With the continuous progress of terahertz (THz) sources and detection technology, THz science has made great progress[
Chinese Optics Letters, Volume. 19, Issue 9, 093701(2021)
Liquid crystal integrated metamaterial for multi-band terahertz linear polarization conversion
We experimentally investigate the linear polarization conversion for terahertz (THz) waves in liquid crystal (LC) integrated metamaterials, which consist of an LC layer sandwiched by two orthogonally arranged sub-wavelength metal gratings. A Fabry–Perot-like cavity is well constructed by the front and rear gratings, and it shows a strong local resonance mechanism, which greatly enhances the polarization conversion efficiency. Most importantly, the Fabry–Perot-like resonance can be actively tuned by modulating the refractive index of the middle LC layer under the external field. As a result, the integrated metamaterial achieves multi-band tunable linear polarization conversion.
1. Introduction
With the continuous progress of terahertz (THz) sources and detection technology, THz science has made great progress[
Based on the larger birefringence and low loss of liquid crystal (LC) in the THz band, as well as the controllable refractive index of the outfield, LCs can be used as tunable functional materials to realize the flexible control of the amplitude, phase, and polarization of THz waves[
Recently, an LC integrated metamaterial has attracted great attention for its superiority in phase and polarization control, which can not only realize the active tuning in compact structures but also improve the device performance and reduce the driving field[
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Here, we propose an LC integrated metal grating (LCMG), which achieves multi-band polarization conversion in the transmission mode. In the pre-orientation of the TM field, the LC molecules can well be oriented or revert to the anchoring state by the variable electric () field through the metal grating electrode. Depending on the local resonance, not merely the LC birefringence, the polarization conversion efficiency of the LCMG is greatly enhanced. Moreover, the unidirectional transmissions are realized, resulting from the 90° linear polarization transformation, which has a high extinction ratio exceeding 20 dB at the resonance frequency.
2. Experimental Methods
Figure 1 shows the structure of the proposed LCMG, and it is mainly a cell composed of two orthogonally arranged sub-wavelength metal gratings filled with 4-cyano-4’-pentylbiphenyl (5CB) LC of 500 µm thickness. The metal gratings are fabricated by conventional photolithography with the 200-nm-thick gold layer on a 500-µm-thick silica substrate[
Figure 1.Structure diagram of the liquid crystal integrated metal grating (LCMG) under the constant M-field and variable E-field (B∥x, E∥z); the coordinate axis is attached to the right. The diagram of LC orientation in the LCMG when (a) E < 6 kV/m; (b) 6 kV/m < E < 20 kV/m; (c) E > 20 kV/m.
The experiment was carried out through the self-built THz time-domain spectroscopy (THz-TDS) system[
Figure 2.(a) Experimental light path of the THz-TDS system; the sample is placed in a 3D-printed mold with a set of permanent magnets, and the E-field is applied by the connected wires. The experimentally measured (b) time-domain signals and (c) refractive index of the LC with 90° and 0° orientations under the E-field of 0 and 20 kV/m. (d) The experimental and simulative transmission of the metal grating at TM and TE polarization modes.
In Fig. 2(b), the birefringence characteristic of the discrete 5CB LC was investigated by THz-TDS. Here, LCs were filled between two layers of quartz plates, in which the inner surfaces were covered with the graphite electrode[
3. Results and Discussions
Next, we will discuss the polarization conversion characteristics of the composite devices (LCMG). As mentioned above, the directions of the front and back grating layers are both arranged with an angle of 45° to the axis. When the external -field is small (), the optical axis of the LC will be arranged along the axis under the larger -field. Therefore, the linear polarization of the incident light passes through metal grating 1 forming an angle of 45° with the optical axis of the LC. According to the knowledge of polarization optics, the incident linear polarization will be converted into circular polarization, elliptical polarization, or orthogonal linear polarization based on the LC polarization conversion. Due to the existence of metal grating 2 as an analyzer, only the 45° polarized THz waves can be output from the LCMG. However, the effective birefringence coefficient of the LC layer will gradually decrease, and its polarization conversion ability will be weakened when the LC orientation is in the intermediate state (). Lastly, the LC molecules will eventually be aligned strictly along the axis when the -field is greater than 20 kV/m.
