Photonics Research, Volume. 12, Issue 7, 1464(2024)

Bichromatically pumped artificial cnoidal wave breathers in optical microresonators

Yiran Gao1,2,3、†, Jian Dai1,2、†,*, Zhonghan Wu1,2, Anni Liu1,2, Tian Zhang1,2, Wei Sun4, Junqiu Liu4,5,6, and Kun Xu1,2
Author Affiliations
  • 1State Key Laboratory of Information Photonics and Optical Communications, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing 100876, China
  • 2School of Electronic Engineering, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing 100876, China
  • 3School of Communication Engineering, Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou 310018, China
  • 4International Quantum Academy, Shenzhen 518048, China
  • 5Hefei National Laboratory, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026, China
  • 6e-mail:
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    Breathers are localized structures that undergo a periodic oscillation in their duration and amplitude. Optical microresonators, benefiting from their high-quality factor, provide an ideal test bench for studying breathing phenomena. In a monochromatically pumped microresonator system, intrinsic breathing instabilities are widely observed in the form of temporal dissipative Kerr solitons which only exist in the effectively red-detuned regime. Here, we demonstrate a novel bichromatic pumping scheme to create compulsive breathing microcombs via respectively distributing two pump lasers at the effectively blue- and red-detuned sides of a single resonance. We experimentally discover the artificial cnoidal wave breathers and molecular crystal-like breathers in a photonic chip-based silicon nitride microresonator and theoretically describe their intriguing temporal dynamics based on the bichromatic pumping Lugiato–Lefever equation. In particular, the corresponding breathing microcombs exhibit diverse comb line spacing ranging from 2 to 17 times the free spectral range of the microresonator. Our discovery not only provides a simple yet robust method to harness microcombs with reconfigurable comb line spacing but also reveals a new class of breathing waves in driven dissipative nonlinear systems.


    Optical microresonators with a high quality (Q) factor possess the ability to confine light in a small mode volume and obtain a photon lifetime of up to several milliseconds. As light-matter interactions are greatly enhanced within [1], optical microresonators have emerged as an ideal platform for studying nonlinear phenomena [2]. Over the last decade, microresonator-based Kerr frequency combs [3,4] (“microcombs”) have set up a research upsurge in the field of Kerr nonlinear photonics and led to significant advances in several applications including high-capacity telecommunications [5], spectroscopy [69], ranging [1012], low-noise microwave/THz generation [1317], and optical neural networks [1820]. Since mode-locked microcombs operated in the regime of temporal dissipative Kerr solitons (DKSs) were observed in crystalline microresonators [21], the research focuses have rapidly transited from modulation-instability microcombs that exist in the effectively blue-detuned regime [22] to the soliton microcombs which exist in the effectively red-detuned regime [23]. It was shown that different forms of DKSs, including traditional single/multiple soliton states and bound states such as soliton crystals (SCs) [24,25] and perfect SCs (PSCs) [26,27], exhibit a rich panel of dynamic instabilities [28,29]. The breathing state [3034], specifically a kind of localized pattern that undergoes periodic oscillations in both duration and amplitude, is one of the most widely studied dynamic instabilities in microresonators, which can be well described by the Lugiato–Lefever equation (LLE) [35,36]. The intrinsic breathing instabilities under the monochromatic pumping scheme only exist in the detuning region between the modulation instability (MI) and stable DKS state. In the effectively blue-detuned regime, the stable Turing rolls are directly connected with chaotic MI states [29].

    In addition to the common monochromatic pumping scheme, bichromatic pumping schemes have been employed as an important complement. This pumping scheme [37] can be implemented either by launching two independent continuous wave (CW) lasers [38] or modulating a single CW laser [39]. The bichromatic pumping scheme was previously adopted to pump two different resonances apart from each other with one or multiple free spectral ranges (FSRs) to generate MI microcombs with a much lower pump power threshold [37,40,41] or tunable comb line spacing (CLS) [42]. The auxiliary pump is commonly used to balance the unwanted thermal effect for reliable DKS generation [38,43]. Recently, it was demonstrated that driving one resonance with two red-detuned monochromatic lasers can lead to the formation of heteronuclear soliton molecules by accessing the multistability regime [44]. When soliton microcombs are operated at the breathing state, the introduction of a secondary pump can realize the stabilizing and tuning of the breathing frequency [34].

    In this work, we demonstrate a novel bichromatic pumping scheme where a single resonance is driven by two pump laser fields that are respectively located at the effectively blue- and red-detuned sides. The employment of two pumps provides additional degrees of freedom including the frequency difference and the power difference, which are experimentally tunable. Even though the stronger pump is working at the effectively blue-detuned side, an analogue of a PSC breather [26] is produced due to the existence of the red-detuned pump, which possesses significantly larger bandwidth than that of monochromatically pumped Turing rolls. The microcomb states with CLSs ranging from 10 to 17 times the FSR are observed experimentally. Given that Turing rolls and PSCs are both periodic solutions of the LLE, they are usually bracketed as cnoidal waves in the nonlinear wave community [4547], and here we refer to the novel breathing states in our work as artificial cnoidal wave breathers (ACWBs). The breathing behavior of ACWBs is compulsive, and the corresponding breathing frequency directly depends on the frequency difference of the two pump lasers. Specially, breathing microcomb states with CLSs ranging from 2 to 9 times of FSR—referred to as molecular crystal-like breathers—are also generated, which are featured with peculiar optical spectra. By verifying with numerical simulations, these novel breathing states exhibit intriguing breathing behaviors which are significantly different from monochromatically pumped DKS breathers. High periodicity breathing and irregular breathing phenomena are also observed experimentally. The demonstration of ACWBs and molecular crystal-like breathers can extend the research of nonlinear wave dynamics, and the CLS reconfigurability may find applications in diverse photonic and optic applications.


