Ongoing advances in high-power laser technology[
High Power Laser Science and Engineering, Volume. 6, Issue 2, 02000e21(2018)
EMP control and characterization on high-power laser systems On the Cover
Giant electromagnetic pulses (EMP) generated during the interaction of high-power lasers with solid targets can seriously degrade electrical measurements and equipment. EMP emission is caused by the acceleration of hot electrons inside the target, which produce radiation across a wide band from DC to terahertz frequencies. Improved understanding and control of EMP is vital as we enter a new era of high repetition rate, high intensity lasers (e.g. the Extreme Light Infrastructure). We present recent data from the VULCAN laser facility that demonstrates how EMP can be readily and effectively reduced. Characterization of the EMP was achieved using B-dot and D-dot probes that took measurements for a range of different target and laser parameters. We demonstrate that target stalk geometry, material composition, geodesic path length and foil surface area can all play a significant role in the reduction of EMP. A combination of electromagnetic wave and 3D particle-in-cell simulations is used to inform our conclusions about the effects of stalk geometry on EMP, providing an opportunity for comparison with existing charge separation models.
1 Introduction
Ongoing advances in high-power laser technology[
A number of different mechanisms have been proposed to explain the broad spectral profile of laser-driven EMP and they all rely upon the acceleration of hot electrons within the target. When a sufficiently intense laser pulse () interacts with a material, a portion of its energy is resonantly and parametrically absorbed, leading to the production of hot electrons with energies exceeding 10 keV[
heating) can accelerate electrons to MeV energies[
Since the GHz component of the EMP is caused by a neutralization current propagating across the target stalk, by reducing the magnitude and duration of this current one may hope to limit the damaging effects of EMP. In this paper, we present new data that shows how a significant reduction in EMP can be achieved with minimal experimental disruption. Experimental results are divided into two main sections – one for EMP variation with laser parameters and the other for variation with target foil and stalk/mount characteristics. The data presented here is independent of target thickness, of which more details can be found in the Appendix (see Appendix
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2 Experimental setup
Our experiment was performed at the Vulcan Target Area West (TAW) laser facility on the site of the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory[ to the target normal. The focal spot size was fixed at 3.5
, with a maximum laser focal intensity of
Three probes were used to monitor the EMP during the experiment. A B-dot probe and a D-dot probe were placed behind a porthole on the East side of the chamber, vertically from Target Chamber Centre (TCC). A second B-dot probe was placed opposite, on the West side of the chamber, behind a porthole
vertically from TCC. All three probes were exposed to the air.
The B-dot probes were Prodyn B-24 detectors connected to a BIB-100G matching box, while the D-dot was an FD-5C model (also made by Prodyn Technologies). In an attempt to limit the amount of EMP noise pick-up, probe measurements were passed through 35-m double-shielded BNC cables to an oscilloscope situated outside of the target area. The oscilloscope was a Tektronix DPO 71254C model with a 12.5 GHz analog bandwidth, though cable parameters restricted measurements to frequencies below 3 GHz.
Probe measurements were converted to EMP energy using the procedure outlined in 2012 by Kugland (or
in the case of the D-dot probe). Next, we used the free-space plane wave approximation (
) to estimate the instantaneous Poynting flux,
. The EMP energy could then be calculated via[
The standard laser-target design consisted of a metal foil mounted on a 2.9 mm-diameter cylindrical stalk (see Figure
Escaping electrons produced during the interaction were detected using an electron spectrometer. It was positioned directly in line with the laser, facing the target rear surface.
3 Laser parameters
3.1 Laser energy
Initial measurements examined the relationship between laser energy and EMP. For this purpose, 1 ps laser pulses were fired at -thick Cu targets (hereafter Cu100) on cylindrical CH stalks. In Figure
and 70 J (
). Linearity is observed across all three diagnostics for laser energies exceeding
, which suggests that EMP measurements may be a reliable measure of laser-target coupling for a given target geometry.
3.2 Pulse duration
The dependence of EMP on laser pulse duration was probed using standard Cu100 foils on cylindrical stalks. The pulse duration of the laser was increased gradually to a maximum of 23 ps and EMP measurements were compared with supplementary data from an electron spectrometer. Results indicate that both EMP energy and the total number of emitted electrons drop away for pulse lengths above 10 ps (see Figure to
3.3 Pre-pulse delay
The variation of EMP energy with pre-pulse delay is presented in Figure 0.6 J, while the main beam energy fluctuated between
and 67 J. Standard Cu100 foils with CH stalks were used as targets and laser focal intensity was maintained at
. Figure
3.4 Defocus
The effect of laser focus on EMP energy can be seen in Figure –64 J range and the beam was focussed onto Cu100 foils mounted on cylindrical CH stalks. Using a Gaussian fit to guide the eye, peak emission appears to fall at a modest defocus, dropping away towards zero at a distance of approximately
from the focal position.
