Random access code (RAC) is a type of collaborative communication task which is suitable for a wide variety of applications. Usually, RAC is implemented in a prepare-and-measure (PM) scenario[
Chinese Optics Letters, Volume. 19, Issue 11, 112701(2021)
Sequential 3 → 1 quantum random access code utilizing unsharp measurements
Quantum random access codes (QRACs) are important communication tasks that are usually implemented in prepare-and-measure scenarios. The receiver tries to retrieve one arbitrarily chosen bit of the original bit-string from the code qubit sent by the sender. In this Letter, we analyze in detail the sequential version of the
1. Introduction
Random access code (RAC) is a type of collaborative communication task which is suitable for a wide variety of applications. Usually, RAC is implemented in a prepare-and-measure (PM) scenario[
The PM scenario of RAC/QRAC above involves one sender and one receiver. For two receivers, Bob and Charlie, two classical RACs can be implemented parallelly and independently, as the classical code can be copied or broadcast.
However, in a quantum version, as the number of all possible messages is larger than two, there must be at least a pair of non-orthogonal states in the set of encoded states, which cannot be cloned perfectly. The quantum system can be accessible by the receivers sequentially. Assuming that Bob, the first receiver, performs quantum operations on the quantum message from the sender, Alice, he gets a classical result, which reveals some information of the original message, and a quantum output, which will be delivered to Charlie, the second receiver, who also tries to retrieve the original message. There is no doubt that the average successful probabilities for both receivers are affected by Bob’s operation. As the quantum system will collapse in one of the eigenstates of the sharp (projective) measurement operator, a weaker measurement performed by Bob is helpful for Charlie’s further retrieving. As a special kind of positive operator-valued measurement (POVM)[
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All of the scenarios above[
2. Quantum Random Access Code
In the RAC, Alice, the sender, encodes an bit-string, , into 1 bit , via a classical function . Given the random input corresponding to the bit to be retrieved, the receiver, Bob, gets the estimate using a decode function, . As the simplest case, Alice sends one of the origial bits, and Bob guesses all of the others randomly. So, the average success probability is .
In the QRAC, as shown in Fig. 1, the sender encodes her classical bit message into one qubit , and Bob extracts the required bit as according to the random variable he receives by performing some measurement , where and . Generally, the statistical results of this PM scheme can be expressed by conditional probability by the Born rule, . The average probability of a successful guess is expressed as
Figure 1.Scenario with two participants.
For , the optimal probability is [
For the sequential QRAC, as depicted in Fig. 2, the second receiver, Charlie, receives a random classical variable and performs corresponding measurements on the post-processing state delivered by Bob. The classical output for Charlie is . The total probability of a successful guess for the senario is written as
Figure 2.Scenario with three participants.
In general, we can use a quantum instrument[
For , the difference of strategies for Bob, the unsharp POVM and the PVM, is discussed in detail[
Figure 3.Bounds on average success probability under 2 → 1 task. Short dashed line corresponds to the classical strategy. Dotted line, dotted and dashed line, and dotted and solid line correspond to the “unitary,” “mixed,” and “measure and prepare” projective strategies, respectively. Solid line corresponds to the general strategy with unsharp measurements. All of the bounds are tight.
Let us consider the QRAC task in this section. For the one receiver case, the successful probability can be written as
In the sequential QRAC process, Bob receives the code qubit from Alice, and Charlie receives the post-measurement state from Bob. Here, the state set {} sent by Alice corresponds to the eight vertices of the inscribed cube of the Bloch sphere, i.e.,
As a sequential communication task, Charlie receives a post-measurement state. Without any information of Bob’s measurement choice or outcome , the post-measurement state is written as
Subsequently, he performs the two-outcome measurement. Here, the best strategy of Charlie is the sharp measurement, . The average successful probability for Charlie is
Although Charlie’s choice of measurements is independent of Bob’s measurement choice and outcome, will be potentially affected by Bob’s operations. Given the sharpness of Bob’s measurment, we can obtain
A complementary relationship between and is found, as shown in Fig. 4. The superiority of quantum RAC over the classical one is obvious, as either or is greater than the classical bound. Further, by bringing Eqs. (8) and (9) into Eq. (2), the optimal is found as a function of :
Figure 4.Correlations between the two success probabilities (PBsucc, PCsucc). The curve represents the boundary of the quantum set under 3 → 1; shadow rectangle represents classical boundary under 3 → 1.
Eventually, we could obtain the optimal average success probability:
Now let us consider the strategies without weak measurement. For the unitary strategy, where Bob does nothing but guessing, and Charlie receives the identical state that Alice sends, we have
For the PVM scheme, we also use the methods proposed in Ref. [32]. The total successful probability is written as
To optimize the parameters in the measure-and-prepare strategy, we use the unit vectors on the Bloch sphere to denote an arbitrary pure state of Eq. (4) and get
Note that the above formula is a function about angles (, ) while using spherical coordinate vector . The result of numerical simulation is shown in Fig. 5.
Figure 5.Bounds on average success probability under 3 → 1 task. Short dashed line corresponds to the classical strategy. Dotted line and dotted and dashed line correspond to the “unitary” and “measure and prepare” projective strategies, respectively. Solid line corresponds to the general strategy with unsharp measurements.
It is found that the optimal strategy for QRAC is quite different from that of QRAC. In this guessing game, the unsharp scheme cannot always have advantages. The average success probability of the “measure and prepare” strategy is always 0.75 when is approximately in the range of . It is always higher than that of the POVM strategy for . The average successful probability 0.75 can be achieved by another kind of classical RAC[
5. Summary
In this Letter, we have discussed the sequential version of the QRAC task with two receivers through unsharp measurements. As a trade-off between information gain and state disturbance, the successful probability for the first receiver and the second one will increase and decrease, respectively, with the sharpness of the first one’s measurement increasing. The optimal average probability of successful retrieval with unsharp measurements is derived. Furthermore, two strategies for the first receiver are discussed, i.e., the unitary one and the measure-and-prepare one with PVM. It is found that for most of the weight for averaging, the measure-and-prepare strategy with PVM achieves a higher total success probability of 0.75 than the POVM one, which is different from the case. Moreover, this success probability can be reproduced by a classical scenario. Therefore, our present work can provide useful references for further implementation of QRAC and RAC. We believe that our theory can be expanded to the scheme with more receivers or higher-dimensional QRACs and can be applicable to the implementation of a quantum random number generator (QRNG) based on QRACs[
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Zhiguang Pang, Jiang Gao, Tianlei Hou, Min Wei, Jian Li, Qin Wang, "Sequential 3 → 1 quantum random access code utilizing unsharp measurements," Chin. Opt. Lett. 19, 112701 (2021)
Category: Quantum Optics and Quantum Information
Received: Feb. 3, 2021
Accepted: Apr. 30, 2021
Posted: May. 6, 2021
Published Online: Sep. 2, 2021
The Author Email: Jian Li (jianli@njupt.edu.cn), Qin Wang (qinw@njupt.edu.cn)