    In contrast to the common monochromatic pumping scheme [21,22,48] and the previous bichromatic pumping scheme working on different resonances [8,37,40,41], we drive a single resonance by two laser fields with distinct power, as shown in Fig. 1. The laser field with higher power referred to as the primary pump is located at the effectively blue-detuned side while the other with lower power referred to as secondary pump is located at the effectively red-detuned side. The frequency difference is set to be several times larger than the half-width-half-maximum (HWHM) of the pumped resonance. Novel breathing states possessing periodic waveforms can be generated in the optical microresonator under this bichromatic pumping scheme.

    Illustration of the bichromatic pumping scheme. The ACWB consisting of N optical pulses is breathing in the nonlinear optical microresonator. The red solid curve represents a breathing maximum while the blue dashed curve represents a breathing minimum. The corresponding averaged optical spectrum features a quasi-triangle envelope (in logarithmic scale).

    Figure 1.Illustration of the bichromatic pumping scheme. The ACWB consisting of N optical pulses is breathing in the nonlinear optical microresonator. The red solid curve represents a breathing maximum while the blue dashed curve represents a breathing minimum. The corresponding averaged optical spectrum features a quasi-triangle envelope (in logarithmic scale).

    Since only one resonance is pumped, the LLE model is sufficient to describe the dynamics of ACWBs by appending a secondary pump in the driving term. The bichromatic pumping LLE can be expressed as A(ϕ,t)t=(κ2+i(2πδ))A+ij=2Djj!(iϕ)jAig|A|2A+κex(s(b)+s(r)ei2πΔft),where A(ϕ,t) represents the envelope of the intracavity field, κ is the cavity decay rate, 2πδ=ω0ωp(b)<0 is the frequency detuning of the effectively blue-detuned primary pump from the pumped resonance, Dj is the jth order dispersion (Dj=0 for j>2), and ϕ is the co-rotating angular coordinate, which is related to the fast time coordinate τ by ϕ=2πτ×FSR. g=ω02cn2/n02Veff is the single photon-induced Kerr frequency shift with the refractive index n0, the nonlinear refractive index n2, and the effective mode volume Veff. κex is the external coupling rate, and |s(b,r)|2=Pin(b,r)/ω0 is the driving photon flux, where Pin(b,r) respectively denotes the power of the primary and secondary pump. 2πΔf=ωp(r)ωp(b) is the frequency difference between two pump lasers, and Δf<δ<0 means that the secondary pump is effectively red detuned. For broader applicability of our study, we introduce the following normalized parameters for Pin(b,r), δ, and Δf, which are, respectively, defined as f(b,r)=8gκexPin(b,r)κ3ω0,ζ0=4πδκ,Δζ0=4πΔfκ.


    Figure 2 shows the simulated dynamics of a typical ACWB state (see Visualization 1 for the detailed evolution process), which is based on the realistic parameters of a silicon nitride (Si3N4) resonator used in the following experiment (see Section 4.A). The simulated intracavity power evolution and the temporal envelope evolution of the ACWB are, respectively, displayed in Figs. 2(b) and 2(c). Similar to monochromatic pumping DKS breathers [31,32], ACWBs exhibit a periodic oscillation in their amplitude as well as a periodic compression (CP) and stretching (SP) in their duration. When discovered in the moving coordinate ϕ with the speed of D1, the low-intensity pedestals and the high-intensity pulses exchange their positions in the co-rotating angular coordinate rather than returning to its initial state after a power breathing period [see Figs. 2(a)–2(c)], which is different from intrinsic breathing instabilities. Figure 2(d) displays the corresponding optical spectra sampled at seven moments over a power breathing period. During the process of power decline, the reduced intensity difference between the pedestals and the pulses results in an approximate frequency-doubled temporal waveform [A in Figs. 2(a) and 2(b)] and a specific instantaneous optical spectrum [A in Fig. 2(d)], which shows a complex envelope due to the interference between the ACWB pulses. The averaged spectrum features a typical triangle-shaped envelope of breathers but with some enhanced comb lines [see red arrows in Fig. 3(a)] distinguished from the PSC breathers [26]. We note that although it is hard to directly measure the detailed evolution of the intracavity waveforms as shown in Fig. 2(c) in the experiment, these enhanced comb lines are important characteristics of the ACWB’s averaged optical spectrum acquired by the optical spectrum analyzer. This can be attributed to the special breathing dynamics of the intracavity pulses that exhibit an overall frequency-doubled temporal waveform as shown in Fig. 2(c).

    Numerical simulations of a typical ACWB state with CLS=13×FSR under f12=13.5, f22=3, ζ0=−0.8, and Δζ0=−6.8. (a) Intracavity intensity patterns of the ACWB sample at successive breathing minimums (SP1 and SP2), breathing maximums (CP1 and CP2), and an approximate frequency-doubled moment (A) depicted in (b). (b) Evolution of the intracavity power over 10 power breathing periods. (c) Evolution of the intracavity pulse waveform. (d) Optical spectra of the ACWB were sampled at seven moments over a power breathing period. The averaged spectrum over one period features a quasi-triangle envelope (in logarithmic scale) with some enhanced comb lines.

    Figure 2.Numerical simulations of a typical ACWB state with CLS=13×FSR under f12=13.5, f22=3, ζ0=0.8, and Δζ0=6.8. (a) Intracavity intensity patterns of the ACWB sample at successive breathing minimums (SP1 and SP2), breathing maximums (CP1 and CP2), and an approximate frequency-doubled moment (A) depicted in (b). (b) Evolution of the intracavity power over 10 power breathing periods. (c) Evolution of the intracavity pulse waveform. (d) Optical spectra of the ACWB were sampled at seven moments over a power breathing period. The averaged spectrum over one period features a quasi-triangle envelope (in logarithmic scale) with some enhanced comb lines.

