Due to the sub-nm feature size of typical atomic or molecular structures, the sub-nm-confined optical field is fundamentally important for exploring light-matter interaction on the bottom and pushing the limit of optical technology ranging from super-resolution nanoscopy [1–3] and molecular spectroscopy [4–6] to atom/molecule manipulation [7–9]. Current available approaches to such fields mostly rely on plasmonic field localization, by which effective field confinement down to the 1- or sub-nm (i.e., , where is the vacuum wavelength) level has been successfully realized [2,4,10–15]. However, due to the high optical loss and large wave vector of an extremely confined plasmonic mode, challenges such as thermal issues (e.g., thermal noise and damage caused by optical absorption [16,17]) and momentum mismatch between the confined and outside free-space fields [18] remain. Recently, sub-nm-confined optical fields generated in slit modes of coupled-nanowire pairs have been demonstrated [19,20]. Relying on coherently polarized bound electrons between two opposite hexagonal nanowire vertex edges, a point-like field with optical confinement down to sub-nm was obtained. While such fields have typically quasi-zero-dimensional cross-sections, an optical field having higher-dimensional cross-section is expected to offer higher flexibility and/or efficiency in some circumstances, as shown in the light sheet for far-field super-resolution optical microscopy [21,22].
In this work, we propose generating a nanoscale blade-like optical field with sub-nm thickness in a coupled nanofiber pair (CNP). Similar to that in the coupled nanowire pair [20], when two nanofibers are placed in parallel with a central slit down to the 1 nm level, a -like nano-slit waveguiding mode with an extremely confined optical field can be obtained. However, unlike a hexagonal crystalline nanowire that typically has a 1-nm-scale diameter of the corner edge, a cylindrical glass nanofiber used here has a 100-nm-scale diameter, offering the slit an additional dimension (i.e., expanding the projection of the slit from a point-like to a line-like shape in the cross-section) for confining the central field to a blade-like profile in spatial distribution of the near-field intensity.
Previously, coupled modes in a CNP with a slit size down to 1 nm level have been studied under weak coupling conditions [23–26]. However, due to the strong mode coupling feature of a CNP in such cases (e.g., both the ratio of diameter to wavelength and the slit width are small), especially that a sub-nm-confined field can be obtained only in a slit waveguiding mode generated by strong mode coupling of the waveguiding modes of individual nanofibers, weak coupling approximation is not suitable in such cases.
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Here, under the strong coupling condition, we investigate the slit waveguiding mode in a CNP and demonstrate a sub-nm thickness blade-like field around the slit region for the first time. The peak-to-background intensity ratio (PBR) of the confined field, fiber coupling scheme, modal field evolution, and waveguide dispersion are also studied.
A. Configuration of the CNP
The configuration of the CNP and the waveguiding nano-slit mode are schematically illustrated in Fig. 1(a). The CNP is formed by placing a pair of nanofibers closely in parallel. One end of the CNP having a flat end face is used as the output face, and the other end with one nanofiber connecting to a standard fiber (through a fiber taper) serves as the input port. The light input from the standard fiber is adiabatically transmitted through the fiber taper, coupled into the CNP waveguide, and finally converted into a -like nano-silt mode as a result of strong mode coupling between fundamental modes of the two individual nanofibers (i.e., modes). Relying on the coupled oscillation of polarized bound electrons around both sides of the slit, the nano-slit mode can provide a blade-like optical field with a high PBR in the cross-section of the CNP [Fig. 1(b)].

Figure 1.(a) Schematic illustration of generating a nanoscale blade-like optical field in a CNP. (b) Close-up profile of the field around the slit in (a). The inset illustrates cross-sectional distribution of the polarized charge density.
Practically, benefitting from sub-nanometer roughness of a glass nanofiber surface [27,28] that is similar to that of melt formed glass surface [29,30], when two nanofibers are assembled in close contact in parallel, the CNP can naturally form a central slit in width. Meanwhile, material-rich nanofibers with high refractive indices and negligible absorption loss, such as glass nanofiber from near- to mid-infrared bands and glass nanofiber from ultraviolet to near-infrared bands, can be used to support the nano-slit mode in a wide spectral range. Also, it is worth mentioning that, in recent years, high-quality nanofibers have been reported for ultra-low-loss [31–33] and high-power optical waveguiding [34], making it possible to generate nanoscale blade-like optical fields with high peak power.
