Point-of-care sensors are pivotal for early disease diagnosis, significantly advancing global health. Surface plasmons, the collective oscillations of free electrons under electromagnetic excitation, have been widely studied for biosensing due to their electromagnetic field enhancements at sub-wavelength scales. We introduce a plasmonic biosensor on a compact photonic integrated circuit (PIC) enhanced by exceptional points (EPs). EPs, singularities in non-Hermitian optical systems, provide extreme sensitivity to external perturbations. They emerge when two or more complex resonating modes merge into a single degenerate mode. We demonstrate an EP in a single coupled nanoantenna particle positioned in a uniquely designed silicon nitride slot-waveguide, which we call a junction-waveguide. By laterally shifting two optically coupled gold nanobars of different lengths, we achieve a single particle EP. The junction-waveguide enables efficient coupling of the plasmonic nanoantenna to the waveguide mode. The system integrates a four-port Mach–Zehnder interferometer (MZI), allowing for simultaneous measurements of the amplitude and phase of EP, facilitating highly accurate real-time eigenvalue extraction. For biosensing, we encapsulated the detection zone with a microchannel, enabling low-volume and simple sample handling. Our single particle integrated EP sensor demonstrates superior sensitivity compared to the corresponding linear diabolic point (DP) system under both local and bulk sensing schemes, even at large perturbations. Our studies revealed that the integrated EP sensor can detect a single molecule captured by the nanobars with the average size ranging from 10 to 100 nm. The proposed EP biosensor, with its extreme sensitivity, compact form, and real-time phase sensing capabilities, provides an approach for detecting and quantifying various biomarkers such as proteins and nucleic acids, offering a unique platform for early disease diagnosis.
【AIGC One Sentence Reading】:A plasmonic biosensor using EPs on a PIC demonstrates extreme sensitivity, enabling real-time detection of single molecules for early disease diagnosis.
【AIGC Short Abstract】:A plasmonic biosensor integrated on a photonic circuit utilizes exceptional points for extreme sensitivity. It features a single nanoantenna particle in a junction-waveguide, coupled to a Mach–Zehnder interferometer for real-time measurements. The sensor detects single molecules, outperforming linear systems, and is suitable for early disease diagnosis by quantifying biomarkers.
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Detection and quantification of analytes such as proteins, nucleic acids, and small molecules in minute quantities provide important information for monitoring human health, food safety, and environmental pollution [1]. One of the most accurate and sensitive techniques to detect these chemicals is using the collective oscillations of free electrons coupled to photons, known as surface plasmon polaritons [2–4]. Surface plasmons shrink the light into the sub-wavelength scale, enabling the sensor to be sensitive to nanometric perturbations [5]. Traditionally, prism-based techniques such as the Kretschmann and Otto [6] configurations are used to implement surface-plasmon-based sensing, providing a highly sensitive platform for label-free monitoring of molecular kinetics such as antibody-antigen interactions [7,8]. However, these setups require free-space optics and are inevitably bulky [9]. Photonic integrated circuits (PICs) provide a versatile platform to transfer bulky free-space optical systems into compact centimeter-scale chips [10,11]. Surface-plasmon-based sensing has been integrated by fabricating metallic waveguides [12,13].
Together with these planar surface plasmon systems, metallic nanoparticles have been used extensively to boost the sensitivity of molecular sensors via the localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) effect [14–18]. In these systems, metallic nanoparticles such as gold act as nanoantennas with a resonant frequency that depends on factors such as the size, shape, and orientation of the plasmonic nanoparticle and the material properties of both the particle and the surrounding medium [14]. Localized sensing using plasmonic nanoantennas has been shown using dark-field microscopy [19] and nanoantennas coupled to PIC resonators [20–22]. However, while surface plasmon polaritons provide enhanced sensitivity due to light-field localization, they suffer from inherent loss, causing resonant broadening and decreased sensitivity [23] compared to dielectric sensors with small mode volumes [24,25]. To circumvent this shortcoming in plasmonic sensors, the idea of using non-trivial topological modes has emerged recently, showing exceptional points (EPs) in the double-layer plasmonic metasurface [26]. This modifies the topology of the system around EP and skews it, reducing the system’s dimensionality [26,27]. EP is defined as a singularity in a non-Hermitian system where two or more eigenmodes coalesce into a single degenerate mode in a complex space [28]. Around EP, the sensitivity is modified from a trivial linear response into a non-trivial square root response, leading to larger enhancements [26,29]. Interferometric measurements [26,30–32] enable the extraction of the eigenmodes regardless of the sharpness of the resonances, unlike sensing based on only intensity measurement that needs high-Q resonances [24,25]. It is worth noting that EPs have been used for many applications including sensing [26,30–33], asymmetric mode switching [34,35], light stopping [36], enhanced non-reciprocity [37,38], and parametric instability [39].