    (a) Simulated averaged optical spectrum of the ACWB state with CLS=13×FSR. The red dashed lines indicate the triangle envelope of the spectrum, and the enhanced comb lines are marked by the red arrows. (b) Simulated power evolution of the comb lines around the center (Pcenter) and wings (Pwings) as depicted in (a) (Pcenter and Pwings are scaled to the same range). (c) Simulated power evolution of the comb lines with mode index μ=13 and μ=26, and the numbers in parentheses denote the corresponding breathing depth.

    Figure 3.(a) Simulated averaged optical spectrum of the ACWB state with CLS=13×FSR. The red dashed lines indicate the triangle envelope of the spectrum, and the enhanced comb lines are marked by the red arrows. (b) Simulated power evolution of the comb lines around the center (Pcenter) and wings (Pwings) as depicted in (a) (Pcenter and Pwings are scaled to the same range). (c) Simulated power evolution of the comb lines with mode index μ=13 and μ=26, and the numbers in parentheses denote the corresponding breathing depth.

    Traditional DKS breathers in microresonators exhibit periodic energy exchange between comb lines around the center and the wings, which is related to the Fermi–Pasta–Ulam recurrence [30]. Different from DKS breathers, ACWB microcombs show almost in-phase oscillation as displayed in Fig. 3(b), indicating that the breathing phenomenon is directly caused by the periodically oscillating pump power under our bichromatic pumping scheme. Thus, this kind of breathing state can be referred to as the artificial breathing state distinguished from the intrinsic breathing state. Another important characteristic of ACWB microcombs is that the enhanced comb lines exhibit much smaller breathing depth, which is defined as (PmaxPmin)/(Pmax+Pmin), with Pmax(min) being the maximum (minimum) power of each comb line, resulting from the specific evolution dynamics of the intracavity waveform. For example, as shown in Fig. 3(a), the comb lines with mode index μ=±13 possess almost the same averaged power as comb lines with mode index μ=±26, which makes it convenient to directly compare their breathing depth. The simulated breathing depth of mode μ=26 is around five times smaller than that of mode μ=13 [see Fig. 3(c)].


    A. Typical Artificial Cnoidal Wave Breathers

    Figure 4(a) illustrates our experimental setup. A silicon nitride (Si3N4) microring resonator with a cross-section of 1550  nm×800  nm and a radius of 240 μm is utilized for ACWB generation. Figure 4(b) shows the measured laser-scanned transmission spectrum of the pumped resonance, which exhibits a loaded optical quality (Q) factor of 1.2 million. The dispersion characteristic of the microresonator shown in Fig. 3(c) is measured through the Mach–Zehnder interferometer (MZI)-based optical sampling technique [17], and the measured dispersion matches well with finite difference eigenmode (FDE) simulated result, indicating an anomalous dispersion of D2/2π1.35  MHz. In order to achieve bichromatic pumping with flexibly controlled power and frequency difference, a dual-parallel Mach–Zehnder modulator operating in the carrier-suppressed single sideband (CS-SSB) mode is employed to generate two laser fields via simultaneously modulating the continuous wave (CW) laser by two microwave signals from broadband voltage-controlled oscillators (VCOs). The two laser fields are then amplified by an erbium-doped fiber amplifier (EDFA) and then coupled to the optical microresonator via a lensed fiber.

    (a) Schematic of the experimental setup. The inset shows the scanning electron microscopy image of a Si3N4 microresonator with the radius of 240 μm. CW Laser: continues-wave laser; DP-MZI: dual-parallel Mach-Zehnder interferometer; VCO: voltage-controlled oscillator; AWG: arbitrary waveform generator; EDFA: erbium-doped fiber amplifier; FPC: fiber polarization controller; EC: electric coupler; OC: optical coupler; OSA: optical spectrum analyzer; OSC: oscilloscope; ESA: electronic spectrum analyzer. (b) Measured transmission spectrum (blue circles) of the pumped resonance centered around 1564 nm. The Lorentz fitting curve (red solid line) indicates a loaded quality factor (Qload) of 1.2×106. (c) Measured (blue circles) and FDE simulated (red solid line) integrated dispersion (Dint=ωμ−ω0−μD1) of the fundamental quasi-TE mode as a function of relative mode number μ (μ=0 is at 1564 nm). Here, ω0 is the angular frequency of the pumped mode, ωμ is the angular frequency of the μth cavity mode relative to ω0, and D1 is the FSR measured at ω0. The inset shows the simulated mode profile of the fundamental TE00 mode.

    Figure 4.(a) Schematic of the experimental setup. The inset shows the scanning electron microscopy image of a Si3N4 microresonator with the radius of 240 μm. CW Laser: continues-wave laser; DP-MZI: dual-parallel Mach-Zehnder interferometer; VCO: voltage-controlled oscillator; AWG: arbitrary waveform generator; EDFA: erbium-doped fiber amplifier; FPC: fiber polarization controller; EC: electric coupler; OC: optical coupler; OSA: optical spectrum analyzer; OSC: oscilloscope; ESA: electronic spectrum analyzer. (b) Measured transmission spectrum (blue circles) of the pumped resonance centered around 1564 nm. The Lorentz fitting curve (red solid line) indicates a loaded quality factor (Qload) of 1.2×106. (c) Measured (blue circles) and FDE simulated (red solid line) integrated dispersion (Dint=ωμω0μD1) of the fundamental quasi-TE mode as a function of relative mode number μ (μ=0 is at 1564 nm). Here, ω0 is the angular frequency of the pumped mode, ωμ is the angular frequency of the μth cavity mode relative to ω0, and D1 is the FSR measured at ω0. The inset shows the simulated mode profile of the fundamental TE00 mode.

