Chinese Optics Letters, Volume. 21, Issue 8, 080003(2023)

Spatiotemporal optical vortex wavepackets with phase singularities embedded in multiple domains [Invited] On the Cover

Liangliang Gu1,2, Qian Cao1,2、*, and Qiwen Zhan1,2
Author Affiliations
  • 1School of Optical-Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai 200093, China
  • 2Zhangjiang Laboratory, Shanghai 201204, China
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    Spatiotemporal optical vortex (STOV) wavepacket carrying transverse photonic orbital angular momentum (OAM) has been extensively studied in the past few years. In this Letter, we propose and study a novel STOV wavepacket with multiple phase singularities embedded in different space–time domains using analytical and numerical approaches. By tuning different parameters used for designing the wavepacket, it is possible to engineer both the magnitude and orientation of the photonic OAM in space–time. The vectorially controllable OAM will pave new avenues and facilitate applications such as novel optical communication, studying complicated quantum systems, and spin-and-OAM interactions.


    1. Introduction

    In the past few years, the interest in studying spatiotemporal coupled (STc) optical fields is growing rapidly. Compared with conventional spatiotemporal uncoupled optical fields, STc fields have a much more complicated field distribution in space–time, allowing the field to possess unique and interesting property such as propagating without spreading in space–time[13], having a spring-like spatiotemporal structure[4], propagating in an arbitrary group velocity[5], and carrying photons with transverse photonic orbital angular momentum (OAM)[6,7].

    Among these studies, spatiotemporal optical vortex (STOV) wavepacket carrying transverse OAM is one of the most interesting research topics and has drawn the most attention. In the past three decades, the photonic research community has been following the path in studying optical fields with a longitudinal OAM. In 1992, Allen discovered that an optical vortex beam with a spiral phase front of exp(ilθxy) can carry a photon with a longitudinal OAM[8]. For such a vortex beam, the orientation of the OAM is parallel to the direction in which light propagates. With this property, the vortex beam has enabled numerous applications, including optical manipulation[9], optical communication[10], quantum optics[11], and many others[12]. On the other hand, very few research works have focused on studying optical field carrying transverse OAM. It has been proposed that the light field can carry transverse OAM in the form of polychromatic STOV pulses[13,14]. In 2016, the first experimental demonstration of generating STOV pulses was presented[15]. In the experiment, the STOV pulse was generated by self-focusing an intense laser pulse in a nonlinear pulse propagation process. The generated STOV pulse only has a portion of the total pulse energy, and the process lacks control over the pulse. Later, research groups have found that a STOV pulse can be generated by using a two-dimensional (2D) phase modulation device placed in the spatial–spectral (xω) plane[6,7]. The generated STOV pulse can have a controllable spiral phase of exp(ilθxt) in the spatiotemporal domain, and the photon within the pulse carries transverse OAM of l per photon. After that, many research works have studied the propagation dynamics of STOV pulses[16,17], conservation of OAM during frequency conversion processes[18,19], generating nonspreading STOV wavepackets[20,21], generating STOV pulses from a partially coherent source[22], developing novel characterization methods[2325], using STOV pulses to detect sharp changes of pulse envelopes[26], and synthesizing even more exotic wavepackets that also carry transverse OAM[27].

    Despite the amount of work that has been accomplished after scientists elucidated how to generate STOV pulses controllably, very few were studying wavepackets with multiple phase singularities[2830]. Wan et al. studied, both analytically and experimentally, a STOV wavepacket with its phase singularity located in the xz plane intersecting with another phase singularity in the xy plane[29]. Such a wavepacket can carry a photon with an OAM orientated in the yz plane. The orientation of the OAM can stay in the yz plane as the wavepacket propagates. However, in general, the orientation of photonic OAM is vectorial, meaning it can be freely tuned in any direction in the three-dimensional space–time. The realization of a full-vectorial photonic OAM will bring new opportunities in many new applications, such as utilizing the wavepacket for manipulating complicated quantum systems, using vectorial OAM as a carrier for optical communication, and performing spin-OAM interaction studies.

    In this paper, we propose and theoretically study a novel STOV wavepacket with phase singularities embedded in multiple space–time domains. We study two types of STOV wavepacket, with a particular emphasis on the second one. Both types of STOV wavepackets have the capability of tuning the magnitude and the orientation of the transverse OAM by changing the parameters that define the wavepacket. In the first type, phase singularities are embedded in the xz and yz domains with varying scaling factors. Using analytical approaches, we show that by varying the scaling factor of the spiral phase in the x, y, and z directions, it is possible to tune the magnitude and orientation of the transverse OAM continuously. However, to achieve a wider tuning range for the orientation, the OAM’s magnitude is compromised, and, therefore, we propose the second type of STOV wavepacket by placing multiple phase singularities in the xz and xz planes. Here, the x axis is in the xy plane with an angle difference of θxx with respect to the x axis. For such a wavepacket, the transverse OAM can be continuously tuned by controlling θxx, and the resulting transverse OAM has a wider tuning range for its orientation without compromising its magnitude. Combining such a wavepacket with an additional phase singularity in the xy plane, it is possible to generate a wavepacket carrying full-vectorial photonic OAM in an all space–time domain. Such a wavepacket may facilitate applications such as novel optical communication and studying complicated quantum systems.