The results in polarization conversion of the LCMG with different -fields are shown in Fig. 3. The THz time-domain signals of the LCMG shown in Fig. 3(a) can be divided into two parts: the first part is the main cycle pulse starting from 4.5 to 7.5 ps with several low-amplitude oscillations from 7.5 to 10.5 ps; the second part is a deputy pulse from 10.5 to 13 ps. As the -field intensity increases from 0 kV/m to 20 kV/m, the peak value of the time-domain signal linearly decreases. The main pulse has no phase change, while the deputy pulse has a slight forward change as the -field increases. Figure 3(b) shows transmittance spectra from the Fourier transform, and it has many periodic resonance peaks (i.e., 0.17 THz, 0.37 THz, 0.57 THz…) and valleys (i.e., 0.27 THz, 0.47 THz, 0.67 THz…) with the fixed frequency intervals of 0.2 THz from 0.1 THz to 1.6 THz. These frequencies satisfy the Fabry–Perot resonance condition, which follows[
Figure 3.Experimental (a) time-domain signals and (b) transmission spectra of the LCMG when the E-fields increase from 0 to 20 kV/m. (c) The diagrams of the effective refractive index (neff) ellipsoids of the LC with the E-field at 0–6 kV/m, 6–20 kV/m, and 20 kV/m. (d) The simulated transmittance spectra when the LC molecules are orientated with different angles to the coordinate axis.
Here, is the speed of light in vacuum, is the thickness of the LC layer, and is the equivalent refractive index of the LC in the Fabry–Perot cavity. In the rotation process of the LC molecules from the axis to the axis, the equivalent refractive index gradually approaches , and it finally equals when LC molecules are aligned strictly along the axis. This just explains the slight phase shift of the deputy pulse in Fig. 3(a). Here, we simplify to facilitate discussion. Then we can get that is approximately equal to 0.2 THz. It is worth noting that: 1) the transmittance spectral peaks have a spectral envelope shown in the dotted line in Fig. 3(b), which is similar to the frequency selection effect of non-monochromatic light incident into the Fabry–Perot cavity; 2) based on the multiple reflections in the metal Fabry–Perot-like cavity, several transmittance peaks are attributed to the contribution of the deputy pulse; 3) according to Eq. (1), the frequency interval of the spectral lines can be modulated by changing the thickness of the LC layer; 4) due to the presence of water absorption in the THz wave, the above law is not well matched at the resonance peaks of 1.16 THz; 5) with the increase of the -field, the transmittances of peaks gradually decline, and the resonance position does not change with the outfield.
In order to verify the authenticity of the experiment, we performed a simulation of LCMG by using CST software[
Here, the orientation angle indicates the long axis of the LC with the coordinate axis. The detailed parameters of the simulated LC refractive index ellipsoid with different orientation angle and external -field are listed in Table 1. In this way, we have obtained the simulated transmittance spectrum, as shown in Fig. 3(d), which is consistent with the experimental results.
The diagram of THz wave transmission and polarization evolution in the LCMG is illustrated in Fig. 4. Here, the Fabry–Perot-like cavity is well constructed by the polarizer and analyzer of the metal gratings. Firstly, the vertically polarized light incident into metal grating 1 will be converted into a linear polarization. As shown in Fig. 4(a), the LC layer is arranged along the axis under the action of a magnet when . Due to the LC layer acting as a polarization wave-plate, the linear polarization is mostly converted into the elliptical polarization. The part of the elliptical polarization state that is perpendicular to metal grating 2 can be directly output from the device, but the remaining will reflect into the Fabry–Perot-like cavity and form the local resonance. In every reflection period, the new 45° linearly polarized component will be produced. However, the LC layer cannot achieve polarization conversion when the LC is oriented along the z axis (), and then no light can be output from the device, as shown in Fig. 4(b). Besides, the resonance peaks are linearly decreased when , which well explains the experimental results in Fig. 3(b). Therefore, the higher modulation depth of the tunable polarization conversion in the LCMG originates from the local resonance and the multiple polarization section in the Fabry–Perot-like cavity, not merely the refractive index change of the LC.
