Photonics Research, Volume. 9, Issue 5, 814(2021)

One-step implementation of Rydberg-antiblockade SWAP and controlled-SWAP gates with modified robustness

Jin-Lei Wu1, Yan Wang1, Jin-Xuan Han1, Yu-Kun Feng1, Shi-Lei Su2, Yan Xia3, Yongyuan Jiang1, and Jie Song1、*
Author Affiliations
  • 1School of Physics, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China
  • 2School of Physics and Microelectronics, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450001, China
  • 3Department of Physics, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350002, China
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    The prevalent fashion of executing Rydberg-mediated two- and multi-qubit quantum gates in neutral atomic systems is to pump Rydberg excitations using multistep piecewise pulses in the Rydberg blockade regime. Here, we propose to synthesize a Λ-type Rydberg antiblockade (RAB) of two neutral atoms using periodic fields, which facilitates one-step implementations of SWAP and controlled-SWAP (CSWAP) gates with the same gate time. Besides, the RAB condition is modified so as to circumvent the sensitivity of RAB-based gates to infidelity factors, including atomic decay, motional dephasing, and interatomic distance deviation. Our work makes up the absence of one-step schemes of Rydberg-mediated SWAP and CSWAP gates and may pave a way to enhance the robustness of RAB-based gates.


    The interaction between neutral atoms excited to Rydberg states is strong and long-range, making Rydberg atoms attractive in the context of quantum technologies [14]. Rydberg atoms have been considered as an attractive candidate platform for quantum computing [57] and quantum simulating [810] because of remarkable and continuous advances in cooling, trapping, and manipulating neutral atoms. Entangled states with scale up to 20 qubits have been generated in arrays of Rydberg atoms [11]. Furthermore, atomic species in experiments have been generalized from alkali metal atoms to alkaline earth atoms [12]. Although various schemes have been put forward to implement Rydberg-mediated quantum gates since the pioneering protocol was reported [13], enormous challenges remain in achieving experimentally high-fidelity Rydberg gates as well as in highly efficient Rydberg-atom-based quantum computing [14]. On the one hand, the gate fidelity is always limited due to intrinsic and technical errors. Intrinsic errors involve atomic decay and imperfect approximate conditions, including blockade errors in the Rydberg blockade [1,1416] gate schemes [13,1720], nonadiabatic errors [21,22] in adiabatic gate schemes [13,2327], and higher-order perturbation errors in Rydberg antiblockade (RAB) [2833] gate schemes [3440]. Technical errors are caused by imperfections of techniques in, e.g., cooling, trapping, and manipulating atoms [1,2,41,42]. On the other hand, existing schemes are not sufficient for one-step implementing certain two-qubit gates and many multi-qubit gates, especially for some frequently used gates, such as the SWAP gate, and the controlled-SWAP (CSWAP), that is, the Fredkin gate [43].

    Despite a controlled-not (CNOT) gate combined with a small number of single-qubit gates constructing arbitrary gate operations (e.g., a SWAP gate formed with three CNOT gates [44]), direct executions of quantum gates can significantly improve the processing efficiency of lengthy quantum algorithms rather than decomposing them into a series of elementary gates [25,4548]. The SWAP gate is an important, nontrivial two-qubit gate with extensive applications in quantum computation [49], entanglement swapping [50], and quantum repeaters [51]. The CSWAP gate is one of the most representative multi-qubit gates, swapping the quantum states of two target qubits depending on the state of a control qubit, which holds important functions in quantum error correction [52], quantum fingerprinting [53], and quantum routers [54]. Among existing Rydberg-mediated gate schemes, SWAP gates are achieved in three or more steps, using multiple piecewise pulses and involving two or more Rydberg states in single atoms [5557]. The scheme of implementing a CSWAP gate requires five-step operations with five piecewise pulses [58]. The multistep operations of implementing quantum gates not only make quantum algorithms rigmarole and unproductive but also accumulate more decoherence.