    2. Results and Discussions

    We first use an analytical approach to study STOV wavepackets with multiple phase singularities placed in different space–time domains. Before we officially start the study, we list here some essential equations used for this part of the study. We assume a wavepacket polarized in the x direction is propagating in the z direction with a vector potential of A. The potential A can be written as A=x^·u(x,y,z)eikz,where x^ is the unit vector in the x direction, u(x,y,z) is the complex scalar function for describing the field in the paraxial regime, and k is the propagation constant. With this expression, the linear momentum density of the wavepacket can be expressed by[8,31]g=iωϵ02(u*uuu*)+ωkϵ0|u|2z^,where =x^x+y^y+z^z. The angular momentum density p can be expressed by the cross product between the position vector r and the linear momentum density vector g, written as p=r×g.

    The average photonic OAM per photon within the wavepacket can be then calculated by the volume integral, written as OAM/photon=r×gdVϵ0ω2|u|2dVω.

    With these equations, we now start to study an x-polarized wavepacket with two phase singularities embedded in the xz plane and yz plane, respectively. It is noteworthy that the field distribution of such a wavepacket cannot be decomposed into spatiotemporal fields that are located in a 2D + 1D fashion[16] as the wavepacket is now three-dimensionally coupled. The field can be written as u(x,y,z)=(xwx+i·Sgn(l1)zwz)|l1|(ywy+i·Sgn(l2)zwz)|l2|,where l1 is the topological charge for the spiral phase in xz and l2 is the topological charge in yz. wx, wy, and wz are the scaling factors of the applied spatiotemporal phase in the x, y, and z directions. Sgn(x) is the sign function. By putting Eq. (5) into Eqs. (2)–(4) and setting both l1 and l2 equal to 1, we can get the average OAM within the wavepacket equal to OAM/photon=(2wywz(7wx2+5wz2)5(wz4+wx2wz2+wy2wz2)+9wx2wy2,2wxwz(7wy2+5wz2)5(wz4+wx2wz2+wy2wz2)+9wx2wy2,0).

    The expression shown in the bracket stands for the magnitude of the OAM vector in the x, y, and z directions. The result is obtained by using the Mathematica program to perform the numerical integral calculation. Since the STOV wavepacket only has a spiral phase in the xz plane and yz plane, the OAM carried by the wavepacket has a zero component in the z direction, and the orientation of the OAM is always in the xy plane.

    At the state where the applied spatiotemporal phase has the same scaling factor wx=wy=wz, the wavepacket carries transverse OAM equal to (,,0). The magnitude of this OAM is 2, and the OAM points at 135° in the xy plane. Figure 1 shows the change of the transverse OAM when the scaling factor wz is fixed at 1 while both wx and wy are varying. In Fig. 1(a1), wy is fixed at 1 and wx changes from 0.2 to 5. In such a case, the OAM projection in the x direction has no change, as it is related to the spiral phase structure in the yz plane. Meanwhile, the OAM projection in the y direction, OAMy, reaches a maximum magnitude of around 1.01 when wx is 0.845. A similar trend is found in Fig. 1(a2) for the case when the wavepacket has a fixed wx at 1 and a varying wy. When both wx and wy are changing simultaneously, the magnitude of the OAM will be changed. We plot in Fig. 1(b) the magnitude of the OAM defined as |OAMx2+OAMy2+OAMz2|1/2 divided by the reduced Planck constant with different combinations of wx and wy. The magnitude of the OAM reaches a maximum value of 1.43 when the scaling factors wx and wy equal 0.8776. The white dashed lines shown in Fig. 1(b) correspond to the trace plotted in Figs. 1(a1) and 1(a2). Figure 1(c) plots the orientation of the OAM in the xy plane when the scaling factors wx and wy change. The direction of the OAM can be tuned from 110° to 160° as wx or wy changes. For the case when wx=wy [white dashed line in Fig. 1(c)], the OAM always points at 135° in the xy plane.

    OAM of STOV wavepacket with phase singularities embedded in the x–z and y–z domains with vary scaling factors. (a) OAM projection in the y direction and x direction when wy or wx is fixed; (b) magnitude of OAM with changing wx and wy. The dashed lines correspond to results shown in (a1) and (a2). (c) Orientation of OAM in the x–y plane with varying wx and wy.

