Lasers with high-frequency stability and narrow linewidth are indispensable tools in optical atomic clocks[
Chinese Optics Letters, Volume. 20, Issue 7, 070201(2022)
Automatic, long-term frequency-stabilized lasers with sub-hertz linewidth and 10−16 frequency instability
We report two ultra-stable laser systems automatically frequency-stabilized to two high-finesse optical cavities. By employing analog-digital hybrid proportional integral derivative (PID) controllers, we keep the merits of wide servo bandwidth and servo accuracy by using analog circuits for the PID controller, and, at the same time, we realize automatic laser frequency locking by introducing digital logic into the PID controller. The lasers can be automatically frequency-stabilized to their reference cavities, and it can be relocked in 0.3 s when interruption happens, i.e., blocking and unblocking the laser light. These automatic frequency-stabilized lasers are measured to have a frequency instability of
1. Introduction
Lasers with high-frequency stability and narrow linewidth are indispensable tools in optical atomic clocks[
In terms of long-term robust operation, some of the ultra-stable laser systems have achieved a continuous operation time for more than 10 days with analog proportional integral derivative (PID) controllers[
To achieve automatic frequency locking and relocking, digital control is usually employed[
However, in servo systems (also called PID controller or loop filter), there are two ways in dealing with the error signal for correcting the laser frequency. Either an all-digital PID controller[
In this Letter, we use analog-digital hybrid PID controllers to realize automatic laser frequency locking while enjoying the merits of wide servo bandwidth and high servo accuracy. Two Nd:YAG lasers are automatically frequency-stabilized to the resonance of two high-finesse, transportable optical cavities with the help of analog-digital hybrid PID controllers. The laser frequency can be locked over more than 11 days, and it can be relocked in 0.3 s when perturbations break laser frequency locking. By frequency comparison, each laser is measured to have a frequency instability of at 1 s averaging time and a most probable linewidth of 0.3 Hz. Such kind of ultra-stable lasers in a long-term robust operation are urgently needed in the applications of today’s optical atomic clocks when making long-term frequency comparisons and as a secondary frequency standard. Meanwhile, such automatic frequency-stabilized lasers are suitable for scientific missions in space.
2. Experimental Setup
The experimental setup for laser frequency stabilization is shown in Fig. 1. It is similar to our previous work[
Figure 1.Schematic diagram of the experimental setup for automatic laser frequency stabilization based on an analog-digital hybrid PID controller. FNC, fiber noise cancellation; PM fiber, polarization maintaining optical fiber; AOM, acousto-optic modulator; P1 and P2, polarizers; EOM, electro-optic modulator; ISO, optical isolator; λ/4, quarter-wave plate; PD, photo-detector; LPF, low pass filter; ADC, analog to digital converter; CMOS SW, CMOS analog switch; Digi-POT, digital potentiometer; PZT, piezo transducer.
In the setup of laser frequency stabilization, the laser light output from the PM fiber is frequency-shifted by an acoustic-optic modulator (AOM). The driving power of the AOM is adjusted for light power stabilization by monitoring the voltage from a photo-detector (). Then, the diffraction laser light from the AOM passes through a polarizer (), and it is phase-modulated at the modulation frequency of in an electro-optic modulator (EOM). To reduce residual amplitude modulation, an optical isolator (ISO) is placed after the EOM to prevent any light being reflected back into the EOM. Then, the modulated light is coupled to a 10-cm-long optical cavity, which has a finesse of and a cavity reflection contrast of 40%. The cavity reflection light is steered onto . The AC output of is demodulated in a double balanced mixer (DBM), and then it is filtered in a low pass filter (LPF) to generate a PDH-based frequency discrimination signal for laser frequency stabilization. The PDH signal is sent to an analog-digital hybrid PID controller, and then the output together with an offset voltage is amplified by a high-voltage driver () to feedback to a piezo transducer (PZT) inside the laser cavity to control the laser frequency. After closing the servo loop, the servo bandwidth is , limited by the response time of the PZT.
In the analog-digital hybrid PID controller, the amplified PDH signal is converted to a digital signal () by a 12 bit ADC inside the microcontroller unit (MCU, STM32F407) with a sampling rate of 1 MSa/s. Another ADC inside the MCU samples the DC output of (cavity reflection light power) as . A separate 18 bit DAC is used to control the temperature of the laser crystal to make the laser frequency close to a desired value by reading the laser frequency on a wavemeter with an uncertainty of (not shown in the figure). There is a second 18 bit DAC to generate an analog voltage () for laser frequency scan via the PZT. In the current design, the laser frequency scan range by adjusting the PZT is . Therefore, each frequency step is . Comparing with the cavity linewidth of 2.1 kHz, it is sufficient to capture the signal of and when the light frequency is scanned across the cavity resonance. As long as the laser frequency is close to the cavity resonance, the MCU sends commands to turn on complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) analog switches (SWs) to enable integration (I) and differentiation (D). The values of capacitances for I and D are pre-optimized. A digital potentiometer (Digi-POT, AD7376) sets the fine gain (P) of the PID to optimize the feedback loop.
3. Methods and Results
The logical block diagram of automatic laser frequency locking is shown in Fig. 2(a). Firstly, we set the values of and , which are used to determine whether the laser frequency is close to the cavity resonance and the status of laser frequency locking according to the voltage of the PDH signal and the cavity reflection light power. The value of is set to times larger than the noise level of the PDH signal, and the value of is set to of the reflection dip (), as shown in Fig. 2(b).
