Chinese Optics Letters, Volume. 21, Issue 10, 100101(2023)

Stokes scintillations for vector beams in turbulence

Zhen Dong1, Bo Yuan1, Yonglei Liu2, Fei Wang1, Yangjian Cai2、*, and Yahong Chen1、**
Author Affiliations
  • 1School of Physical Science and Technology, Soochow University, Suzhou 215006, China
  • 2Shandong Provincial Engineering and Technical Center of Light Manipulations & Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory of Optics and Photonic Devices, School of Physics and Electronics, Shandong Normal University, Jinan 250014, China
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    We introduce the Stokes scintillation indices and the corresponding overall Stokes scintillations for quantitatively studying the fluctuations of both the intensity and polarization of an optical vector beam transmitting through the atmospheric turbulence. With the aid of the multiple-phase-screen method, we examine the Stokes fluctuations of a radially polarized beam in Kolmogorov turbulence numerically. The results show that the overall scintillation for the intensity distribution is always larger than the overall scintillation for the polarization-dependent Stokes parameters, which indicates that the polarization state of a vector beam is stabler than its intensity distribution in the turbulence. We interpret the results with the depolarization effect of the vector beam in turbulence. The findings in this work may be useful in free-space optical communications utilizing vector beams.


    1. Introduction

    Intensity scintillation index (SI) is a key metric in the free-space optical communication that measures the statistical property of the fluctuations induced in the intensity distribution of an optical beam by atmospheric turbulence[1]. Reducing the intensity SI is an important task in free-space optical communication applications[2]. To date, different types of approaches have been proposed to restrict the intensity scintillation, such as by using a stochastic electromagnetic beam, a beams array, and a partially coherent beam, as well as with the aid of adaptive optics[37]. Among others, the vector beams with spatially nonuniform polarization states[8], such as the cylindrical vector beams and fully Poincaré beams, have been shown to be useful, i.e., it was demonstrated that a vector beam has a lower intensity SI than that of its scalar modes (the modes with spatially uniform polarization states)[911].

    However, as far as we know, all the research has focused only on the intensity fluctuations. The polarization property of a vector beam fluctuates as well in the turbulence[12], although it was shown only recently that the degree of vectorness remains unchanged during the vector beam propagating through the atmospheric turbulence[13]. Thus, how to describe quantitatively the fluctuations of the polarization property of a vector beam in turbulence becomes important, e.g.,  in free-space optical communications with the aid of vector beams[1416].

    For a fully polarized light, the polarization property can be described by the Jones vector. However, when a fully polarized beam propagates through a turbulent atmosphere, the beam becomes partially polarized due to the depolarization effect of the turbulence[17]. The Stokes parameters are widely used to describe the polarization properties of the partially coherent beams[18,19], including the polarization state of their fully polarized parts and the degree of polarization. In addition, the Stokes parameters are the real-valued quantities that can be obtained directly from several intensity measurements. Therefore, the fluctuations in the polarization property of a vector beam can be studied by measuring the statistical properties in the Stokes parameters.

    To this end, in this work, we extend the intensity SI into four generalized Stokes SIs that describe the statistics of the fluctuations in the Stokes parameters of a vector beam. Meanwhile, we introduce the concept of overall Stokes scintillations to describe globally how stable the Stokes parameters within the beam’s effective area are. As an example, we study the Stokes scintillations of a radially polarized beam propagating through an atmospheric turbulence obeying Kolmogorov statistics. It is found that the polarization-dependent Stokes parameters are stabler than the intensity distribution for the vector beam in turbulence. The findings are interpreted with the help of depolarization effect of the vector beam in the turbulence.

    2. Stokes Scintillations

    We start by considering a paraxial propagation vector beam along the z direction. Since its longitudinal field component can be neglected, only the two orthogonal transverse Cartesian components Ex and Ey need to be taken into account. The intensity and polarization properties of the beam, at a position r at frequency ω, are characterized by the four spectral Stokes parameters, which are defined as[20]S0(r,ω)=Ex*(r,ω)Ex(r,ω)+Ey*(r,ω)Ey(r,ω),S1(r,ω)=Ex*(r,ω)Ex(r,ω)Ey*(r,ω)Ey(r,ω),S2(r,ω)=Ex*(r,ω)Ey(r,ω)+Ey*(r,ω)Ex(r,ω),S3(r,ω)=i[Ey*(r,ω)Ex(r,ω)Ex*(r,ω)Ey(r,ω)].The four Stokes parameters are real-valued quantities that have clear physical interpretation, i.e., S0(r,ω) represents the total intensity, while S1(r,ω), S2(r,ω), and S3(r,ω) determine the polarization state of the vector beam.

