Turbulence is a phenomenon that pervades most liquid, gas, and plasma flows in engineering and nature, ranging from high-speed engines, nuclear fusion power reactors to star formation in molecular clouds[
High Power Laser Science and Engineering, Volume. 6, Issue 3, 03000e44(2018)
Turbulent hydrodynamics experiments in high energy density plasmas: scientific case and preliminary results of the TurboHEDP project
The physics of compressible turbulence in high energy density (HED) plasmas is an unchartered experimental area. Simulations of compressible and radiative flows relevant for astrophysics rely mainly on subscale parameters. Therefore, we plan to perform turbulent hydrodynamics experiments in HED plasmas (TurboHEDP) in order to improve our understanding of such important phenomena for interest in both communities: laser plasma physics and astrophysics. We will focus on the physics of supernovae remnants which are complex structures subject to fluid instabilities such as the Rayleigh–Taylor and Kelvin–Helmholtz instabilities. The advent of megajoule laser facilities, like the National Ignition Facility and the Laser Megajoule, creates novel opportunities in laboratory astrophysics, as it provides unique platforms to study turbulent mixing flows in HED plasmas. Indeed, the physics requires accelerating targets over larger distances and longer time periods than previously achieved. In a preparatory phase, scaling from experiments at lower laser energies is used to guarantee the performance of future MJ experiments. This subscale experiments allow us to develop experimental skills and numerical tools in this new field of research, and are stepping stones to achieve our objectives on larger laser facilities. We review first in this paper recent advances in high energy density experiments devoted to laboratory astrophysics. Then we describe the necessary steps forward to commission an experimental platform devoted to turbulent hydrodynamics on a megajoule laser facility. Recent novel experimental results acquired on LULI2000, as well as supporting radiative hydrodynamics simulations, are presented. Together with the development of LiF detectors as transformative X-ray diagnostics, these preliminary results are promising on the way to achieve micrometric spatial resolution in turbulent HED physics experiments in the near future.
1 Introduction
Turbulence is a phenomenon that pervades most liquid, gas, and plasma flows in engineering and nature, ranging from high-speed engines, nuclear fusion power reactors to star formation in molecular clouds[
High energy density physics (HEDP)[ joules per cubic meter
, which cannot be achieved in static laboratory experiments. One of the most relevant HEDP areas is laboratory astrophysics[
While the issue of hydrodynamic instabilities has been identified since the beginning of the field of HED laboratory astrophysics, and scaled laser experiments performed (see Ref. [
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We propose to bridge the gap between the compressible turbulence and HED plasmas by performing laser plasma experiments in these unexplored regimes. The challenge is to isolate specific processes that satisfy a scaling relation between the laboratory and astrophysics and to use experimental data to validate the physical models identified in the simulations. We will in particular focus on supernova remnants (SNRs) because understanding their morphological evolution is important to assess both explosion models of supernovae, of which SNRs are fingerprints and large scale models of the turbulent interstellar medium (ISM), for which SNRs are seeds. It has long been argued that SNRs would be subject to fluid instabilities[
We follow an analytical and step-by-step approach and concentrate first in a planar geometry on one of the canonical hydrodynamic instabilities leading to turbulence[
The TurboHEDP project aims to tackle the following questions.
— How to create compressible hydrodynamic instabilities in laser plasma experiments relevant for our understanding of astrophysical phenomena?
— How to measure the development of these instabilities in their turbulent stage with enhanced spatial and temporal resolution?
— How to simulate these HED experiments accurately and leverage the results to improve astrophysical codes?
Our goals are therefore to study the physics of turbulent flows in HED plasmas, to develop the appropriate numerical tools and to prepare future experiments on larger scale facilities through experimental campaigns performed at subscale laser energies. This will allow us to create both experimental and numerical platforms with predictive capabilities, and to leverage the results to improve astrophysical simulations. The interplay between experiments and simulations, at the core of our research project, is schematized in Figure
2 State of the art of laser-driven hydrodynamics experiments relevant for laboratory astrophysics
2.1 Astrophysical applications
Among the many astrophysical situations where Rayleigh–Taylor and Kelvin–Helmholtz instabilities occur, let us consider first simple cases with pure hydrodynamic flows and without complications related to radiation transfer or losses. One such particular example is a young supernova remnant of an age of a few hundred years, developing in a uniform interstellar medium. The cold ejecta expands with a homologous density profile falling down steeply (as a power law or an exponential) in the outer layers that first meet the ambient gas. This leads to a double shock structure (the main blast wave propagating into the ambient gas and the reverse shock into the ejecta) resulting in an expanding shell of hot gas. The pressure increases outwards in the hot gas (the gas decelerates), while density decreases outwards inside the shocked ejecta[