    Figure 1.OAM of STOV wavepacket with phase singularities embedded in the x–z and y–z domains with vary scaling factors. (a) OAM projection in the y direction and x direction when wy or wx is fixed; (b) magnitude of OAM with changing wx and wy. The dashed lines correspond to results shown in (a1) and (a2). (c) Orientation of OAM in the x–y plane with varying wx and wy.

    OAM of STOV wavepacket with phase singularities embedded in the x–z and x′–z domains. The x′ axis lies in the x–y plane with an offset angle of θx−x′ with respect to the x axis. (a) Projection of OAM in the x direction and y direction when θx−x′ changes; (b) magnitude of OAM using both the analytical model and the vector model; (c) vectorial representation of the transverse OAM in the x–y plane using two different models.

    Figure 2.OAM of STOV wavepacket with phase singularities embedded in the x–z and x′–z domains. The x′ axis lies in the x–y plane with an offset angle of θx−x′ with respect to the x axis. (a) Projection of OAM in the x direction and y direction when θx−x′ changes; (b) magnitude of OAM using both the analytical model and the vector model; (c) vectorial representation of the transverse OAM in the x–y plane using two different models.

    The above example shows the OAM property of the STOV wavepacket with phase singularities embedded in the xz and yz planes with different scaling factors. The magnitude of the transverse OAM can be tuned by changing the scaling factor. The orientation of the transverse OAM can be also tuned. To redirect the OAM orientation from 135° angle, wx must be different from wy. However, in such a case, the magnitude of the resulting OAM drops quickly. For example, in the case where wx=1 and wy=4, the OAM points at around 110° in the xy plane, and the magnitude of the OAM drops to about 0.4. In this case, the tuning range of the OAM direction is about 50°, from 110° to 160°, while the magnitude of the OAM can be down to 0.4.

    To engineer the transverse OAM of a STOV wavepacket with a greater tuning range in its orientation but also with less compromise in its magnitude, we propose here another possible route: placing the secondary phase singularity in a plane that has an angle with respect to the xz plane. Let us call this plane the xz plane. The x axis is set to be in the xy plane, and it has an angle offset of θxx with respect to the x axis. Assuming the applied spiral phase has the same scaling factor, the wavepacket can be written as u(x,y,z)=(x+i·Sgn(l1)z)|l1|(x+i·Sgn(l2)z)|l2|,where x is defined as x=xcosθxx+ysinθxx. Using Eq. (7) in Eqs. (2)–(4) and setting both l1 and l2 equal to 1, the average OAM within the wavepacket equals OAM/photon=(24sin(θxx)+5sin(2θxx)2(13+cos(2θxx)),4cos2(θxx2)(6+cosθxx)13+cos(2θxx),0).

    In the case where the x axis coincides with the y axis, meaning when θxx=±π/2, the wavepacket carries an OAM of (,,0). Changing θxx offers a new degree of freedom for tuning both the orientation and the magnitude of the OAM. Figure 2(a) shows the change of OAM projection in the x direction [Fig. 2(a1)] and in the y direction [Fig. 2(a2)] when θxx changes from π to +π. When θxx=0, or when the x axis aligns with the x axis, the OAM is (0,2,0). When θxx decreases from 0 to π, the OAM’s projection in the x direction has a maximum value of 1.06 at θxx=0.41π. Meanwhile, when θxx changes from 0 to π, the OAM projection in the y direction drops from 2 to 0.

    It is noteworthy that the above analysis is based upon an analytical calculation for revealing the OAM feature of the wavepacket. This model clearly deviates from the vector model for understanding the transverse OAM in a more intuitive manner. In the vector model, the overall OAM is the superposition of an OAM of in the y direction (contribution from spiral phase in the xz plane) and another OAM of in the (θxx+π/2) direction (a contribution from the spiral phase in the xz plane). The OAM from the vector model equals OAM/photon=(0,1,0)+(sinθxx,cosθxx,0).

    Figure 2(b) shows the magnitude of the OAM carried by the wavepacket calculated by both the analytic model and the vector model. Both models have a similar trend in terms of the change of OAM magnitude with a changing θxx, but they are marginally different. Figure 2(c) shows the vectorial representation of the transverse OAM (OAMx,OAMy) in a polar coordinate plot. θxx changes from π to +π. The orientation of the transverse OAM can be tuned in a range of 90° from 45° to 135°, while the magnitude of the OAM is always larger than 1.5.