    We design a two-step tuning method for reliably accessing the ACWB states as shown in Fig. 5(a). First, the primary and secondary pumps are separated far from each other, and both are located at the effectively blue-detuned side. By manually scanning the CW laser, the two laser fields are simultaneously tuned towards the resonance from the short wavelength, which is referred to as “forward tuning” [stage I in Fig. 5(a)]. The secondary pump then scans into the resonance, exciting the microcombs and red shifting the resonance due to the strong thermal effect [stage II in Fig. 5(a)]. The resonance shifts back after the secondary pump crossing the effectively zero-detuned point and then is thermally locked to the high-power primary pump in the effectively blue-detuned regime [49] thanks to the large frequency difference between the two pumps, accompanied by the emergency of chaotic microcombs [stage III in Fig. 5(a)]. Afterwards, we tune the secondary pump backwards from the red-detuned side of the resonance by changing the voltage applied to the VCO. ACWBs can be generated at an appropriate detune value [stage IV in Fig. 5(a)]. Although the frequency detuning is considered unstable when the pump is working at the red-detuned regime [49], the stronger primary pump at the blue-detuned side stabilizes the resonance and makes it possible to freely tune the secondary pump at the red-detuned side without greatly impacting the resonance. A numerical simulation of this tuning process is seen in Appendix C.2.

    (a) Illustration of the two-step tuning method for ACWB generation. (b) Three optical spectra sampled during the two-step tuning process as depicted in (a). II: primary combs generated by the secondary pump. III: chaotic combs generated by the primary pump. IV: ACBW microcombs with CLS=13×FSR.

    Figure 5.(a) Illustration of the two-step tuning method for ACWB generation. (b) Three optical spectra sampled during the two-step tuning process as depicted in (a). II: primary combs generated by the secondary pump. III: chaotic combs generated by the primary pump. IV: ACBW microcombs with CLS=13×FSR.

    Taking the generation of an ACWB state with CLS=13×FSR as an example, we launch a total pump power of 26.5 dBm onto the coupled waveguide of the Si3N4 microring resonator with a power difference between the primary and secondary pump around 6.5 dB. While the two laser fields with an initial frequency difference approximately 1.5 GHz are simultaneously scanned from blue to red, the secondary pump first couples into the resonance and excites the microcombs [II in Fig. 5(b)]. After the secondary pump crosses the resonance and reaches the red-detuned regime, the resonance shifts backwards due to the thermal instability and is blocked by the primary pump. We further tune the primary pump into the resonance, and relatively noisy microcombs are excited as shown in Fig. 5(b) (subgraph III). Then the secondary pump is tuned backwards while fixing the primary pump until the frequency difference is close to 500 MHz. At this time, the ACWB microcomb is generated after the single-FSR components between the super modes with CLS=13×FSR decay rapidly [see IV in Fig. 5(b)]. The detailed optical spectrum is displayed in Fig. 6(a), which shows a quasi-triangle envelope with enhanced comb lines at mode index μ=±26. In order to further characterize the breathing behavior of the ACWB, the comb lines with mode index μ=13 and μ=26 are, respectively, filtered out and then detected by fast photodetectors (PDs). The power evolution traces of two comb lines recorded by the oscilloscope are shown in Fig. 6(c). The breathing depth of the comb mode μ=26 is much smaller than the comb mode μ=13, although they have almost the same averaged power. The enhanced comb lines and the difference of the breathing depth agree well with the simulated result in Section 3, which corroborates the intriguing breathing dynamics of the intracavity waveform as shown in Fig. 2(c). Figure 6(b) shows the corresponding RF spectrum of the ACWB microcomb, where the low-noise spectrum background indicates the high coherence of the ACWB state (see Appendix F for more coherence characterization). We note that the broad linewidth of the breathing frequency results from the high phase noise of the broadband VCO controlled by the AWG, and a pure breathing frequency can be expected when using a stable modulation signal source.

    (a) Optical spectrum of the ACWB microcomb with CLS=13×FSR. The red dashed lines indicate the triangle envelope of the spectrum, and the enhanced comb lines are marked by the red arrows. (b) The corresponding RF spectrum (blue trace) of the ACWB in (a) and the PD noise floor (red trace). The resolution bandwidth (RBW) of the measured traces is 200 Hz. (c) Recorded fast power evolution of the filtered comb mode μ=−13 and mode μ=−26.

    Figure 6.(a) Optical spectrum of the ACWB microcomb with CLS=13×FSR. The red dashed lines indicate the triangle envelope of the spectrum, and the enhanced comb lines are marked by the red arrows. (b) The corresponding RF spectrum (blue trace) of the ACWB in (a) and the PD noise floor (red trace). The resolution bandwidth (RBW) of the measured traces is 200 Hz. (c) Recorded fast power evolution of the filtered comb mode μ=13 and mode μ=26.

    Moreover, ACWB states with different CLSs can be generated when changing the total pump power, frequency difference, power difference, and relative pump-resonance frequency detuning of the two laser fields. The ACWB microcombs with CLSs ranging from 10 to 17 times the FSR are observed in the same microresonator by bichromatically pumping the same resonance, as shown in Fig. 7. The transition between these different ACWB states is intermediated by chaotic microcombs. Those ACWB spectra are all characterized by the typical quasi-triangle envelopes with two enhanced comb lines (see Fig. 7), which is consistent with the simulated characteristics. In some cases, two ACWB states can be switched between each other by simply changing the relative pump-resonance frequency detuning without modifying other parameters of the two pump lasers (i.e., only need to tune the wavelength of the CW laser), such as switching from the 12-FSR CLS state to the 13-FSR CLS state (see Fig. 7). Different from the Turing rolls (or primary combs) whose CLSs are determined by the well-defined parametric gain [22,29,46] or perfect soliton crystals (PSCs) whose CLSs are determined by the spectral position of the avoided mode crossings (AMXs) [24,26,27], we have not yet summed up the general rules for generating the ACWB microcomb with a specific CLS. From the perspective of LLE simulations, we find that ACWB states with several different CLSs could be generated under exactly the same pump parameters with different initial states. For example, ACWB states with CLSs ranging from 13 to 17 times the FSR can be generated under the same parameters used in Fig. 2 by only changing the initial state of the simulation. However, in the experiment, the reproducibility of a specific ACWB state is pretty good, which may be attributed to the effects that are not considered in the simulation (e.g., the avoided mode crossing).

