This review paper has been written with the assumption that the readers are primarily scientists well aware of both the principles of inertial confinement fusion and of a laser fusion power plant design.
High Power Laser Science and Engineering, Volume. 2, Issue 3, 03000e28(2014)
Challenges of high power diode-pumped lasers for fusion energy
This paper reviews the different challenges that are encountered in the delivery of high power lasers as drivers for fusion energy. We will focus on diode-pumped solid-state lasers and we will highlight some of the main recent achievements when using ytterbium, cryogenic cooling and ceramic gain media. Apart from some existing fusion facilities and some military applications of diode-pumped solid-state lasers, we will show that diode-pumped solid-state lasers are scalable to inertial fusion energy (IFE)’s facility level and that the all-fiber laser scheme is very promising.
1. Introduction
This review paper has been written with the assumption that the readers are primarily scientists well aware of both the principles of inertial confinement fusion and of a laser fusion power plant design.
Laser performance has increased greatly since the very beginning in 1960 when the laser was discovered (it was more a discovery than an invention, a solution looking for a problem[
The real advantage of a laser driver compared with other drivers is its ability to provide a high quality focal spot on a target. It is not easy to design the driver baseline because, first, there are too many different parameters to deal with and, second, heat generation in solid-state media has always been recognized as a limiting feature, because at high repetition rate, the quality of the focal spot depends on the beam wave-front distortion[
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Nevertheless, many improvements have been made in solid-state lasers when using ytterbium (Yb) instead of neodymium (Nd)[
Flashlamp-pumped fusion lasers are still in the race; they have a low efficiency (1.5%–2%) but can access high beam quality and high harmonic generation. Nd-doped glass lasers (Nd:glass) are by far the most widely used type of driver in inertial confinement fusion both in existing facilities and in the largest one that is being built: the National Ignition Facility (NIF) in the USA[
Since the 1990s, several programmes involving DPSSLs have been launched in the USA, Europe, and Japan. At that time, the goal was already to reach kW average power level and the magic set of parameters was 100 J ns pulses at 10 Hz[
Then, thanks to the European Strategic Forum Initiative, two programmes were able to emerge: ELI (Extreme Light Infrastructure) and HiPER (the European High Power laser Energy Research facility)[ for scientific applications, while HiPER is dedicated to demonstrating laser-driven fusion as a future energy source. On the ‘laser’ side, HiPER’s objective is to identify the least expensive and most useful driver but not to preclude any alternative laser design that can make the facility more flexible. Before the final facility design,a major challenge for HiPER will be to enable rep-rated laser operation of around 10 Hz to demonstrate fusion in a burst mode.
HiPER is still expecting a start signal while ELI is already involved in some large DPSSL developments[
2. Laser design: architecture
The primary HiPER facility will be operated on a high repetition rate basis (typically 10 Hz). Again, this repetition rate is not known precisely because the repetition rate, laser efficiency and target gain are related to the cost of electricity that one would expect from the power plant design; see for example the ‘High Average Power Laser Program’[
This high repetition rate basis essentially means (in technological terms) that substantial new laser technology development will be required. This stems from the simple fact that the existing ‘single-shot’ technology as used by NIF or LMJ is, in general, not viable for high repetition rate requirements, although certain component technologies or techniques could readily be adapted.
Current ‘high repetition rate’ laser technology based on flashlamps could not be scaled in any feasible or credible manner to the levels of efficiency required by HiPER. DPSSL technology is very promising technologically but relatively immature in its development and certainly prohibitive in its cost at today’s prices when considering the requirements of the HiPER facility. The availability, operation and performance of large scale/aperture components and component technologies at high average power are unknown but essential entities. The level of industrial technological maturity with respect to the laser technology needs of HiPER is still some way off, even if in specific areas the industrial potential is evident. A more recent study[2 MJ) laser energy converges towards an optimum repetition rate of around 20–25 Hz.
