To date, intense research has been carried out on laser plasma acceleration concepts[
High Power Laser Science and Engineering, Volume. 2, Issue 4, 04000e31(2014)
Conceptual designs of a laser plasma accelerator-based EUV-FEL and an all-optical Gamma-beam source
Recently, intense research into laser plasma accelerators has achieved great progress in the production of high-energy, high-quality electron beams with GeV-level energies in a cm-scale plasma. These electron beams open the door for broad applications in fundamental, medical, and industrial sciences. Here we present conceptual designs of an extreme ultraviolet radiation source for next-generation lithography and a laser Compton Gamma-beam source for nuclear physics research on a table-top scale.
1. Introduction
To date, intense research has been carried out on laser plasma acceleration concepts[
Here we present an extreme ultraviolet (EUV) radiation source for next-generation lithography and a laser Compton Gamma-beam source for nuclear physics research. EUV lithography with wavelengths below 13.5 nm is capable of providing resolution below 30 nm in semiconductor manufacturing. We propose a self-amplified spontaneous emission (SASE) free electron laser (FEL) driven by relativistic electron beams from laser plasma accelerators. For example, this FEL system, capable of generating an average EUV power of 1 kW at 13.5 nm, comprises a fiber-based chirped pulse amplification (CPA) laser delivering a 1 MW average laser power, a 5 cm gas cell-type plasma accelerator producing a 660 MeV electron beam with a 1.6% relative energy spread and a 0.5 nC charge, and a 1 m long undulator with a 15 mm period and a 1.4 T peak magnetic field.
High-quality Gamma beams generated from inverse Compton scattering off relativistic electron beams interacting with an intense laser pulse have aroused interest in photonuclear physics and nuclear astrophysics research, the characterization of nuclear materials or radioactive waste and so on. We present a table-top all-optical laser plasma accelerator-based Gamma-beam source comprising a high-power laser system with synchronous dual outputs, a laser plasma accelerator producing 300–900 MeV electron beams, and scatter optics whereby the laser pulse is focused onto the electron beam to generate a Gamma beam via Compton scattering with photon energies of 2–20 MeV.
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2. Design of laser plasma accelerators for driving electron beams
2.1. Accelerator stage
Most of the laser plasma acceleration experiments that have successfully demonstrated the production of quasi-monoenergetic electron beams with a narrow energy spread have been elucidated in terms of self-injection and acceleration mechanisms in the bubble regime[, peak power
, intensity
, and focused spot radius
is characterized by a normalized vector potential
with respect to the electron rest energy
, given for the linear polarization as
Here we consider the self-guided case, where a drive laser pulse propagates in a homogeneous density plasma. The equations of longitudinal motion of an electron with normalized energy and longitudinal velocity
are written approximately as[
2.2. Beam loading effects
In laser wakefield acceleration, an accelerated electron beam induces its own wakefield and cancels the laser-driven wakefield. Assuming the beam loading efficiency defined by the fraction of plasma wave energy absorbed by particles of the bunch with a root mean square (r.m.s.) radius
, the beam-loaded field is given by
, where
is the accelerating field without beam loading, given by
for the bubble regime
. Thus, a loaded charge is calculated as[
2.3. Injector stage
Electron beams can be produced and accelerated in the injector stage driven by the same laser pulse as that in the accelerator stage, relying on a self-injection mechanism such as the expanding bubble self-injection mechanism[. At a plasma density
in the injector, the required minimum laser field is
. The maximum number of trapped electrons saturates at approximately
at a gas length
for a plasma density
with a nitrogen concentration of
and laser parameters of
due to the beam loading effects and initially trapped particle loss from the separatrix in the phase space. From the particle-in-cell (PIC)-simulation results[
2.4. Design of a SASE FEL
In the SASE FEL process, coupling the electron bunch with a co-propagating undulator radiation field induces an energy modulation of electrons that yields current modulation of the bunch due to the dispersion of the undulator dipole fields, known as microbunching. It means that the electrons are grouped into small bunches separated by a fixed distance that resonantly coincides with the wavelength of the radiation field. Consequently, the radiation field can be amplified coherently. In the absence of an initial resonant radiation field, a seed may build up from spontaneous incoherent emission in the SASE process.