    Optical spectra of the ACWB microcombs with different CLSs ranging from 10 to 17 times the FSR. The red dashed lines indicate the triangle envelope of the spectrum, and the enhanced comb lines are marked by the red arrows. The pumped mode is around 1564 nm for all microcombs. The parameters (total on-chip power, power difference, frequency difference) of the two pump lasers are set as (26.3 dBm, 5.6 dB, 530 MHz), (26.8 dBm, 5.6 dB, 535 MHz), (26.5 dBm, 6.5 dB, 520 MHz), (26.5 dBm, 6.5 dB, 520 MHz), (28.4 dBm, 6.4 dB, 544 MHz), (27 dBm, 6.5 dB, 495 MHz), (27.4 dBm, 6.5 dB, 500 MHz), and (29 dBm, 6.5 dB, 574 MHz), respectively. Due to the uncertainty of the edge coupling loss and the drift of the coupling state, the power parameter has some uncertainty from measurement to measurement.

    Figure 7.Optical spectra of the ACWB microcombs with different CLSs ranging from 10 to 17 times the FSR. The red dashed lines indicate the triangle envelope of the spectrum, and the enhanced comb lines are marked by the red arrows. The pumped mode is around 1564 nm for all microcombs. The parameters (total on-chip power, power difference, frequency difference) of the two pump lasers are set as (26.3 dBm, 5.6 dB, 530 MHz), (26.8 dBm, 5.6 dB, 535 MHz), (26.5 dBm, 6.5 dB, 520 MHz), (26.5 dBm, 6.5 dB, 520 MHz), (28.4 dBm, 6.4 dB, 544 MHz), (27 dBm, 6.5 dB, 495 MHz), (27.4 dBm, 6.5 dB, 500 MHz), and (29 dBm, 6.5 dB, 574 MHz), respectively. Due to the uncertainty of the edge coupling loss and the drift of the coupling state, the power parameter has some uncertainty from measurement to measurement.

    We note that the generated ACWB states are very robust, which exist for a long time in our free-running system even with compromised amplitude and frequency noise originating from the broadband VCOs driven by the AWG. This robustness may be attributed to the strong primary pump which works at the effectively blue-detuned regime and thermally locks the resonance. Moreover, the frequency difference of the two pump lasers needs not to be at a fixed value for maintaining an ACWB state and can be tuned for tens of megahertz (MHz) without losing the specific ACWB. If the ACWB state is losing due to the change of the secondary pump, we can recover it by simply restoring the original state of the second pump.

    B. Molecular Crystal-Like Breathers

    Specially, except for typical ACWB microcombs, novel breathing states with CLSs ranging from 2 to 9 times the FSR are also generated when we continuously scan the two pump lasers in their power-detuning phase plane. Some of the experimentally measured optical spectra are displayed in Fig. 8 (see Appendix D for more optical spectra under different pump parameters).

    Optical spectra of the molecular crystal-like breathers with different CLSs ranging from 2 to 9 times the FSR. The parameters (total on-chip power, power difference, frequency difference) of the two pump lasers are set as (28 dBm, 5.6 dB, 484 MHz), (27 dBm, 6.2 dB, 493 MHz), (28 dBm, 6.5 dB, 531 MHz), (26 dBm, 6.3 dB, 500 MHz), (29 dBm, 7 dB, 630 MHz), (25 dBm, 5.7 dB, 430 MHz), (26.5 dBm, 6 dB, 478 MHz), and (27 dBm, 6.5 dB, 530 MHz), respectively.

    Figure 8.Optical spectra of the molecular crystal-like breathers with different CLSs ranging from 2 to 9 times the FSR. The parameters (total on-chip power, power difference, frequency difference) of the two pump lasers are set as (28 dBm, 5.6 dB, 484 MHz), (27 dBm, 6.2 dB, 493 MHz), (28 dBm, 6.5 dB, 531 MHz), (26 dBm, 6.3 dB, 500 MHz), (29 dBm, 7 dB, 630 MHz), (25 dBm, 5.7 dB, 430 MHz), (26.5 dBm, 6 dB, 478 MHz), and (27 dBm, 6.5 dB, 530 MHz), respectively.

    These novel breathing microcombs exhibit complex spectral envelopes, which indicate that complex periodical waveforms are generated in the microresonator. Figure 9(b) shows the simulated averaged spectrum of the breathing state with CLS=6×FSR, which shows remarkable agreement with the experimentally measured result [see Fig. 9(a)]. The corresponding intracavity waveform evolution process is displayed in Fig. 9(c) (see Visualization 2 for detail evolution process), which shows significantly different dynamics with typical ACWB states. There are several pulses oscillating as a group within one period of the intracavity waveform [see dashed region in Fig. 9(d)]. The complex envelope of the optical spectrum exactly results from the interference between these multiple pulses. Here, we name these novel breathing states as “molecular crystal-like breathers” in analogue to “soliton molecules” [44] and “soliton crystals” [24]. It should be noted that not all of the experimentally measured optical spectra displayed in Fig. 8 could be well reproduced in the general LLE simulations as deduced in Eq. (1). We surmise that the wavelength-dependent quality factor, avoided mode crossings, and high-order dispersion will affect the specific intracavity waveforms and the corresponding optical spectra.

