Inertial fusion energy (IFE) has the potential to make a substantial contribution to meeting world energy needs in the second half of this century.
High Power Laser Science and Engineering, Volume. 3, Issue 1, 010000e4(2015)
Inertial confinement fusion and prospects for power production
As our understanding of the environmental impact of fossil fuel based energy production increases, it is becoming clear that the world needs a new energy solution to meet the challenges of the future. A transformation is required in the energy market to meet the need for low carbon, sustainable, affordable generation matched with security of supply. In the short term, an increasing contribution from renewable sources may provide a solution in some locations. In the longer term, low carbon, sustainable solutions must be developed to meet base load energy demand, if the world is to avoid an ever increasing energy gap and the attendant political instabilities. Laser-driven inertial fusion energy (IFE) may offer such a solution.
1. Benefits of inertial fusion energy
Inertial fusion energy (IFE) has the potential to make a substantial contribution to meeting world energy needs in the second half of this century.
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2. The D–T fusion reaction
The principle of fusion is simple, though its realization on an industrial scale suitable for commercial energy production is technologically extremely demanding. The underlying physics involves the use of powerful lasers to heat a mixture of two hydrogen isotopes, deuterium and tritium, to an extreme temperature of greater than 50 million degrees, whereupon the constituent nuclei fuse to form a helium ion (alpha particle) and a neutron, according to the reaction shown in Figure ).
3. The source of nuclear energy
The energy released in nuclear fusion and fission reactions is derived from the same source. In both, the products of reaction have less mass than the constituents. The mass loss () is released as energy (
) according to Einstein’s familiar equation
, where
is the velocity of light. Since the velocity of light is very large,
, a relatively small mass loss corresponds to a very large energy release.
This loss of mass is illustrated in graphic form in Figure
There are several potential fusion reactions, but the deuterium and tritium reaction has the highest cross section under the conditions attainable on Earth and is thus the most favourable for energy production in the foreseeable future.
4. Physics of thermonuclear fusion
Although the liberated energy from both fission and fusion reactions has the same nuclear origins, there is an important difference between the physics of the two reactions which explains why power production from fusion is so technologically demanding. In the case of fission, some high atomic number nuclei are unstable and undergo spontaneous fission to produce lower atomic number products and energetic neutrons. These reactions occur at room temperature without the need to supply external energy to initiate or sustain them.
The physics of fusion is very different. When light nuclei approach to a separation comparable to their diameter, the strong nuclear force draws them even closer together until they fuse. However, this force only acts over very short distances, while at larger separation the nuclei are subjected to the repulsive Coulomb force which acts to push them apart. Only nuclei with sufficient kinetic energy to overcome the Coulomb barrier can approach closely enough to fuse. At room temperature an insignificant number of nuclei possess such energy, and external heating must be applied. It is the requirement to supply this heat energy that gives rise to the term ‘thermonuclear’.
The height of the Coulomb barrier for deuterium and tritium is 1 MeV, corresponding to a temperature of 10 billion K. Fortunately, quantum mechanical tunnelling enables a significant number of neutrons to penetrate the barrier at lower energy, reducing the heating requirement to 5 keV (50 million K).
These two competing forces are shown in Figure
5. Fuel assembly for a self sustaining reaction
The fusing of nuclei by laser heating is a necessary first step in the energy production process, but this is not sufficient if the fusion process is to be efficient. The solution is to use the laser to heat a small volume of the D–T fuel, a ‘hotspot’, so that fusion reactions occur, and to arrange the geometry of the system so that the fusion energy released is deposited within the hotspot itself, raising the temperature further so that the fusion reactions proceed at a higher rate and heat the surrounding cold D–T fuel. This ‘central hotspot ignition’ approach[
The requirement for self heating of the hotspot region by the products of the laser-initiated reactions gives rise to a fundamental condition for efficient burning of the fuel. The 14 MeV neutron is small, highly energetic, and typically escapes from the central hotspot of the fuel without depositing significant energy. The alpha particle is larger, less energetic and much more likely to deposit its kinetic energy within the hotspot as required. The likelihood of trapping the alpha particle depends simply on the amount of material it must penetrate before leaving the hotspot region. This can be expressed as ‘’ where
is the fuel density and
is the radius of the fuel in the hotspot, as shown in Figure
(Ref. [
We can now investigate the energy required to heat the hotspot region to the temperature at which fusion reactions occur. Consider the hotspot in Figure and density
. The energy required to heat the hotspot to the temperature at which fusion reactions occur,
, is given by the product of the hotspot mass (volume
density) multiplied by the temperature rise
and the specific heat
Thus, by compressing the fuel to high density, the energy needed from the laser is reduced by the compression factor squared. For example, by compressing to a density of , compared with the normal solid density of D–T ice (
), the energy required to heat the fuel is reduced by a factor of
, or six million. It is this inverse square dependence of the ignition energy with density that enables inertial fusion to be brought within the reach of currently available laser driver technology.
