Photonics Research, Volume. 10, Issue 12, 2854(2022)

Quantum information transfer between a two-level and a four-level quantum systems

Tianfeng Feng1、†, Qiao Xu1、†, Linxiang Zhou1、†, Maolin Luo1, Wuhong Zhang1,2, and Xiaoqi Zhou1、*
Author Affiliations
  • 1State Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Materials and Technologies and School of Physics, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China
  • 2Department of Physics, Jiujiang Research Institute and Collaborative Innovation Center for Optoelectronic Semiconductors and Efficient Devices, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005, China
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    Quantum mechanics provides a disembodied way to transfer quantum information from one quantum object to another. In theory, this quantum information transfer can occur between quantum objects of any dimension, yet the reported experiments of quantum information transfer to date have mainly focused on the cases where the quantum objects have the same dimension. Here, we theoretically propose and experimentally demonstrate a scheme for quantum information transfer between quantum objects of different dimensions. By using an optical qubit-ququart entangling gate, we observe the transfer of quantum information between two photons with different dimensions, including the flow of quantum information from a four-dimensional photon to a two-dimensional photon and vice versa. The fidelities of the quantum information transfer range from 0.700 to 0.917, all above the classical limit of 2/3. Our work sheds light on a new direction for quantum information transfer and demonstrates our ability to implement entangling operations beyond two-level quantum systems.


    The information transfer between different objects is one of the most fundamental phenomena in nature. In the classical world, a macroscopic object that carries unknown information can have its information precisely measured and copied, and thus this information can be transferred to another object while still being retained on the original object. In the quantum world, although quantum mechanics does not allow the unknown quantum information carried on a quantum object to be perfectly cloned or precisely measured [1,2], it does allow quantum information to be transferred from one object to another object in a disembodied way, i.e., only the quantum information but not the object itself is transferred. Quantum information transfer (QIT) between two quantum objects, which is also called quantum teleportation [3,4] when the two objects are separated at different locations, is widely used in quantum information applications including long-distance quantum communication [57], distributed quantum networks [8,9], and measurement-based quantum computation [1014]. It has been experimentally demonstrated in a variety of physical systems [1527], including photons [17,18], atoms [19], ions [2022], electrons [23], defects in solid states [24], optomechanical systems [25], and superconducting circuits [26,27]. Recently, more complex experiments have also been reported, such as the open destination teleportation [28,29] and the teleportation of a composite system [30,32], a multilevel state [31,32], and multidegree of freedom of a particle [33].

    So far, the reported experiments have mainly focused on QIT between quantum objects with the same dimension. However, in quantum applications such as distributed quantum networks, different quantum objects may have different dimensions, and QIT between them is also required. For example, as shown in Fig. 1(a), there are two quantum objects A and B, where A is two-dimensional (2D) and carries no quantum information, and B is four-dimensional (4D) and carries two qubits of unknown quantum information beforehand. If B wants to transfer quantum information to A, because A is 2D and capable of carrying at most one qubit of quantum information, only one of the two qubits stored in B can be transferred to A. We call this process a 4-to-2 QIT, which will distribute the two qubits of quantum information originally concentrated on B over both A and B. Now A and B are each loaded with one qubit of quantum information. Obviously, as shown in Fig. 1(b), this one qubit of quantum information stored in A can also be transferred back to B. We call this process a 2-to-4 QIT, which concentrates the two qubits of quantum information distributed over both A and B on object B only.

    Quantum information transfer between a two-level and a four-level quantum systems. (a) Quantum information transfer from a four-level system B to a two-level system A. (b) Quantum information transfer from a two-level system A to a four-level system B.

    Figure 1.Quantum information transfer between a two-level and a four-level quantum systems. (a) Quantum information transfer from a four-level system B to a two-level system A. (b) Quantum information transfer from a two-level system A to a four-level system B.

    In this work, we theoretically propose and experimentally demonstrate a scheme for QIT between a 2D quantum object and a 4D one. By using an optical qubit-ququart entangling gate, we successfully transfer one qubit of quantum information from a 4D photon preloaded with two qubits of quantum information to a 2D photon, i.e., achieving a 4-to-2 QIT. We also experimentally realize a 2-to-4 QIT, i.e., transferring one qubit of quantum information from a 2D photon to a 4D photon preloaded with one qubit of quantum information. Besides fundamental interests, the QITs demonstrated here have the potential to simplify the construction of quantum circuits and find applications in quantum computation and quantum communications.