    (a) Experimentally measured optical spectrum of a molecular crystal-like breather state with CLS=6×FSR. The total on-chip power, power difference, and frequency difference of the two pump lasers are set as 29 dBm, 7 dB, and 630 MHz, respectively. (b) Simulated averaged optical spectrum of a molecular crystal-like breather state with CLS=6×FSR. (c) Evolution of the simulated intracavity pulse waveform. (d) Simulated intracavity pulse waveform sampled at two breathing maxima depicted in (c) by the white dashed lines. The shaded regions in (d) indicate one period of the corresponding waveforms. For all the simulations, the parameters are set as f12=20, f22=40, ζ0=−2, and Δζ0=−10, respectively.

    Figure 9.(a) Experimentally measured optical spectrum of a molecular crystal-like breather state with CLS=6×FSR. The total on-chip power, power difference, and frequency difference of the two pump lasers are set as 29 dBm, 7 dB, and 630 MHz, respectively. (b) Simulated averaged optical spectrum of a molecular crystal-like breather state with CLS=6×FSR. (c) Evolution of the simulated intracavity pulse waveform. (d) Simulated intracavity pulse waveform sampled at two breathing maxima depicted in (c) by the white dashed lines. The shaded regions in (d) indicate one period of the corresponding waveforms. For all the simulations, the parameters are set as f12=20, f22=40, ζ0=2, and Δζ0=10, respectively.

    C. High Periodicity Breathing and Irregular Breathing

    Similar to the intrinsic breathing instability of monochromatically pumped DKS breathers [28,32], we also observed high periodicity breathing and irregular breathing phenomena in the ACWB and molecular crystal-like breather states. Some experimental results are displayed in Fig. 10. The period-2 breathing, period-4 breathing, and irregular breathing phenomena are discovered in the microcomb states with 9-FSR, 16-FSR, and 4-FSR CLSs, respectively, which are characterized by the recorded frequency-domain RF spectra and time-domain power evolution of the corresponding microcombs [see Figs. 10(d)–10(f)]. Experimentally, the high periodicity breathing and irregular breathing phenomena tend to appear when the primary pump is tuned further into the chaotic regime (i.e., increasing the power or decreasing the frequency detuning of the primary pump). We find that the period-2 breathing phenomenon is frequently observed in the molecular crystal-like breathers but relatively rarely found in typical ACWB states, which could be attributed to the special evolution dynamics of the intracavity waveform as shown in Fig. 9(d). In most of the ACWB states, tuning the pump parameters sometimes directly led to chaotic states without the appearance of high periodicity breathing or irregular breathing. Numerically, these states can be well reproduced in the bichromatic pumping LLE simulations (see Appendix C.3 for details).

    High periodicity and irregular breathing phenomena. (a)–(c) Optical spectra of the microcombs with CLS equal to 9×FSR, 16×FSR, and 4×FSR, respectively. (d)–(f) RF spectra of the microcomb states in (a)–(c). The insets show the corresponding time-domain power evolution recorded by a fast photodetector. (d)–(f) show the period-2, period-4, and irregular breathing phenomena, respectively. The RBW of the measured traces is 100 kHz. The frequency difference is marked by the red arrow.

    Figure 10.High periodicity and irregular breathing phenomena. (a)–(c) Optical spectra of the microcombs with CLS equal to 9×FSR, 16×FSR, and 4×FSR, respectively. (d)–(f) RF spectra of the microcomb states in (a)–(c). The insets show the corresponding time-domain power evolution recorded by a fast photodetector. (d)–(f) show the period-2, period-4, and irregular breathing phenomena, respectively. The RBW of the measured traces is 100 kHz. The frequency difference is marked by the red arrow.


    In conclusion, we have demonstrated a novel bichromatic pumping scheme and discovered artificial cnoidal wave breathers and molecular crystal-like breathers in a Si3N4 microresonator. The unique pumping scheme bridges the gap between the effectively blue- and red-detuned regimes of a single resonance and excites the compulsive breathing behavior of microcombs. Especially, the ACWB states with CLSs ranging from 10 to 17 times the FSR and the molecular crystal-like breathers with CLSs ranging from 2 to 9 times the FSR are produced by pumping the same resonance of a single resonator, which indicates the remarkable flexibility of this pumping scheme for generating microcombs with reconfigurable CLSs. Moreover, high periodicity breathing and irregular breathing phenomena were also observed in our experiment. Numerical simulation results agree well with the experiment results and reveal the intriguing breathing dynamics of the intracavity waveform, which are significantly different from the intrinsic breathing instabilities of monochromatically pumped DKS breathers. On the one hand, the mechanism of these novel breathing phenomena is universal for any kind of Kerr nonlinear resonators pumped bichromatically, which may broaden the research scope of nonlinear wave dynamics both theoretically and experimentally. On the other hand, the discovery of ACWBs and molecular crystal-like breathers will help develop reconfigurable microcombs to meet different demands of applications such as optical communication, spectroscopy, and microwave photonics.


    Acknowledgment. J.L. acknowledges support from the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Innovation Program for Quantum Science and Technology, and Shenzhen–Hong Kong Cooperation Zone for Technology and Innovation. The authors acknowledge Shichang Li and Jiaxuan Wang for assisting with the paper preparation.


    The natural breathing frequency of a single soliton microcomb in the same microresonator is shown in Fig. 11, which is around 472 MHz. This breathing frequency is close to the frequency difference of the two pumps used in our experiment. The natural soliton breather intermediates the DKS and chaos regime, and the ACWB intermediates the Turing rolls and chaos regime, but the breathing is introduced artificially; this is why we call them artificial cnoidal wave breathers. The physical mechanism of this connection still needs further exploration.

    (a) The spectrum of the single pumped breathing soliton. (b) The RF spectrum of the breathing soliton.

    Figure 11.(a) The spectrum of the single pumped breathing soliton. (b) The RF spectrum of the breathing soliton.


    To better illustrate the characteristic of the ACWB, we compare it with the Turing rolls and perfect soliton crystals in Fig. 12. These spectra are generated in the same microresonator. As shown in Fig. 12, even the bandwidth of Turing rolls reaches its maximum before the subcombs are generated, and its bandwidth is still significantly smaller than the ACWB. As for the PSC, its bandwidth is comparable with the ACWB, but the spectrum envelope follows the classic sech2 shape.

