By exploiting the nonlinear responses of fluorescent probes, the spatial resolution of structured illumination microscopy (SIM) can be further increased. However, the traditional reconstruction method of nonlinear structured illumination microscopy (NL-SIM) is very slow due to its complex process, which poses a significant challenge to display super resolution results in real-time. Here, we describe an efficient and robust SIM algorithm that enables rapid and accurate full-process SIM reconstruction. First, we present a fast illumination parameters estimation algorithm based on discrete Fourier transforms that result in a more simplified workflow than that of classical methods. Second, an accelerated NL-SIM reconstruction algorithm is developed by extending a high-speed reconstruction framework, joint space and frequency reconstruction (JSFR), to the NL-SIM. In particular, we provide the open-source MATLAB toolbox of our JSFR-NL-SIM algorithm. The entire image reconstruction process is completed in the milliseconds range, representing a significant time saving for the user.
【AIGC One Sentence Reading】:We propose a high-speed image reconstruction algorithm for NL-SIM, achieving rapid full-process reconstruction in milliseconds using JSFR framework.
【AIGC Short Abstract】:This study introduces an efficient SIM algorithm for high-speed image reconstruction in nonlinear structured illumination microscopy (NL-SIM). It utilizes a fast illumination parameters estimation and an accelerated NL-SIM reconstruction framework (JSFR-NL-SIM), significantly reducing processing time to milliseconds, enabling real-time super resolution imaging.
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Super resolution structured illumination microscopy (SR-SIM) has gained significant attention in the life sciences for imaging living cells [1] due to its high spatial resolution, high imaging speed, and low phototoxicity [2–7]. However, the resolution of linear SIM (L-SIM) is lower compared with STED [8] and PALM [9], which limits its application in many scenarios. To further improve the spatial resolution of SIM, nonlinear saturated SIM (SSIM) [10,11] was developed and successfully applied to observe the photostable sample with a resolution of , but SSIM suffered from the severe phototoxicity and low frame rates. An intriguing approach involves using the switching of chemical states to achieve saturation for addressing high-illumination intensity [12]. In this circumstance, reversibly photoswitchable fluorescent proteins (RSFPs) offer significant advantages for achieving super resolution at much lower light intensities [12–15]. Hirvonenet et al. discussed the use of the photoswitchable protein Dronpa with SIM to achieve nanometer scale resolution [12]. With the development of the photoswitchable protein, Li et al. proposed a nonlinear structured illumination microscopy (NL-SIM) technique called patterned activation of photoswitchable fluorophores (PA NL-SIM) to achieve 45 nm resolution in approximately 20 to 40 frames using recently developed RSFPs, termed Skylan-NS [14,16]. In general, NL-SIM generates high-order harmonics of the sample spatial frequency using the nonlinear responses of the fluorescent probes, further extending the spatial resolution to more than three times the traditional diffraction limits.
In recent years, the application of super resolution microscopy in live cell imaging has led to increased interest in real-time reconstruction and display of SR-SIM images [7,17–19]. These technologies provide the users with almost instantaneous feedback, similar to that of a traditional widefield microscope, resulting in significantly improved work efficiency [18,20]. NL-SIM collects more raw images to solve the higher-frequency spectral component, which increases the computational burden of image reconstruction compared to linear SIM. Meanwhile, the NL-SIM reconstruction methods are mainly based on Gustafsson’s algorithm, which involves several operations, including image decomposition and reconstruction, all of which are manipulated in the frequency domain [10,13,16]. Achieving real-time imaging in NL-SIM is a significant challenge due to the sophisticated analysis required to eliminate reconstruction artifacts [21–23] and balance separated frequency components [6,23–25]. Obtaining a single super resolution (SR) image typically takes tens of seconds, which poses a significant challenge to achieve real-time imaging in NL-SIM. Alternative approaches focus on reconstructing the SR image in the real space by summing up the weight images [26,27]; however, these efforts do not consider the out-of-focus signal and noise elimination and artifacts reduction.
Meanwhile, the accurate estimation of the illumination parameters, including wave vector, initial phase, and modulation depth, is critical to reconstruct high-fidelity SR images. Numerous algorithms for the illumination parameters estimation have emerged, which can be categorized as iteration-free and iterative methods. The iteration-free methods, such as PCA-SIM, image recombination transform (IRT), and non-iterative auto-correlation reconstruction (ACR), which significantly improve the estimation speed, still suffer from the lack of precision. In contrast, the iterative cross-correlation (COR) algorithm maintains high accuracy and robustness even at low SNRs by iteratively searching for the precise peak location, but at the cost of computational complexity.
