To attain ignition conditions, a laser driver for inertial confinement fusion (ICF) should have output energy of the order of megajoules at the appropriate wavelength over a pulselength of a few nanoseconds[
High Power Laser Science and Engineering, Volume. 3, Issue 4, 04000001(2015)
Radiation model of a xenon flash lamp in a laser amplifier pump cavity
Understanding the radiation model of a flash lamp is essential for the reflector design of a laser amplifier. Reflector design often involves several simplifying assumptions, like a point or Lambertian source; either of these assumptions may lead to significant errors in the output distribution. In practice, source non-idealities usually result in sacrificing the amplifier’s gain coefficient. We propose a novel test technique for attaining the xenon flash lamp absolute spectral intensity at various angles of view, and then accurately predict radiation distributions and generate the reflector shape. It is shown that due to the absorption of emitted radiation by the lamp itself, the behavior of the radiation model at various wavelengths is different. Numerical results of xenon plasma absorption coefficient were compared with the measured data. A reasonable agreement was obtained for the absorption coefficient parameters. Thus, this work provides a useful analytical tool for the engineering design of laser amplifier reflectors using xenon flash lamps as pumps.
1. Introduction
To attain ignition conditions, a laser driver for inertial confinement fusion (ICF) should have output energy of the order of megajoules at the appropriate wavelength over a pulselength of a few nanoseconds[
Two theoretical descriptions of the radiation model are presently available in the literature[
The second theory treats the xenon plasma as a graybody radiator, which can emit as well as absorb pump light. The radiating xenon plasma is optically thick, meaning that pump light emanates from the surface of the plasma and not from within its bulk. The absorption of emitted radiation by xenon plasma itself is relatively sensitive to the flash lamp parameters.
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In this study, we assume that xenon plasma absorption coefficients change with current density, lamp diameter, and xenon pressure. Our key purpose is to provide an exact flash lamp radiation model for reflector design. The accuracy of the model is demonstrated by comparison with experimental data of absolute spectral-intensity measurements at one point on the surface of a lamp tube.
2. Calculation results
2.1. Physical description
Following Trenholme–Emmett[ was given by
, then the emission intensity as viewed through a uniform plasma at temperature
and over a length
was given by
The emissivity was defined as
Given the relationship between the plasma temperature and the physical characteristics of the lamp, fitting the temperature function[
Flash lamps are filled with xenon and have variations in the bore diameter, constant 114-cm arc lengths, and walls made of cerium-doped quartz. A simplified equivalent drive circuit with two lamps connected in series is illustrated in Figure F and an inductance of 250
2.2. Calculated result
The absorption coefficients are presented in Figure less than 800 nm, the absorption coefficient rises linearly. For
, the absorption coefficient is a downward parabola, whereas for a wavelength
longer than 850 nm, the absorption coefficient noisily reduces. Figure
) versus plasma length at three lamp current densities. We interpreted the general shape of these curves to be caused by those reasons discussed for Figure
For the circuit, we can represent the system using the following equation[
We chose the equivalent current densities for the flash lamp bore from 0.8 to 2 cm. The electrical time dependences of the lamp current pulses were calculated by Equation ( is determined by lamp parameters and current density plays a leading role. It is evident from Equations (
3. Experimental verification
3.1. Experimental method
The radiated flash lamp energy depends on the depth of the xenon plasma viewed, and therefore not only on the lamp dimensions, but also on its orientation. Figure . The other lamp was placed in a black box and it was ensured that no light radiated outward. Each angle tests three times and takes an average, and the time interval between the two is at least 15 minutes; otherwise the xenon flash lamp would not cool completely. We can calculate the absorption coefficient of the xenon plasma by comparing the energy data at the viewing angles with the data from the normal.
3.2. Experimental results
For the 2-cm-bore and 127-cm arc length flash lamp, the circuit has a capacitance of 125 F and an inductance of 250
H. A capacitor voltage of 24 kV is used to attain a current pulse amplitude up to 6.2 kA. The theoretical prediction of the pulse shape was seen to be in reasonably good agreement with the measurement data as shown in Figures
As a check on the reproducibility of test facility, we placed a photomultiplier at a fixed distance from the normal direction of the lamp surface. All test results are nearly identical, which means that the system has good performance stability and there is no visible change in the appearance of facility during the experiment, as shown in Figure
Power of the wavelength (532 nm) dependence of the various angles of view (which occurred at the flash lamp peak current density of 3.5 kA/cm2) is presented in Table . In general, the lamp emission falls off with the angle approximately as
(Refs. [
The measured variations of flash lamp absorption coefficient with wavelength 532 nm at constant lamp current density and lamp bore are summarized in Figure
-axis shows the emission power at an angle with respect to the normal versus the radiation power in the normal[
, the Lambertian source provides emission light from different positions along the lamp shell. For the absorption coefficient
, there is no absorption in the plasma. The measurement results of flash lamp opacity are in qualitative agreement with the absorption coefficient
and the calculated results of absorption coefficient
. We attribute the measurement error to neglecting the wrapping material thickness. The flash lamp radiation model is shown to be a reasonably accurate predictor of radiant energy at high power.
4. Conclusion
The measured and calculated flash lamp radiation models are clearly in good agreement for the case where the lamp is treated as a volume source radiating light outward. It is of interest to estimate the effect that various changes in the lamp parameters would have on the absorption coefficient if all other circuit parameters remained constant. Increasing the lamp current density will increase the absorption coefficient. No dependence of the lamp absorption coefficient on the lamp bore and xenon pressure was observed. For the wavelengths ranging from 400 to 800 nm, the lamp plasma absorption coefficient is so small that the lamp radiated in the whole tube. For wavelengths ranging from 800 to 850 nm, the radiation volume is a hollow cylindrical model. For wavelengths ranging from 850 to 1000 nm, the radiation volume is a thin-shell Lambertian.
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Yongzhong Wu, Jianqiang Zhu, Zhixiang Zhang, Yangshuai Li. Radiation model of a xenon flash lamp in a laser amplifier pump cavity[J]. High Power Laser Science and Engineering, 2015, 3(4): 04000001
Received: Aug. 10, 2015
Accepted: Nov. 2, 2015
Published Online: Jan. 7, 2016
The Author Email: Yongzhong Wu (