    A. 2-to-2 QIT

    Before presenting the scheme for implementing the QIT between quantum objects of different dimensions, let us briefly review how to implement the QIT between quantum objects of the same dimensions. Here we take the 2D case as an example, assuming that both A and B are 2D quantum objects, where A is in the state 12(|0A+|1A) without any quantum information preloaded, and B is in the state α|0B+β|1B loaded with one-qubit unknown quantum information. As shown in Fig. 2(a), by applying a controlled-X gate (CX gate, commonly referred as CNOT gate) on A and B, the quantum state of the composite system of A and B would become 12|0A(α|0B+β|1B)+12|1A(α|1B+β|0B)=12(α|0A+β|1A)|0B+12(β|0A+α|1A)|1B,where X|0=|1, X|1=|0. After measuring B in the |0/1 basis and forwarding the measurement outcome to A, a unitary operation (I or X) based on the outcome is applied on A and thus converts its state to α|0A+β|1A. The state of A now has the same form as the initial state of B and thus completes the QIT from B to A.

    Schematic diagrams for quantum information transfer. (a) The quantum information transfer from one qubit to another. The CX gate entangles qubit A, which initially contains no quantum information, and qubit B, which initially contains one qubit of unknown quantum information. The projective measurement on B removes quantum information from B, thus transferring the one qubit of quantum information to A. After the feedforward unitary operation, the quantum information originally stored in B is restored in A, thus completing the quantum information transfer. (b) The quantum information transfer from a ququart to a qubit. The initial state of ququart B contains two qubits of unknown quantum information, while qubit A initially contains no quantum information. After entangling A and B using a CX4 gate, where X4 swaps |0⟩ and |2⟩ (|1⟩ and |3⟩), a projective measurement is applied on B to measure whether it is in the subspace spanned by |0⟩ and |1⟩ or the subspace spanned by |2⟩ and |3⟩. Based on the measurement result, feedforward unitary operations are applied on A and B, and the final state of A and B contains the two qubits of quantum information originally stored in B, thus completing the quantum information transfer from ququart B to qubit A. (c) The quantum information transfer from a qubit to a ququart. Two qubits of unknown quantum information are initially distributed over qubit A and ququart B. After applying a CX4 gate on A and B, a projective measurement is applied on A and a feedforward unitary operation based on the measurement result is applied on B. The final state of B contains the two qubits of quantum information originally distributed over both A and B, thus completing the quantum information transfer from qubit A to ququart B.

    Figure 2.Schematic diagrams for quantum information transfer. (a) The quantum information transfer from one qubit to another. The CX gate entangles qubit A, which initially contains no quantum information, and qubit B, which initially contains one qubit of unknown quantum information. The projective measurement on B removes quantum information from B, thus transferring the one qubit of quantum information to A. After the feedforward unitary operation, the quantum information originally stored in B is restored in A, thus completing the quantum information transfer. (b) The quantum information transfer from a ququart to a qubit. The initial state of ququart B contains two qubits of unknown quantum information, while qubit A initially contains no quantum information. After entangling A and B using a CX4 gate, where X4 swaps |0 and |2 (|1 and |3), a projective measurement is applied on B to measure whether it is in the subspace spanned by |0 and |1 or the subspace spanned by |2 and |3. Based on the measurement result, feedforward unitary operations are applied on A and B, and the final state of A and B contains the two qubits of quantum information originally stored in B, thus completing the quantum information transfer from ququart B to qubit A. (c) The quantum information transfer from a qubit to a ququart. Two qubits of unknown quantum information are initially distributed over qubit A and ququart B. After applying a CX4 gate on A and B, a projective measurement is applied on A and a feedforward unitary operation based on the measurement result is applied on B. The final state of B contains the two qubits of quantum information originally distributed over both A and B, thus completing the quantum information transfer from qubit A to ququart B.