A systematic technique to implement EP is to use parity-time (PT) symmetric resonators, which has restricted the sensor to diffraction-limited scales [40]. However, a recently presented symmetry-breaking method [26] introduces a robust technique to achieve EP in plasmonic systems, which were challenging to implement due to the nanofabrication limits [41]. In the symmetry-breaking technique, the general Hamiltonian of the system is considered, and by shifting distinguished lossy resonating modes, a complex critical coupling is achieved [26]. We show in this article that it is possible to achieve comparable performance by changing the parameter space [see Fig. 1(b)]. We also demonstrate EP for single coupled resonator nanoantennas and a new platform to measure its response by efficiently coupling the nanoantenna to an integrated Mach–Zehnder interferometer (MZI) [42] capable of recording its amplitude and phase in real-time [see Fig. 1(a)]. While there are a few papers about integrated EP sensing [43–45], to our best knowledge, this is the first time showing a single nanoantenna integrated plasmonic EP CMOS-compatible design, with the potential for co-integration with micro/nanofluidics to monitor molecular kinetics in real-time by recording small refractive index perturbations through specific chemical interactions around the plasmonic nanoantenna [see Figs. 1(a), 1(c), and 1(d)].
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Figure 1.Integrated EP sensor. (a) Schematic of the single nanoantenna EP combined with the modified four-port integrated MZI. (b) Energy diagram of the coupled nanobars, illustrating the newly defined parameter space to balance the eigenmodes and achieve EP. (c) Microfluidic encapsulation of the detection zone for low-volume, simple sample handling in a compact biosensing setup. (d) Sensing mechanism of the integrated EP biosensor. Coupled nanobars are functionalized with specific probes to capture target biomarkers (e.g., proteins and nucleic acids) passing through the microchannel. The specifically captured biomarkers perturb the system, leading to complex eigenvalue splitting.
To analyze the complex eigenmodes of the system, we consider two electromagnetically coupled resonators, 1 and 2, representing gold nanobars with lengths and , having complex resonances due to the intrinsic loss of plasmonic materials. The Hamiltonian of the system can be written as Eq. (1): where and are complex resonant modes of resonators 1 and 2, and is the complex coupling between them [46]. From the Hamiltonian of the system, eigenvalues, and [see Fig. 1(b)], can be extracted as Eq. (2):
The term under square root defines the state of the coupled system. At particular value, this term equals zero, causing both complex eigenmodes to coalesce into a single degenerate mode, an EP. It should be noted that, for a general plasmonic system [Fig. 1(b)] the eigenvalues of the coupled system are complex-valued before and after EP. The corresponding is the critical complex coupling, , as written in Eq. (3):
Equation (3) makes it clear that achieving an EP is possible if and only if resonators 1 and 2 are different, at least in real or imaginary parts. Parity-time symmetric systems simplify this process by imposing the constraint that both resonant frequencies are the same, while having balanced gain and loss [40,41]. However, in the general case of two different lossy resonators, this condition is not necessary, and the coupling should be controlled to reach the critical value. In a system with two complex resonators, two parameters are needed to achieve [see Fig. 1(b)]. Original design parameters, described in the first realization of plasmonic EP [26], were lateral displacement between resonators along the electric dipole direction, , and lattice periodicity in the direction perpendicular to the electrical dipole of the antennas, . We present a new parameter space that is and the length difference between coupled resonators, , which opens the possibility of designing single meta-atom plasmonic EP.
B. Enhanced Sensitivity at EP
Working at EP provides higher sensitivity to external perturbations due to the square root eigenvalue splitting behavior compared to the traditional linear splitting in the diabolic point (DP) systems where only the real parts of the eigen frequencies coalesce [26,28,29]. Without loss of generality, to show the square root behavior, a real perturbation can be virtually added to resonator 1 in the corresponding Hamiltonian of the system [Eq. (1)], resulting in the perturbed Hamiltonian, , as written in Eq. (4):
Considering , the complex eigenfrequencies of the coupled system can be simplified as Eq. (5):
Then, the complex eigenvalue splitting, , is defined as Eq. (6):
As the system works at EP, Eq. (6) can be simplified further by implementing the definition from Eq. (3), resulting in Eq. (7):
However, for a system working far from EP (), turns into Eq. (8): where is equal to , showing that the splitting of the system far from EP behaves linearly in response to the applied perturbation, both in real and imaginary parts.
