Recently, there has been an ascending interest in a large variety of promising applications of femtosecond (fs) laser filamentation[
Chinese Optics Letters, Volume. 19, Issue 10, 103201(2021)
Polarization dependent clamping intensity inside a femtosecond filament in air
Laser polarization and its intensity inside a filament core play an important role in filament-based applications. However, polarization dependent clamping intensity inside filaments has been overlooked to interpret the polarization-related filamentation phenomena. Here, we report on experimental and numerical investigations of polarization dependent clamping intensity inside a femtosecond filament in air. By adjusting the initial polarization from linear to circular, the clamping intensity is increased by 1.36 times when using a 30 cm focal length lens for filamentation. The results indicate that clamping intensity inside the filament is sensitive to laser polarization, which has to be considered to fully understand polarization-related phenomena.
1. Introduction
Recently, there has been an ascending interest in a large variety of promising applications of femtosecond (fs) laser filamentation[
The physical picture of the polarization dependence on the filamentation behavior has not been fully disclosed. One general interpretation is the influence on the accelerating process of the free electron driven by the different polarizations[
Experimental measurement of filament intensity is nontrivial due to the onset of material damage on components placed in the beam path. Therefore, the intensity of the filament is generally obtained through indirect approaches[
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In this Letter, we present an experimental study of the polarization dependence on laser intensity inside an air filament by employing the “burning hole” approach. In addition, numerical simulations based on the extended nonlinear Schrödinger equation (NLSE) are performed to support the experimental observations. The results in the work indicate that filament intensity is sensitive to the initial laser polarization, which has to be considered in order to fully understand the polarization sensitive phenomena of the filament applications.
2. Experimental Methods and Results
The experimental setup is shown in Fig. 1. The input laser pulses were generated from a Ti:sapphire chirped pulse amplification (CPA) laser system with a central wavelength of 800 nm, 20 Hz repetition rate, and 32 fs pulse duration. A stellate aperture with a diameter of 6 mm was used to get rid of the initial diffraction on the laser pulse and obtain an input laser beam with a clean Gaussian profile[
Figure 1.Experimental setup. The inset shows a typical picture of a filament-drilled pinhole.
Figure 2(a) shows the side fluorescence images of the LP and CP filaments with an lens. The images taken by a digital camera were accumulated for 40 shots. The 1/e lengths of the LP and CP filaments are 9.44 mm and 9.40 mm, respectively. As shown in Fig. 2(b), under the condition of , the filament-drilled pinhole’s diameter changes as a function of the input laser pulse number due to the accumulation effect[
Figure 2.(a) Side fluorescence images of filaments in LP and CP with f = 30 cm focusing lens. The images were accumulated for 40 shots. (b) The diameters of the laser filament-drilled (f = 30 cm) Al foil pinholes as a function of the number of the laser shots. The laser energy was 1 mJ. (c) Measured laser fluence distribution along the LP or CP filaments (f = 30 cm). The solid curves are polynomial fits as a guide for the eye. The radius of the pinhole was approximately 42.3 µm. The position “0” corresponds to the geometry focus (f = 30 cm), while the positive values indicate the positions prior to the geometry focus. (d) Measured laser fluence with f = 30 cm focusing lens as a function of the input laser energy at LP (ellipticity of zero). (e) Clamping laser fluence inside the filament core versus different initial laser polarization ellipticities under the external focusing conditions of f = 30 cm and f = 100 cm, respectively. (f) Laser spectra measured after filamentation.
To obtain the fluence distribution along the filaments, a group of pinholes (approximately 42.3 µm in radius) were prepared under the condition of 300 shots/1 mJ/32 fs/LP. After that, a single shot of filament with 1 mJ energy was released to pass through the pinholes. The pinholes were used to sample out the energy at different longitudinal positions along the filament core. Laser fluences at different positions could be experimentally obtained through , where and are the transmitted laser energy and the pinhole area at the position , respectively. Each pinhole was used only once. The measurement at each position along the filaments was repeated five times. It is noted that all of the pinholes were made with the same linearly polarized filaments. These pinholes were then used for intensity measurements of filaments under different laser polarizations. The experimental results are shown in Fig. 2(c), which are fitted by the polynomial fitting as a guide for the eye. It is clearly shown that laser fluence of a circularly polarized filament is higher than that of the linearly polarized one.