    When the vector beam propagates through a turbulent atmosphere, both the amplitude and phase of the beam’s two orthogonal transverse field components suffer the turbulence perturbations, resulting in the random fluctuations in its Stokes parameters. The Stokes fluctuations, akin to the intensity fluctuation, are defined as ΔSj(r,ω)=Sj(r,ω)Sj(r,ω),with j(0,1,2,3). ΔSj(r,ω) shows the fluctuations of the Stokes parameters around their average values. Above, Sj(r,ω) is a single realization of the Stokes parameters in the turbulence, while Sj(r,ω) denotes its ensemble average. To quantitatively describe the Stokes fluctuations, we generalize the intensity SI and introduce the Stokes SIs, i.e., σj2(r,ω)=[ΔSj(r,ω)]2Sj(r,ω)2.

    The Stokes SIs measure the (normalized) variances of the Stokes fluctuations caused by atmospheric turbulence. Usually, the SIs increase with the growth of the turbulence strength. The smaller value for σj2(r,ω) indicates higher stability of Sj(r,ω) in turbulence. We remark that σ02(r,ω) shows the conventional intensity SI, which measures the intensity variance of the beam in turbulence. It is noted that the Stokes SIs have been proposed first for the partially coherent electromagnetic light beams due to the inherent random fluctuations in their sources[21]. Contrarily, in this work, we focus on the fluctuations of a fully coherent vector beam induced by the atmospheric turbulence.

    Typically, in the spatial region where the energy of the beam tends to zero, a very small perturbation of turbulence will introduce a high value for σj2(r,ω)[9]. Thus, it is not convincing if we only study the scintillation indices at a single spatial position. In order to show the scintillations of the beam’s Stokes parameters more effectively, we now introduce a global quantity that takes into account the Stokes scintillation indices at all the transverse spatial positions where the intensities are meaningful, i.e., ξj=1SΩΩσj2(r,ω)d2r,where Ω denotes the spatial region where the intensity of the beam is effective and SΩ is the area of Ω. We term the quantity ξj as the overall Stokes scintillations. It is remarkable that in the above definition the nonnegative nature of the Stokes scintillation indices is used.

    3. Simulations

    In the following, we use the above general formulas to study the stability of the intensity and polarization of a vector beam passing through an atmospheric turbulence. In the simulation, we consider a radially polarized beam with its electric field that can be written as a superposition of the optical modes at two poles of a higher-order Poincaré sphere[22], i.e., E(r)=LG0,+1(r)e^R+LG0,1(r)e^L,where LG0,l(r)=2π|l|!(2rω0)|l|L0|l|(2r2ω02)exp(r2ω02)exp(ilφ) is a Laguerre–Gaussian mode with l=±1 for the radially polarized beam. Above, L0|l|(·) is the generalized Laguerre polynomial, ω0 is the beam waist, and (r,φ) is the polar coordinate. e^R and e^L are the unit vectors for the right- and left-handed circular polarization states, respectively. The atmospheric turbulence is assumed to obey Kolmogorov statistics and the van Kármán power spectrum for the index-of-refraction fluctuations is adopted[17], i.e., Φn(κ)=0.033Cn2(κ2+κ02)11/6exp(κ2/κm2),where Cn2 is a generalized refractive-index structure parameter, κ=κx2+κy2 with (κx,κy) being the spatial frequency vector, and κ0=2π/T0 and κm=5.92/t0 with T0 and t0 being the outer and inner scale of the turbulence.

    3.1. Multiple-phase-screen method

    The propagation of the radially polarized beam through the Kolmogorov turbulence is solved with the help of the multiple-phase-screen method[23,24], in which the turbulence is modeled as a collection of thin random phase screens with the desired turbulence statistics. The random phase screens are placed along the transmission path at equal intervals Δz=z/M, where Δz is the distance between two adjacent phase screens, z is the length of the turbulence link, and M denotes the total number of the random phase screens. As shown in Fig. 1, the incident radially polarized beam first propagates a distance Δz in free space and arrives at the first phase screen. The electric field in the plane of the phase screen is modified by a random phase θ1(r), which represents the accumulated turbulence effect over Δz. The above step is repeated until the beam reaches the last phase screen, and finally, the light beam arrives at the detector, which records a single realization of the field (or an instantaneous field). Another realization is obtained by refreshing the phase screens and propagating the radially polarized beam through the path again. In our simulation, 600 realizations are obtained to calculate the average Stokes parameters.

