Laser and Particle Beams, Volume. 2021, Issue 4, 4141522(2021)
Shock Hugoniot Data for Water up to 5 Mbar Obtained with Quartz Standard at High-Energy Laser Facilities
D. Mancelli1,2, I. Errea2,3,4, A. Tentori1, O. Turianska1, H. Larreur1, K. Katagiri5,6, N. Ozaki5,6, N. Kamimura5, D. Kamibayashi5, K. Ishida5, H. Ogura5, K. Kawasaki6, Y. Maeda6, Y. Hironaka6, K. Shigemori6, K. Batani7, G. Schaumann8, O. Rosmej8, P. Neumayer8, B. Zielbauer8, A. S. Martynenko8,9, E. D. Filippov9,10, S. Pikuz9,11, D. Batani1,11, and J. Manuel Perlado
Author Affiliations
1Universitè de Bordeaux CNRS CEA CELIA UMR 5107 F-33405 Talence France2Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC) Donostia/San Sebastián Spain3Centro de Física de Materiales (CSIC-UPV/EHU) Donostia/San Sebastián Spain4Fisika Aplikatua Saila Gipuzkoako Ingeniaritza Eskola University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) Donostia/San Sebastián Spain5Graduate School of Engineering Osaka University Suita Osaka 565-0871 Japan6Institute of Laser Engineering Osaka University Suita Osaka 565-0871 Japan7IPPLM Institute of Plasma Physics and Laser Microfusion Warsaw Poland8GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH-Planckstraß1 64291 Darmstadt Germany9Joint Institute for High Temperatures, RAS 13 Bd.2 Izhorskaya st. Moscow 125412 Russia10Institute of Applied Physics, RAS 46 Ulyanov Str. 603950 Nizhny Novgorod Russia11National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI” 31 Kashirskoe shosse Moscow 115409 Russiashow less
In this work, we present experimental results on the behavior of liquid water at megabar pressure. The experiment was performed using the HIPER (High-Intensity Plasma Experimental Research) laser facility, a uniaxial irradiation chamber of GEKKO XII (GXII) at the Institute of Laser Engineering (ILE), and the PHELIX at GSI (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research), a single-beam high-power laser facility, to launch a planar shock into solid multilayered water samples. Equation-of-state data of water are obtained in the pressure range 0.50–4.6 Mbar by tuning the laser-drive parameters. The Hugoniot parameters (pressure, density, etc.) and the shock temperature were simultaneously determined by using VISAR and SOP as diagnostic tools and quartz as the standard material for impedance mismatch experiments. Finally, our experimental results are compared with hydrodynamic simulations tested with different equations of state, showing good compatibility with tabulated SESAME tables for water.
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D. Mancelli, I. Errea, A. Tentori, O. Turianska, H. Larreur, K. Katagiri, N. Ozaki, N. Kamimura, D. Kamibayashi, K. Ishida, H. Ogura, K. Kawasaki, Y. Maeda, Y. Hironaka, K. Shigemori, K. Batani, G. Schaumann, O. Rosmej, P. Neumayer, B. Zielbauer, A. S. Martynenko, E. D. Filippov, S. Pikuz, D. Batani, J. Manuel Perlado. Shock Hugoniot Data for Water up to 5 Mbar Obtained with Quartz Standard at High-Energy Laser Facilities[J]. Laser and Particle Beams, 2021, 2021(4): 4141522