Journal of Advanced Dielectrics, Volume. 12, Issue 2, 2150030(2022)
Hydrothermal synthesis of OAurivillius phase: A comparative study of A-site cation size on structure, dielectric, optical properties
Ilona Bella1, Tio Putra Wendari1, Novesar Jamarun1, Nandang Mufti2, and Zulhadjri1、*
Author Affiliations
1Department of Chemistry, Universitas Andalas, Kampus Limau Manis, Padang 25163, Indonesia2Center of Advanced Materials for Renewable Energy, Universitas Negeri Malang, Jl. Semarang 5, Malang 65145, Indonesiashow less
In this study, the double-layered Aurivillius phases CaBi2Ta2O9 (CBT) and PbBi2Ta2O9 (PBT) were prepared through a hydrothermal route with NaOH as a mineralizer. XRD analysis confirmed that the CBT and PBT compounds were successfully formed and adopted an orthorhombic crystal structure with an 21am symmetry. Le Bail refinements of XRD data indicated that the unit cell volume of CBT was smaller than PBT and is associated with the smaller ionic radius of compared to . The surface morphology of both samples, as determined using SEM, demonstrated plate-like grains with anisotropic grain growth. It was found that the different ionic radii of -site cations ( and strongly affected the structural, optical and electrical properties of the Aurivillius phase. The occupation of smaller cations induced a higher structural distortion, which resulted in higher bandgap ( energy and ferroelectric transition temperature ( of CBT, compared to those of PBT.In this study, the double-layered Aurivillius phases CaBi2Ta2O9 (CBT) and PbBi2Ta2O9 (PBT) were prepared through a hydrothermal route with NaOH as a mineralizer. XRD analysis confirmed that the CBT and PBT compounds were successfully formed and adopted an orthorhombic crystal structure with an 21am symmetry. Le Bail refinements of XRD data indicated that the unit cell volume of CBT was smaller than PBT and is associated with the smaller ionic radius of compared to . The surface morphology of both samples, as determined using SEM, demonstrated plate-like grains with anisotropic grain growth. It was found that the different ionic radii of -site cations ( and strongly affected the structural, optical and electrical properties of the Aurivillius phase. The occupation of smaller cations induced a higher structural distortion, which resulted in higher bandgap ( energy and ferroelectric transition temperature ( of CBT, compared to those of PBT.