    Schematic diagram illustrating the propagation of a radially polarized beam through a turbulent atmosphere in terms of the multiple-phase-screen method.

    Figure 1.Schematic diagram illustrating the propagation of a radially polarized beam through a turbulent atmosphere in terms of the multiple-phase-screen method.

    The random phase θm(r) for the mth phase screen is obtained by θm(r)=Re{F[2πΔzk2Φn(κ)Rm(κ)]},where Re denotes the real part, F denotes the Fourier transform, k=2π/λ is the wavenumber (λ the wavelength), and the function Rm(κ) is a complex Gaussian random function with both its real and imaginary parts having the unit variance and zero mean. In the multiple-phase-screen method, the turbulence within the range of Δz should be weak; that is to say, the range Rytov variance σr2=1.23Cn2k7/6Δz11/6<0.1. Moreover, σr2 should be less than 10% of the total Rytov variance σR2=1.23Cn2k7/6z11/6 within the whole z range. In our simulation, the length of the turbulence channel is fixed to 1000 m, and M=16 phase screens are used. The outer and inner scales of the turbulence are T0=3m and t0=1mm. The strength of the turbulence is determined by σR2. For weak turbulence σR2<1, while for moderate and strong turbulences, σR21. In our simulation, σR2 varies from 0.1 to 5. The wavelength and the beam waist of the incident beam are λ=532nm and ω0=2cm, respectively. The conditions for the multiple-phase-screen method are satisfied with the above parameters.

    3.2. Simulation results

    The top panels of Fig. 2 show the simulation results for the intensity S0(r) and the polarization state [obtained by S1(r), S2(r), and S3(r)] of each single realization in the receive plane when the radially polarized beam passes through the turbulence link with σR2=0.1 and σR2=1. The corresponding results for the average intensity S0(r) and polarization state, as well as the degree of polarization P(r)=j=13Sj(r)2/S0(r)[20] are presented in the bottom panels of Fig. 2. It is found that the radially polarized beam is unaffected by the weak turbulence with σR2=0.1 [Fig. 2(a)]. When the turbulence strength increases to σR2=1, we find both the intensity and the polarization state of the instantaneous field become unstable [Fig. 2(d)], resulting in the degeneration of the dark-hollow distribution in the average intensity [see Fig. 2(e)]. The dark cone in the average intensity disappears because of the depolarization effect of the beam induced by the turbulence fluctuations. As shown in Figs. 2(c) and 2(f), the degree of polarization of the average beam reduces with the increasing turbulence strength. It is worth noting that the instantaneous field for a single realization still remains essentially fully polarized. In contrary to the average intensity, it is found that the polarization state of the average beam is less affected by the turbulence fluctuations, i.e., in Figs. 2(b) and 2(e), the beam still shows a fine radial polarization distribution.

    Simulation results for the intensity and polarization state of (a), (d) the instantaneous field realizations and (b), (e) the averaged field over 600 realizations in the receive plane after the radially polarized beam passing through the atmospheric turbulence; (c) and (f) show the degree of polarization P(r) of the averaged field. In (a)–(c), σR2 = 0.1, while in (d)–(f), σR2 = 1. The scale bar is 3 cm.

    Figure 2.Simulation results for the intensity and polarization state of (a), (d) the instantaneous field realizations and (b), (e) the averaged field over 600 realizations in the receive plane after the radially polarized beam passing through the atmospheric turbulence; (c) and (f) show the degree of polarization P(r) of the averaged field. In (a)–(c), σR2 = 0.1, while in (d)–(f), σR2 = 1. The scale bar is 3 cm.

    Figures 3(a)3(d) show the spatial distributions for the instantaneous Stokes parameters of one single realization, while Figs. 3(e)3(h) display the average Stokes parameters over N=600 realizations for the case when σR2=1. Compared to the three polarization-dependent Stokes parameters, we find the intensity fluctuation ΔS0(r) is larger than the polarization-dependent Stokes fluctuations. Based on Eq. (6), we obtain the spatial distributions of the corresponding Stokes SIs, which are shown in Figs. 3(i)3(l). We find that outside the white dashed ring (where the average intensity is less than 10% of its maximum value) the SIs are much higher than those inside the ring. However, these highly valued indices outside the ring cannot correctly reflect the Stokes fluctuations of the beam, since at those positions the beam has negligible power, as shown in Fig. 3(e). Thus, we only take the Stokes SIs inside the ring into account, and we calculate the overall Stokes scintillations with the help of Eq. (7). The calculated values for the four overall Stokes scintillations are presented in Fig. 3(m). First, we find the overall intensity scintillation ξ0=0.96 is higher than the polarization-dependent overall Stokes scintillations ξ1, ξ2, and ξ3, which indicate that the polarization-dependent Stokes parameters are stabler than the intensity for a radially polarized beam in the turbulence. It is also found that ξ1=ξ2=0.57. This is because of the symmetric spatial distributions of S1(r) and S2(r) for the radially polarized beam, i.e., by rotating S1(r) 45 deg counterclockwise, S2(r) is obtained. The smallest value for ξ3 is due to the appearance of the circular polarization in the instantaneous field realizations, as shown in Figs. 2(d) and 3(d). It should be noted that there is effectively no circular polarization in the averaged field [Fig. 2(e)], which can also be seen from Fig. 3(h) that S3(r) nearly vanishes.