Therefore, perturbation analysis clearly shows that the complex splitting varies with the square root of applied perturbation such as variations of the surrounding medium refractive index and the stronger coupling between resonators makes the system more sensitive.
C. Integrated Mach–Zehnder Interferometry
In an MZI, an input beam splits into two sensing and reference arms [see Fig. 1(a)] and then recombines, in order to measure the relative phase difference, , applied on the sensing arm [42]. The proposed PIC design enables simultaneous measurements of the amplitude of the coupled nanobars [see Figs. 1(a) and 3(a)]. Subtracting the measured intensity at the reference port from the signal port gives the transmittance of the coupled nanobars system; however, the phase extraction requires more considerations. Starting with interfering the sensor and reference arms [phase port, see Fig. 3(aii)], the complex electric field at the phase port can be written as Eq. (9): where and are the electric field amplitude and the phase of the propagating beam and represents the signal, , reference, , and phase, , ports. The measured intensity at the phase port can be described as Eq. (10): where shows the measured intensity at port , and equals . Hence, by rewriting Eq. (10), can be expressed as Eq. (11): where and are the ratios of and to , and is the normalized with respect to its value for the chip without the coupled nanobars in the sensing arm to compensate for the different loss experienced by the phase port relative to the signal and the reference ports. Hence, using Eq. (11), the outputs of the designed PIC can be converted to the relative phase difference to monitor extremely small variations in due to the very stable and less noisy phase signal [44,47].
A. Parameter Space Sweep to Reach EP
The introduced parameter space [see Fig. 1(b)] enables reaching EP in single coupled resonators by relaxing the need for an array and periodicity manipulation. Our designed system consists of two optically coupled gold nanobars placed in proximity (e.g., 30 nm apart) with different lengths, providing two distinct resonating modes in an uncoupled system. In previously demonstrated plasmonic EP, light couples from free-space [26]; however, to achieve an integrated EP, we must couple the guided light to the resonating system. The most straightforward coupling method is to place the nanobars on top of the waveguide. However, the nanobars only interact with the evanescent tail of the guided mode leading to a negligible modulation of the waveguide transmission, both in amplitude and phase [48].
To solve this problem, we designed a new type of slot-waveguide, called junction-waveguide [see Fig. 1(a)], enabling direct coupling of the resonating system with the guided mode in the low-refractive-index region (e.g., 1.33 for water in this case [49]), leading to a more pronounced impact on the guided mode [see Fig. 2(a)].
Figure 2.Parameter sweeping. (a) Cross-section of the coupled nanobars placed inside the junction-waveguide. The in-plane (-axis) component of the guided mode electric field at the crossline cutting through the middle of the gap shows the junction-waveguide enables the inserted nanoantenna to interact with the peak of the guided mode. Insets show guided mode electric field distribution, before and inside the gap, respectively. (b), (c) Resonant frequency and loss rate of the coupled nanobars system eigenvalues versus and , varying from 0 to 100 nm and from 10 to 40 nm, respectively. The crossing between two eigenmode planes determines the EP at and , as depicted by the star. The length of the larger nanobar is 220 nm, the width and height of both are 40 nm, and the gap size is set to 30 nm. It should be noted that the provided approach is called Reimann analysis, enabling EP characterization by monitoring the residuals of the complex extracted eigenvalues through the S-matrix fitting method [26,50,51]. (d), (f) Resonant frequency crossing, loss rate crossing, and the norm of the -direction magnetic field, , distribution at cross-section, showing eigenvalue real parts crossing. (g)–(i) Resonant frequency crossing, loss rate crossing, and the norm of the -direction magnetic field, , distribution at cross-section, showing eigenvalue imaginary parts crossing. Note that the eigenmode field distributions switch for the loss rate crossing case; however, they remain the same after the crossing point for the resonant frequency crossing case. All numerical modeling has been done using COMSOL Multiphysics (version 6.1).
