KH2PO4 (KDP) crystals are important nonlinear optical materials in many applications, such as frequency converters and Pockel cells for high-power large-aperture laser systems[
High Power Laser Science and Engineering, Volume. 3, Issue 1, 01000e13(2015)
Performance of rapid-grown KDP crystals with continuous filtration
Rapid growth processing of KDP crystals was improved by employing continuous filtration to eliminate bulk defects. The performances of the KDP crystals, including scattering defects, laser damage resistance and transmittance, were measured and analyzed. Compared with rapid-grown KDP without continuous filtration, the transmittance in the nearinfrared was increased by at least 2%, almost all of ‘micron size’ defects were eliminated and ‘sub-micron size’ defects were decreased by approximately 90%. Laser damage testing revealed that the laser-induced damage thresholds (LIDTs), as well as the consistency of the LIDTs from sample to sample, were improved greatly. Moreover, it identified that ‘micron size’ defects were the precursors which initiated laser damage at relative lower laser fluence (4–6 J cm-2), and there was a lower correlation between smaller size scattering defects and laser damage initiation. The improved consistency in the LIDTs, attributed to elimination of ‘micron size’ defects, and LIDT enhancement originated from the decreased absorption of the KDP crystals.
1. Introduction
KH2PO4 (KDP) crystals are important nonlinear optical materials in many applications, such as frequency converters and Pockel cells for high-power large-aperture laser systems[
2. Experimental details
2.1. Growth of KDP crystals
KDP crystals were grown rapidly from an over-saturated aqueous solution of high-purity KDP powder in a 45 L growth vessel equipped with a continuous filtration unit, as shown in Figure , the second-level filter was of the order of 0.01
) were connected inside the continuous filtration unit. A well-polished Z-cut crystal of size 8 mm × 8 mm × 4 mm was fixed in the center of the growth plate to initiate the crystallization. The growth rate was controlled to 10 mm/day by lowering the temperature from 318 to 305 K. The crystal was rotated in the ‘forward–stop–backward’ mode at a speed of 70 r.p.m. The temperature was controlled by a programmable Shimada controller (Model FP21) with an accuracy of 0.02 K. The KDP plates, labeled as CF-1 to CF-6, were cut in a Type I second harmonic generation (SHG) orientation from the same boule prepared by rapid growth with continuous filtration. A further six Type I KDP plates, labeled NCF-1 to NCF-6, prepared by rapid growth without continuous filtration, were chosen as a comparison. All KDP plates were cut to a size of 50 mm × 50 mm × 10 mm. They were annealed at
and polished by diamond turning before taking measurements.
2.2. Measurement of transmittance spectra
The transmittance spectra of the samples were measured with a Lambda 1050 UV/Vis/NIR spectrophotometer in the wavelength range 300–1100 nm and are shown in Figure
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It was found that the transmittance of the CF series samples was slightly (approximately 0.2%–1%) higher than the NCF series samples in the wavelength range 300–850 nm, and at least 2% higher than the NCF series samples in the wavelength range 850–1100 nm.
2.3. Detection of bulk defects
Defects embedded in the crystals were detected by scattered light microscopy using high-intensity dark-field illumination (Figure
Typical scattering defects of the KDP plates are shown in Figure defects showed that all of the ‘micron size’ defects could generate laser damage at fluences higher than 4–6 J cm
. ‘Micron size’ scattering defects were the most dangerous laser damage initiator. A fraction of ‘sub-micron size’ defects could lead to laser damage, with the probability of damage initiated being approximately 5%–40%. An increased local density of nano-scale defect clusters could also act as an initiator of laser damage.
The size of ‘micron size’ scattering defects was determined by microscope. The sample was wet-etched to bring the defects to the surface or near to the surface, where the size of the defects could be determined using a Nomarski microscope with magnification. Figure
Due to the variations in the distribution of scattering defects, the density of defects was analyzed statistically by sampling 30 dark images randomly for each sample, as summarized in Figure
It was found that the ‘micron size’ defects were sparsely distributed, and the density of this kind of defect was approximately 0.008 mm for the NCF series samples. However, they were eliminated after employing continuous filtration. Furthermore, the density of ‘sub-micron size’ defects in the CF samples was approximately one or two orders of magnitude lower than that of NCF samples. For the ‘nano-scale clusters’, although the probability of viewing this kind of defect in CF series samples was slightly lower than in NCF series samples, there was no obvious difference between the two series.