    In the present work, we propose schemes to implement one-step SWAP and CSWAP gates of Rydberg atoms that are driven by periodic amplitude-modulated (AM) fields. The synthetic interplay between AM fields and interatomic Rydberg–Rydberg interaction (RRI) induces a Λ-type RAB structure of two atoms, based on which a SWAP gate on two atoms and a CSWAP gate on three atoms can be formed. However, similar to existing RAB-based gate schemes [3437,59,60], the attendance of a doubly excited Rydberg state |rr during the evolution will induce common issues in RAB-based gates, i.e., the sensitivity to atomic decay, motional dephasing, and interatomic distance deviation. Aiming at these common issues, we modify the RAB condition to constrain the participation of |rr in the gate procedure, which can not only reduce the effect of atomic decay from Rydberg states and of motional dephasing during Rydberg excitation but also loosen the stringent restrictions on the parameter condition of RAB to a certain degree. The present work fills the gap of directly constructing Rydberg-atom SWAP and CSWAP gates in one step. In addition, the work may also pave the way to circumvent the common issues in RAB-based gates.

    This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we illustrate the construction of a Λ-type RAB structure, based on which one-step SWAP gates are implemented with resonant and modified RAB, respectively. In Section 3, the robustness of two kinds of SWAP gates is studied and compared. In Section 4, we propose to implement a CSWAP gate in one step. A conclusion is given in Section 5.


    A. Resonant Λ-Type Rydberg Antiblockade

    (a) Schematic for implementing a SWAP gate. Two identical atoms are driven resonantly by two AM laser fields, excited from two ground (computational) states |0⟩ and |1⟩ to a Rydberg (mediated) state |r⟩, respectively, with modulated Rabi frequencies Ω0(t) and Ω1(t). Two atoms are coupled to each other by RRI with strength V=C6/d6, C6 being the van der Waals coefficient and d the interatomic distance. The effective Λ-type RAB dynamics is shown in the shadow of (b). (b) Schematic for implementing a CSWAP gate. Inset circle: the control atom c is coupled to target atoms 1 and 2 described in (a), with RRI strengths V1c and V2c corresponding to interatomic distances d1c and d2c, respectively. The effective Λ-type system of the target atoms is coupled to the control atom with RRI strength (V1c+V2c). In addition, the control atom is excited resonantly by another AM field from |0⟩c to |r⟩c with Rabi frequency Ωc(t).

    Figure 1.(a) Schematic for implementing a SWAP gate. Two identical atoms are driven resonantly by two AM laser fields, excited from two ground (computational) states |0 and |1 to a Rydberg (mediated) state |r, respectively, with modulated Rabi frequencies Ω0(t) and Ω1(t). Two atoms are coupled to each other by RRI with strength V=C6/d6, C6 being the van der Waals coefficient and d the interatomic distance. The effective Λ-type RAB dynamics is shown in the shadow of (b). (b) Schematic for implementing a CSWAP gate. Inset circle: the control atom c is coupled to target atoms 1 and 2 described in (a), with RRI strengths V1c and V2c corresponding to interatomic distances d1c and d2c, respectively. The effective Λ-type system of the target atoms is coupled to the control atom with RRI strength (V1c+V2c). In addition, the control atom is excited resonantly by another AM field from |0c to |rc with Rabi frequency Ωc(t).

    The effective quantum system described by Eq. (3) indicates a Λ-type RAB structure where the doubly excited Rydberg pair state |rr mediates the transition between two odd-parity computational states |01 and |10, while even-parity states |00 and |11 remain unaffected. A SWAP gate can be implemented through a resonant Raman-like process |01|rr|10 with the resonance condition δ=0 and gate time T=2π/|Ωe|; further, the SWAP gate is of the form USWAP=|0000||0110||1001|+|1111|, which is equivalent to the standard form up to local phase operations.