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In our previous work, we proposed a hybrid reconstruction method termed the joint space and frequency reconstruction (JSFR) method for linear SIM [17]. This simplified protocol decomposes the SR image into the multiplication of a sequence of patterned images with weighted coefficients, and omits the complex frequency operations in the conventional Wiener-SIM [26]. The JSFR-SIM is capable of millisecond reconstruction without compromising spatial resolution. However, the previous algorithm did not consider parameter estimation, leaving the reconstruction process incomplete.
In this paper, we present a fast full-process reconstruction strategy for NL-SIM, called JSFR-NL-SIM, which includes an efficient illumination parameter estimation algorithm and extends the JSFR concept to the nonlinear SIM regime for fast SIM reconstruction. The execution time of the illumination parameter estimation is reduced to 50 ms (10 ms per direction, including the wave vector, initial phase, and modulation depth) and 5 ms for the reconstruction of -pixel-sized raw images. Experimental results demonstrate that the image quality obtained with this new method is equivalent to that of the conventional algorithm. The formulae for JSFR-NL-SIM have been rigorously derived (see Appendices A–E for detailed workflow comparison and mathematical derivation). The objective of this work is to introduce a technique for rapidly reconstructing NL-SIM images and to promote the widespread adoption of our rapid NL-SIM reconstruction algorithms in biomedical laboratories in the future.
A. Main Reconstruction Workflow of JSFR-NL-SIM
Several NL-SIM implementations have been developed to date, including saturated SIM [10,11], NL-SIM based on fluorescent photoswitchable proteins [13,16], NL-SIM based on surface plasmons [28], and NL-SIM based on STED [29]. The generalized Wiener reconstruction workflow is used for NL-SIM [2]. In this method, the acquired raw images are transformed into the Fourier domain, and all spectrum components are extracted by solving a set of linear equations. The components that were extracted are then multiplied by OTF, shifted to their true position, and added together. Finally, Wiener deconvolution is used to enhance resolution. However, several issues arise from the above reconstruction workflow. First, NL-SIM inherits the linear SIM reconstruction algorithm, which makes it difficult to overcome the intrinsic limitations of complex computation, resulting in a very challenging task to improve the reconstruction speed. Second, parameter estimation is not discussed in detail in NL-SIM, which consumes a lot of time. Finally, the Wiener reconstruction workflow is susceptible to the out-of-focus signal [30,31] and related sidelobe artifacts [24,32]. To address these issues, we developed a full-process NL-SIM reconstruction workflow, termed JSFR-NL-SIM, which is capable of rapidly reconstructing high-fidelity SR images. The whole workflow is shown in Fig. 1. In general, the proposed JSFR-NL-SIM contains a computational routine and a preparation procedure. The computational routine contains two parts, a fast illumination parameters estimation algorithm and an NL-SIM reconstruction scheme based on joint spatial and frequency domain reconstruction. The preparation procedure aims to pre-calculate the optimization filter and the coefficient functions for the performance enhancement. Therefore, once the raw images are collected, the JSFR-NL-SIM is able to rapidly perform the parameters estimation and SR image reconstruction.
Figure 1.The workflow of JSFR-NL-SIM can be divided into two parts: preparation procedure and computational routine. During the preparation procedure, optimization functions and coefficient functions are required to calculate in advance. In the computational routines, parameters estimation is first performed and then 25 raw images are filtered with the pre-calculated attenuation function. The intermediate images are obtained by summing the results of multiplying the coefficient functions with the filtered images. The final SR image is then reconstructed by filtering the optimization functions.
B. DFT-Based Rapid Illumination Parameters Estimation
In the first part of the computational routine, a fast illumination parameters estimation algorithm based on discrete Fourier transform (DFT) implements a local discrete Fourier transform to replace the computationally expensive iterative cross correlation operation for directly locating the wave vector with subpixel accuracy. For the conventional COR algorithm, hundreds of peak searches and corresponding cross-correlation operations impose a heavy computational burden. To address these issues, we develop an iteration-free accelerated COR algorithm, which first locates the wave vector in the integer-level precision and then directly determines the peak location in the subpixel-level precision by utilizing discrete Fourier transform. Specifically, the cross-correlation between the zeroth-order spectrum and first-order spectrum is first executed to obtain the rough integer wave vector location [Figs. 2(b) and 2(c)]. In order to reduce the contribution of the low-frequency signal of separated spectrum and automatically detect the peak, we apply the notch filter to the separated spectrum and cross-correlation map. Subsequently, following Eq. (1), a localized DFT is performed using matrix multiplication to upsample the cross-correlation map in a small neighborhood (for example, pixels around the initial integer level pixel). Then the local DFT matrix centered on this location can be calculated [Fig. 2(c)] [33]: where is the cross-correlation map and the vector is the span subpixel coordinate centered on the pixel ; is the upsampling factor. This operation outputs an array with dimensions of , where is the upsampled factor. Actually, the final searching region is the neighborhood of the with an upsampling factor by utilizing Eq. (1), which directly locates the peak of the wave vector in subpixel with minimal computation burden. For NL-SIM, predicting the illumination parameters under the five directions requires a total of approximately 50 ms.