In principle, the laser requirement could be reduced further by compressing to even higher densities. In practice, imperfections in the uniformity of the laser beams, the ability to control the laser pulse shape and imperfections in the manufacture of the fuel capsules themselves limit the achievable density to (Ref. [
In laser driven fusion, the laser must perform two distinct functions. First, the D–T fuel must be compressed to the density required to trap the fusion alpha particles; second, the hotspot must be heated to fusion temperature, producing a burn wave that propagates through the entire fuel mass.
Great care must be taken during the compression phase, as premature heating would cause the fuel pressure to increase, requiring increased drive energy from the laser. The solution is to shape the laser pulse so that the compression occurs adiabatically, in the absence of shocks, to keep the fuel temperature low. A further issue is the control of hydrodynamic and laser–plasma instabilities (LPI) during the compression phase, also requiring increased drive. Once the fuel capsule is fully compressed, the laser power is increased rapidly to launch a number of shock waves into the fuel, which coalesce at the centre of the hotspot and raise the temperature to the ignition point. The process of compression and heating by the laser is shown schematically in Figure
6. Experimental proof of principle
The scientific proof of principle of the basis of inertial fusion was demonstrated in a series of underground nuclear tests in the 1980s. Since that time, vigorous experimental and computational programmes have been pursued in the US, France, Japan and elsewhere to demonstrate laser-driven ignition and burn of a D–T fuel capsule.
In 2010, the 192-beam, 1.8 MJ National Ignition Facility (NIF)[
The achievement of first ignition at NIF would mark the culmination of 50 years of intensive research. It would be a full and sufficient demonstration that ICF has progressed from an elusive phenomenon of physics to a predictable, controllable technological process, ready to be harnessed for the benefit of mankind.
In 2016, the Laser Mégajoule (LMJ) facility[
In Japan, the LFEX laser is in the final stages of commissioning and will be fully operational by 2015. LFEX is a high energy petawatt class short pulse facility which has been built alongside the Gekko XII facility at the Institute of Laser Engineering (ILE), Osaka University[
In the UK, scientists have access to unique, large scale, world leading laser facilities – Vulcan[
UK facilities play two important roles in the laser driven fusion mission. First, the NIC in the USA has identified some areas in which the agreement between the latest experiments and simulations is poorer than expected[
7. The HiPER project
Coordinated by the STFC (Science and Technology Research Council) at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, HiPER has created an exceptional opportunity for Europe to partner with the USA and other international partners in the approach to first ignition and to develop an international ‘fast-track’ approach to laser energy.
The HiPER consortium brings together 26 partners from 10 countries whose mission is to provide the scientific, technological and economic evidence to proceed to a demonstration power plant in a single step and at acceptably low commercial risk. A visualization of the HiPER concept is shown in Figure
Studies of the economic viability of laser-driven fusion energy have been conducted for both HiPER and LIFE[
The preparatory phase of the HiPER project ended in April 2013[
8. Technical and commercial challenges ahead
8.1. Physics demonstration
Demonstration of the ignition and burn of a fuel capsule, ‘first ignition’, at NIF, Laser Mégajoule or elsewhere is an essential precursor to major investment in the construction of a prototype power plant[
The experimental programme at NIF has made exceptional progress towards first ignition in recent months, with net energy gain and indications of significant alpha particle heating of the fuel[
8.2. Laser driver
For a commercial power plant, laser driver efficiencies of and repetition rates of
will be required. The NIF laser has been designed for scientific proof of principle of laser-driven fusion on a single shot basis. With an overall efficiency of 0.1% and a repetition rate of two full energy shots per day, the technology on which NIF is based is insufficient to meet the requirement for commercial power production! A dramatic step change in laser technology is therefore clearly required to meet the driver specification. This change is now available through the use of high efficiency laser diodes to replace flashlamps as the source of the optical pump for the laser driver.