B. Nanoscale Blade-Like Optical Fields in Waveguiding Nano-Slit Modes
Generally, we use commercial software of Maxwell’s equations solver (Lumerical FDTD and COMSOL) to simulate mode evolutions in the CNP in three dimensions. Here, to obtain the spatial distribution of the nano-slit modes at the output end of the CNP with high precision, we mesh the area around the nano-slit with a minimum size of 0.01 nm. To avoid an intolerable amount of computation in the 3D simulation, we used a 2D-COMSOL simulation to calculate the field distribution in an glass CNP with wavelength ()-dependent refractive index () of the glass shown in Fig. 6 (Appendix A). As a more precise approximation, we assume a V-shaped linearly changing index profile across the slit (Fig. 7 in Appendix A), while providing typical results calculated with a step-index profile for reference (Figs. 7 and 8 in Appendix A).
For an individual nanofiber, the fundamental mode is an mode. When the two nanofibers are placed in parallel and close contact, strong mode coupling occurs. Since the diameter of the nanofibers discussed here is relatively small, we plot only the lowest four eigenmodes. The spatial distribution of normalized electric field vectors and surface polarized bound charge density of the four lowest modes in an CNP with a nanofiber diameter () of 200 nm and a slit width () of 1 nm at 640 nm wavelength are shown in Figs. 2(a)–2(d). It is worth noting that the field intensity confinement and intensity within the slit in -like mode are much higher than those in other modes (here are -, -, and -like modes), which can be attributed to the high polarized charge density with opposite signs gathered at a separation of only 1 nm [Fig. 2(a2)]. For comparison, the separations between oppositely polarized charges are much larger in the other three modes.

Figure 2.Four lowest eigenmodes of the CNP waveguide. Normalized electric field distribution and surface polarized bound charge density distribution of (a) -like, (b) -like, (c) -like, and (d) -like modes in an CNP with at 640 nm wavelength, respectively. The white arrows indicate the electric field vectors of the modes. The scale bar in (a) applies to (b)–(d). (e)–(g) Diameter-dependent of the four lowest modes of a free-standing CNP at (e) 640 nm, (f) 1550 nm, and (g) 4.5 μm wavelength, respectively. The light-yellow-shaded areas represent the selected diameter areas in this work. The dashed black lines indicate the refractive index of the air.
Benefitting from the broadband transparency of glass (from 570 nm to 5 μm, shown in Fig. 6), the nano-slit mode in an glass CNP can be obtained within a broad spectral range. Figures 2(e)–2(g) show -dependent effective refractive index () of the four lowest modes in the CNP at visible (640 nm), near-infrared (1550 nm), and mid-infrared (4.5 μm) wavelength. Due to the different cutoff diameter of each mode, it is possible to support -like mode only and eliminate all other modes by selecting a proper . However, in experiment, the inaccuracy in diameter measurement [35] and the varying refractive index of the material under different waveguiding power and temperature [36,37] make it difficult to precisely determine the cutoff diameter, although choosing a larger is easier for micromanipulation in experiment. Fortunately, the polarizations of the - and -like modes are almost orthogonal, making it possible to selectively launch the -like mode by controlling the polarization of the input fiber mode. Therefore, in the following text, we consider the CNP that supports the lowest two modes only (i.e., - and -like modes) and selectively launch the -like mode by selecting the polarization of the input mode.