Figure 2.Workflow of the parameter estimation of the proposed JSFR-NL-SIM. (a) Raw image stack. (b) Separated spectrum components. (c) Flowchart of the wave vector estimation using the proposed method. (d) Initial phase estimation. (e) SR image reconstructed by the full-process workflow.
C. Rapid NL-SIM Reconstruction in the Spatial Domain
In contrast to Wiener-NL-SIM, which reconstructs the SR image in the frequency domain, the JSFR-NL-SIM reconstructs the SR image in the spatial domain.
First, raw images are filtered with the designed Wiener-type filter [34], as follows: where represents the Wiener-type filter, are the patterned raw images, and are the filtered raw images. The general form of the NL-SIM reconstruction algorithm is deduced from the perspective of the spatial domain. All the filtered images contribute to the intermediate image with the corresponding coefficient function , as the following equation. Details can be found in Appendix B.
We assume the general phase step of NL-SIM raw data is , and specifically set to in our case. The coefficient function is shown as follows:
The coefficient functions are only associated with the illumination parameters, which can be calculated using the proposed DFT-based parameter estimation algorithm and classical COR algorithm. According to the calculated coefficient functions, an intermediate image without deconvolution can be obtained. Finally, we multiply the intermediate image with the optimization functions for final deconvolution, as follows: where is the coefficient function and is the optimization functions containing two filters and , which are designed to approach the ideal spectrum and suppress the spectrum’s peak to eliminate the out-of-focus signal, noise, and related sidelobe artifacts [6,35] (Appendix C).
We also demonstrate the connection between the reconstruction algorithm in the spatial domain and the Fourier domain. In the spatial domain, the final image can be represented as a linear combination of the intermediate images with the weighted coefficients, as follows (Appendix D): where and are denoted as the angular frequency and the initial phase of the illumination patterns, respectively. In the Fourier domain, the above equations can be written as
We demonstrate the inherent connection of five separated spectra in the frequency domain , , and with the intermediate images, and verify that the result of the reconstruction image recovered in the spatial domain is equivalent to that in the Fourier domain.
A. JSFR-NL-SIM Improved the Resolution without Reconstruction Time Increased
We first validated the reconstruction performance by applying the JSFR-based workflow in linear SIM, NL-SIM (1HOH, one higher-order harmonic), and NL-SIM (2HOH, two additional higher-order harmonics) [7]. The SR image obtained with JSFR-SIM improved the resolution by up to a factor of two and the resolution was further improved by approximately three times and four times by generating 1HOH and 2HOH with JSFR-NL-SIM [see Figs. 3(c)–3(h)]. Furthermore, we have compared the reconstruction time of the JSFR-NL-SIM with that of the HiFi-NL-SIM [15,18] in both the NL-SIM (1HOH) and NL-SIM (2HOH) scenarios [Fig. 3(i)]. The results demonstrate that for the circumstance of NL-SIM (1HOH), the execution time of JSFR-NL-SIM’s reconstruction procedure is around 5.5 ms, when handling input images with pixels, while in the scenario of NL-SIM (2HOH), the reconstruction time is around 8.9 ms. The reconstruction speed was compared using MATLAB (R2023a, Math Works Inc., Natick, Massachusetts, United States). The reconstruction codes for HiFi-NL-SIM and JSFR-NL-SIM (both CPU and GPU versions) were executed on a personal computer (Intel Core i7-13700K@2.1 GHz, DRR4 3200 MHz 64 GB, NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070ti 12 GB, Samsung 860 EVO 500 GB SSD) running Windows 10.
Figure 3.Simulation results to demonstrate the quality of JSFR-NL-SIM. (a) Ground truth. (b) Widefield image. (c) SR image reconstructed by JSFR-SIM. (d) SR image reconstructed by JSFR-NL-SIM. (e) SR image reconstructed by JSFR-NL-SIM with two additional higher-order harmonics (2HOH). (f) Zoom-in views of the blue boxes and yellow boxes in (b)–(e). (g) Spectra of (b)–(e). (h) Intensity profiles of green lines in (b)–(e). (i) Execution time of JSFR-based workflow and HiFi-based workflow in the same GPU environment; unit, millisecond. (j) Ideal spectrum.