Design of the laser architecture means that we are able to answer the following questions: how many beams and what is the available power per beam? The laser beam will be divided into parts or unit cells. Mechanical and electrical costs per cell scale favourably with amplifier size up to a limit that is determined by the amplifier design[
The latest generation of high energy lasers uses square beams with multi-pass geometries that allow higher density packaging and efficient extraction of stored energy. The laser medium is Nd-doped phosphate glass since it is available in large quantities with clear apertures of up to . The typical bandwidth of 17 nm (FWHM) allows compression of the pulse down to 0.5 ps pulse width. NIF has operated since 2009 and LMJ is being completed and both baselines have been demonstrated on the Beamlet single laser line[
On scaling the size of the gain medium, a high gain diode-pumped solid-state amplifier will quickly suffer from amplified spontaneous emission leading to a reasonable transverse size that cannot exceed 12–15 cm[’ single beam lines.
There is a scientific requirement for HiPER to be able to produce temporally shaped optical pulses for successful compression and ignition of the capsule. The compression beams will require a specific shape for driving this compression. The current technology allows pulses to be shaped in time by using optical modulators in conjunction (also called an arbitrary wveform generator, AWG). The temporal resolution is limited by the AWG. A schematic of a typical laser pulse used for compression beams for fast ignition and shock ignition is shown in Figure 100 ps.
When there are multiple beams, it is possible to shape the pulse by adding different pulse shapes. A bundle of beamlets can be seeded from the same front-end. The pulse injected into each bundle to be amplified can be designed to have a pulse shape with several shocks and the shock levels and times can then be adjusted at the front-end by the AWG which provides the different voltages to the optical modulators. The pulse should be designed to carefully send a series of shocks to the capsule with the correct timings to achieve ignition. Some of the crucial parameters of the pulse shape are the power of the first step and the timing of the different steps.
Moreover, our bundle principle allows the building of different complex pulse shapes and different overlapping focal spots because it is based on time-delayed pulse shapes associated with different beamlets and then leading to optical zooming[ is even better than glass.
3. Laser architecture and thermal management of the laser medium
If high average power is achieved, it means that the laser medium is able to sustain a very high thermal load. For most high output power applications, several unique advantages have made Yb the dopant of choice. A comparison between Yb- and Nd-doped lasers shows that there is a real advantage with Yb because the quantum defect is less than 9%, almost 3 times lower than Nd. This can be even better when pumping the ‘zero line’[
For a kJ-level amplifier at 10 Hz repetition rate, the average power will be 10 kW. Assuming a typical pump-to-laser efficiency, a 1 kJ amplifier will require from 5 to 10 kJ pump energy. This gives 10,000 to 20,000 diode bars (assuming that 1 bar is 500 W peak power at 1 ms pulse duration) per kJ amplifier. If the pump time is 1 ms, a 10 Hz repetition rate will require a 1% duty cycle of the diode bars. In order to perform this task, four approaches were explored during the HiPER programme. Two were related to using Yb:YAG gain medium, one was with Yb-doped calcium fluoride and the last one looked at Yb-doped glass fibers[
at room temperature), because the maximum fluence at the amplifier output must be lower than the laser damage fluence of the weakest optical component of the amplifier. As an example, let us consider
damage fluence (which is quite easily accessible at
wavelength but would not be possible at the third harmonic) and a beam whose near-field modulation depth equals 1.5; this means that the average fluence in the beam should not exceed
and that 1 kJ energy can be extracted for a
One of the possible solutions for thermal management of the gain medium is for the gain medium to be split into many thin slabs, allowing efficient cooling through a gas cooling technique like the one that has been tested during the Mercury Program[
4. Diode-pumped solid-state lasers (DPSSLs)
Some researchers still favour KrF laser technology[ and therefore need frequency conversion. Almost everything has been said about DPSSLs, the different ways of pumping[
The Solid-State Heat Capacity Laser was the first DPSSL to provide 67 kW in 2006 using five ceramic 10 cm aperture Nd:YAG slabs[ second burst mode, 500 ms pulse width, at 200 Hz rep-rate. Neither the efficiency nor the beam quality were known at 67 kW. Then, in 2009 Northrop Grumman Corp. (NGC) demonstrated 100 kW output power[
Textron reported almost the same performance in 2010 with six modules each of over 16 kW[ DL at 15 kW and 3.3
DL at 30 kW (
times diffraction limit).