The design of the FEL-based EUV light source is carried out using one-dimensional FEL theory as follows[ and peak magnetic field
at a resonant wavelength
given by
For an EUV light source based on a FEL, a planar undulator comprising alternating dipole magnets is used, e.g., a pure permanent magnet (PPM) undulator with (Nd–Fe–B) blocks or a hybrid undulator comprising PPMs and ferromagnetic poles, e.g., a high saturation cobalt steel such as Vanadium Permendur or a simple iron. For a hybrid undulator, the thickness of the pole and magnet is optimized in order to maximize the peak field. The peak field
of the gap is estimated in terms of the gap
and period
according to
for a gap range
, where
for the hybrid undulator with Vanadium Permendur. Table
mm (Case A), 2 mm (Case B), 3 mm (Case C), 4 mm (Case D), and 5 mm (Case E), respectively. The bunch duration of the electron beam in the injector stage at a plasma density of
is assumed to be
10 fs full-width at half-maximum (FWHM), based on a measurement of the electron bunch duration in a recent laser wakefield acceleration experiment[
, where
is the final beam energy in the accelerator stage, is assumed to be of the order of 10% in the injector stage. After acceleration up to 10 times higher energy in the accelerator stage, the relative energy spread at the final beam energy is reduced to
due to adiabatic damping in the longitudinal beam dynamics. The transverse beam size is tuned by employing a beam focusing system. Figure
2.5. Design of all-optical Gamma-beam source
The design of a Gamma-beam source based on inverse Compton scattering is carried out by using a result of quantum electrodynamics on photon–electron interactions, namely, the Klein–Nishina formula, which gives the differential cross section of photons scattered from a single electron in the lowest order of quantum electrodynamics. In Compton scattering of a laser photon with energy (
for laser wavelength
off a beam electron, the maximum energy of the scattered photon is given by
, where
is the relativistic factor for an electron beam energy
with electron rest mass
and the factor
. In the laboratory frame, the differential cross section of Compton scattering[
3. Conclusion
We present methods for producing EUV light at a wavelength of 13.5 nm from a SASE FEL generated by electron beams from a laser plasma accelerator driven by a fiber-based CPA laser and also for producing a Gamma beam with photon energies of 1–20 MeV via inverse Compton scattering off relativistic electron beams from a laser plasma accelerator. For these practical applications of laser plasma accelerators, it is essential to employ high average power, high efficiency drive lasers operating at high repetition pulse rates (of the order of 300 kHz); the corresponding average power of 1 MW means that the EUV FEL is capable of producing an average radiation power of 1 kW at a wavelength of 13.5 nm and the all-optical Gamma beam source can produce a high-quality photon flux of at 10 MeV energy within a 1% bandwidth. One such high average power laser is a coherent combining fiber laser system[
In both radiation sources, beam transport and imaging from the laser plasma accelerator to the undulator or a focal point of the scatter laser pulse is provided by a beam focusing system that comprises Halbach-type permanent quadrupole magnets made of NdFeB-type rare-earth magnets with a high remanent field[[
inside the wakefield. The transverse beam size in the beam transport optics is given by
, where
is the beta function of the beam optics at the undulator or the scattering point. For Case C in Table
inside the undulator. The electron beam, after passing through the undulator or being scattered by the scatter laser pulse, is bent by the dipole field of a permanent magnet (a beam separator) made of NdFeB material and dumped to a copper beam dump with a water cooling element, while the EUV radiation or the Gamma beam is extracted from a beam separator and directed to an EUV lithography scanner or a photon beam irradiation system.
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Kazuhisa Nakajima. Conceptual designs of a laser plasma accelerator-based EUV-FEL and an all-optical Gamma-beam source[J]. High Power Laser Science and Engineering, 2014, 2(4): 04000e31
Category: High Energy Density Physics and High Power Laser 2014
Received: Jul. 7, 2014
Accepted: Aug. 14, 2014
Published Online: Jan. 13, 2015
The Author Email: Kazuhisa Nakajima (