Nonlinear structured illumination microscopy (NL-SIM) produces an infinite number of harmonics, corresponding to theoretically infinite resolution. However, resolving for more high-frequency information requires the acquisition of more raw images, which will undoubtedly increase the computational burden of image reconstruction. Specifically, detecting two higher-order harmonics requires 63 raw images to reconstruct the nearly isotropic resolution SR image, which involves more complex computations and further limits the feasibility of real-time imaging. In such scenarios, JSFR-NL-SIM has more advantages in reconstructing SR images, as demonstrated in Fig. 3. The execution time for reconstructing linear SIM, nonlinear SIM with one higher-order harmonic (1HOH), and nonlinear SIM with two additional higher-order harmonics (2HOH) with an image pixel number of was simulated using the JSFR-NL-SIM and HiFi-NL-SIM. The simulation results indicate that the execution time of the HiFi-NL-SIM increases significantly with the number of spectra to be decomposed, while the execution time of the JSFR-NL-SIM increases linearly, with all processes running in milliseconds. This demonstrates the superiority of the JSFR-NL-SIM in terms of reconstruction time. However, due to the low SNR, the second higher-order harmonic signal is easily submerged in the noise. Therefore, when more efficient fluorophores become available in the future, we believe that JSFR-NL-SIM will provide more comprehensive support.
B. JSFR-NL-SIM Accelerates the Reconstruction Significantly
Figure 4.Performance analysis of JSFR-NL-SIM reconstructed on raw data with high out-of-focus signal and noise. (a) Widefield image of F-actin filaments. (b)–(d) SR images reconstructed using Wiener-NL-SIM provided by BioSR, HiFi-NL-SIM, and JSFR-NL-SIM. (e) Magnified images of (a)–(d), corresponding to the green box of (a), where out-of-focus signal and filament artifacts are produced by GT-SIM but eliminated in HiFi-NL-SIM and JSFR-NL-SIM. In (f) the yellow arrows indicate the sidelobe artifact while in (g), the red arrows represent the out-of-focus signal. The intensity profiles of both yellow lines are shown in (h). The scale bars are 5 μm in (a)–(d), 1 μm in (e), and 500 nm in (f) and (g).
For the setting of the reconstruction parameters, we set the strength and Wiener parameter in the Wiener-type filter and two constants of the optimization filters and to 0.91, 0.5, 0.5, and 0.1, respectively. The discussion of the reconstruction parameters is shown in Fig. 5. In particular, we always set the strength parameter of the Wiener-type filter to 0.9–0.99 and keep the Wiener parameters and as 0.5, 0.5, and 0.1, respectively.
Figure 5.Discussion of reconstruction parameters on final SR image. (a)–(d) The effect of attenuation parameter, Wiener-type filter’s parameter, optimization filter1 parameter, and optimization filter2 parameter. The intensity of (a)–(d) is the white line along plane (e). (f)–(h) Intensity of the images filtered with Wiener-type filter, optimization filter1, and optimization filter2. The scale bars are 5 μm in (a)–(c) and 1 μm in (d).
Finally, we demonstrate the ability of JSFR-NL-SIM to produce high-fidelity images with the F-actin filaments, as shown in Figs. 4 and 6. In the widefield image, the clear visualization of the intersected filaments is masked with the highly out-of-focus signal, obstructing the observation of cellular details [Fig. 6(a)]. After executing different reconstruction approaches, the out-of-focus signal has been effectively eliminated. However, the ability of GT-SIM to restrain sidelobe artifacts and honeycomb artifacts induced by a strong out-of-focus signal is moderate. By employing the HiFi-NL-SIM and JSFR-NL-SIM, these artifacts are eliminated successfully [Figs. 6(a) and 6(b)]. In addition, the SR image reconstructed by JSFR-NL-SIM maintains the linear relationship from the intensity profiles [Figs. 4(h) and 6(c)]. We demonstrate the whole image quality using decorrelation analysis [38] [Fig. 6(f)], where the resolution of the widefield image is approximately 260 nm and that of the super resolution image is about 70 nm. We also estimate the local resolution [39] by subdividing the image into smaller tiles and calculating its histogram, where the minimum resolution is 48 nm and that of maximum is 113 nm [Figs. 6(d) and 6(e)].
Figure 6.Reconstruction results from the BioSR dataset. (a) displays the reconstruction results of F-actin filaments, including widefield image and the SR images reconstructed by traditional Wiener-NL-SIM (termed GT-SIM, provided by BioSR dataset), HiFi-NL-SIM, and the proposed JSFR-NL-SIM. (b) provides zoomed-in views of (a), corresponding to the white box in (a). (c) Intensity profiles of the white lines in (b). (d), (e) Location resolution estimation and corresponding histogram of blue box in (a). (f) Decorrelation analysis to evaluate resolution. The scale bars are 5 μm in (a) and 1 μm in (b).