As already pointed out in Ref. [), only a few systems can be considered as really efficient. The only highly efficient systems with highest beam quality (i.e.,
close to 1) are CW lasers at cryogenic temperature[
Apart from multi-kW-level lasers for military applications, Mercury has had the best results: 55 J at 10 Hz rep-rate at 1047 nm for 8.5 h (peak at 62 J)[
This is because Quasi-CW (QCW) diode bars have a typical 1% duty cycle which makes them suitable for pumping Yb at 10 Hz (excited-state lifetime is typically 1 ms in garnet). The use of CW diodes means either CW operation or a few kHz repetition rate (this is true for both Nd- and Yb-doped solid-state hosts).
There are several programmes involving diode-pumped Yb lasers at the kW level[
The DPSSL programmes decided to organize a seminar as early as 2003, gathering Mercury[
Some may argue that the expected DPSSL efficiency is lower than expected and is not suitable for a power plant design. As pointed out in Ref. [10%), or when they are over 10% efficiency, then the beam quality is low (
) and not suitable for either propagation or frequency conversion. According to the fusion cycle gain model[
The last critical parameter for DPSSLs is the cost of laser diodes because only quasi-continuous mode operation (QCW) at low duty cycle (1%) is possible for this type of medium repetition rate (10–20 Hz). This excludes the possibility of using CW diodes for which the market is larger. Some early studies[
5. All-fiber architecture
A new amplifying concept designed to produce high energy in either short or long pulses using coherent or incoherent addition of a few millions of fibers was proposed in 2007 at the IFSA conference[
Yb-doped fibers offer high output powers tunable over a broad range of wavelengths, from around 975 to 1200 nm. Yb also has a relatively small quantum defect: because the pump wavelength (typically 915–975 nm) is close to the lasing wavelength, very little energy is lost to heating. Furthermore, unlike other lanthanide ions, Yb has only one excited state, is not subject to complications arising from excited-state absorption (ESA), and is relatively immune to self-quenching processes. Consequently, designers can incorporate high concentrations of Yb ions while maintaining excellent conversion efficiencies (typically greater than 75%). For this reason, the industry has focused on the development of Yb-doped fibers.
Whatever the fiber design is, it must not limit the total achievable output power and in pulsed laser devices the average power, peak power and pulse energy.
One of the major advances in fiber technology in recent years has been the advent of large-mode-area (LMA) fibers, and the potential for these fibers to deliver diffraction-limited beam quality with mode-field areas greater than 10 times that for standard telecom type fibers. A single-fiber laser can deliver an output power of over 1 kW, and 10 kW in CW mode is available. Beam combining has shown that 4 kW is possible with an almost diffraction-limited beam[
Scaling is possible because fibers have even more advantages than bulk solid-state lasers[
There are engineering solutions to decrease the repetition rate and increase the pulse energy, like cavity stacking and cavity dumping, but this is only possible at high repetition rate (time delay line) and moderate cavity finesse[
Nevertheless, the best results are at the 10 kW level: beam combining at 8.2 kW with [
These major high average power achievements are shown in Figure
6. Conclusion
DPSSLs may have the potential efficiency and repetition rate required for power production. The architecture design shows that the 1 kJ range is accessible per beam unit cell, leading to 10 kW average power, which is compliant with the best ever achieved results for military purposes.
Thermal management is an engineering problem to be solved and many improvements have been made in solid-state lasers by using Yb instead of Nd, considering cryogenic cooling and the use of ceramic gain media instead of single crystals. Nevertheless, there is a full list of engineering solutions to be implemented: pulse shaping, beam shaping, beam smoothing, adaptive optics and even large single crystals which are becoming available with free apertures of over 100 mm.
Beam combining is progressing very quickly when pushed by specific applications: one example is the fast development of diode-pumped alkali lasers for airborne applications[
Moreover, flashlamp-pumped solid-state lasers are still in the race when dealing with kJ-range outputs at moderate repetition rates[
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Bruno Le Garrec. Challenges of high power diode-pumped lasers for fusion energy[J]. High Power Laser Science and Engineering, 2014, 2(3): 03000e28
Category: review
Received: Apr. 14, 2014
Accepted: Jun. 5, 2014
Published Online: Nov. 5, 2014
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