    Spatial distributions for (a)–(d) the instantaneous Stokes parameters of a single realization; (e)–(h) the average Stokes parameters over 600 realizations; and (i)–(l) the Stokes scintillation indices in the receive plane after the radially polarized beam passing through the atmospheric turbulence with σR2 = 1. (m) shows the calculated values for the four overall Stokes scintillations. In (e) and (i)–(l), within the white dashed ring the average intensity is larger than 10% of its maximum value.

    Figure 3.Spatial distributions for (a)–(d) the instantaneous Stokes parameters of a single realization; (e)–(h) the average Stokes parameters over 600 realizations; and (i)–(l) the Stokes scintillation indices in the receive plane after the radially polarized beam passing through the atmospheric turbulence with σR2 = 1. (m) shows the calculated values for the four overall Stokes scintillations. In (e) and (i)–(l), within the white dashed ring the average intensity is larger than 10% of its maximum value.

    To examine the effect of turbulence strength on the overall Stokes scintillations, we plot in Fig. 4(a) the behavior of ξ0, ξ1, ξ2, and ξ3 with different turbulence strengths. It is found that with the increase of σR2, all the four overall Stokes scintillations increase as well. When σR2=5, the values of overall Stokes scintillations are about twice as large as those in the case when σR2=1. The intensity and polarization state of instantaneous field realizations and their average field are shown in Figs. 4(b) and 4(c), respectively. Compared to the instantaneous intensity and polarization state shown in Fig. 2, we find the beam indeed becomes more unstable with the increase of overall Stokes scintillations. From Fig. 4(a), we also find that the intensity overall scintillation ξ0 (green dots) is always greater than the polarization-dependent overall Stokes scintillations (except for the beam in free space with σR2=0). In addition, with the increase of the turbulence strength the gaps between these overall scintillations enlarge, which indicates that the polarization-dependent Stokes parameters of a vector beam are stabler compared to the intensity distribution; this effect is more obvious when the turbulence strength increases.

    (a) Behavior of overall Stokes scintillations with the Rytov variance σR2 for the radially polarized beam propagation through the atmospheric turbulence; simulation results for the intensity and polarization state of (b) the instantaneous field realizations and (c) the averaged field over 600 realizations in the receive plane for σR2 = 5; (d) shows the degree of polarization of the averaged field. The overall intensity scintillations ξR and ξL for the scalar modes LG0,+1(r)e^R and LG0,−1(r)e^L are also shown in (a). The scale bar is 3 cm.

    Figure 4.(a) Behavior of overall Stokes scintillations with the Rytov variance σR2 for the radially polarized beam propagation through the atmospheric turbulence; simulation results for the intensity and polarization state of (b) the instantaneous field realizations and (c) the averaged field over 600 realizations in the receive plane for σR2 = 5; (d) shows the degree of polarization of the averaged field. The overall intensity scintillations ξR and ξL for the scalar modes LG0,+1(r)e^R and LG0,1(r)e^L are also shown in (a). The scale bar is 3 cm.

    Meanwhile, it is found in Fig. 4(a) that, the same as the case for σR2=1, ξ1=ξ2 holds for other turbulence strengths, indicating that the symmetric property in S1(r) and S2(r) is almost unaffected by the turbulence, which therefore determines that the radial polarization state of the averaged field is less affected by the turbulence [see Figs. 2(b), 2(e), and 4(c)]. The spatial distributions of S1(r) and S2(r) maintained in the turbulence indicate that the vector polarization state is stable. Thus, the similar conclusions can be obtained with other polarization representations, such as the recently proposed four-parameter notation[25]. Moreover, we plot in Fig. 4(a) the intensity overall scintillations ξR and ξL for the scalar modes LG0,+1(r)e^R and LG0,1(r)e^L that construct the radially polarized beam. It is found that ξR=ξL, and they are always larger than the overall intensity scintillation ξ0 for the radially polarized beam, which is consistent with the conclusion that a vector beam has a smaller intensity SI than its scalar modes in the turbulence obtained before[9]. We note the slight difference between ξR and ξL is due to the simulation accuracy for the multiple-phase-screen method. With the increase of the turbulence realizaitons, the simulation error will be decreased as well.

