be prevented by dissipating the idler pulse at certain length of first BBO crystal in ‘L’ type configuration. In consideration of energy stability, 16 mm length of BBO3 and 9 mm–10 mm length of BBO4 were finally selected for OPCPA stage 2.
In the experiment, the output spectra of two OPCPA stages are in conformity with the theoretical expectation. The total pump-to-signal efficiency is 35% with output energy of 160 mJ and 1.67% RMS energy stability. The efficiency in OPCPA stage 2 is over 43%, which is a quite high efficiency in one OPCPA amplifier. The new designed OPCPA pre-amplifier will be used in the SG-II 5PW laser facility to improve the performance in the near future.
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Xiao Liang, Xinglong Xie, Jun Kang, Qingwei Yang, Hui Wei, Meizhi Sun, Jianqiang Zhu. Design and experimental demonstration of a high conversion efficiency OPCPA pre-amplifier for petawatt laser facility[J]. High Power Laser Science and Engineering, 2018, 6(4): 04000e58
Received: Jul. 12, 2018
Accepted: Sep. 28, 2018
Posted: Sep. 29, 2018
Published Online: Dec. 27, 2018
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