At the most intense position along filaments [maximum fluence position shown in Fig. 2(c)], the input pulse energy dependent laser fluence inside the filament core (with a diameter of 60 µm corresponding to ∼FWHM filament diameter of 100 µm) was measured using filament prepared pinholes. The result is shown in Fig. 2(d). The initial ellipticity was set as zero (LP), and an lens was used. With increasing laser energy, the laser fluence first grows linearly and then stays almost at a constant value, which is in good agreement with Ref. [31]. The red star at (, 0.63 mJ) in Fig. 2(d) marks the intersection points of these two regimes. The fluence at this intersection point is equal to the clamping fluence of the LP filament[
To investigate the impact of external focusing conditions on the clamping laser fluence, another set of experiments was carried out with a 100 cm focal length plano-convex lens. The same procedure was performed under 100 cm focusing condition to drill the pinholes using the laser filament first and to measure the laser fluence inside the filament core at the FWHM diameter. The measured clamping fluences are shown in Fig. 2(e) with a blue line and a blue square. The clamping fluence obtained with was lower than that of the case because of the external geometrical focusing effect[
In order to obtain the laser intensity inside the filament, the pulse duration after filamentation was obtained by the autocorrelator. The output laser pulse duration was 32 fs at FWHM. However, after 6 m propagation in air, from the laser system to the experimental table, and after propagation through several mirrors, neutral density filters, and the QWP, the pulse duration before the focusing lens was measured to be 70 fs, which indicated that the initial laser pulse for filamentation had some positive chirp. In the case of , the retrieved pulse durations of the initial CP and LP pulses after filamentation were stretched to 73 fs and 71 fs, respectively. The spectra measured after filamentation are almost the same [black and red lines in Fig. 2(f)]. According to the pulse durations obtained, the measured peak laser intensity inside filament core is for the input CP laser. For LP, the intensity is approximately , which is 1.36 times smaller than that of the CP one. In the case of , the FWHMs of the laser spectra obtained with the LP laser are slightly wider than those of the CP laser, because the self-phase modulation effect is more significant in the LP laser filamentation[
3. Numerical Results
The polarization dependent clamping intensity phenomenon is also numerically investigated by solving the extended NLSE[
To account for arbitrary polarization, the electric field is decomposed into a linear combination of left- and right-hand circular components [
The nonlinear propagation process can be described as[
The values of the parameters used in Eq. (2) were taken from Refs. [21,36–39]. To complete the simulation, the evolution equations of the densities of oxygen () and nitrogen () are expressed as[
The LP and CP laser ionization rates ( and ) are calculated according to Perelomov, Popov, and Terent’ev’s model (PPT model)[
In the simulations, the input laser energies were kept at . The intensity values in Fig. 3 are obtained as follows: first, the original intensity values are averaged in the range of , 30 µm, and 39 µm (the radii of the pinholes) in the case of , 50 cm, and 100 cm, respectively. Then, the maximum of the intensity values in the time domain at each propagation position is retrieved. The simulated maximum intensity of the CP filament is higher than that of the LP one [Fig. 3(a)], which is in consistent with the measurement [Fig. 2(c)]. The laser intensity increases with a relatively smaller slope in the LP case. The simulated peak intensity in the CP filament () is 1.35 times higher than that in the LP filament (), which is very close to the experimental results of 1.36. Compared with experimental results, the intensities obtained in the simulations are slightly lower, which may be attributed to the fact that the spatial profile of the initial laser intensity is not ideally Gaussian[
Figure 3.(a) Peak intensity as a function of propagation distances. The focal length is 30 cm unless it is stated. (b) Laser energy confined in the range of r
The evolution of laser energy confined in the range of [close to the pinhole radius in Fig. 2(c)] and the beam radius at FWHM are shown in Figs. 3(b)–3(c), respectively. It is clear that less laser energy is confined in the range of in the LP case, and the beam radius of the LP filament is larger than that in the CP case. The simulated clamping intensities (defined as the peak intensities obtained during the propagation) inside filaments as a function of ellipticity are shown in Fig. 3(d) under different focusing conditions. By adjusting laser polarization from LP to CP, the clamping intensities gradually increase for all of the cases. Compared with the simulation results in Ref. [21], no intensity jump at a specific ellipticity region is observed in our simulation. The ratios of the peak intensity between CP and LP are 1.38 and 1.35 for and , respectively. The simulated intensity ratio under the focusing condition is higher than the experimentally determined ratio of 1.12. The difference may be attributed to the fact that the pulse duration is measured at the end of the filament, which may deviate from the simulated pulse duration at a specific propagation position inside the filament.
The higher peak intensity in the CP filament can be attributed to the polarization dependent ionization process: compared with the CP laser, the LP laser has a higher ionization rate[
4. Conclusion
We systematically investigate the input laser polarization effect on the clamping intensity inside an air filament. Through a simple method of the filament burning holes on Al foils, the laser polarization dependent clamping intensity inside a filament was directly measured in air. As the incident laser is circularly polarized for filamentation, the measured laser intensity clamped inside the filament is 1.36 times () higher than the one induced by the linearly polarized laser. The clamping intensity gradually decreases when the input laser polarization is tuned from CP to LP. Simulations based on the extended NLSE are performed to support the experimental observation. The results in this work clarify the disputes on the prediction of filament clamping intensity both experimentally and numerically[
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Hao Guo, Xiang Dong, Tie-Jun Wang, Xuan Zhang, Na Chen, Fukang Yin, Yihai Wang, Lingang Zhang, Haiyi Sun, Jun Liu, Jiansheng Liu, Baifei Shen, Olga Kosareva, Yuxin Leng, Ruxin Li, "Polarization dependent clamping intensity inside a femtosecond filament in air," Chin. Opt. Lett. 19, 103201 (2021)
Category: Ultrafast Optics and Attosecond/High-field Physics
Received: Feb. 6, 2021
Accepted: Mar. 18, 2021
Posted: Mar. 18, 2021
Published Online: Aug. 12, 2021
The Author Email: Tie-Jun Wang (