Figures 3(a)–3(c) show the field intensity distribution of a typical -like mode in an glass CNP with and at 1550 nm wavelength, in which a nanoscale blade-like optical field is clearly seen. In the central slit, the dominant peak offers an extremely tight field confinement of 0.28 nm ( axis) and 38.3 nm ( axis) in the full width at half-maximum (FWHM), with a peak intensity much higher () than the average intensity of the whole mode field. Besides the central dominant peak, there are two side peaks in the background field due to the dielectric noncontinuity at the edge of the CNP. For reference, Fig. 3(d) shows the two side peaks (peak2), which are 18.5 dB lower in intensity compared with the central peak (peak1). It is worth mentioning that, unlike the plasmon mode that can wholly break the diffraction limit, the -like mode here as a whole is diffraction limited with an effective mode area of about [, ]. Despite its ultra-strong field intensity, the central peak contains only a very small fraction of the total mode power, agreeing well with the low momentum mismatch between the confined field and the free space. As shown in Figs. 3(e) and 3(f), the central peak region of the -like mode accounts for 0.036% of the effective mode area and confines 0.88% of the total power. In addition, we have also calculated the dependence of fractional power confined in the central peak on and [Fig. 3(g)], showing that the fraction of the power confined in the central peak increases with and .

Figure 3.Sub-nm-confined optical fields in the nano-slit mode of an CNP. (a) 3D plot of the normalized cross-sectional field intensity distribution of the -like nano-slit mode of an CNP with and at 1550 nm wavelength. (b), (c) Field intensity distribution along the horizontal ( axis) direction () and the vertical ( axis) direction (), respectively. The dotted black lines in (b), (c) indicate the projection of spatial distribution of field intensity of the -like mode along the horizontal and the vertical direction, respectively. (d) Field intensity distribution along the -axis direction with . For better clarity, a profile is also plotted as dotted lines. (e) Overall distribution of Poynting vector in the direction () around the CNP cross-section. The closed white line indicates the boundary of the effective mode area. (f) distribution around the slit cross-section. The closed white line indicates the contour of (0,0)/2, marking the profile of the central blade-like field. (g) Dependence of the fraction power in the central confined field over the total mode power on slit widths and diameters at 1550 nm wavelength.
To investigate the behavior of PBR that is critical for practical applications (e.g., a large PBR is desired to obtain a high signal-to-noise ratio), we calculated the dependence of the PBR and FWHM of the dominant peak on and (normalized diameter) in an glass CNP. Figure 4(a) gives -dependent PBR with at 1550 nm wavelength. It shows that, when increases from 1 to 40 nm, the PBR decreases monotonously from 23.8 dB to 15.9 dB, while the FWHM increases monotonously from 0.28 nm (in axis) and 38.3 nm (in axis) to 39.4 nm (in axis) and 119.9 nm (in axis). Figures 4(b) and 4(c) show -dependent PBRs and FWHMs with typical values for visible () and near-infrared () bands, respectively. The results show that, within the two calculated spectral ranges, when increases, the PBRs decrease slightly and the FWHMs in axis decrease evidently, while that in the axis keeps almost a constant (e.g., 0.28 nm with ). The large difference in FWHM and its dependence in the and axes offers an opportunity to generate a nanoscale blade-like field with different geometries. For example, with a similar of about 0.19 and , a blade-like field launched by 1550 nm wavelength light with has a axis width (38.3 nm) twice that of the field launched by 640 nm wavelength light with [Fig. 4(d)], while the axis thicknesses at (i.e., the minimum thickness), 0.25 nm and 0.28 nm for 640- and 1550-nm-wavelength light are very close.

Figure 4.(a) Slit-width-dependent PBR and FWHM of the field intensity of the -like modes in an CNP with the at 1550 nm wavelength. -dependent PBR and FWHM of the field intensity of the -like modes with in an CNP with (b) and (c) 300 nm, respectively. (d) Cross-sectional electric field intensity of a -like mode in a CNP with and (up) and 300 nm (down) at 640 nm and 1550 nm wavelength, respectively. The closed white line indicates the contour of (0,0)/2. Scale bar is 10 nm.
