A coherent laser source emitting mid-infrared (MIR) radiation in the 2.7–3 µm wavelength band has several unique features, including (i) locating at the well-known atmospheric transparency window[
Chinese Optics Letters, Volume. 19, Issue 9, 091407(2021)
Rare-earth ions-doped mid-infrared (2.7–3 µm) bulk lasers: a review [Invited] Editors' Pick
Mid-infrared (MIR) laser sources operating in the 2.7–3 µm spectral region have attracted extensive attention for many applications due to the unique features of locating at the atmospheric transparency window, corresponding to the “characteristic fingerprint” spectra of several gas molecules, and strong absorption of water. Over the past two decades, significant developments have been achieved in 2.7–3 µm MIR lasers benefiting from the sustainable innovations in laser technology and the great progress in material science. Here, we mainly summarize and review the recent progress of MIR bulk laser sources based on the rare-earth ions-doped crystals in the 2.7–3 µm spectral region, including
1. Introduction
A coherent laser source emitting mid-infrared (MIR) radiation in the 2.7–3 µm wavelength band has several unique features, including (i) locating at the well-known atmospheric transparency window[
The GaIn(As)Sb/AlGaAnSb system-based strained multi-quantum-well LD is regarded as the most established semiconductor laser technology for 2–3 µm MIR laser generation[
Over the past two decades, benefiting from the great progress in material science and technology, a lot of MIR laser gain materials, especially rare-earth-doped crystalline and fiber materials with excellent optical, thermal, and mechanical properties have been developed[
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Figure 1.(a) Typical emission spectrum[42] and (b) wavelength coverages[19] of Er3+-, Ho3+-, and Dy3+-doped lasers.
2. All Solid-State Crystalline Lasers in the 2.7–3 µm Spectral Region
At present, the rare-earth ions that can achieve room temperature MIR laser operation in the 2.7–3 µm spectral region are mainly , , and , among which the ion is mostly studied. Nevertheless, the MIR emission spectrum of the ion is a line, and the corresponding output wavelength is relatively short. In contrast, the number of electrons in the shell of and ions is even, resulting in the Stark-level splitting being greatly influenced by the crystal fields. Thus, the fluorescence spectra of the and ions-doped crystals are usually smooth and broadband, which enables the tunable laser output and also expands the wavelength towards the infrared direction.
2.1. Er3+-doped crystalline lasers in the 2.7–3 µm region
Besides the well-known laser transition of emitting wavelength around 1.55 µm, the ion can also provide 2.7–3 µm MIR emission with the transition. The simplified energy-level diagram of the -doped gain medium is shown in Fig. 2(a). Easy growing and the pumping wavelength being around (commercial LD operation wavelength) are the two fundamental merits that make -doped crystals much more extensively studied for the 2.7–3 µm laser generation compared to that of - and - doped crystals. As early as 1967, Robinson and Devor realized the first, to the best of our knowledge, laser oscillation of an -doped crystalline MIR laser at 2.69 µm with a mixed crystal[
Figure 2.(a) Simplified energy-level diagram of Er3+-doped gain medium and sensitizer and deactivated effect of Yb3+ and Pr3+ ions; (b) the summary of the room temperature CW output power and slope efficiency of Er-doped crystalline lasers at 2.7–3 µm; (c) the schematic of a diode-side-pumped Er:YSGG slab laser at 2.79 µm[83]; (d) the experimental setup of the LD end-pumped high-power Er:YAP laser[15].
After the first, to the best of our knowledge, realization of an mixed crystal operating at 2.69 µm in 1969, efficient operations both in the CW and pulsed regimes with -doped crystals have been demonstrated with the development of the crystal design and growth and the innovations of the laser technology. Figure 2(b) shows the room temperature CW output power and the corresponding slope efficiency obtained with ions-doped crystalline lasers in the 2.7–3 µm region. In 1992, Dinerman et al. reported the first, to the best of our knowledge, CW operation of monolithic Er:YAG, Er:GGG, and Er:YSGG lasers near 3 µm with output powers of 143, 155, and 190 mW[
In the pulsed regime, flash-side pumping is an effective and commonly used architecture to produce high-energy 2.7–3 µm laser pulses at low repetition rate. As early as 1990, pulse energy as high as 400 mJ was obtained with an Er:YAG crystal under the pump energy of 92 J[
Figure 3.(a) Experimental setup of high-energy LN EO Q-switched Er:YAG laser[94]; (b) the schematic diagram of the LD arrays side-pumped Er,Pr:GYSGG laser (inset: side-pumped symmetry)[60]; (c) the experimental setup and (d) output characterizations of the Fe:ZnSe passively Q-switched Er:YSGG laser[99].