One of the main results of those morphological observations is the measure of the shell width of the shocked ambient gas. This width is inversely proportional to the compression at the shock, which is equal to 4 (corresponding to the polytropic index ) for a strong shock in ionized gas. However cosmic-ray acceleration at the shock front leads to stronger compression. In other words the width of the shell is a measure of how much energy goes into the cosmic rays in the shock. This observable is however impeded by the RTI which makes it impossible to locate precisely the contact discontinuity. It is therefore necessary to rely on simulations[
In a young SNR the flow is diverging (3D dilution) so the acceleration that drives the RTI is decreasing with time. For a power-law density profile in the ejecta the evolution is self-similar and (after a brief period of initial growth) the extent of the RT fingers remains a fixed fraction of the radius[ that can be fitted in a simulation. Therefore, based on astrophysical observations and the state of the art of 3D simulations, we can define a scaled laser experiment. The measurement of the extending of the RTI mixing zone for various initial conditions (2D versus 3D initial pattern) will be used to benchmark the astrophysical simulations, enabling eventually a progress in the understanding of back-reaction of particles on the SNR evolution[
2.2 State of the art of nonlinear hydrodynamics HED experiments and TurboHEDP experimental roadmap
2.2.1 Advances in nonlinear hydrodynamics HED experiments relevant for laboratory astrophysics
Supernovae (SN) are transient astronomical events with spectacular brightness which originate from the explosion of a massive star at the end of its life. Gravitational SN explosion occurs when the core suffers a gravitational collapse that sends a shock wave through the surrounding shells of the extinguishing star. This phenomenon is a beautiful example of singularity in compressible fluid mechanics[
The morphological structure of SNRs is the key link between stars and ISM. Being fingerprints of SN explosions, SNRs are so energetic that their outflows provide a mechanism of turbulence injection in the ISM[
When looking at the experimental radiographs in Refs. [. A minimum turbulent state has been defined by Zhou with
is defined as the ratio
is the typical fluid velocity,
the characteristic size of the experiment and
the kinematic viscosity. Increasing
in laser experiments means driving a larger sample at a higher velocity, which translates into the necessity of greater laser energy. Increasing the lateral dimension
of the target allows also avoiding boundary effects. In fact, rarefaction waves propagating back from the lateral sides are detrimental and perturb either the measurements and/or the interpretation.
That is the reason why MJ class laser facilities such as LMJ–PETAL[ evolves as
on the initial conditions[
is a key subgrid parameter in SN simulations[
A striking demonstration of the experimental capabilities enabled by a MJ laser facility is shown in Figure 266 kJ of laser energy, a bubble-merger regime for RTI at ablation front has been evidenced for the first time in indirect drive starting from a 2D broadband pre-imposed modulation[
The work described in details thereafter builds on these recent experimental successes, with the ambition to take us to a qualitatively new level of what we can do in terms of scaled laboratory astrophysics experiments. Reaching a turbulent regime for RTI at a classical interface requires accelerating samples over timescales of tens to a hundred nanoseconds of drive, with velocities of a few tens and sample lateral size of a few millimeters to avoid the detrimental effects of lateral rarefaction waves. Accelerating samples over such a long time with X-ray drive (even with the recently developed multi-barrel hohlraum concept[
As well as our understanding of cosmos has improved with the development of space-based X-ray observatories, we should gain in precision in laser plasma experiments with the development of transformative X-ray diagnostics. X-ray radiography is indeed the workhorse of HED hydrodynamics experiments. The need of a large (0.5 mm) field of view 2D X-ray imager with the spatial resolution has been identified on large scale laser facilities. These capabilities could be achieved with grazing angle-of-incidence mirrors imaging systems like Kirkpatrick–Baez microscopes[
The radiation may have an important effect on the RTI evolution in laser plasma experiments[
2.2.2 Experimental roadmap
Achieving accurate results within a few shots on a MJ laser facility is challenging and requires preliminary experiments and a step-by-step approach. In Europe, there is a wide spectrum and a high level of laser facilities (LULI2000, Vulcan, Orion) having a laser energy in the range of 1–2.5 kJ at or
(532 or 351 nm) to irradiate a planar package. These facilities are ideal to perform exploratory physics experiments, and to test advanced diagnostics concepts. We could also benefit from a high number of shots, and test various target designs. Preparatory experiments are mandatory because failure is not an option on MJ scale lasers. We are currently harnessing the continuum of laser energies on the European laser facilities. We develop a plurennial program on LULI2000 (see Section
The final goal is to benefit both from the enhanced laser energy and the extended laser pulse duration (up to 30 ns) provided by LMJ to create a turbulent regime relevant for astrophysics mixing processes and SNRs. In fact, more laser energy allows first launching stronger shocks with high Mach numbers ( where
is the flow velocity and
the speed of sound in the material) in the range of 2–10[
The LMJ target design is scaled from astrophysical observations. Optimization will be performed to maximize the number of RTI e-foldings of a modulated heavy-light interface in deceleration in a light medium. Preliminary experiments on LULI2000 allow testing the target geometry and material, and benchmarking the simulations chain up to the weakly to highly nonlinear stage of the RTI. Final LMJ experiments will enable turbulent HED plasma truly relevant for young SNRs. Figure