In conclusion, nonlinear SIM employs the nonlinear fluorescence response of fluorescent probes to generate higher-order spatial frequency information. Theoretically, if these high-frequency components can be resolved, the spatial resolution of nonlinear SIM can be improved to an infinite degree. The advent of new reversibly photoswitchable fluorescent proteins has led to the emergence of nonlinear SIM techniques that require low excitation power. Nonetheless, the reconstruction of nonlinear SIM images presents a more formidable challenge in comparison to linear SIM. First, nonlinear SIM necessitates the acquisition of 25 to 63 raw images for the reconstruction of a super resolution image, thereby imposing a significant computational burden. Second, nonlinear SIM necessitates the use of a greater number of illumination angles, and the prediction of parameters is a more time-consuming process than in linear SIM. Third, the high-frequency components of nonlinear SIM are susceptible to noise interference, and the resulting computational artifacts are typically substantial, leading to a deterioration in image fidelity. Consequently, research in this field has made limited progress over time. The proposed JSFR-NL-SIM effectively addresses the aforementioned technical challenges encountered by nonlinear SIM and has been demonstrated to be the most rapid in the SIM field. A complete nonlinear SIM image reconstruction process can be controlled in the millisecond scale. It is noteworthy that the computing speed of the proposed discrete-Fourier-transform-based parameter prediction method is considerably faster than that of all current parameter prediction techniques, and it is also applicable to linear SIM.
Our objective is to present a technique for real-time reconstruction of NL-SIM images and to promote the widespread use of NL-SIM in biomedical laboratories. JSFR-NL-SIM was extensively tested on the numerous data from open source BioSR datasets [36]. Rigorous spatial resolution criteria were also established and compared with other NL-SIM methods. The final image quality and resolution obtained by JSFR-NL-SIM are consistent with traditional NL-SIM, as verified by theoretical derivation and experimental results. JSFR-NL-SIM is readily compatible with various methods, including HiFi methods [6], Hessian denoising [4], and sparse deconvolution [5] to improve the final SR images. By integrating with the VIGOR framework proposed by Markwirth et al. [18], JSFR-NL-SIM has the potential to achieve real-time, multicolor observation with a larger field of view and reduce the latency between measurement and reconstructed image display. Additionally, by combining with the joint spectrum optimization strategy presented by Wen et al. [6,37], reconstruction artifacts in JSFR-NL-SIM can be further eliminated. Furthermore, JSFR-NL-SIM enables fast acquisition of SR images, which facilitates data acquisition. Moreover, JSFR-NL-SIM is expected to serve as the high-quality ground truth for training linear SIM in deep learning in the future [40–43].
However, the implementation of nonlinear SIM is constrained by the complexities associated with sample preparation and the inherent limitations of fluorescent probes. Consequently, the real-time nonlinear reconstruction experiments remain incomplete. As fluorescent dyes continue to evolve, we anticipate that JSFR will facilitate the future realization of real-time NL-SIM.
Acknowledgment. We acknowledge the valuable contribution made by our former team members, Dr. Zhaojun Wang and Dr. Xing Zhou, to JSFR-SIM.
We will first discuss the classical Wiener NL-SIM algorithm, which is based on the traditional Wiener deconvolution. Next, we will extend the principle of the JSFR to nonlinear SIM and provide a detailed demonstration.
The point spread function (PSF) of an incoherent imaging system describes the intensity response of the system to a point object. Therefore, the image of any object formed at the sensor plane can be expressed by the convolution between the emission intensity and the PSF of the system: where denotes the distribution of photons at the detector plane in direction , indicates the PSF of the imaging system, represents the intensity distribution emitted by the sample, and the symbol represents the convolution operation. In the linear SIM, the emission rate of samples is linearly proportional to the illumination intensity while this relationship is nonlinear in the NL-SIM, as becomes where describes the nonlinear behavior of the sample in response to the illumination light. Consider the case of a one-dimensional sinusoidal illumination pattern; then the nonlinear response can be described as the following Fourier series with a maximal harmonic order of :
The detected intensity distribution at the sensor plane can be described by the following equation:
After transforming the above equation into the frequency space, the spectrum of the raw image results in a weighted sum of an infinite number of components: where , , are the Fourier transform of , , , respectively. Obviously, besides the terms in L-SIM, this equation contains many higher-order harmonics at integer multiples of the fundamental spatial frequency, from to . To separate these components, it requires raw images to be taken at different phases of the illumination pattern. Besides, the one-dimensional sinusoidal pattern needs to be rotated to obtain an isotropic enlarged spectrum in the frequency domain. As such, the image reconstruction of NL-SIM can be implemented in a similar way to L-SIM, which can be summarized as follows.