Compared to flash pumping, pulsed LD pumping has the merits of high efficiency, better beam quality, and high repetition rate. Hence, an efficient and compact diode-laser-pumped 2.94 µm Er:YAG laser with energy up to 9 mJ was realized in 2010, consequently making the hermetically sealed windowed package[
Besides the Q-switched pulsed lasers, the mode-locked Er-doped ultrafast lasers are of great interest for some practical applications, owing to the ultrashort pulse width and high peak power. Picosecond or even femtosecond CW mode-locked Er-doped fiber lasers have been extensively studied and realized[
2.2 Ho3+-doped crystalline lasers in the 2.7–3 µm region
The ion is another promising candidate for generating 2.7–3 µm lasers related to the transition, as shown in Fig. 4(a). However, Ho-doped crystalline lasers emitting in the 2.7–3 µm spectral region are much less studied compared to those emitting around and -doped lasers. The main limiting issues are the pumping wavelength around (not the commercial emitting wavelength of a LD) and the same self-terminated effect occurring with the transition ( has a longer lifetime than , resulting in the lower laser level during oscillation). The same as the transition, the saturation of the transition can also be suppressed by cascade lasing ( and transitions) or co-doping with sensitized (typically ions) or deactivated ions (typically and ions)[
Figure 4.(a) Simplified energy-level diagram of Ho3+-doped gain medium and sensitizer and deactivated effect of Yb3+ and Pr3+ ions; (b) the fluorescence life time “reversion” of Ho:5I6 and Ho:5I7 in Ho,Pr:YLF crystals with doping concentrations of 0.498 at.% and 0.115 at.% for Ho3+ and Pr3+ ions[131]; (c) the output laser power of a Raman laser end-pumped Ho,Pr:YLF (Ho3+: 0.498 at.% and Pr3+: 0.115 at.%) laser[131]; (d) the experimental setup and laser output power of dual-end-pumped EO Q-switched Ho,Pr:YLF laser[132].
In the beginning, Ho-doped crystalline lasers operating in the 2.7–3 µm spectral region were mainly pumped by a flashlamp or pulsed laser due to lack of pumping source and the population bottleneck effect. In 1987, Machan et al. realized the simultaneous lasing of and ions at 1.064, 1.339, 2.94, and 3.011 µm with a flashlamp-pumped Ho:Nd:YAG crystal, indicating that the strong ion-ion interaction could produce efficient 3 µm lasing[
In 1990, Anthon reported the first laser (Q-switched Nd:YAG laser operating at 1123 nm) pumped 3 µm Ho:YAG and Ho:GGG laser[
In 1998, Diening et al. realized 11 and 2.5 mW CW laser output at 2.84 µm with an crystal pumped by a laser and LD, respectively[
In the pulsed regime, besides the microsecond pulse generated by pumping with the flashlamp and pulsed LD, nanosecond pulses were obtained with the active and passive Q-switching techniques. For passive Q-switching operation, SAs are mainly focused on low-dimensional materials. In 2017, our group realized a 2.95 µm diode-end-pumped passively Q-switched Ho,Pr:LLF laser with graphene as an SA, generating a maximum average output power of 88 mW with pulse width of 937.5 ns and repetition rate of 55.7 kHz[
The corresponding schematic experimental setup and the relationship between the output power and incident pump power are shown in Figs. 4(d) and 4(e). Table 4 summarizes the actively and passively Q-switched laser performance of Ho-doped crystalline lasers in the 2.7–3 µm region.
2.3. Dy3+-doped all solid-state crystalline lasers in the 2.7–3 µm spectral region
The ion is also a most promising and efficient candidate for emitting MIR laser wavelengths around based on its energy-level structure with the transition. The study of Dy-doped MIR lasers is much less than that of and ions, basically because of the lack of high-quality crystals and pump sources. Figure 5(a) shows the simplified energy-level diagram of the ion. The absorption bands of the ion are located in the near-infrared region (around 1.1, 1.3, and 1.7 µm). Same as the and ions, the possibility of realizing laser emission from the transition around depends on the host crystal material choice, which should possess low photon energy and weak ion to crystal lattice orbital coupling and therefore can efficiently decrease corresponding non-radiative losses and increase the quantum efficiency. To date, the transition has been obtained in fluoride crystals, such as and . In 1973, Johnson et al. demonstrated a flashlamp-pumped laser operating at 3.022 µm[
Figure 5.(a) Simplified energy-level diagram of Dy3+-doped gain medium and sensitizer effect of Yb3+ ions; (b) and (c) are the schematic of the actively Q-switched Dy:ZBLAN fiber laser and corresponding laser output characterizations[145].