    B. 4-to-2 QIT

    We now present the scheme for realizing the QIT from a 4D to a 2D quantum object. Suppose A is still 2D and in the state 12(|0A+|1A), and B is now 4D and in the state α|0B+β|1B+γ|2B+δ|3B,which is preloaded with two-qubit unknown quantum information. To achieve the QIT between a 2D and a 4D quantum object, instead of using a two-qubit gate like the CNOT gate, one should use a qubit-ququart entangling gate. As shown in Fig. 2(b), a controlled-X4 gate (CX4) is applied to A and B, where X4 is a 4D unitary gate defined as X4=(0010000110000100),which converts |0 (|1) to |2 (|3) and vice versa. The state of A and B is thus converted to 12|0A(α|0B+β|1B+γ|2B+δ|3B)+12|1A(α|2B+β|3B+γ|0B+δ|1B)=12(α|0A|0B+β|0A|1B+γ|1A|0B+δ|1A|1B)+12(α|1A|2B+β|1A|3B+γ|0A|2B+δ|0A|3B).A projective measurement is then applied on B to measure whether it is in the subspace spanned by |0B and |1B or the subspace spanned by |2B and |3B. Based on the measurement outcome, unitary operations (II4 or XX4) are applied on A and B and their state becomes α|0A|0B+β|0A|1B+γ|1A|0B+δ|1A|1B,where I4=(1000010000100001).Comparing Eq. (2) with Eq. (1), it is observed that the two quantum states have exactly the same form except for the difference in the state basis, which means that the two-qubit quantum information previously stored in B is now distributed over both A and B. In other words, one of the two qubits of quantum information originally stored in B is now transferred to A, thus achieving a 4-to-2 QIT.

    C. 2-to-4 QIT

    We now show how the same quantum circuit can be used to implement a 2-to-4 QIT (the inverse of the above process), i.e., transferring one qubit of quantum information from a 2D quantum object to a 4D quantum object preloaded with one-qubit unknown quantum information. The initial state of A and B can be written as α|0A|0B+β|0A|1B+γ|1A|0B+δ|1A|1B,where both the 2D A and the 4D B are preloaded with one qubit of unknown quantum information. Note that the quantum state of A and B can be either an entangled state or a separable state. As shown in Fig. 2(c), a CX4 gate is applied to A and B, and their state is thus converted to α|0A|0B+β|0A|1B+γ|1A|2B+δ|1A|3B=|+A(α|0B+β|1B+γ|2B+δ|3B)+|A(α|0B+β|1Bγ|2Bδ|3B),where |±=1/2(|0±|1). Similarly, after measuring A in the |± basis and forwarding the outcome to B, a 4D unitary operation (I4 or Z4) is applied on B conditioned on the outcome and thus converts its state to α|0B+β|1B+γ|2B+δ|3B,where Z4=(1000010000100001).Comparing Eq. (4) with Eq. (3), it is observed that the two quantum states have exactly the same form except for the difference in the state basis, which means that the two qubits of quantum information previously distributed over both A and B are now concentrated in B. In other words, the one-qubit quantum information originally stored in A is now transferred to B, thus achieving a 2-to-4 QIT.


    A. Optical CX4 Gate

    To experimentally implement the QIT operations described above, the main challenge lies in the realization of the key part of the quantum circuit, namely the qubit-ququart entangling gate CX4. Most experimentally realized quantum entangling gates so far are based on qubits [3440], and it is a challenging task to implement such high-dimensional entangling operations in any physical system.

    Here we present our method of implementing the CX4 gate using linear optics. As shown in Fig. 3(a), instead of implementing the CX4 gate directly, we first decompose it into two consecutive gates CX02 and CX13 based on the fact that X4=X13X02, where X02=(0010010010000001),X13=(1000000100100100).Although X02 (X13) is a 4D unitary operation, it only operates on a 2D subspace spanned by |0 and |2 (|1 and |3). X02 (X13) swaps |0 and |2 (|1 and |3) and leaves |1 and |3 (|0 and |2) unchanged. Based on this fact, two optical CNOT gates can be used to implement CX02 and CX13.