Specifically, for the nonlinear SIM with patterned activation (PA NL-SIM), as , , , , 25 raw images for five directions and each with five phases are required. Equation (A5) can be rewritten as
In Eq. (A6), five phases are required to solve five unknown spectrum components. Therefore, we rewrite Eq. (A6) as the matrix form where . Once the initial phases have been determined, we can invert the matrix and obtain the spectrum components, which are given as where is the inverse transform of the phase matrix and represent the 0th-order, st-order, nd-order spectra, respectively. Specifically, the relationship between the phases is . After solving Eq. (A8), the separated spectrum is shifted to the correct position according to the wave vectors. Therefore, the directly combined spectrum without deconvolution can be obtained as follows:
Consequently, the Wiener deconvolution is applied for the final spatial resolution improvement and OTF compensation, as where is the Wiener filter and is the empirical parameter.
Previously, we have developed a high-speed reconstruction workflow for L-SIM, termed JSFR-SIM, which reconstructs the SR image in the real space and suppresses the out-of-focus signal. In this section, we explore the basic theory of the SIM (L-SIM and NL-SIM) from a more general spatial perspective and extend the concept of the JSFR-SIM to the NL-SIM regime, avoiding the complex calculations of the Wiener-SIM procedures.
According to Eq. (A4), the raw image acquired at the initial phase can be described as
By shifting the excitation field with a lateral movement, the above equation can be revised as where represents the lateral shift of the field, indicates the index of phase shifts, and is the highest harmonic order (for example, for L-SIM). Without loss of generality, we will consider the structured light field in one dimension. As a result, the vector can be replaced by the scalar : where we use to denote the fundamental frequency harmonic in one dimension.
Assume that there exists , which makes the reconstructed super resolution image the linear superposition of the structured light field, as shown in the following formula:
Assume that the following relationship holds:
Then we can obtain
The equivalent effective PSF is , which depends not only on the widefield PSF but also on the modulation function . The modulation functions are typically represented by a mathematical equation . By substituting the modulation function into Eq. (B6), we can obtain
The FWHM of the effective PSF turns out to be about one third of the widefield PSF; the precondition for the establishment of Eq. (B7) can be simplified to
By rewriting both sides of this equation as a function of and , the above equation can be rewritten as
According to the orthogonality of and , must satisfy the following relations; if we want the above formula to be always true for any and ″, the following equations must be valid:
Assuming the phase shift to be , then the above relations can be rewritten as follows:
Let We can always get with the following formulae, as long as the above matrix is full rank:
The above formulae are the general expressions of .
Similar to the L-SIM case, is fully determined by the illumination parameters, and the intermediate image can be obtained by summing up the coefficient functions with the detected raw images in all directions, as follows:
Consequently, the Wiener filter, which is consistent with Wiener-NL-SIM, is applied to the final process for further resolution improvement and artifact reduction:
Various methods can be used to determine the illumination parameters, including the initial phase, pattern frequency, and modulation depth. In Fig. 7, we utilize the proposed DFT-based algorithm to estimate the illumination parameter. Once the illumination parameters are determined, the coefficients can be precalculated and reused for consecutive reconstructions, greatly reducing the computing burden. Also, by utilizing a notch filter, termed , which has a value of zero within regions of a radius of 3 pixels at and , and a value of one in all other regions, the quality of the preliminary SR images can be improved to produce the ultimate high-fidelity SR images. Figure 7 shows the F-actin filaments reconstruction results, which demonstrates the reliability of the JSFR reconstruction. Furthermore, an investigation was conducted to access the structure similarity index measure (SSIM) difference among HiFi-NL-SIM, JSFR-NL-SIM, and GT-SIM-a (Wiener-NL-SIM). Since the HiFi-NL-SIM algorithm has demonstrated its ability to reconstruct super resolution images of linear SIM as well as nonlinear SIM with high fidelity and high robustness, accordingly, the HiFi-NL-SIM is employed as a reference for the calculation of the SSIM. The specific results are shown in Fig. 7, which demonstrates that HiFi-NL-SIM and JSFR-NL-SIM are effective in suppressing the artifacts and enhancing the image quality. Furthermore, the SSIM values of JSFR-NL-SIM are distributed within the range of 0.92–0.95, indicating a high overall similarity.
Figure 7.Structure similarity index measure difference among three algorithms. (a)–(c) SR images reconstructed by HiFi-NL-SIM, JSFR-NL-SIM, and GT-SIM-a (Wiener-NL-SIM). (d) Enlarged images of different colored boxes from (a). The numbers at the upper-left corner in the insets of (b)–(d) indicate the structural similarity of the current image, compared with the original HiFi-NL-SIM image.
Figure 8.Comparison of workflow of HiFi-NL-SIM and JSFR-NL-SIM. The preliminary preprocessing of both methods is similar. (a) The workflow of HiFi-NL-SIM and (b) the workflow of JSFR-NL-SIM.