Figure 2.(a) Logic block diagram of automatic laser frequency locking. (b) The PDH signal and the cavity reflection signal with UPDH-0 and Ur-0 marked.
The locking process can be separated into five phases. In Phase I, the laser frequency is coarsely scanned by a step of . The time for the full coarse scan is , with steps in total and a single step time of 10 µs. As long as , the laser carrier or one of the sidebands is close to the cavity resonance, and then it stops the laser frequency coarse scan. The value of in this scan step is recorded. With such a coarse step, we can quickly set the laser frequency close to the cavity resonance with a certainty of by monitoring .
In Phase II, the laser frequency is finely scanned with a frequency step of . The fine scan range is , centered at the point when . It takes 160 ms to make a full fine frequency scan. As long as , the laser carrier is close to the cavity resonance. Then, in Phase III, MCU enables D and I by turning on CMOS and CMOS , accordingly. The resistance () value of the Digi-POT remains at the maximum value as that in Phases I and II. After that, the of Digi-POT is optimized by monitoring . The minimum mean value of is found at , which is recorded as the optimized fine gain. In Phase IV, it disables D and I by turning off CMOS and while Digi-POT is set to . Then, the laser frequency is finely scanned again from the same point as that in the first fine scan. As long as , CMOS and CMOS are turned on again, and Digi-POT is kept at . In phase V, the laser is in locking, and is monitored to check the status of laser locking.
Figure 3(a) shows the recorded , , and in each phase of the automatic laser frequency locking. From 0 s to 0.05 s (Phase I), the laser frequency is coarsely scanned. At 0.05 s, , then the MCU stops the coarse frequency scan and starts the fine frequency scan (Phase II). At , although there is a peak on as one of the laser sidebands resonant on the cavity, is still larger than . Therefore, it continues to scan the laser frequency until at . During 0.16 s to 0.35 s (Phase III), the fine gain is optimized by adjusting the of the Digi-POT and monitoring . In 0.35–0.45 s (Phase IV), the laser frequency is finely scanned again. At 0.45 s, the laser frequency is relocked to the cavity with the optimized fine gain. It takes to lock the laser frequency to the cavity resonance.
Figure 3.(a) Signal of UPZT, UPDH, and Ur when the laser frequency starts to lock. (b) Statistics of laser frequency relocking time.
We tested laser frequency relocking capability by blocking for 5 ms and unblocking the laser light. It is realized by turning off and on the driving signal of the AOM. We tested it for more than times. Every time the laser frequency can be relocked to the cavity. Figure 3(b) shows the statistics of the relocking time. For more than 97% of the measurements, it takes less than 0.15 s to relock the laser frequency. For all the measurements, the laser frequency can be relocked in 0.3 s. Such a short relocking time benefits from the combination of the coarse and fine frequency scans.
To characterize the performance of the automatic laser frequency stabilization system, we build two similar laser systems, which are separately stabilized to two reference cavities on the same spacer[
Figure 4.(a) Recorded beating frequency between two automatic frequency-locking laser systems at 1064 nm over 22 days. The inset shows the frequency instability of four sub-datasets. (b) The frequency instability of the beat note between two automatic frequency-locking laser systems at 1064 nm (Lasers #1 and #2, blue dots) and between Laser #1 and a cavity-stabilized 578 nm laser (red squares). The black dashed line indicates the thermal noise-limited laser frequency instability for a single 1064 nm laser. (c) Distribution of the linewidth measurement of the beat note between Lasers #1 and #2 measured on an FFT spectrum analyzer with a resolution bandwidth of 122 mHz. The inset shows one of the measurements.
After deleting the data points when the lasers lost frequency locking, we calculate the Allan deviation of the beating frequency, which is shown in Fig. 4(b) with blue dots. The frequency instability of the beat note reaches at 1 s averaging time. Assuming two laser systems have low correlation[
We also measured the frequency instability of the automatic frequency-locking laser system at 1064 nm (#1) by comparing it against a cavity-stabilized laser at 578 nm via an optical frequency comb[
We recorded the spectrum of the beat note between two 1064 nm cavity-stabilized lasers on a fast Fourier transform (FFT) spectrum analyzer with a resolution bandwidth of 122 mHz. By fitting each spectrum, we obtain the linewidth of the beat note. The inset of Fig. 4(c) shows one of the linewidth measurements. The distribution of the measured laser linewidth is shown in Fig. 4(c). The most probable linewidth is 0.45 Hz. Therefore, each laser has a probable linewidth of 0.3 Hz, assuming the laser systems have low correlation.
4. Conclusion
We demonstrate two automatic frequency-locking laser systems based on analog-digital hybrid PID controllers. The laser frequency can be automatically locked to its reference cavity, and it can be relocked in 0.3 s when there is a disturbance. Each laser system is measured to have a frequency instability of at 1 s averaging time and a most probable linewidth of 0.3 Hz. The automatic frequency-locking scheme described in this paper provides a solution for ultra-stable lasers stabilized to high-finesse cavities for applications in optical atomic clocks and scientific missions in space.
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Chengzhi Yan, Haosen Shi, Yuan Yao, Hongfu Yu, Yanyi Jiang, Longsheng Ma, "Automatic, long-term frequency-stabilized lasers with sub-hertz linewidth and 10−16 frequency instability," Chin. Opt. Lett. 20, 070201 (2022)
Category: Atomic and Molecular Optics
Received: Mar. 18, 2022
Accepted: Apr. 24, 2022
Published Online: May. 27, 2022
The Author Email: Haosen Shi (, Yanyi Jiang (