The junction-waveguide is designed by cutting a ridge waveguide from the middle and tapering each end to focus the beam into a 200 nm gap, where coupled nanobars are located [see Fig. 1(a)]. The tapered ends of the junction-waveguide enable highly efficient beam propagation through a sub-wavelength gap and enhance the coupling efficiency with the inserted nanobars (parameters are given in Fig. 3 caption). The complex eigenvalues were analyzed in the parameter space of the system, and the resonant frequencies and loss rates of modes A and B are plotted in Figs. 2(b) and 2(c). Note that we can only move towards EP, since reaching EP as a singularity is not possible. A crossing point representing the EP is clearly observed for and and is depicted by the star. To clearly show the system transition from resonant frequency crossing towards loss rate crossing, we present two cross-sections of the parameter sweep at and , before and after the EP [see Figs. 2(d), 2(e) and 2(g), 2(h)]. It is evident that modes A and B distributions switch after the crossing point in cases where the system encounters loss rate crossing, compared to the consistent mode shape for resonant frequency crossing situations [see Figs. 2(f) and 2(i)]. Therefore, using the newly defined parameter space, we demonstrated all features of free-space EP devices while enabling single coupled resonators system EP on an integrated platform.
Figure 3.PIC design and analysis. (a) The modified four-port integrated MZI combined with single particle EP (i). Detailed demonstration of field splitting at each node of the circuit (ii). (b) The norm of electric field distribution of the TE mode, shown at the waveguide (1000 nm width and 220 nm thickness) cross-section (i), along the edge coupler (start-width of 200 nm, end-width of 1000 nm, and 1000 μm tapering region length) (ii), S-bending (Bezier curve with 46 μm length and 3 μm vertical shift) (iii), Y-splitter (combination of two Bezier S-bendings with length of 6 μm and vertical shift of 3 μm) (iv), and the junction-waveguide (minimum width of 300 nm and gap of 200 nm, with 400 nm tapered length) in the reference (v) and the sensing arm (vi). All distributions are derived at a 1400 nm wavelength, and the corresponding scaling ratio is shown at the bottom of each distribution. Note, the curvature of the bends for rerouting the outgoing ports is set to 40 μm. (c), (d) Measured intensities at reference (ref.), signal, and phase ports, for without and with coupled nanobars in the sensing arm cases. (e), (f) Extracted transmittance and phase of the coupled nanobar using the measured intensities at three output ports of the circuit, showing excellent agreement with the individually modeled coupled nanobars in the junction-waveguide. Note that we assumed uniform buffer concentration across the microchannel covering the sensing and reference arms. The PIC components design and the network analysis have been done using Ansys Lumerical (version 2022 R1.4).
Monitoring small eigenvalue splitting requires accurate simultaneous amplitude and phase measurements. To achieve the integrated monitoring of these quantities, we combine our single particle integrated EP system and the junction-waveguides with a four-port integrated MZI [see Fig. 3(a)]. The photonic integrated circuit (PIC) components include edge couplers to couple broadband beams (1000–1400 nm) in and out of the circuit, Y-splitters and combiners to separate the beam into the reference and sensing arms and recombine them for interference measurements, and junction-waveguides to efficiently couple the guided mode to the coupled nanobars system [see Figs. 3(a) and 3(b)]. Note that all the components have been inversely designed to achieve optimized performance.
To accurately extract the complex eigenvalues of the coupled gold nanobars system, we need to measure a spectrum in a band of about 400 nm. Therefore, even the best grating couplers with an ultra-broadband working spectrum (e.g., [52]) cannot be used in our circuit, leading us to use edge couplers instead, due to their higher efficiency in broadband light coupling [53]. The waveguide material is designed to be silicon nitride, (refractive index [54]), to provide better coupling to the surrounding water (refractive index [49]) than silicon, Si (refractive index [55]).
The designed four-port integrated MZI outputs three intensities: the reference, the signal, and the phase, allowing for simultaneous amplitude and phase measurements of the material in the sensing arm junction [see Figs. 3(a) and 3(c), 3(d)]. By measuring the output intensities for PICs with and without the coupled nanobars [see Figs. 3(c) and 3(d)], we can precisely extract the transmittance and phase of the plasmonic system [see Figs. 3(e) and 3(f)]. Utilizing complex S-matrix fitting [50,51], the transmittance and phase values can be translated into the system eigenvalues. It should be noted that while transmittance measurements alone can provide sufficient data to extract eigenvalues, the highly sensitive phase measurements, due to their inherent background noise stability, enable the detection of very small deviations from the designed point.
C. Sensing Performance
The designed integrated EP biosensor is combined with a microchannel, covering the detection zone [see Figs. 1(c) and 1(d)], to sense biomarkers through specific attachment to the functionalized gold nanobars. Attracted particles locally vary the refractive index of the medium surrounding the nanobars, leading to complex eigenvalue splitting. To assess the sensing performance of the integrated EP, we studied the system response under different perturbation scenarios. First, the refractive index of the medium around the nanobars was varied uniformly to analyze the complex eigenvalue splitting under bulk and local refractive index changes (see Fig. 4). We compared both DP (where only resonant frequencies are crossing) and EP to show the superior performance of the latter.