    (a) The spectrum of the single pumped Turing rolls. (b) The spectrum of the bichromatically pumped ACWB. (c) The spectrum of single pumped perfect soliton crystal (PSC).

    Figure 12.(a) The spectrum of the single pumped Turing rolls. (b) The spectrum of the bichromatically pumped ACWB. (c) The spectrum of single pumped perfect soliton crystal (PSC).

    As for the tuning dynamic, when the pump laser is tuned to a longer wavelength (red shift), the Turing rolls and ACWB will enter the chaotic regime, but the PSC will keep its state and then collapse. When the pump laser is tuned to a shorter wavelength (blue shift), the Turing rolls will keep its state with decreased bandwidth, and the ACWB will enter the chaotic regime. The dynamics of PSC will be different (entering the chaotic or breathing regime) based on the pump power level; please refer to Ref. [26].


    Pump Parameters Setting Strategy

    In order to intuitively illustrate the general methods for setting the parameters of the primary and secondary pumps in the bichromatic pumping LLE simulations, we employ the stability chart (i.e., power-detuning phase plane) [29] of the traditional monochromatic pumping LLE as a reference, which is shown in Fig. 13. According to a large number of simulation examples, we find that, in order to produce the ACWBs or the molecular crystal-like breathers, the primary pump should be located in the Turing rolls region or the edge of the chaotic MI region, which is roughly indicated by the blue shaded region in Fig. 13, while the secondary pump should be located below the DKS region, which is roughly indicated by the red shaded region in Fig. 13. The high periodicity and irregular breathing phenomena tend to happen when the primary pump gets closer to the resonance. If the primary pump goes deep into the chaotic region or the secondary pump goes into the DKS region, the generated microcombs will evolve to obviously chaotic states.

    Probable parameters of the primary and secondary pump lasers illustrated in the stability chart of the monochromatic pumping LLE. The probable parameter regions for the primary pump and secondary pump are respectively shaded with blue and red. Note: the regions of the DKS breather, transient chaos, and spatiotemporal chaos are not displayed (see Ref. [28] for a detailed description).

    Figure 13.Probable parameters of the primary and secondary pump lasers illustrated in the stability chart of the monochromatic pumping LLE. The probable parameter regions for the primary pump and secondary pump are respectively shaded with blue and red. Note: the regions of the DKS breather, transient chaos, and spatiotemporal chaos are not displayed (see Ref. [28] for a detailed description).

    Simulated two-step tuning process. (a) Envelope of the intracavity power. The Roman numbers correspond to the four stages shown in Fig. 5(a) in the main text. The black dashed line separates the forward and backward tuning processes. (b) Evolution of the intracavity pulse waveform. The inset shows local details. (c) Evolution of the intracavity optical spectrum.

    Figure 14.Simulated two-step tuning process. (a) Envelope of the intracavity power. The Roman numbers correspond to the four stages shown in Fig. 5(a) in the main text. The black dashed line separates the forward and backward tuning processes. (b) Evolution of the intracavity pulse waveform. The inset shows local details. (c) Evolution of the intracavity optical spectrum.

    Simulated high periodicity breathing and irregular breathing phenomena. (a) Period-2 breathing state for a 9-FSR CLS under f12=20, f22=3.5, ζ0=−2, and Δζ0=−10 (see Visualization 4). (b) Period-4 breathing state for a 16-FSR CLS under f12=14, f22=2.8, ζ0=−0.1, and Δζ0=−6.1 (see Visualization 5). (c) Irregular breathing state for a 4-FSR CLS under f12=21, f22=4, ζ0=−2.1, and Δζ0=−9.7 (see Visualization 6). In (a)–(c), top left: averaged optical spectrum; bottom left: RF spectrum of the corresponding microcomb over 200,000 roundtrips (the equivalent resolution bandwidth is 500 kHz); top right: evolution of the total intracavity power; bottom right: evolution of the intracavity waveform.

    Figure 15.Simulated high periodicity breathing and irregular breathing phenomena. (a) Period-2 breathing state for a 9-FSR CLS under f12=20, f22=3.5, ζ0=2, and Δζ0=10 (see Visualization 4). (b) Period-4 breathing state for a 16-FSR CLS under f12=14, f22=2.8, ζ0=0.1, and Δζ0=6.1 (see Visualization 5). (c) Irregular breathing state for a 4-FSR CLS under f12=21, f22=4, ζ0=2.1, and Δζ0=9.7 (see Visualization 6). In (a)–(c), top left: averaged optical spectrum; bottom left: RF spectrum of the corresponding microcomb over 200,000 roundtrips (the equivalent resolution bandwidth is 500 kHz); top right: evolution of the total intracavity power; bottom right: evolution of the intracavity waveform.


    Figure 16 shows the optical spectra of other molecular crystal-like breathers generated in the experiment. The diverse spectrum envelopes of these microcombs indicate that a large variety of molecular crystal-like breathing pulses could be generated in the microresonators under the bichromatic pumping scheme. In other words, the novel bichromatic pumping method is very powerful and flexible for generating intriguing periodical optical pulses in the microresonators.

    Experimentally measured optical spectra of other molecular crystal-like breathers. The parameters (total on-chip power, power difference, frequency difference) of the two pump lasers are set as (27 dBm, 6 dB, 450 MHz), (29.3 dBm, 7 dB, 596 MHz), (26.6 dBm, 5.7 dB, 473 MHz), (27 dBm, 6 dB, 503 MHz), (28.4 dBm, 6.5 dB, 541 MHz), and (25.6 dBm, 6 dB, 453 MHz), respectively.

