Optical Rabi vibration is a basic example of coherent nonlinear light–material interaction[
Chinese Optics Letters, Volume. 20, Issue 7, 073901(2022)
Rabi antenna using microstrip add-drop multiplexer for electron warp speed investigation
This work presents experimental results of Rabi antenna characteristics using the coupled line microstrip circuit. It was constructed by a modified coupled line microstrip four-port network, which is known as an add-drop multiplexer. The driven AC input enters the device via an input port using the suitable frequency and coupled line microstrip ring radius. The multi-level system is generated by a wave-particle aspect before the two-level system is achieved. At the resonance, the transitions of the states induce the energy called whispering gallery mode (WGM) at the circuit center, which is the squeezed energy. The generated electron oscillation within the WGM envelope oscillated by the frequency is known as the Rabi frequency. By the successive filtering with continuous AC input via the selected port, the electron cloud warp speed can be generated and achieved inside the two-level transition. The constructed microstrip ring radius is 25 mm, and the experimental results of the Rabi antenna characteristics are in good agreement with the simulation results. The obtained resonant antenna oscillation frequency is 2.103 GHz. The electron cloud warp speed of 1.100c and time dilation of 0.006 µs are obtained.
1. Introduction
Optical Rabi vibration is a basic example of coherent nonlinear light–material interaction[
Kuruma et al.[
A silicon-based reconfigurable optical add-drop multiplexer (ROADM) has been announced for hybrid wavelength and mode multiplexing systems[
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Through thermoregulation, each channel can be independently switched between the add and drop states[
In the present paper a two-stage system with a modified four-port circuit has been designed and proven. This system is formed by a modified four-port microstrip network. During operation, two energy states (frequency) are generated in the system. The state transition induced energy in the center of the circuit. This is called WGM. The electron cloud generated in the WGM shell oscillates at the Rabi frequency known as the Rabi antenna. Any wave-particle projection can form the Rabi oscillation. However, the Rabi oscillation can be formed when the speed of light is , which means at the edge of the entangled pair of the two-level system. The multi-level system cannot form the Rabi oscillation. Therefore, the multi-level system is required to filter to have a pure two-level system. Then, the Rabi oscillation will occur. In this work, the filtering circuit is an add-drop multiplexer. The AC signal is made as input to the circuit formed by a nonlinear material. Initially, the multi-level system of the wave-particle is introduced. By using the successive filtering, the two-level system can be achieved. Hence, the system oscillated under the Rabi oscillation.
2. Theoretical Background
The structure of the parallel microstrip transmission line consists of a strip and parallel coupled lines[
Figure 1.Circuit structure. Port 1 is the location of Ein, Port 2 is the location of Edr, Port 3 is the location of Eadd, and Port 4 is the location of Eth.
The AC source is made as input to the microstrip add-drop multiplexer circuit, as shown in Fig. 2. The electrons in the conductor are excited and oscillated. The electron plasma is formed and given by the Drude model[
Figure 2.Experimental setup.
Under successive filtering, the output resonance of the four-port network circuit in terms of the add-drop filter is given in Eqs. (4) and (5) as[
A current source is made as input to a microstrip add-drop filter with a center frequency (). When the system has undergone Rabi oscillation[
Within a circular motion, the particle velocity is given by , where , and from the measurement is . The warp drive force () is given by
In general, the input AC source with the applied frequency () is fed into the input port, where it is modulated by the same frequency via an add port with the difference in phase of , which yields
The travelling time of is the required destination of the travelling, which can be obtained when the system is under the free running operation ().
3. Experiment and Results
In this work, we have applied the wave-particle aspect of the signals propagating within a photonic device. From Fig. 1, many particles move along the circular ring leading to a multi-level system before the two-level system arrives by successive filtering. The successive filtering means continuously running the input AC source into the add-drop filter, which has been clarified as the filtering device as given reference works. The matching ring radius and driven AC frequency are applied to obtain the Rabi oscillation. After successive filtering, the higher frequency leads to having the particle speed faster than light speed. The plot between the microstrip ring radius and frequency has been shown in Fig. 3. From the matching between the Rabi frequency and ring radius to obtain the Rabi oscillation, where the speed of particles along the circular path is equal to , 25 mm is the matching ring radius. The base used is FR4 material. When the displacement of two particles’ travelling path is less than 1.5 × 10−14 m, the weak, electromagnetic, and strong coupling can be generated. Black holes (wormholes) can be also generated under successive filtering when the coupling effect has been established.
Figure 3.(a) Plot between the microstrip ring radius and frequency and (b) the Rabi oscillation obtained from the experiment using the system.