    For identifying the gate validity, we simulate numerically the gate performance by solving the master equation ρ˙=i[ρ,H^Full]12j=1Nk=02(L^kjL^kjρ2L^kjρL^kj+ρL^kjL^kj),in which ρ is the density operator and ρ˙ the time derivative of the density operator. H^Full denotes the full Hamiltonian of the atomic system [for the SWAP gate H^Full is Eq. (1)]. N=2 (N=3) is the number of atoms for the SWAP (CSWAP) gate. The atomic decay operator is defined by L^kjγk|kjr|, for which an additional ground state |2j is introduced to denote those Zeeman magnetic sublevels out of the computational states |0j and |1j. In this work, we assume that Rb87 atoms are adopted, and decay rates from a Rydberg state into eight Zeeman ground states are identical for convenience, so γ0=γ1=1/8τ and γ2=3/4τ with τ being the lifetime of the Rydberg state.

    Time-dependent average fidelities of the SWAP gate with {δ′=0, T=3.87 μs} and {δ′/2π=1.11 MHz, T=33.28 μs}, respectively. Atomic decay is not considered.

    Figure 2.Time-dependent average fidelities of the SWAP gate with {δ=0, T=3.87  μs} and {δ/2π=1.11  MHz, T=33.28  μs}, respectively. Atomic decay is not considered.

    B. Modified Condition of Rydberg Antiblockade

    Rydberg excitation probabilities during the SWAP gate procedure with different excitation numbers for (a) the resonant RAB with δ′=0 and (b) the modified RAB with δ′/2π=1.11 MHz, respectively. Two-atom initial product state |Ψ0⟩=(|0⟩1+|1⟩1)/2⊗|1⟩2 is specified.

    Figure 3.Rydberg excitation probabilities during the SWAP gate procedure with different excitation numbers for (a) the resonant RAB with δ=0 and (b) the modified RAB with δ/2π=1.11  MHz, respectively. Two-atom initial product state |Ψ0=(|01+|11)/2|12 is specified.


    For the conventional Rydberg-antiblockade quantum gates, a key property is the participation of the Rydberg pair state |rr in the gate procedure mediating the state shifts of ground states, so the gate operations on atomic ground states suffer from decay from Rydberg states, laser dephasing caused by atomic motions due to the Doppler effect. Besides, to guarantee the attendance of |rr, the RAB condition with a strict relation among ω0, ω1, and V must be precisely controlled, which makes the gate operations sensitive to errors in V. However, for the modified RAB described by the effective Hamiltonian in Eq. (5), |rr is not needed in the gate procedure, so the issues above will be efficiently evaded.

    Infidelities of the SWAP gates caused by (a) atomic decay with different lifetimes of the Rydberg state, (b) motional dephasing with different atomic temperatures, (c) standard deviations of the interatomic distance, and (d) deviations in the RRI strength. Each point in (b), (c), and (d) denotes the average of 201 results.

    Figure 4.Infidelities of the SWAP gates caused by (a) atomic decay with different lifetimes of the Rydberg state, (b) motional dephasing with different atomic temperatures, (c) standard deviations of the interatomic distance, and (d) deviations in the RRI strength. Each point in (b), (c), and (d) denotes the average of 201 results.

    Due to the atomic thermal motion, processes of Rydberg excitations suffer from motional dephasing inevitably because of presence of the Doppler effect [2,68,69], which is an important resource of technical errors. When considering motional dephasing, the Rabi frequencies of the Rydberg excitation in Eq. (2) are changed, as Ωk(t)Ωk(t)eiΔkt (k=0,  1) [42,68,69]. The detunings Δ0,1 of the Rydberg pumping lasers seen by the atoms are two random variables yielded with a Gaussian probability distribution of the mean Δ¯=0 and the standard deviation σΔ=keffvrms, where keff is the effective wave vector magnitude of lasers that atoms undergo, and vrms=kBTa/M is the atomic root-mean-square velocity with kB, Ta, and M being the Boltzmann constant, atomic temperature, and atomic mass, respectively. Here, we suppose for simplicity that there are two counterpropagating laser fields with wavelengths λ1480  nm and λ2780  nm used for excitation of the Rydberg state |r=|100S1/2 through a two-photon process with the intermediate state |p=|5P3/2 [68], which gives an effective wave vector magnitude keff5×106  m1 [42]. Then, with these settings, we numerically work out in Fig. 4(b) the infidelities of the SWAP gates obtained by the resonant RAB and the modified RAB, respectively. The gate infidelity for the modified RAB is dramatically reduced by even an order of magnitude when Ta>30  μK, compared with that for the resonant RAB. With an experimentally accessible atomic temperature Ta10  μK [5,7], the infidelity caused by motional dephasing can be below 102.