Figure 4.Polarization evolution in the LCMG when the LC layer is in the (a) x and (b) z orientations.
Besides, we present the -vector distribution of the LCMG at 0.78 THz (resonance peaks) under different LC orientation. Figures 5(a)–5(c) show the -vector distribution of the LCMG at the cutting view with a different plane when . The orientation of the -vector just reflects the direction of the THz polarization state. The input plane that passed through metal grating 1 with a polarization state is shown in Fig. 5(a). The -vector is rotating anticlockwise in the middle plane of the LC layer, which changes to be an elliptically polarized light, as shown in Fig. 5(b). Figure 5(c) shows that the -vector turns into 45° polarization at the output plane after passing through metal grating 2. Furthermore, we compared the -vector distributions in the cutting plane of the LCMG when the LC was oriented along the and axes, as shown in Figs. 5(d) and 5(e). It can be seen that the -field presents periodic resonance distribution within the LC layer, which is confined between the front and rear metal gratings. A large proportion of THz waves can be output from the grating 2 in Fig. 5(d), while it is forbidden in Fig. 5(e). Here, the direction and magnitude of the -vector directly reflect the polarization conversion and internal resonance mechanism discussed in Fig. 4.
Figure 5.Distribution of the E-vector at the (a) input plane, (b) middle plane, and (c) output plane of the x−y cutting view in the LCMG when the LC layer is in the x orientation at 0.78 THz. The arrows indicate the direction of the THz polarization. The y−z cutting plane of E-vector distributions in the LCMG when the LC layer is in the (d) x orientation or (e) z orientation.
Based on the 90° linear polarization conversion of the device, unidirectional transmission can be realized when we incident the same linearly polarized light from back and forth (here the polarization orientation is parallel or perpendicular to the directions of the metal grating). For example, if a linear polarization light is incident from metal grating 1 into the LCMG, we can obtain the 45° polarized wave and its transmittance curve, as shown in the red line in Fig. 3(b). But, for the same linear polarization of , polarized light incident from the opposite direction is prohibited, as shown in Fig. 6(a). We can use the extinction ratio to characterize the unidirectional transmission performance, which follows[
Figure 6.(a) Working principle diagram of the unidirectional transmission in the LCMG. (b) The extinction ratios of unidirectional transmission; the experimental and simulated data are represented by the dotted line and straight line, respectively.
Here, and are the transmittance of the LCMG from forward and backward, respectively. It can be seen from the Fig. 6(b) that the extinction ratio of the device is greater than 20 dB at the resonant frequency. The difference in the deep valley at 1.41 THz between the experiments and simulation may come from the water absorption and mechanical vibration of the platform in the experiment.
4. Conclusions
An LC integrated metamaterial composed of two metal gratings infiltrated with an LC layer was proposed. Here, the metal gratings play multiple roles: 1) transparent electrode of the LC layer; 2) THz polarizer to control the polarization; 3) construct the Fabry–Perot-like cavity. A local resonance mechanism in the integrated metamaterial has been experimentally and numerically presented, and it is confirmed that this mechanism is not merely contributed by the birefringence of the LC, but also the resonance in the micro-cavity. As a result, active linear polarization conversion and unidirectional transmission were realized at the multi-band. Besides, the frequency interval of Fabry–Perot-like resonance can be adjusted by changing the thickness of the LC layer. We believe this LC integrated metamaterial for THz polarization control will bring new ideas for the development and application of THz LC devices.
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Shitong Xu, Fei Fan, Hongzhong Cao, Yinghua Wang, Shengjiang Chang, "Liquid crystal integrated metamaterial for multi-band terahertz linear polarization conversion," Chin. Opt. Lett. 19, 093701 (2021)
Category: Infrared and Terahertz Photonics
Received: Jan. 26, 2021
Accepted: Mar. 3, 2021
Posted: Mar. 4, 2021
Published Online: Jun. 15, 2021
The Author Email: Shitong Xu (xustonenk@163.com)