A new way of two-level system phenomenon behavior can be accommodated by the wave-particle moving along the circular motion, which can be used to form the Rabi oscillation in both theory and experiment. In this work, the antenna was formed by a parallel coupled line microstrip four-port network, where the coupling between the ring and waveguide structure can be used the same as an add-drop multiplexer. The circular part motion is formed by a modified microstrip add-drop multiplexer, as shown in Fig. 2. The prototype circuit used the microstrip add-drop multiplexer with substrate FR4, which has the following electrical properties: relative dielectric constant of 4.55, base material height of 1.60 mm, and tangent loss of 0.02. The program used is Sonnet Lite. The simulation was performed based on the electromagnetic waves effect of the microstrip add-drop multiplexer circuit to determine the response frequencies of the device using the momentum method. The results were obtained using a vector network analyzer (Keysight Network Analyzer model E5063A), where a reference-level network analyzer was used before the measurement. The measured frequencies were ranged from 100 kHz–4 GHz. The Rabi antenna design and simulation were applied to confirm the expected results before the construction, where the concept is that the Rabi oscillation can be formed by the add-drop multiplexer, from which the applied AC source with the specified frequency was fed into the add-drop multiplexer. The electrons (particles) were coupled and moved along the circular part under the successive filtering. The relationship between the current driving frequency and microstrip ring radius with the light speed was calculated and plotted, as shown in Fig. 3(a). The condition was that the speed of light within the two-level transition gap was equal to the speed of light in a vacuum. The obtained result has shown that the AC driving frequency was related to the center ring radius, from which the suitable values were used in the experiment. Using the Drude equation, the relationship between the distributed photons and electron densities can be obtained. To obtain the electron speed faster than light speed, the Rabi oscillation is running successively to obtain the required resonant frequency.
From Fig. 2, the suitable microstrip ring radius and driven frequency source were selected and used as inputs into the microstrip add-drop multiplexer. The wave-particle aspect of the driven electromagnetic wave propagation within a nonlinear microstrip ring resonator is established, as shown in Fig. 3(b). The harmonic oscillator of two masses generated in the Rabi oscillation can be found in Ref. [30], where a clear description is given. In operation, the multi-level energy modes are initially formed and oscillated within the system, from which the higher-order energy modes of photon propagation in the system can be filtered by successive filtering within an add-drop device. Using the successive filtering continuously, the two-level system will be collapsed and stopped eventually, which will return again under the successive filtering. In the experiment, the speed of the moving particles equals the speed of light in a vacuum. The Rabi frequency is generated and observed. During the Rabi oscillation, the transition energy between the excited and ground states is the squeezed energy in the form of the WGM. Figure 4 shows the result of the Rabi oscillation obtained from the simulation using the system in the experiment, where the suitable ring radius is 25 mm when the resonant frequency is approximated to 2.103 GHz. Figure 4 shows the simulation results of the Rabi antenna response frequencies of f1, f0, f2 and the coupling coefficients at the drop port () are 1.040, 2.103, 3.136 GHz and , , , respectively. The add-port () results of the Rabi antenna response frequencies of f1, f0, f2 and the connection coefficients are 1.040, 2.103, 3.136 GHz and , , , respectively. The Rabi antenna response frequencies of f1, f0 and f2 and normalized magnitudes at the drop port are 1.040, 2.103, 3.136 GHz and 0.145, 0.135, 0.125 according to Fig. 5(a), respectively. The simulated Rabi antenna response frequencies of f1, f0, f2 and normalized magnitudes at the add port are 1.040, 2.103, 3.136 GHz and 0.103, 0.136, 0.166, as shown in Fig. 5(b), respectively. The different frequencies of f0−f1, f2−f0, f2−f1 are 1.033, 1.063, 2.096 GHz, respectively. The time domain of the Rabi antenna domain is shown in Fig. 6(a). The time domain obtained from the drop-port gap is −0.42713 (red line), while the time-domain response of an add port has a gap of 0.33214 (blue line) with a time difference of 0.006 µs (between 10.000 and 10.006 µs), as shown in Fig. 6(b), respectively. The blue- and red-shifts are generated from add and drop ports after the system undergoes successive filtering for 10 µs, as shown in Fig. 6(b), which indicates that the center envelope has a speed faster than light speed in a vacuum, which is calculated and is equal to 1.10c. The blue- and red-shifts can be configured as the fast and slow light pulses with respect to the center peak. The travelling photon is in one dimension with two sides of times (frequencies) generated by the Rabi oscillation. The center peak pulse width is 0.006 µs. In Fig. 7(a), the frequency response measurement results with the instruments presented previously show that the Rabi antenna frequencies of f1, f0 and f2 at the drop port were 1.065, 2.160, and 3.217 GHz. The coupling coefficients were , , and , accordingly. The measurement results at add-port response frequencies of f1, f0, f2 and the coupling coefficients were 1.065, 2.160, 3.217 GHz and , , , as shown in Fig. 7(b), respectively. The frequency differences of f0−f2, f0−f1, and f2−f1 are 1.033, 1.063 and 2.096 GHz, respectively. In Fig. 8(a), the response frequencies of f1, f0, f2 and the connection coefficients (magnitude, coupling factor) of the drop port are 1.065, 2.160, 3.217 GHz and 0.190, 0.256, 0.178. Considering the measurements at the add port (isolation port), the response frequencies of response f1, f0 and f2 and the normalized magnitudes of are 1.095, 2.160, 3.217 GHz and 0.190, 0.267, 0.176, as shown in Fig. 8(b), respectively. The frequency differences f0−f1, f2−f0, f2−f1 are 1.065, 0.967, 2.152 GHz, respectively. Finally, Fig. 9(a) shows the real part of the drop-port results ranging from to 2.5, while Fig. 9(b) shows the real part of the add port ranging from to 0.18 to the various frequencies.