    Figure 16.Experimentally measured optical spectra of other molecular crystal-like breathers. The parameters (total on-chip power, power difference, frequency difference) of the two pump lasers are set as (27 dBm, 6 dB, 450 MHz), (29.3 dBm, 7 dB, 596 MHz), (26.6 dBm, 5.7 dB, 473 MHz), (27 dBm, 6 dB, 503 MHz), (28.4 dBm, 6.5 dB, 541 MHz), and (25.6 dBm, 6 dB, 453 MHz), respectively.


    We also observed that the high periodicity breathing state can be maintained in a certain range of frequency difference in the experiment. Taking a period-2 breathing state with CLS=2×FSR (see Fig. 17) as an example, we tune the frequency of the secondary pump while keeping the primary pump fixed. The period-2 breathing state is maintained while the frequency difference is tuned from 556 MHz to 602 MHz.

    (a) Optical spectrum of a period-2 breathing molecular crystal-like breathing state with CLS=2×FSR. (b) Evolution of the RF spectra during the tuning process. (c) RF spectra sampled at three different stages as depicted in (b). The resolution bandwidth of the measured traces is 100 kHz.

    Figure 17.(a) Optical spectrum of a period-2 breathing molecular crystal-like breathing state with CLS=2×FSR. (b) Evolution of the RF spectra during the tuning process. (c) RF spectra sampled at three different stages as depicted in (b). The resolution bandwidth of the measured traces is 100 kHz.

    (a) Optical spectrum of an ACWB state with CLS=14×FSR combined with a CoBrite DX laser. The inset shows the local details of the spectrum. (b) Top: RF spectrum of the ACWB. Bottom: RF spectrum of the heterodyne signal. The black arrows indicate the frequency difference (around 640 MHz) of the primary and secondary pumps. The red arrow indicates the heterodyne frequency (around 7.5 GHz).

    Figure 18.(a) Optical spectrum of an ACWB state with CLS=14×FSR combined with a CoBrite DX laser. The inset shows the local details of the spectrum. (b) Top: RF spectrum of the ACWB. Bottom: RF spectrum of the heterodyne signal. The black arrows indicate the frequency difference (around 640 MHz) of the primary and secondary pumps. The red arrow indicates the heterodyne frequency (around 7.5 GHz).


    In order to characterize the coherence of the artificial cnoidal wave breathers (ACWBs), we employed an external CW laser (CoBrite DX4 DFB) to heterodyne with a comb line of the ACWB microcomb and then measured the beat note by the electronic spectrum analyzer (R & S FSWP). We took an ACWB state with CLS=14×FSR as an example as shown in Fig. 18. The heterodyne signal marked by the red arrow possesses a high signal-to-noise ratio of above 34 dB, clearly indicating high coherence of the ACWB state. The spurs around the heterodyne signal exactly originate from the breathing behavior of the comb line.

    The spectral purity of the ACWB repetition frequency is another important parameter to characterize the coherence. However, direct measurement of the repetition frequency beat note is unavailable in our lab due to the large FSR (100  GHz) of our Si3N4 microresonator.


    The visualizations show the dynamics of some typical ACWB and molecular crystal-like breathers. In each visualization, the top shows the evolution of the total intracavity power; the middle shows the evolution of the intracavity waveform; and the bottom shows the evolution of the optical spectrum. System.Xml.XmlElementSystem.Xml.XmlElementSystem.Xml.XmlElementSystem.Xml.XmlElementSystem.Xml.XmlElementSystem.Xml.XmlElement


    In the improved experiment setup as shown in Fig. 19, we replace the VCOs with pure RF sources and use an optical filter to suppress the ASE noise of the EDFA. We can see the pure optical spectrum of the ACWB and the pure beatnote signals. In Fig. 19(d), we compare the phase noise of the beatnote when using VCOs and RF sources. So, the broad linewidth of the beatnote comes from the poor linewidth of the VCO.

    (a) Improved experiment setup. The VCOs are replaced by pure RF sources, and an optical filter is used to suppress the ASE noise from the EDFA. (b) Optical spectrum of the ACWB. (c) ESA recorded beatnote. (d) Phase noise of the beatnote when using VCOs and pure RF sources.

    Figure 19.(a) Improved experiment setup. The VCOs are replaced by pure RF sources, and an optical filter is used to suppress the ASE noise from the EDFA. (b) Optical spectrum of the ACWB. (c) ESA recorded beatnote. (d) Phase noise of the beatnote when using VCOs and pure RF sources.


    We introduce the “two-step” tuning method to avoid the situation in which both of the pumps are located at the red-detuned side of the pumped resonance due to the thermal blue shift after the second pump across the resonance. So, we believe that using the “two-step” tuning method is more reliable, especially in the case that the frequency difference and power difference of the two pumps are small.

    Instead of executing the “two-step” tuning procedure, it is also feasible to access the ACWB state by simultaneously tuning the two pumps with a fixed frequency difference. In our experiment, we find that most of the ACWB states are thermally accessible by simultaneously tuning the two pumps with a fixed frequency difference.

    To visually demonstrate this process, we recorded a video and added it to Visualization 7. In this video, we fixed the frequency difference of the two pumps as 561.9 MHz and tuned them toward the resonance from the blue-detuned side. The OSA records the spectrum evolution process, and the ESA records the beatnote of the microcomb, which shows a fixed frequency difference of 561.9 MHz. From this video, we can also see the broadband spectrum of the ACWB relative to the chaotic state.


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    Yiran Gao, Jian Dai, Zhonghan Wu, Anni Liu, Tian Zhang, Wei Sun, Junqiu Liu, Kun Xu, "Bichromatically pumped artificial cnoidal wave breathers in optical microresonators," Photonics Res. 12, 1464 (2024)

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    Paper Information

    Category: Integrated Optics

    Received: Feb. 20, 2024

    Accepted: May. 1, 2024

    Published Online: Jun. 26, 2024

    The Author Email: Jian Dai (