It should be noted that Eq. (B15) still presents several issues regarding image quality. (1) Conventional parameter estimation may fail due to the low SNR. (2) Wiener-NL-SIM cannot eliminate the out-of-focus fluorescent signal and high-frequency noise. (3) Sidelobe artifacts may occur due to the abnormal features of OTF. (4) Richardson-Lucy deconvolution (RL deconvolution), which is used to increase the resolution, results in decreased reconstruction speed.
To solve these problems, we first deduced the classical parameter estimation in NL-SIM, including the wave vector, initial phases, and modulation depths. Equation (A8) shows that by dividing and with the OTF, we can obtain the object information modulated by the initial phases and modulation depths: where is the estimated wave vector. The separated and OTF-corrected bands have the overlapping regions resulting in a high correlation, as follows:
Equation (C2) will achieve its maximum when , where is the ideal wave vector. This can be found through an iteration search using the Fourier shift theorem. Specifically, in NL-SIM, the first higher-order spectrum peak (1HOH) is relatively lower compared to the first-order spectrum (1OH). As a result, the correlation peak between 1OH and 1HOH is not discernible. Therefore, we calculate the correlation peak between the zeroth-order spectrum and first-order spectrum to determine the wave vector. Furthermore, we employ an attenuation function to reduce the redundant spectrum and enhance the detection of wave vectors. Richardson-Lucy deconvolution also contributes to enhancing the peak, but this procedure can be replaced by the Wiener-type function calculated in advance to speed up the parameter estimation process.
After determining the wave vectors, the modulation depths and initial phase can be calculated as follows:
In the main text, we mentioned that the disadvantage of the classical method is relatively slow speed. Therefore, by utilizing the DFT-based parameters estimation algorithm, the execution speed of the parameter estimation can be significantly increased.
However, the modulation depth of the higher-order harmonics calculated by Eq. (C4) is always unreliable, and we need to preset before the final reconstruction. In the JSFR-NL-SIM, we always set it as .
During the reconstruction step, an attenuation function is applied to the raw images to eliminate the out-of-focus signal. As we have demonstrated, RL deconvolution with the limited iteration times enhances high-frequency information, but at the cost of time. Furthermore, passing through a passband filter greatly suppresses this enhancement, providing no additional spectral information compared to the Wiener-type filter. To address this, we combined an attenuation function with a Wiener-type filter for the out-of-focus signal suppression and acceleration as a pre-processing step as
Finally, in the classical Wiener-NL-SIM, the Wiener filter consists of the equivalent OTF of the SR image, which exhibits the strong convex peak, not only in the center of the filter but also in the high-order spectrum. Eventually, the final spectrum of the SR image exhibits the same shape as the Wiener filter, which results in various artifacts, such as honeycomb artifacts causing sharp residual out-of-focus signal, which enhances the out-of-focus signal and noise. Therefore, we adopt the optimization functions to eliminate the abnormal features of OTF and artifacts. First, we correct the abnormal spectrum by adopting the , as follows: where is the parameter of the . This optimization filter applies the notch filter with different attenuation strengths to correct the abnormal spectrum challenged by in Eq. (A10). Second, we adopt the to retain the weak information and continuously approach the ideal spectrum, as follows: where Apo is the apodization function in the frequency domain, and is the parameter of the . The has the similar form as the but with a relatively smaller . That is because some weak information is eliminated by adopting the . Therefore, we adapt the to compensate for weak information. Moreover, by exploiting the apodization function, artifacts generated by the high-frequency noise can be suppressed.
These optimization functions are only related to the illumination parameters and can be calculated in advance. For convenience, we integrate these two functions into a single one: where is designed to correct the abnormalities of reconstructed spectrum and is employed to recover the high-frequency information spectrum.
In the JSFR-NL-SIM, the two optimization filters are adjusted by setting and . is designed to suppress artifacts and adjust the equivalent OTF to an ideal form, whereas is designed to recover high-frequency details while suppressing noise. When the larger is set, the capacity for the attenuation of high-frequency noise across all spectra and the diminution of sidelobe artifacts will be augmented. However, this is achieved at the expense of the suppression of genuine high-frequency information, which results in the loss of subtle details within structures. A reduction in the results in an amplification of high-frequency signals, which serves to enhance the visibility of weak signals and increase the image sharpness. It is recommended that, in the event of an image exhibiting a low signal-to-noise ratio, the value of is increased in order to suppress noise and artifacts. Conversely, if the signal-to-noise ratio of the image is satisfactory, can be reduced in order to amplify high-frequency information. Generally, we set and to achieve a balance between the artifact suppression and the retention of the weak signal. A comprehensive examination of the BioSR was conducted, and the resulting images filtered by two optimizations filters are of exceptional quality. It is not necessary to make any adjustments to and during the test, thus ensuring the convenience of the JSFR-NL-SIM.