However, it is a real drawback for establishing a compact MIR laser because of the pumping wavelength not corresponding to any commercially available high-power LDs. Therefore, researchers try to study the sensitized ions that can transfer pumping energy to the ion to allow optical pumping with commercially available LDs. ions have been proved to be the most efficient sensitized ions for ions-doped 3 µm MIR laser emission with energy transformation from to , which enables it to be pumped by the commercial 970 nm LD[
3. Challenges and Outlook
Expanding the laser wavelength to the MIR region is one of the most important developing trends of laser technology. To date, laser sources with directly emitting wavelengths at 2.7–3 µm are mainly based on , , and rare-earth ions-doped gain media, in which ions are mostly studied, ions take second place, and ions are the least studied. Compared to the rare-earth-doped fiber lasers, the rare-earth-doped crystalline lasers experience a relatively slow development mainly because of the lack of high-quality laser crystals. But, the solid-state crystalline lasers are compact and efficient all solid-state coherent laser sources with the merits of low undesirable nonlinear effects and large mode area and therefore have great advantages in producing high-energy and high-peak-power ultrafast lasers. In this review, we mainly summarize the state-of-the-art developments of all solid-state MIR crystalline lasers in the 2.7–3 µm spectral region based on , , and -doped crystals. However, there are still several challenges, and a series of potential studies need to be further pursued in the future.
First, the host material selection and the preparation of the high-quality crystals are the basis for high-power and high-efficiency solid-state MIR crystalline lasers in the 2.7–3 µm region. The longer the emitting wavelength, the narrower the bandgap between the upper and lower laser level, which, thus, results in the larger non-radiative transition loss. Therefore, for MIR laser emission, the host material should have low phonon energy to reduce the probability of non-radiative transitions. In addition, the host materials should have large thermal conductivity to mitigate the relatively heavy thermal effect of the MIR crystalline lasers. The damage threshold is another important issue for high-power and high-energy laser operation.
Second, the selection of sensitized and deactivated ions and the doping concentration are also important for rare-earth-doped crystalline lasers at 2.7–3 µm. For and ions-doped crystals, the deactivated ions are important for solving the “self-terminated” bottleneck to realize the high-efficiency laser operation. For and ions-doped crystals, the sensitized ions are important for selecting the commercial LD as the pump source. Besides, the doping concentrations of both excited and sensitized or deactivated ions should be further optimized.
Third, cascade laser operation is very attractive for multi-wavelength MIR laser generation. Based on the energy-level diagram of , , and ions, the cascade laser operation not only provides a multi-wavelength MIR laser source, but also enhances the 2.7–3 µm laser generation. The cascade laser operation of and ions-doped fiber lasers has been realized, while it still remains a big challenge for crystalline lasers.
Fourth, mode-locked laser operation is another challenge for rare-earth-doped crystalline lasers at 2.7–3 µm. The mode-locked laser operation in the near-infrared (1.0, 1.3, 1.5 µm) and MIR (2.0, 2.4 µm) regions has been widely studied, and picosecond or even femtosecond pulses have been generated. Due to the lack of suitable SAs and the absorption of , it is very difficult to achieve the mode-locking operation of rare-earth-doped crystalline lasers at 2.7–3 µm. However, with the innovations of ultrafast laser technology and material science, it is something to look forward to and can be widely applied in the fields of strong field physics, optical frequency comb, ultrafast spectroscopy and microimaging, etc.
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Hongkun Nie, Feifei Wang, Junting Liu, Kejian Yang, Baitao Zhang, Jingliang He, "Rare-earth ions-doped mid-infrared (2.7–3 µm) bulk lasers: a review [Invited]," Chin. Opt. Lett. 19, 091407 (2021)
Category: Lasers, Optical Amplifiers, and Laser Optics
Received: Apr. 27, 2021
Accepted: May. 21, 2021
Published Online: Aug. 26, 2021
The Author Email: Baitao Zhang (btzhang@sdu.edu.cn)