    For controlling the RRI strength between the atoms, interatomic distance cannot be strictly fixed owing to imperfections of cooling and trapping atoms, and it can be characterized with a quasi-1D Gaussian probability distribution of the mean (ideal) d=C6/V6 and the standard deviation σd [6]. From Fig. 4(c), we know that, while the gate performance is still sensitive to the interatomic distance deviation, the modified RAB can loosen this sensitivity to a certain degree. More intuitively, we consider a relative deviation δV to change the RRI strength into V[1+rand(δV)], where rand(δV) is a function creating random numbers within [δV,δV]. Figure 4(d) shows the effect of different δV on the fidelities of implementing the SWAP gates. It is apparent that increasing the relative deviation in V reduces the fidelity of the SWAP gates significantly for the case of the resonant RAB, while the effect of δV on the SWAP gate of the modified RAB is much slighter, which indicates that the gate performance against the deviations in V is largely improved by the modified RAB.


    Time-dependent average fidelities of the CSWAP gate with {δ′=0, T=3.87 μs} and {δ′/2π=1.11 MHz, T=33.28 μs}, respectively. Atomic decay is not considered. Ωcm/2π=12 MHz and ωc/2π=142 MHz, and V1c/2π=V2c/2π=70.98 MHz.

    Figure 5.Time-dependent average fidelities of the CSWAP gate with {δ=0, T=3.87  μs} and {δ/2π=1.11  MHz, T=33.28  μs}, respectively. Atomic decay is not considered. Ωcm/2π=12  MHz and ωc/2π=142  MHz, and V1c/2π=V2c/2π=70.98  MHz.

    Rydberg excitation probabilities during the CSWAP gate procedure with different excitation numbers for (a) the resonant RAB with δ′=0 and (b) the modified RAB with δ′/2π=1.11 MHz, respectively. Three-atom initial product state |Ψ0⟩=(0⟩1−|1⟩1)/2⊗(|0⟩2−|1⟩2)/2⊗(|0⟩c−|1⟩c)/2 is specified.

    Figure 6.Rydberg excitation probabilities during the CSWAP gate procedure with different excitation numbers for (a) the resonant RAB with δ=0 and (b) the modified RAB with δ/2π=1.11  MHz, respectively. Three-atom initial product state |Ψ0=(01|11)/2(|02|12)/2(|0c|1c)/2 is specified.

    Infidelities of the CSWAP gates caused by (a) atomic decay with different lifetimes of the Rydberg state, (b) motional dephasing with different atomic temperatures, (c) standard deviations of the distance between the two target atoms, and (d) deviations in the RRI strength between the two target atoms. Each point in (b), (c), and (d) denotes the average of 201 results.

    Figure 7.Infidelities of the CSWAP gates caused by (a) atomic decay with different lifetimes of the Rydberg state, (b) motional dephasing with different atomic temperatures, (c) standard deviations of the distance between the two target atoms, and (d) deviations in the RRI strength between the two target atoms. Each point in (b), (c), and (d) denotes the average of 201 results.


    To conclude, we have proposed effective schemes to implement one-step Rydberg-mediated SWAP and CSWAP gates on neutral atomic systems under a Rydberg antiblockade regime. The use of resonant amplitude-modulated fields enables a Λ-type Rydberg antiblockade structure, which facilitates a Raman-like process connecting two odd-parity computational states of two atoms and thus the implementation of the SWAP gate. Besides, the robustness of gates is enhanced through modifying the condition of the Rydberg antiblockade. The introduction of a periodically driven control atom makes the execution of the SWAP gate depend on the state of the control atom, so a CSWAP gate is achieved with the same gate time and similar gate performance to the SWAP gate. Our work fills the gap of directly implementing one-step Rydberg-mediated SWAP and CSWAP gates and circumvents common issues in Rydberg antiblockade based gates.