Figure 4.Simulation frequency response of (a) S21 and (b) S31 of the Rabi antenna.
Figure 5.Simulation of magnitude of (a) S21 and (b) S31 of the Rabi antenna.
Figure 6.Simulation of the time domain of (a) normal and (b) zoom signals of the Rabi antenna. The electrons are split into two sides of time. The blue-shift on the right side has occurred with the electron time dilation, which will collapse and be returned to the origin.
Figure 7.Measurement of magnitude of (a) S21 and (b) S31 of the Rabi antenna.
Figure 8.Measurement of magnitude of (a) S21 and (b) S31 of the Rabi antenna.
Figure 9.Real part measurements at (a) the drop port and (b) the add port responses f1, f0, and f2 are 1.065, 2.160, and 3.217 GHz.
In application, the use of the relativistic behaviors of photons (electrons) within the transition energy gap to form the travelling speed faster than light speed can be realized before the system collapses. The electrons moving in the circuit faster than light speed can be confirmed by the blue-shift and travelling speed calculation (). The two-level energy gap is decreased during the blue-shift process, from which the electron speed faster than light speed (warp speed)[
4. Conclusion
We have demonstrated that the Rabi oscillation of the two-level system can be formed by the driven AC into a microstrip add-drop multiplexer. The AC coupling power into the circuit can drive electrons moving along the device structure, where initially the multi-level system of electron oscillation is formed based on the wave-particle duality aspect. The higher-order modes of multi-level system oscillation are filtered by successive filtering, from which the resonant Rabi oscillation is obtained. From the experiment, the obtained center frequency is at 2.103 GHz, which is resonant with the FR4 microstrip ring radius of 25 mm and the input AC frequency of 4 GHz. Consequently, the blue-shift of the Rabi oscillation is observed with the frequency of 2.160 GHz, from which the calculated electron warp speed of 1.10c is achieved, and the time dilation is 6 ns. Most of the obtained results have shown good agreement with the simulation. However, there are deviations from the simulation, which may be caused by the device construction errors. The designed Rabi antenna can be applied for both electronic circuits and antenna usages, from which the quantum operation using the circuit can be used. Moreover, the sub-level sensors using the suitable arrangement for cells, molecules, atoms, and spectroscopy can be realized. The connection between two spaces (device ports) can be observed before collapsing. It has the possibility of using the teleport channel for electron transportation, where the same electrons can appear in different spaces. Using this device structure, the larger ring radius can be made with suitable material and AC driven frequency, which can offer more aspects of investigations. There are also some curious aspects of the gap of the Rabi oscillation transition states during successive filtering that can be focused for future investigations.
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Somchat Sonasang, Prakasit Prabpal, Piya Sirikan, Pratimakorn Hakaew, Nhat Truong Pham, Preecha Yupapin, Kanad Ray, Sarawoot Boonkirdram, "Rabi antenna using microstrip add-drop multiplexer for electron warp speed investigation," Chin. Opt. Lett. 20, 073901 (2022)
Category: Microwave Photonics
Received: Dec. 13, 2021
Accepted: Apr. 24, 2022
Posted: Apr. 25, 2022
Published Online: Jun. 1, 2022
The Author Email: Sarawoot Boonkirdram (sarawoot.b@snru.ac.th)