C. Mode Evolution and Dispersion of Nano-Slit Modes in CNPs
As illustrated in Fig. 1(a), to simplify the launching structure, we propose using a nanofiber with one side connected to a standard fiber via a fiber taper (i.e., the nanofiber is naturally tapered down from the standard fiber). To obtain a high coupling and converting efficiency, we propose a waveguiding launching scheme including an adiabatic mode transition and side coupling with a matched effective refractive index (). Figure 5(a) gives a typical example of such a launching structure for 1550-nm-wavelength light with . The input mode from a single-mode fiber (i.e., mode) with horizontal polarization is first converted into the nanofiber mode (i.e., mode) via a fiber taper with a tapering angle of (to ensure an adiabatical mode transition [38]) and then evanescently coupled into the CNP when it reaches the overlapping area. As of an individual nanofiber is evidently smaller than that of the CNP, to match the in the evanescent coupling process, the overlapping of the second nanofiber starts from the taper region of the launching fiber [a 2-μm-length taper is long enough for ensuring an intersection point between of the launching fiber taper and the CNP, as shown in Fig. 5(b)]. Owing to the small diameter of the nanofiber, the slight bending of the second nanofiber can be realized by either elastic [39] or plastic [27] bending.

Figure 5.(a) Schematic illustration of the coupling structure. (b) Diameter-dependent effective refractive index of taper at 1550 nm wavelength. The orange-shaded area represents the overlapping area. (c) Broadband coupling efficiency and mode purity of the -like nano-slit mode in an CNP with and . (d) Wavelength-dependent and dispersion of the nano-slit mode in an CNP with and .
The light coupled into the CNP will evolve into -like nano-slit mode while propagating along the CNP. Our calculation shows that, after waveguiding through the propagation area ( in length) in CNP, the mode is output from the end of the CNP as a high-purity nano-slit mode. Owing to a tapering profile and thus a wide-range of the input fiber taper, the waveguiding scheme can be operated within a broad spectral range. For example, within about 800 nm bandwidth (from 1016 to 1870 nm wavelength), the mode purity of the nano-slit mode is higher than 90%, with a maximum of 98.3%. From 1.1 μm to 1.8 μm wavelength, the coupling efficiency of the excited nano-slit mode is higher than 90%, with a maximum efficiency approaching 98.1%, as shown in Fig. 5(c). The slight impurity may come from the forward scattering fields (due to the breakage of the symmetry of the waveguiding structure) and/or a very weak -like mode (due to the non-strictly orthogonal polarization with TE-polarized mode) that may be excited during the mode coupling and evolution processes.
Also, we investigated the group velocity () and dispersion of the -like mode around 1550 nm wavelength, as shown in Fig. 5(d). Due to the relatively small nanofiber diameter (i.e., ), the increasing wavelength leads to the increasing fractional power in the air and thus increasing with negative dispersion. Although the dispersion of the nano-slit mode is orders of magnitude larger than those of conventional waveguides (e.g., at 1320 nm for single-mode fiber [40,41]), the short length of the CNP used for in-coupling and mode evolution (e.g., ) makes ultrafast pulsed operation possible. For example, after waveguiding through a 10-μm-length CNP (, ), a 100 fs pulse with a central wavelength of 1550 nm and a bandwidth of 30 nm will be broadened in pulse width.
In conclusion, we propose a blade-like field with sub-nanometer thickness in a waveguiding CNP. Compared with other ultra-tightly confined optical fields, such a field significantly expands its width while maintaining an extreme optical confinement in the thickness direction (i.e., , with an aspect ratio ). Using a fiber taper-assisted launching scheme, the waveguiding mode from a single-mode optical fiber can be coupled into the CNP and converted into a high-purity (up to 98.3%) -like nano-slit mode with high efficiency (up to 98.1%), within a propagation length less than 10 μm at 1550 nm wavelength. In the same CNP, the -like nano-slit mode can be operated within a broad spectral range with relatively low group velocity dispersion, making it possible for ultrafast pulsed operation. Moreover, by using nanofibers with other materials (e.g., silica with lower surface roughness and shorter operation wavelength), the nano-slit can be operated with tighter confinement (see Fig. 9 in Appendix B) and/or at shorter wavelength (e.g., ultraviolet spectral range). For reference, using a CNP consisting of two 50-nm-diameter silica nanofibers, it is possible to obtain an optical confinement down to 0.15 nm at 200 nm wavelength (see Fig. 9). In addition, as the CNP reported here is a fully dielectric structure, typical issues (e.g., fluorescence quenching [42,43], Ohmic heating [17], and electron tunneling [44]) that exist in plasmonic structures will be alleviated or avoided in this case. Considering its flexibility in field generation and manipulation, such a nanoscale “optical blade” may find applications in atomic-level light-matter interaction and ultra-high-resolution optical technologies ranging from optical spectroscopy and super-resolution optical nanoscopy to chemical bond manipulation.