In this section, we will use the PA NL-SIM as an example to illustrate the unity of reconstruction in both spatial and frequency domains. Specifically, we denote the phase-shifting elements in the Eq. (B11) matrix as ; thus the equation can be written as where the coefficient matrix can be expressed as
On this basis, Eq. (B14) can be written as the following equation:
For convenience, we introduce the intermediate images to rewrite the formula. As a result, the super resolution image can be represented as a linear combination of the intermediate images, which are completely determined by the illumination parameters. The intermediate images are shown below: And the super resolution image can be written as follows:
By substituting Eq. (B13) into Eq. (B15) and writing as the convolution form, we can obtain the following equations:
Subsequently, we can further derive the intermediate images as follows:
Therefore, the high-order spectrum information thus can be obtained:
Subsequently, shifting the high-order spectrum to their original position, the first-order and the second-order spectra can be expressed as follows:
Finally, by combining the above high-order spectrum information together and transforming into the spatial domain, the super resolution image can be obtained:
As we have demonstrated in the main text, both the JSFR-NL-SIM and HiFi-NL-SIM can produce the high-fidelity SR image; the difference is that the JSFR-NL-SIM is significantly faster. With both using the DFT-based parameters estimation algorithm proposed in this paper, the execution time of the detailed steps in the reconstruction is given in Fig. 8. Without loss of generality, we also give the comparison flowchart of the classical Wiener-NL-SIM with HiFi-NL-SIM and JSFR-NL-SIM (Fig. 9). We also compare the reconstruction time of the three algorithms at different pixels in CPU and GPU environments (Fig. 10).
Figure 9.Comparison of the workflow of the Wiener-NL-SIM, HiFi-NL-SIM, and JSFR-NL-SIM. (a) Workflow of the Wiener-NL-SIM. (b) Workflow of the HiFi-NL-SIM. (c) Workflow of the JSFR-NL-SIM.
Figure 10.Execution time of the JSFR-NL-SIM, Wiener-NL-SIM, and HiFi-NL-SIM in both CPU and GPU environments. (a) Execution time of the three algorithms in the CPU environment. (b) Execution time of the three algorithms in the GPU environment. (c) Exact execution time of the three algorithms.
We first validate the robustness of the DFT algorithm in estimating the wave vector. Figure 11 shows the performance of the classical COR algorithm and DFT algorithm under the different noise levels. The experimental data are adopted as a benchmark, without any added noise, and then stepwise increasing Gaussian noise is added to it. The methodology involves testing the methods 50 times at each noise level. The experimental results demonstrated that both COR and DFT achieve satisfactory results when the noise level is within the 50 dBW range. Nevertheless, DFT exhibits superior robustness and a lower average error. In the case of nonlinear SIM, DFT employs the same phase estimation method as COR. This is due to the fact that the correlation-based parameter estimation method has a wide range of applicability and has been successfully applied to numerous biological samples. Furthermore, the robustness of correlation-based parameter estimation has been well proven. Provided that the wave vectors can be correctly estimated, it seems reasonable to suggest that the estimation of the phase can achieve a similar level of robustness to that observed in COR. Second, in terms of performance, the results demonstrate that the DFT algorithm is capable of estimating the illumination parameters for all directions in 50 ms for the nonlinear SIM with 25 raw images containing five directions (released on GitHub, GPU 4070ti). The comprehensive results with different pixel sizes are shown in Table 2.
Figure 11.Wave vector errors of classical COR algorithm and DFT algorithm.
DFT Algorithm Provides a Significantly Improved Illumination Parameters Estimation Speed of All Image Sizes in GPU Environment for NL-SIM
Input Image Size (Pixel)
Execution Time of the DFT Algorithm (ms)
Execution Time of the COR Algorithm (ms)
Furthermore, the DFT algorithm can be applied to linear SIM. In order to validate the performance of the DFT algorithm in the linear SIM, the code published on GitHub is utilized, with only the image parameters undergoing modification. The publicly available dataset from BioSR, comprising an image of 512 pixels, is employed for testing, with the computation time recorded 50 times to obtain the average. The average time obtained is 30 ms. The code provided by PCA is downloaded and a speed test is conducted on the same images in the same environment. The results demonstrated an average time of 33 ms. For the purpose of comparison, the average execution time of COR is determined to be 69 ms. For images with 1024 pixels, the computation time for DFT is 76 ms, while that for PCA is 77 ms. It is reasonable to posit that the execution speed of DFT reaches a similar order of magnitude to that of PCA (Table 3).
Comparison of the Execution Time of the Linear SIM Reconstruction Procedure by DFT, PCA, and COR