    With the two-atom basis {|jk?} (j,k=0,??1,?r), the full Hamiltonian of two atoms is H^0=12[Ω0m?cos(ω0t)(|00??r0|+|01??r1|+|0r??rr|+|00??0r|+|10??1r|+|r0??rr|)+Ω1m?cos(ω1t)(|10??r0|+|11??r1|+|1r??rr|+|01??0r|+|11??1r|+|r1??rr|)+H.c.]+V|rr??rr|.We transform Eq.?(A1) into the frame defined by U^0=exp(itδ|rr??rr|) with δ=V?δ0=ω1?ω0?δ0 and obtain H^1=U^0(H^0?i??t)U^0?=H^1+δ0|rr??rr| with H^1=Ω0m4{(eiω0t+e?iω0t)(|00??r0|+|01??r1|+|00??0r|+|10??1r|)+[ei(ω0?δ)t+e?iω1t](|0r??rr|+|r0??rr|)}+Ω1m4{(eiω1t+e?iω1t)(|10??r0|+|11??r1|+|01??0r|+|11??1r|)+[eiω0t+e?i(ω1+δ)t](|1r??rr|+|r1??rr|)}+H.c.When considering |ω0|,|ω1|,|ω0?δ|,|ω1+δ|?|Ω0m|/4, |Ω1m|/4, the terms Ω0m4(eiω0t+e?iω0t)(|00??r0|+|00??0r|)+Ω1m4(eiω1t+e?iω1t)(|11??r1|+|11??1r|)+H.c.can be neglected under the rotating-wave approximation because the transitions are of large detunings; besides, the involved even-parity states, |00? and |11?, cannot be effectively coupled resonantly to other states yet through two-photon processes. In addition, under the second-order perturbation theory, the even-parity computational states |00? and |11? have a zero-value sum of Stark shifts, and all single-excitation states are uncoupled to the four computational states. Then, the remaining part of Eq.?(A2) can be sorted as H^1?[Ω0m4(eiω0t+e?iω0t)|01??r1|+Ω1m4eiω0t|r1??rr|]+[Ω1m4(eiω1t+e?iω1t)|01??0r|+Ω0m4e?iω1t|0r??rr|]+[Ω0m4(eiω0t+e?iω0t)|10??1r|+Ω1m4eiω0t|1r??rr|]+[Ω1m4(eiω1t+e?iω1t)|10??r0|+Ω0m4e?iω0t|r0??rr|]+Ω0m4ei(ω0?δ)t(|0r??rr|+|r0??rr|)+Ω1m4e?i(ω1+δ)t(|1r??rr|+|r1??rr|)+H.c.With the second-order perturbation theory, the first four terms in Eq.?(A3) induce the effective coupling of |01??|rr??|10? and Stark shifts of |rr?, while the last two terms induce solely Stark shifts of |rr?. Therefore, a final effective Hamiltonian of the two atoms can be obtained as H^e=[Ωe2(|01??rr|+|10??rr|)+H.c.]+δ|rr??rr|,in which Ωe=Ω0mΩ1m/8ω1?Ω0mΩ1m/8ω0 and δ=Δrr+δ0 with Δrr=Ω0m2/8ω1?Ω1m2/8ω0+Ω1m2/8(ω1+δ)?Ω0m2/8(ω0?δ) being the sum Stark shift of |rr?.


    According to Nielsen's work [63], the trace-preserving-quantum-operator-based average fidelity of a quantum gate is defined as Fˉ(ε,U^)={j=14Ntr[U^u^j?U^?ε(u^j)]+l2}/l2(l+1),where U^ is the ideal gate, u^j=?kNσ^k is the tensor of Pauli matrices σ^k{I^,σ^x,σ^y,σ^z} on computational states {|0?, |1?}, and l??=2N for an N-qubit gate. ε(u^j) is a trace-preserving quantum operation obtained through our logic gates that can be solved by the master equation.