Since the CNP demonstrated here is an all-dielectric structure, its optical response can be studied using classical electromagnetic theory down to sub-nm scale [45]. Here we use commercial software of Maxwell’s equations solver (Lumerical FDTD and COMSOL) to simulate mode evolutions and nano-slit modes in the CNP. Typically, the interface between the nanofiber and the air exhibits 1-nm-level surface roughness on the side edge, forming a gradual transition of the refractive index from the glass material to the air. To simulate the nano-slit mode with enough precision, we discretize the area near the slit into triangle meshes with a minimum element size of 0.01 nm and use a linearly changing index profile from of the bulk material (e.g., or shown in Fig. 6) to the of the environment (e.g., ), as shown in Fig. 7(a). For comparison, we also simulate the nano-slit mode in the CNP using a step changing index profile of the interface between the nanofiber and the air [as shown in Fig. 7(b)].
![Refractive indices of (a) As2S3 [46,47] and (b) SiO2 [48].](/Images/icon/loading.gif)
Figure 6.Refractive indices of (a) [46,47] and (b) [48].

Figure 7.Refractive index profiles of (a) linear and (b) step approximation in the silt of an CNP.

Figure 8.Slit-width-dependent PBR and FWHM of the -like modes in an CNP with using (a) linear and (b) step approximation models at 640 nm wavelength. Field intensity distribution using the (c) linear approximation model and (d) step approximation model along the axis with , respectively.
To compare the intensity of central peak with that of the surrounding field, we introduced the peak-to-background ratio, which is defined as , where is the peak index (e.g., represents the central peak), is the field intensity of the central peak, is the field intensity of the second-highest peak (i.e., the highest side peak), and is the averaged field intensity over the mode area, defined as , where represents the effective mode area and defined as the area of a region that satisfies the following: System.Xml.XmlElementSystem.Xml.XmlElement
Benefitting from the atom-level roughness of nanofibers ( [27]), the CNP can form a narrower slit in the center. In such a case, we investigate the -like mode of CNP with at 200 nm wavelength (). Here, we select the CNP with that only supports the lowest two modes: -like mode and -like mode [Fig. 9(d)]. In the numerical simulation, we also use a linearly changing index profile around the 0.25-nm-thickness transitional region on the nanofiber surface (Appendix A). Figures 9(a)–9(c) give the calculated field intensity distribution of the -like mode on the end face plane of the CNP, which offers a peak field intensity around the central slit about 15.2 dB higher than the background, with an optical field confinement of 0.15 nm ( axis) and 15.3 nm ( axis) in FWHM of the field intensity [as shown in Fig. 9(e)]. Within of the total mode area, the ultra-confined central peak of the -like waveguiding mode in the nanofiber pair concentrates 1.1% of the total mode power [as shown in Figs. 9(f) and 9(g)].

Figure 9.Sub-nm-confined optical fields in the nano-slit mode of a CNP. (a) 3D plot of the normalized cross-sectional field intensity distribution of the -like nano-slit mode of a CNP with and at 200 nm wavelength. (b), (c) Field intensity distribution along the horizontal ( axis) direction () and the vertical ( axis) direction (), respectively. The dotted black lines in (b), (c) indicate the projection of spatial distribution of the field intensity of the -like mode along the horizontal and the vertical direction, respectively. (d) Diameter-dependent of the four lowest modes of a free-standing CNP at 200 nm wavelength. (e) -dependent PBR and FWHM of the field intensity of the -like modes with in a CNP with . (f) Electric field vectors of the -like mode. The orientation and size of the white arrow indicate the polarization and amplitude of the local field. (g) Overall distribution around the CNP cross-section. The closed white line indicates the boundary of the effective mode area.