    3.3. Interpretation with depolarization effect

    The increased gaps between overall scintillations can be explained with the help of the degree of polarization. From Figs. 2(c), 2(f), and 4(d), we find with the increase of the turbulence strength, the degree of polarization P(r) of the averaged beam in the receive plane decreases, similar to depolarization in turbid water[26]. Thus, the intensity of the beam contains both the polarized part and unpolarized part. In other words, the intensity is affected by the fluctuations of both the polarized and unpolarized parts, while the polarization-dependent Stokes parameters are affected only by the fully polarized part. As a result, the overall intensity scintillation is always larger than the polarization-dependent overall Stokes scintillations when the beam becomes partially polarized after the turbulence. To show the depolarization effect more intuitively, we show in Fig. 5 the behavior of the normalized power for the fully polarized and completely unpolarized parts of the beam with different turbulence strengths. The normalized power is defined as ηj=ΩIj(r)d2rΩI(r)d2r,where j(p,u) denotes the polarized and unpolarized part, and Ip(r), Iu(r), and I(r) are the intensities for the polarized part, unpolarized part, and the total intensity, respectively. We find from Fig. 5 that with the increase of the turbulence strength, the beam power in the fully polarized part generally transmits to the unpolarized part. For the relatively weak turbulence, the beam is constituted mainly by the fully polarized part, and therefore the gaps between the overall scintillations are small, while for the stronger turbulence, the unpolarized part becomes dominant, and thus the gaps become large. The depolarization effect is also shown in the average intensity in the receive plane; see Figs. 2(b), 2(e), and 4(c). With the increase of the turbulence strength, the beam becomes less polarized, and its beam profile gradually changes from dark-hollow to Gaussian distribution. This is because the intensity Ip(r) for the fully polarized part shows the dark-hollow profile, while the intensity Iu(r) for the unpolarized part shows the Gaussian distribution. With the increase of the turbulence strength, the Gaussian-shaped unpolarized part will become dominant.

    Behavior of normalized power for the fully polarized part (ηp) and the completely unpolarized part (ηu) of the beam with the Rytov variance σR2.

    Figure 5.Behavior of normalized power for the fully polarized part (ηp) and the completely unpolarized part (ηu) of the beam with the Rytov variance σR2.

    4. Conclusions

    In summary, we have examined the statistical properties for the Stokes parameters fluctuations of a radially polarized beam propagating in atmospheric turbulence. To this end, we extended the concept of intensity SI into four generalized Stokes SIs and introduced the overall Stokes scintillations to show globally the stability of the Stokes parameters within the effective beam’s area. The simulation results obtained with the multiple-phase-screen method showed that the overall scintillation for the intensity is always greater than those for the polarization-dependent Stokes parameters, and the gaps between these overall scintillations increase with enhancing the turbulence strength, which indicates that the polarization-dependent Stokes parameters of a vector beam are stabler than its intensity distribution in the turbulence. The results have been interpreted with the depolarization effect of the vector beam in the turbulence. We remark that the obtained conclusions in this work are valid also for the vector beams with higher-order polarization states (i.e., the polarization order l>1). We expect that our findings may find use in light-polarization-based free-space optical communications.

    [1] L. C. Andrews, R. L. Phillips, C. Y. Hopen. Laser Beam Scintillation with Applications(2001).

    [17] L. C. Andrews, R. L. Phillips. Laser Beam Propagation through Random Media(2005).

    [18] C. Brosseau. Fundamentals of Polarized Light: A Statistical Optics Approach(1998).

    [20] L. Mandel, E. Wolf. Optical Coherence and Quantum Optics(1995).


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    Zhen Dong, Bo Yuan, Yonglei Liu, Fei Wang, Yangjian Cai, Yahong Chen, "Stokes scintillations for vector beams in turbulence," Chin. Opt. Lett. 21, 100101 (2023)

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    Paper Information

    Category: Atmospheric, Oceanic, Space, and Environmental Optics

    Received: Mar. 28, 2023

    Accepted: May. 18, 2023

    Posted: May. 18, 2023

    Published Online: Aug. 28, 2023

    The Author Email: Yangjian Cai (, Yahong Chen (

