All-solid-state continuous-wave (CW) single-frequency lasers have been established as efficient devices, capable of generating high stability, low intensity noise, and perfect beam quality[
Chinese Optics Letters, Volume. 20, Issue 3, 031403(2022)
Realization of a continuous-wave single-frequency tunable Nd:CYA laser
We demonstrate an all-solid-state continuous-wave (CW) single-frequency tunable 1.08 µm laser, which is realized by employing a disordered laser medium Nd:CaYAlO4 (Nd:CYA) crystal. The maximal output power of single-frequency 1.08 µm laser is 1 W. By rotating the incident angle of the intracavity etalon (IE), the maximal tuning range of 183.71 GHz is achieved. After the IE is locked to the oscillating longitudinal mode of the laser, the continuous tuning range of 60.72 GHz for 1.08 µm laser is achieved by scanning the cavity length. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of a CW single-frequency widely tunable 1.08 µm laser based on Nd:CYA crystal.
1. Introduction
All-solid-state continuous-wave (CW) single-frequency lasers have been established as efficient devices, capable of generating high stability, low intensity noise, and perfect beam quality[
2. Experimental Design
The configuration of the designed CW single-frequency tunable 1.08 µm laser system is shown in Fig. 1. The figure-eight-shaped ring cavity with the length of 283.84 mm is formed by two plane mirrors , and two plane-concave mirrors , . The curvature radii of both concave mirrors are 50 mm. The input coupler is coated with high transmission (HT) film at 808 nm () and high reflection (HR) film at 1.08 µm (). is coated with partial transmission film (). is coated with HR film at 1.08 µm (). is a dichroic mirror coated with HR film at 1.08 µm () and HT film at 540 nm (). The pump source is a fiber coupled LD with the output power of 15 W at 808 nm (Dilas). Through scanning the LD’s temperature, its wavelength could be precisely tuned to the maximum absorption peak of the Nd:CYA crystal. The core diameter and numerical aperture (N. A.) of the fiber are 400 µm and 0.22, respectively. A telescope system, consisting of two lenses and with focal lengths of 30 mm and 50 mm, respectively, is designed to focus the pump light at the center of the gain medium. The gain medium is an -cut Nd:CYA crystal with the dimensions and Nd-doping concentration of and 1% (atomic fraction), respectively. It is wrapped with indium foil in a copper oven to realize timely temperature adjustment. The temperature of the Nd:CYA crystal is set as 27.79°C. Both ends of the crystal are coated with antireflection (AR) films at both 808 nm and 1.08 µm. The optical diode (OD), composed by a terbium scandium aluminum garnet (TSAG) crystal with the size of surrounded by permanent magnet and a half-wave plate (HWP), is inserted into the resonator to ensure the unidirectional operation of the laser. Compared to a terbium gallium garnet (TGG) magneto-optic crystal, the TSAG crystal plays a greater role in better magneto-optical rotation. A type-I phase-matching lithium triborate (LBO) crystal[
Figure 1.Schematic diagram of the LD-pumped CW SLM tunable dual-wavelength 1.08 µm and 0.54 µm laser. HWP, half-wave-plate; GC, galvanometer scanner; SC, servo controller; PM, power meter; PD, photodetector; WLM, wavelength meter; FWG, function waveform generator; PZT, piezoelectric transducer.
It is well known that the equivalent thermal lens is a critical parameter for the cavity design of diode-pumped all-solid-state lasers[
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Figure 2.Radius of the beam waist in the position of the Nd:CYA crystal versus the thermal focal length.