Figure 4.Sensing performance. (a), (b) Resonant frequency and loss rate splitting of EP and DP systems under bulk refractive index perturbation. (c), (d) Resonant frequency and loss rate splitting of EP and DP systems under local refractive index perturbation. Note that EP complex splitting follows the square root response while DP behaves linearly. Under the perturbed region, EP has a superior response, especially its loss rate splitting under local perturbation, showing about five times enhancement compared to the DP case. Note that the DP system shows negative loss rate splitting. The perturbed area is depicted in red. Note that we assumed the buffer solution has the same concentration across the sensing and reference arms.
Under bulk and local perturbations, we observed the expected square root behavior in both resonant frequency and loss rate splitting. However, the bulk perturbation, which includes a much larger perturbed volume, only enhanced the observed splitting by less than 20% compared to the local perturbation covering 10 nm around each nanobar. This is due to the strong localized surface plasmons around the corners of the nanobars. Moreover, the loss rate splitting shows a stronger response compared to resonant frequency splitting, highlighting the importance of phase sensing for more sensitively induced scattering measurements. In contrast to EP’s square root behavior, DP shows a linear response with smaller splitting even at high perturbation values, especially under local perturbation, revealing that the turnover point has been significantly shifted compared to the free-space EP metasurface [26]. Additionally, the loss rate splitting shows negative splitting with about five times less splitting compared to the EP design, emphasizing the superior performance of the integrated EP sensor. Note, in practice, the local refractive index perturbation may be accompanied by variations in the buffer solution refractive index value (bulk refractive index); however the observed combined effect on the sensitivity of the sensor is minimal under practical buffer solution content variations (see Fig. 6). The presented EP sensor with best refractive index sensitivity of about 536 nm/RIU outperforms state-of-the-art photonics sensors, VINPix and Slotted-VINPix, with sensitivities around 356 and 437 nm/RIU, respectively [24]. It should be noted that the integrated EP performance will depend on the quality of the fabrication as described in Appendix B.
The second and more realistic sensing scenario we investigated is based on randomly attached nanoparticles with an average diameter of 10 nm and 100 nm, representing proteins and exosomes, respectively. We analyzed the system’s response under 10 random distributions of particle attachments with a defined number of particles among both nanobars, and recorded the corresponding complex splitting, assuming uniform functionalization of the gold nanobars (see Fig. 5).
Figure 5.Single particle sensing. (a)–(d) Resonant frequency and loss rate splitting for up to 10 randomly captured nanoparticles with an average size of 10 nm (refractive index [25]) (a), (b) and 100 nm (c), (d). Note that the measurements have been repeated 10 times. The recorded splitting shows single molecule sensitivity of the integrated EP biosensor. (e), (f) Standard deviations of the measured complex splitting for 10 and 100 nm particles, clustering captured targets with more than seven particles for 10 nm size and more than one particle for 100 nm size. Note that the resonant frequency and loss rate splitting were not calibrated, causing to have non-zero values at zero perturbation. These residual values exist due to the fact that reaching an exact EP is not possible and we only are in the vicinity of the EP. It should be noted that we considered that all flouting particles were washed out after the standard washing step and only the specifically attached particles remained on the gold nanobars.
The induced complex splitting for both types of particles exhibits non-linear and fluctuating behavior, complicating the sensing process, as demonstrated by the comparison of resonant frequency and loss rate splitting [see Figs. 5(a)–5(d)]. However, our statistical analysis revealed that the standard deviations of the complex splitting can be used to cluster the number of attached particles [see Figs. 5(e) and 5(f)]. Specifically, for 10 nm particles, we can determine if more than seven particles are attached, as the standard deviation values show a noticeable increase. For 100 nm particles, this method is sensitive enough to detect a single attached particle, given the significant distinctions in the loss rate splitting standard deviation (at single attached particle level). Note that the standard deviation values for 100 nm attached particles are an order of magnitude greater than those for 10 nm particles, enabling precise single molecule detection [see Figs. 5(e) and 5(f)]. Therefore, we have developed a single molecule sensitive biosensor capable of not only detecting individual particles but also clustering the number of particles through statistical analysis of the measured splitting. Note, the single molecule sensing technique relies on the statistics of the complex splitting rather than the actual values; however, for a larger concentration of particles, the sensing strategy is similar to the explained method for the local refractive index variation analysis. A larger number of particles around gold nanobars can be estimated as a uniform medium with an effective refractive index corresponding to the concentration of particles [56]. Regarding the sensitivity to quantum noise, we note that we proposed a classical sensor, and the latter has been shown to be limited by manufacturing disorder [26]. Quantum noise analysis of EP sensors has been discussed in recent papers [57–60].