2.4. Laser damage testing
The damage test experiments were performed using a pulsed Nd:YAG laser operating at 30 Hz with an approximate output energy of 1.5 J at 1064 nm. The pulse duration was approximately 12 ns. The laser fluence on the target plane was adjusted by means of an energy attenuator, consisting of a half-wave plate and a polarizer. The laser beam was focused by the focusing lens onto the target plane. The focal length was 5000 mm, and the effective spot size on the sample was 0.6 mm, as measured by a laser beam analyzer. The onset of laser damage was detected by an online imaging system with a resolution of the order of microns. A ramp (R-on-1) test was employed to analyze the laser damage resistance of the KDP witnesses, and at least 50 sites on each witness were sampled by laser pulses. The testing results are shown in Figure
It was clear that the laser-induced damage probability shifted to higher fluences after employing continuous filtration. For the NCF series samples, some samples (NCF-3, NCF-4 and NCF-6) exhibited very low laser-induced damage thresholds (LIDTs), attributed to individual damage initiated at a very low laser fluence. The LIDTs of the NCF series samples ranged from 2.3 to 22.4 J cm. For the CF series samples, the LIDTs range from 25.4 to 36.6 J cm
, and the consistency of the LIDTs was also improved.
3. Discussion
By using two-level filters in the continuous filtration system, the new growth method ruled out the probability of inclusions with sizes larger than the filter hole. The statistical data for the scattering defects showed that there were no ‘micron size’ defects after filtration and ‘sub-micron size’ defects decreased by 90%. This means that most of the defects with sizes larger than tens of microns were eliminated. However, there was no obvious change in ‘nano-scale’ defect clusters before and after employing continuous filtration, given its smaller size than the filter holes.
A decreased level of scattering defects reduced scattering losses, which was helpful in improving the transmittance of the KDP crystals. However, there was more noticeable improvement in transmittance for infrared wavelengths than in the visible and UV bands after employing continuous filtration; this cannot be attributed to decreased scattering, because one would expect a higher scattering intensity at short wavelengths according to the scattering law. The higher transmittance of the CF series samples in the infrared band mainly comes from the decreased absorption of the KDP crystals.
For KDP crystals, the prevailing consensus for laser damage initiation has been that the damage is dominated by precursor defects that efficiently absorb the laser energy, and that several kinds of defect may be responsible for damage initiation, such as impurities[
The typical laser fluence for damage initiation from ‘micron size’ defects was approximately 4–6 J cm, and could be defined as a low-fluence damage precursor. This was the reason for the low LIDT for three of the samples (NCF-3, NCF-4 and NCF-6) and the wide range of LIDTs of NCF series samples. Statistical analysis of the defect density showed that this kind of low-fluence damage precursor existed only in NCF series samples (see Figure
Besides ‘micron size’ scattering defects, the density of ‘sub-micron size’ scattering defects in the CF series samples also decreased significantly compared with the NCF series samples. The density in the former was one or two orders of magnitude lower than in the latter. Online monitoring of damage initiation showed that there were a few damage sites (10%) initiated from ‘sub-micron size’ defects, and most of the damage was not initiated from pre-existing scattering defects (see Figure
The effect of eliminating ‘micron size’ defects was to lower the damage probability at low fluences, and it did not change the probability of damage at high fluences. However, the curve of damage probability shifted to a higher laser fluence for the CF samples compared with the NCF samples, and ‘sub-micron size’ scattering defects were not the main cause for damage initiation. That means that there were high-fluence damage precursors other than ‘sub-micron size’ scattering defects. The pinpoint damage shown in Figure
4. Conclusion
Rapid growth of KDP crystals with continuous filtration has been demonstrated. The transmittance of the crystals for the infrared band was at least 2% higher than that of samples grown without continuous filtration, which was attributed to the decrease of absorption. Micron size scattering defects were identified as low-fluence damage precursors, and can be eliminated by continuous filtration. The damage resistance of the crystals was greatly improved due to the elimination of low-fluence damage precursors and the decrease in absorption.
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Guohang Hu, Yueliang Wang, Junxiu Chang, Xiaoyi Xie, Yuanan Zhao, Hongji Qi, and Jianda Shao. Performance of rapid-grown KDP crystals with continuous filtration[J]. High Power Laser Science and Engineering, 2015, 3(1): 01000e13
Category: regular articles
Received: Jan. 2, 2015
Accepted: Feb. 12, 2015
Published Online: Apr. 14, 2015
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