3 Preliminary novel results acquired on LULI2000
3.1 Experimental setup and the first radiographs
Numerous experiments relevant for laboratory astrophysics have been performed at LULI[ in 1 ns pulse) do not allow entering into the nonlinear regime for RTI in acceleration. Therefore, we have designed an RTI experiment in deceleration[
peak-to-valley amplitude) is driven by the north beam at full energy (400 J) in a 1.5 ns square pulse. The package decelerates into a lighter medium, typically a 100 or 200 mg/cc resorcinol formaldehyde foam (
), triggering the development of RTI in the deceleration phase. Such targets require micromachining, precise assembly (embedded layers) and specific materials (doped brominated plastic). The Pico2000 beam is used in bottom-up geometry[
The nonlinear development stage of RTI is evidenced with the classical development of mushrooms at the spikes heads at late time (see for example and 35 ns data). FLASH simulations were performed by one of us and will be published elsewhere[
focal spot RPP), as well as the nonlinear RTI growth (see Figure
) and imaging plate (IP) detectors is not sufficient to resolve the details of the mixing zone, and the roll-up of the spikes due to the KHI[
) spatial resolution, in order to resolve tiny details for more elongated spikes, or sophisticated multimode profile. That is the reason why we are exploring the potentialities of LiF detectors as transformative X-ray diagnostics for HEDP experiments[
3.2 Development of advanced X-ray diagnostic methods
To achieve measurements of the mass density distribution, X-ray radiography is the most relevant diagnostic. For that purpose, good temporal (100 ps) and spatial (
) resolutions and a high flux of photons (
photons) are necessary. We performed in 2016 the first tests of LiF-based detectors on an HED laser experiment. LiF-based X-ray imaging detectors have been yet tested for soft and hard X-rays (up to 10 keV)[
1 nm)). After an X-ray exposition, the image stored and stable for very long time can be read out just illuminating the detector with a blue light; the latter is accompanied by visible photoluminescence signal to be observed via an optical microscope.
The experimental setup on LULI2000 is shown in Figure R
was measured (see Figure
is measured with the LiF, compared to
with IP. Unfortunately this enhanced spatial resolution was only demonstrated for static (undriven) modulated targets. We still need to optimize the shielding of the detector and understand better its sensitivity to the broadband X-ray continuum created by the ns irradiation of the main target.
These detectors were used on a recent run on the SACLA XFEL beam (@10.1 keV) by some of us[
4 Development of LMJ–PETAL direct-drive platform
4.1 LMJ–PETAL experimental platform
The first physics experiments on LMJ have been performed at the end of 2014 with 2 quadruplets (8 beams), and a total laser energy on target of 20 kJ [ in a 3 mm field of view[
Figure in diameter), shock bowing and the detrimental effects of rarefaction waves propagating back from the lateral sides of the target are minimized. The laser imprint perturbation[
m in diameter) are smoothed out when the shock arrives at the modulated rear target side. In that regard, our target design is different and less insensitive to imprint compared to inertial confinement fusion direct-drive implosions[
The PETAL probe beam is not a primary diagnostic tool for this project. However the side-on proton radiography could be valuable to image the self-generated magnetic field structure. The RTI turbulent mixing layer could create intense self-generated magnetic fields[
4.2 Postprocessed simulations
We rely on target design simulations performed with FLASH. We leverage the results of LULI2000 and use theoretical scaling laws[ with a super-Gaussian distribution. The target geometry is shown in Figure
thick with internal modulation.
Preliminary simulations are performed starting from a multimode internal modulation (cf. Figure ,
, with the same peak-to-valley amplitude of
and different phases). The multimode perturbation will include more modes (as done for the ablative RTI experiments[
sidelighter energy (Figure
as specified in the LMJ Users Guide[
spatial resolution. The TMZ width is defined according to Refs. [
Some remembering of the initial conditions is still visible in the simulations in Figure
5 Summary and perspectives
The TurboHEDP project aims at shedding light on turbulent HED plasmas in the laboratory, enabling progress in the simulation and modeling of these complex flows in conditions relevant for laboratory astrophysics. The dawn of MJ scale laser facilities truly enables creating for the first time highly nonlinear flows of dense plasmas. Whereas preliminary results obtained on kJ laser facilities are promising, progresses are also needed for X-ray imaging diagnostics with micrometric spatial resolution. We are therefore exploring the potentialities of LiF crystals coupled with XFEL or PW laser probes. The potentialities offered by phase-contrast imaging techniques developed on synchrotron facilities, such as Talbot-Lau X-ray deflectometry[ and ps resolutions.
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A. Casner, G. Rigon, B. Albertazzi, Th. Michel, T. Pikuz, A. Faenov, P. Mabey, N. Ozaki, Y. Sakawa, T. Sano, J. Ballet, P. Tzeferacos, D. Lamb, E. Falize, G. Gregori, M. Koenig. Turbulent hydrodynamics experiments in high energy density plasmas: scientific case and preliminary results of the TurboHEDP project[J]. High Power Laser Science and Engineering, 2018, 6(3): 03000e44
Received: Feb. 3, 2018
Accepted: May. 14, 2018
Published Online: Aug. 28, 2018
The Author Email: A. Casner (alexis.casner@u-bordeaux.fr)