Originally developed for use in the telecommunications industry, semiconductor laser diodes provide a highly efficient means of producing very specific, ‘tailored’ wavelengths of light which can be used for efficient pumping of high power laser gain media. This class of device, termed ‘diode pumped solid state laser’ (DPSSL)[
Within Europe, successful DPSSL development programmes are under way at the Central Laser Facility, STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK[ operation at greater than 10% efficiency and all are making encouraging progress. The scaling of such systems to the 10 kJ level and the deployment of
such beams around the fusion chamber to deliver multi-megajoule drive seems entirely feasible.
DPSSL technology has immediate exploitation potential in a wide range of industrial, medical and scientific applications. Furthermore, if the new technology can be delivered at acceptable cost, the high efficiency and low through-life operating costs will displace existing systems while making laser treatment economically viable in new sectors. The potential economic impact of such ‘next generation’ laser technology in the short and medium term provides a strong driver for investment in the technology, driving up the performance of the technology while driving down the cost of installed systems.
9. Energy capture and fuel cycle
Deuterium is an abundant constituent of seawater and can be extracted by chemical means. Tritium, however, is radioactive with a half-life of 12.3 years and must be generated ‘
The reaction of a low energy neutron with lithium-6 is exothermic, adding to energy production, while the lithium-7 reaction is endothermic. Both reactions form tritium, and in the lithium-7 case the neutron is ‘preserved’ so that it can take part in a subsequent lithium-6 reaction. Addition of lithium-7 therefore enables excess tritium to be produced to make up losses and also to generate a surplus for fuelling other fusion power plants.
The LIFE project at LLNL has the most developed concept for energy extraction, based on a simple ‘boiler tube’ blanket design, with a mixture of liquid lithium-6 and lithium-7 isotopes flowing in tubes around the fusion chamber and through heat exchangers.
Engineering expertise and capability associated with liquid sodium cooling of fission reactor cores are readily transferable to fusion energy plants using lithium as the primary coolant. Extraction of tritium from the liquid lithium and its recovery from the waste stream of any unburnt fuel capsules remain to be demonstrated, but, again, substantial expertise exists in the nuclear industry.
10. Fuel capsule production
Possibly the greatest challenge facing energy production from laser-driven fusion is the mass production of fuel capsules to the required quality and cost. Each power plant will require approximately one million fuel pellet targets per day. Commercial modelling from the HiPER preparatory phase indicates a maximum acceptable unit cost for targets of approximately 0.5 Euro/Dollars. In comparison, the current cost of the most complex NIF ignition targets, which are made individually and require many manual assembly steps, exceeds this by more than four orders of magnitude, with production times of several days. Commercial viability of laser-driven fusion power plants clearly requires a completely different approach to manufacturing techniques to increase production rates and reduce cost.
Potential process solutions have been identified, but all need development to meet the systems requirement for commercial power production. As an incentive for development, the new technologies needed for mass production of fuel capsules have very significant commercial potential. Examples include the following[
Microtarget design and manufacturing facilities are associated with high power laser programmes throughout the world. Together, these centres of excellence, in partnership with industry and academia, are ideally placed to make a significant contribution to the field, advancing IFE research worldwide and realizing economic impact in both the short and the long term.
11. Conclusion
Laser-driven IFE is based on the conversion of isotopes of hydrogen into helium through the process of fusion, using lasers as a driver. This technology could be producing energy on the 2050 timescale, with the potential to supply a significant proportion of world energy needs in the following decades.
IFE development is approaching a seminal moment, with proof-of-principle demonstration at the NIF in the USA expected within the next few years. Ignition at NIF or elsewhere will pave the way for a programme of technology development followed by construction of a prototype IFE plant to demonstrate power production on a commercially viable basis.
The HiPER project has defined a path to a commercially attractive prototype plant. The success of HiPER to date has created an exceptional opportunity for international partnerships in the run up to first ignition and thereby for the development of an international ‘fast-track’ approach to laser energy.
Global investment in this field over the next 5–10 years will secure an important stake in this high impact, strategic technology, providing stand-alone benefit to participating nations and positioning them as suppliers of IFE rather than customers of this highly promising technology. The net cost of such an investment would largely be offset by the value of the arising intellectual property and the economic impact of its exploitation in a diverse range of applications in the short and medium term.
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[in Chinese], [in Chinese]. Inertial confinement fusion and prospects for power production[J]. High Power Laser Science and Engineering, 2015, 3(1): 010000e4
Category: regular articles
Received: Jul. 24, 2014
Accepted: Oct. 31, 2014
Published Online: Apr. 14, 2015
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