4 Target design parameters
4.1 Foil geometry
It has been reported in a number of publications that foil surface area has a significant impact on charge separation and GHz emission from the target[-thick with a
rectangular surface. We also used smaller ‘flag’ targets (
), as well as wire targets with 25, 50 and
diameters. A marked reduction in EMP was seen on shots involving the flag and wire targets, with over an order of magnitude drop in EMP energy observed for the wire shots (Figure
4.2 Stalk design and material composition
To explore how the stalk’s material composition might affect the measured EMP, we compared Al and CH plastic stalks with a fixed cylindrical geometry (, height is 30 mm). We found that the EMP energy dropped by more than
when Al stalks were substituted for plastic (see Figure
To probe the effect of stalk shape on EMP, Cu100 foils were suspended on a variety of 3D-printed CH stalk designs. The geometry and geodesic path length of each design are detailed in Figure
If the reader refers again to Figure on average, but the most profound effects were seen when using the spiral target. Follow-up shots with a 20 ps extended pulse confirmed that the spiral stalk reduces EMP by a factor of
with respect to the CH cylinders and over an order of magnitude with respect to the Al.
Now that we have confirmed that the modified stalks offer a clear advantage over conventional designs, it is important to understand why. If the reduction in EMP was caused by impaired charge separation in the target one would expect to see a change in the electron distribution. We find, however, that the number and energy of ejected electrons do not change significantly for shots involving the spiral and modulated stalks. Data from the electron spectrometer (see Figures
The magnitude and temporal profile of this return current were not captured by our experiment. For a foil mounted on top of a dielectric stalk, a polarization current can pass through the stalk body or electrical breakdown can lead to the generation of a surface current[
5 Particle-In-Cell (PIC) and electromagnetic simulations
5.1 Setup
To better understand the effects of stalk geometry on EMP emission, self-consistent 3D PIC simulations were performed alongside full-wave time-domain EM simulations[ and targets were placed at the centre of a perfectly conducting box with
and height
. Descriptions of the various stalk designs can be found in Figure
Simulated particles were emitted from a circle of 1 mm radius, centred on the foil surface. Conical electron emission was radially uniform within an angle of with respect to the target normal and particle energies were uniformly distributed between 50 and 150 keV. The total emitted charge was restricted to 5 nC in order to maintain cone structure and minimize space-charge effects. The electron current was set to a maximum at the first computational step before undergoing a Gaussian decay with an inflection time of 0.5 ns. Since we are only interested in the GHz component of the EMP, these assumptions are suitable for picosecond-scale laser interactions with a nanosecond-order response time.
The ejected electron current is the source of all EM fields inside the box. Eigenmode field solutions are excited as these electrons travel across the box interior and over the target stalk. All electrons ejected from the target will have reached the walls after 6 ns, at which point they can contribute towards the current flowing across the stalk. In a closed, perfectly conducting chamber, modal fields excited by electron currents will have no opportunity to decay. Simulations were therefore stopped after 25 ns, when oscillations had achieved a steady state.
For each of the five stalk designs, the energy associated with the electric () and magnetic (
) fields was calculated. These calculations were performed at two locations:
5.2 Results and analysis
Simulation results for the magnetic energy at the two locations are contained in Figure was reduced by a factor of
and a factor of
. No advantage was found for using the sinusoidal stalk over the dielectric cylinder and only a modest additional reduction was found for the spiral stalk (
). Although these results show striking EMP attenuation when switching from conducting to insulating stalks, they do not explain the lower attenuation of the cylindrical dielectric stalk compared with the sinusoidal and spiral designs. One possible explanation involves a superficial charged layer caused by X-ray/UV photoionization and electron/ion bombardment of the rod surface, effectively transforming the dielectric stalk into a conductor and reducing the low-conductance path length. Stalks with a large low-conductance path length, such as the spiral stalk, will be more resistant to electrical breakdown and EMP.
To model the generation of this hypothetical charged layer, simulations were performed using a dielectric stalk of half-length (see Figure
6 Conclusion
Control and characterization of EMP emission at the VULCAN TAW facility has been achieved through the alteration of laser, target foil and stalk/mount characteristics. EMP energy was found to scale linearly with applied laser energy, but it is also sensitive to laser pre-pulse delay, pulse duration, defocus, stalk material and target transverse area. We have successfully reduced the measured EMP energy by increasing the geodesic path length of the target stalk and we have shown that a dielectric spiral design is an effective and unobtrusive means of limiting GHz emission from the target. 3D PIC simulations suggest that this reduction may be due to a shadowing effect that limits photoionization and charge implantation along the length of the stalk. A full theoretical description of the current discharge mechanism in these modified stalks is left to future work.
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P. Bradford, N. C. Woolsey, G. G. Scott, G. Liao, H. Liu, Y. Zhang, B. Zhu, C. Armstrong, S. Astbury, C. Brenner, P. Brummitt, F. Consoli, I. East, R. Gray, D. Haddock, P. Huggard, P. J. R. Jones, E. Montgomery, I. Musgrave, P. Oliveira, D. R. Rusby, C. Spindloe, B. Summers, E. Zemaityte, Z. Zhang, Y. Li, P. McKenna, D. Neely. EMP control and characterization on high-power laser systems[J]. High Power Laser Science and Engineering, 2018, 6(2): 02000e21
Received: Nov. 21, 2017
Accepted: Mar. 6, 2018
Published Online: Jul. 5, 2018
The Author Email: P. Bradford (