In this article, we presented a novel approach to achieve integrated EP for a general plasmonic system, requiring at least two distinct resonators, demonstrating a single particle EP for the first time. The designed EP system was inserted into the modified four-port integrated MZI by inventing a new type of slot-waveguide, called the junction-waveguide, to enhance the coupled nanobars’ interaction with the guided mode. We demonstrated on-chip amplitude and phase measurements of the EP system using the designed PIC, showing a systematic approach to monitor complex eigenvalue splitting under different types of perturbations. Through perturbation analysis, we demonstrated the superior performance of the integrated EP, showing a square root response compared to the linear behavior of the DP system. Our analysis revealed that the designed sensor has single molecule sensitivity for nanoparticles with an average size of 100 nm (e.g., exosomes) and is capable of distinguishing as few as eight nanoparticles with an average size of 10 nm (e.g., proteins) using sensing statistics analysis. The novel introduced integrated EP biosensor has great potential in revolutionizing point-of-care technologies by providing a compact single molecule sensitivity platform for early disease diagnosis.
In the local refractive index perturbation analysis [Figs. 4(c) and 4(d)], we focused only on the role of perturbation around the gold nanobars; however, the buffer solution content may vary in the practical sensing scenarios, causing bulk refractive index variations together with the local one. We studied the effect of combined refractive index perturbation by repeating the same local sensing analysis for different bulk refractive index values (see Fig. 6).
Figure 6.Effect of bulk refractive index on the local sensing response. (a), (b) Resonant frequency and loss rate splitting of the integrated EP sensor designed at 1.33 buffer solution refractive index with applied local refractive index perturbations. The study shows that the bulk refractive index variation slightly decreases the sensitivity of the EP sensor, especially at higher local perturbation values. Note, 0.01 increase in the buffer refractive index is equivalent to 5% increase in the NaCl concentration [24], so 0.1 can be considered as 50% increase in NaCl, already existing in the buffer solution, which may not be achievable, revealing the negligible effect of buffer content variations on the sensing performance of the EP sensor. Fitted curves are all square root functions.
Our analysis revealed that the buffer solution refractive index variation has a minimal effect of the observed frequency and loss rate splitting, considering the practical refractive index variation range, especially for small local refractive index perturbation values. For instance, increasing NaCl concentration by 5% is equivalent to 0.01 increase in the bulk refractive index values [24], meaning that the maximum variation considered in our study, 0.1, requires 50% increase in NaCl, which may not be achievable in practice, revealing the negligible effect of the buffer solution variations on the local sensing response of the EP sensor.
To analyze the effect of fabrication errors on the system complex splitting, we considered variations in key parameters, and , which corresponds to the typical precision of the e-beam lithography (EBL) nanofabrication technique (see Fig. 7).
Figure 7.Effect of fabrication errors. (a), (b) Resonant frequency and loss rate splitting of the integrated EP sensor with maximum of variations in and relative to the EP case. Results show the asymmetric effect of variations on the system performance with over 12 THz and 15 THz maximum splitting in the resonant frequency and loss rate, respectively. However, deviation has more symmetrical effect with smaller maximum splitting compared to deviation. (c), (d) Resonant frequency and loss rate splitting of the EP sensor and deviated cases ( and ) versus locally perturbed refractive index. In general, the deviated system shows smaller sensitivities compared to the EP case. Especially, loss rate splitting of the deviated case remains unaffected under local refractive index variations. Note, in all cases, the splitting is calibrated with respect to the value at . Fitted curves are all square root functions.
Our study reveals that the fabrication errors can significantly deviate the system from EP; however, the sensor can still detect the refractive index perturbations with slightly reduced sensitivity, using at least one of the splitting components (see Fig. 7). We found that variations can affect the system response more severely than variations, as observed in the loss rate splitting versus applied local refractive index perturbations, showing no significant deviations from the reference point [see Fig. 7(d)]. Our study reveals that the fabrication method and its accuracy are very crucial in achieving integrated EP sensors with ultra-high sensitivities.
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