3. Experimental Results and Discussion
After precisely optimizing the laser system, the stable tunable dual-wavelength laser with good performance is obtained. The output powers of the 1.08 µm and 0.54 µm lasers are recorded by a power meter (PM30, Coherent Co., Ltd.), as illustrated in Fig. 3. The results show that the threshold power of the 1.08 µm laser is 10.53 W. The maximum output powers of the 1.08 µm and 0.54 µm lasers reach 1 W and 34.9 mW, respectively, with the pump power of 13.08 W. The slope efficiency of the 1.08 µm laser is up to 38.04%. The polarization degree of the output 1.08 µm laser is measured by a polarization analyzer (PAX1000IR1/M, Thorlabs Co., Ltd.). The polarization ratio of the 1.08 µm laser is better than 100:1, which is ascribed to the high gain of polarization for the Nd:CYA crystal. The power stability of the 1.08 µm laser in 4 h is recorded in Fig. 4, which illustrates that the power stability is better than . The transverse-mode beam quality of the 1.08 µm laser is measured by employing an meter (M2SET-BP209IR/M, Thorlabs Co., Ltd.). The measured spatial beam profiles as well as corresponding caustic curves are shown in Fig. 5. The results show that the beam qualities of the 1.08 µm laser are and , respectively. The longitudinal-mode structure of the laser is monitored by a scanned temperature-controlled Fabry–Perot cavity (F-P-100, Yuguang Co., Ltd.). The free spectral range (FSR) and finesse of the F-P cavity are 750 MHz and 120, respectively. From the monitored transmission curve shown in Fig. 6, it can be seen that the stable SLM operation is achieved, which benefits from the sufficient nonlinear loss introduced by the frequency-doubled crystal LBO. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first time to achieve a CW single-frequency tunable Nd:CYA laser.
Figure 3.Output power of 1.08 µm and 0.54 µm lasers as a function of the incident pump power.
Figure 4.Measured power stability of the 1.08 µm laser in 4 h.
Figure 5.Beam quality of the 1.08 µm laser.
Figure 6.Monitored longitudinal-mode structure of the 1.08 µm laser.
Combining the IE and Nd:CYA crystal with a broad-band fluorescence spectrum, the wide tuning characteristics of the CW SLM Nd:CYA laser are investigated. Through rotating the incident angle of the inserted IE by continuously varying the voltage supplied to the galvanometer scanner (GC), the coarse tuning ability of IE is firstly recorded by the wavelength meter in Fig. 7. When the incident angle of IE is 0°, the laser wavelength is 1081.4007 nm. With the increase of the voltage supplied to the GC from 0 V to 1.98 V, the wavelength discontinuously decreases from 1081.4007 nm to 1081.1207 nm. In the case of 1.98 V supplied to the GC, the obvious wavelength-hop between 1081.1207 nm and 1081.8282 nm is observed. When further increasing the voltage from 1.98 V to 3.663 V, the measured output wavelength shifts to a shorter wave from 1081.8282 nm to 1081.1120 nm. The experimental results illustrate that the tuning range of the IE is 183.71 GHz, which is consistent with the FSR of the adopted IE. Further, in order to implement the continuous frequency tuning of the laser, we build a phase-lock system consisting of a photodiode (ETX 500, JDSU Corporation), function generator (FG), and homemade SC to lock the IE to the oscillating longitudinal mode of the laser[
Figure 7.The Maximum tuning range of the 1.08 µm laser by rotating the incident angle of IE.
Figure 8.Experimental results of the continuous frequency tuning. (a) Continuous frequency tuning of the 1.08 µm laser versus scanning time. (b) Corresponding power variation of the 1.08 µm laser in the process of continuous frequency tuning.
4. Summary
In summary, we first realize a CW single-frequency tunable 1.08 µm laser by utilizing a Nd:CYA crystal as the laser medium, to the best of our knowledge. The maximal output power of the 1 W CW SLM 1.08 µm laser is attained with the slope efficiency of 38.04%. The measured peak-to-peak power stability in 4 h and beam qualities of the 1.08 µm laser are and , , respectively. Through inserting an IE with thickness of 0.5 mm into the cavity, the maximal tuning range of 183.71 GHz and continuous tuning range of 60.72 GHz with the free mode-hop of the single-frequency 1.08 µm are achieved. The presented CW SLM tunable 1.08 µm laser with good performance could be applied in atomic physics to precisely match the cesium two-photon transition line.
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Huiqi Yang, Pixian Jin, Jing Su, Xiaodong Xu, Jun Xu, Huadong Lu, "Realization of a continuous-wave single-frequency tunable Nd:CYA laser," Chin. Opt. Lett. 20, 031403 (2022)
Category: Lasers, Optical Amplifiers, and Laser Optics
Received: Nov. 4, 2021
Accepted: Dec. 13, 2021
Posted: Dec. 14, 2021
Published Online: Jan. 14, 2022
The Author Email: Huadong Lu (