    First, it is clear that the evolution from three-atom computational states |001?12c and |111?12c is prohibited. For |000?12c or |110?12c, the governing Hamiltonian is H^β0=Ωcm(eiωct+e?iωct)|β0?12c?βr|/4+H.c. (β=00,??11). No evolution will occur when |ωc|?|Ωcm|/4 is considered, because the laser-induced transitions are largely detuned, and the sum Stark shift of |β0?12c is zero.

    When the state of three atoms is |010?12c or |100?12c, the governing Hamiltonian of the three atoms is H^2=H^2+δ|rr?12?rr|+(V1c+V2c)|rrr?12c?rrr| with H^2=Ωcm4(eiωct+e?iωct)(|010?12c?01r|+|100?12c?10r|+|rr0?12c?rrr|)+Ωe2(|010?12c?rr0|+|100?12c?rr0|+|01r?12c?rrr|+|10r?12c?rrr|)+H.c.Transforming H^2 to the frame defined by U^1=exp?(itωc|rrr?12c?rrr|), one can obtain H^3=H^3+δ|rr?12?rr|+(V1c+V2c?ωc)|rrr?12c?rrr| with H^3=Ωcm4[(eiωct+e?iωct)(|010?12c?01r|+|100?12c?10r|)+(1+e?2iωct)|rr0?12c?rrr|]+Ωe2(|010?12c?rr0|+|100?12c?rr0|+|01r?12c?rrr|e?iωct+|10r?12c?rrr|e?iωct)+H.c.Through neglecting frequent oscillations under rotating-wave approximation with the condition |ωc|?|Ωcm|/4,|Ωe|/2, H^3 becomes H^3=[Ωcm4|rr0?12c?rrr|+Ωe2(|010?12c?rr0|+|100?12c?rr0|)+H.c.]+Δrrr|rrr?12c?rrr|,with Δrrr=Ωe2/2ωc+Ωcm2/32ωc being the Stark shift of |rrr?12c. In this case, an effective three-atom Hamiltonian of H^3 can be obtained as H^4=H^3+δ|rr?12?rr| with the condition V1c+V2c=ωc?Δrrr. H^4 can be rewritten as H^4=[Ωe2(|010?12c+|100?12c)(??0|+??1|)+H.c.]+Ωcm4n=01(?1)n|?n???n|+δ|rr?12?rr|,in which |?n?=(|rr0?12c+(?1)n|rrr?12c)/2. Transforming H^4 to the frame defined by U^2=exp(itA^) with A^=Ωcmn=01(?1)n|?n???n|/4+δ|rr?12?rr|, one can obtain a Hamiltonian with entirely off-resonant interactions H^5=Ωe2(|010?12c+|100?12c)[??0|e?it(Ωcm/4+δ)+??1|eit(Ωcm/4?δ)]+H.c.When the condition |Ωcm/4±δ|?|Ωe|/2 is satisfied, transitions from |010?12c or |100?12c can be banned.

    Now that the evolution from six three-atom computational states, including |000?12c, |010?12c, |100?12c, |110?12c, |001?12c, and |111?12c, is banned, the dynamics of the three atoms can be governed by an effective Hamiltonian H^eff=[Ωe2(|011?12c+|101?12c)?rr1|+H.c.]+δ|rr1?12c?rr1|,which is exactly Eq.?(8) in the main text.

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    Jin-Lei Wu, Yan Wang, Jin-Xuan Han, Yu-Kun Feng, Shi-Lei Su, Yan Xia, Yongyuan Jiang, Jie Song, "One-step implementation of Rydberg-antiblockade SWAP and controlled-SWAP gates with modified robustness," Photonics Res. 9, 814 (2021)

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    Paper Information

    Category: Quantum Optics

    Received: Nov. 24, 2020

    Accepted: Mar. 7, 2021

    Published Online: May. 7, 2021

    The Author Email: Jie Song (