    Figure 3 shows the spatiotemporal intensity and phase profile of STOV wavepackets with two phase singularities embedded in the xz and xz planes. The angle difference between the x axis and x axis is set to be 0, π/4, π/2, 3π/4, and π (from left to right in Fig. 3), respectively. Figure 3(a) shows the intensity isosurface plot when the spatiotemporal intensity of the wavepacket is at 15% and 50% of the intensity maximum. All figures have shown the spatiotemporal phase singular feature of this type of wavepacket, indicated by the intensity null within the wavepacket. Figure 3(b) shows the spatiotemporal phase profile of the wavepacket plotted on the top of the isosurface plot at 15% peak intensity. All the plots have shown the spiral phase in the spatiotemporal domain except for the case where θxx=π. Using Eq. (8), the OAM carried by the wavepacket is calculated to be (0,2,0), (0.845,1.761,0), (,,0), (0.46,0.23,0), and (0, 0, 0). Figure 3(c) shows the 15% (5% for the case where θxx=π/2) intensity isosurface from an xy plane perspective. It can be clearly seen that when θxx=π/4 and 3π/4, the direction of the OAM has a tilted angle with respect to the y axis.

    Spatiotemporal intensity and phase profile of STOV wavepackets with phase singularities embedded in the x–t and x′–t domains; the angle difference between the x and x′ axes changes from 0 to π in an interval of π/4 (from left to right). (a) Intensity isosurface plot at 15% and 50% of the intensity maximum; (b) phase distribution on the 15% intensity isosurface plot; (c) intensity isosurface plot (15%) in the x–y plane.

    Figure 3.Spatiotemporal intensity and phase profile of STOV wavepackets with phase singularities embedded in the x–t and x′–t domains; the angle difference between the x and x′ axes changes from 0 to π in an interval of π/4 (from left to right). (a) Intensity isosurface plot at 15% and 50% of the intensity maximum; (b) phase distribution on the 15% intensity isosurface plot; (c) intensity isosurface plot (15%) in the x–y plane.

    Finally, we propose here the route for designing a STOV wavepacket with full control of the photonic OAM in three-dimensional space–time by combining the wavepacket in Eq. (7) with an additional phase singularity placed in the spatial xy plane. The wavepacket is expressed by u(x,y,z)=(x+i·Sgn(l1)z)|l1|(x+i·Sgn(l2)z)|l2|(x+i·Sgn(l3)y)|l3|,where l3 stands for the topological charge in the xy plane. By setting l1=l2=l3=1 and using Eqs. (2)–(4), we can get the averaged OAM per photon, OAM/photon=(224sin(θxx)+63sin(2θxx)2(121+9cos(2θxx)),4cos2(θxx2)(56+9cosθxx)121+9cos(2θxx),1).

    Using Eq. (11), the magnitude |OAM|, the polar angle θ, and the azimuthal angle φ of the OAM carried by the wavepacket can be calculated. Figure 4 shows the spatiotemporal intensity and phase profile of the wavepacket when θxx changes from 0 to π in an interval of π/4 (from left to right). Figure 4(a) shows the intensity isosurface at 5% and 30% of the peak intensity. Note here the transverse OAM contributed by the spiral phase in the xz and xz planes is always perpendicular to the longitudinal OAM contributed by the spiral phase in the xy plane, and, therefore, the intensity null of the wavepacket does not merge together. Figure 4(b) shows the phase profile overlaying the top of the intensity isosurface at 5%. The OAM carried by the wavepacket is (0,2,), (0.914,1.760,), (,,), (0.394,0.240,), and (0,0,).

    Spatiotemporal intensity and phase profile of STOV wavepackets with phase singularities embedded in the x–z, x′–z, and x–y planes; θx−x′ changes from 0 to π in an interval of π/4 (from left to right). (a) Intensity isosurface plot at 5% and 30% of the peak intensity; (b) phase profile on the top of 5% intensity isosurface.

    Figure 4.Spatiotemporal intensity and phase profile of STOV wavepackets with phase singularities embedded in the x–z, x′–z, and x–y planes; θx−x′ changes from 0 to π in an interval of π/4 (from left to right). (a) Intensity isosurface plot at 5% and 30% of the peak intensity; (b) phase profile on the top of 5% intensity isosurface.

    3. Conclusions and Outlook

    In conclusion, we studied two types of novel STOV wavepackets with multiple phase singularities embedded in different space–time domains. Both types have the capability of tuning the orientation and the magnitude of the transverse OAM carried by the wavepacket in the xy plane, but the second type clearly has the advantage over the first one, as it allows a wider tuning range for the OAM orientation without compromising the magnitude of the OAM. Combining the second type of STOV wavepacket with a third spiral phase placed in the xy planes allows the full-vectorial control over the photonic OAM. Such a wavepacket can bring new opportunity in new research and applications such as optical communication and studying complicated quantum systems.


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    Liangliang Gu, Qian Cao, Qiwen Zhan, "Spatiotemporal optical vortex wavepackets with phase singularities embedded in multiple domains [Invited]," Chin. Opt. Lett. 21, 080003 (2023)

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    Paper Information


    Received: Mar. 31, 2023

    Accepted: May. 18, 2023

    Published Online: Aug. 9, 2023

    The Author Email: Qian Cao (