    Experimental layout for quantum information transfer between a qubit and a ququart. (a) Optical CX4 gate. Two photons a1 and a2 are used to encode qubit A, where |0⟩A=|H⟩a1|H⟩a2 and |1⟩A=|V⟩a1|V⟩a2. Photon b is used to encode ququart B, where |0⟩B=|H0⟩b, |1⟩B=|H1⟩b, |2⟩B=|V0⟩b, and |3⟩B=|V1⟩b. H0 (H1) denotes photon in the upper (lower) spatial mode with horizontal polarization and V0 (V1) denotes photon in upper (lower) spatial mode with vertical polarization. A CX4 gate between the control qubit A and the target ququart B is decomposed into a CX02 gate and a CX13 gate. The CX02 (CX13) gate is equivalent to a polarization CNOT gate operating on photon a1 (a2) and photon b in the upper (lower) path. (b) Experimental setup. A pulsed ultraviolet (UV) laser is focused on two beta-barium borate (BBO) crystals and produces two photon pairs a1–a2 and b−t. By tuning HWP1 and QWP1, the first photon pair, a1–a2, is prepared at ϵ|H⟩a1|H⟩a2+ζ|V⟩a1|V⟩a2, which serves as the initial state of system A. BD1 and its surrounding waveplates (HWP2, QWP2, HWP3, QWP3, HWP4 and QWP4) prepare photon b at η|H0⟩b+κ|H1⟩b+λ|V0⟩b+μ|V1⟩b, which serves as the initial state of system B. The two polarization CNOT gates based on PPBS are used to implement the optical CX4 on system A and system B. BD2 and its surrounding waveplates (QWP5, HWP5, HWP at 0°, HWP at 45°, QWP6 and HWP6) are used to analyze the ququart state.

    Figure 3.Experimental layout for quantum information transfer between a qubit and a ququart. (a) Optical CX4 gate. Two photons a1 and a2 are used to encode qubit A, where |0A=|Ha1|Ha2 and |1A=|Va1|Va2. Photon b is used to encode ququart B, where |0B=|H0b, |1B=|H1b, |2B=|V0b, and |3B=|V1b. H0 (H1) denotes photon in the upper (lower) spatial mode with horizontal polarization and V0 (V1) denotes photon in upper (lower) spatial mode with vertical polarization. A CX4 gate between the control qubit A and the target ququart B is decomposed into a CX02 gate and a CX13 gate. The CX02 (CX13) gate is equivalent to a polarization CNOT gate operating on photon a1 (a2) and photon b in the upper (lower) path. (b) Experimental setup. A pulsed ultraviolet (UV) laser is focused on two beta-barium borate (BBO) crystals and produces two photon pairs a1a2 and bt. By tuning HWP1 and QWP1, the first photon pair, a1a2, is prepared at ϵ|Ha1|Ha2+ζ|Va1|Va2, which serves as the initial state of system A. BD1 and its surrounding waveplates (HWP2, QWP2, HWP3, QWP3, HWP4 and QWP4) prepare photon b at η|H0b+κ|H1b+λ|V0b+μ|V1b, which serves as the initial state of system B. The two polarization CNOT gates based on PPBS are used to implement the optical CX4 on system A and system B. BD2 and its surrounding waveplates (QWP5, HWP5, HWP at 0°, HWP at 45°, QWP6 and HWP6) are used to analyze the ququart state.

    As shown in Fig. 3(a), system A consists of two photons, a1 and a2, serving as the control qubit, and system B consists of photon b, serving as the target ququart. The two orthonormal basis states of system A are |0A=|Ha1|Ha2 and |1A=|Va1|Va2, where H and V denote horizontal and vertical polarizations, respectively. For system B, to encode a ququart with a single photon, photon b, both the polarization and spatial degrees of freedom are used, and the four orthonormal basis states are |0B=|H0b, |1B=|H1b, |2B=|V0b, and |3B=|V1b, where H0 (H1) denotes photon in the upper (lower) spatial mode with horizontal polarization, and V0 (V1) denotes photon in the upper (lower) spatial mode with vertical polarization. The CX02 operation between qubit A and ququart B can be realized by applying a polarization CNOT gate to photon a1 and photon b in the upper path, which can be understood as follows. When the polarization of photon a1 is H (namely qubit A in |0A), nothing happens; when the polarization of photon a is V (namely qubit A in |1A), the polarization of photon b flips between H and V if b is in the upper path (namely ququart B’s |0B and |2B components being swapped), and is unaffected if b is in the lower path (namely ququart B’s |1B and |3B components being unchanged), which is exactly what a CX02 gate achieves. Similarly, the CX13 operation can be realized by applying a polarization CNOT gate to photon a2 and photon b in the lower path. As a result, the desired CX4 gate can be achieved by the two polarization CNOT gates as shown in Fig. 3(a).

    Note that the use of two photons to encode the control qubit is mainly due to the following experimental considerations. The optical CNOT gates used experimentally are based on postselection measurements, and such CNOT gates would fail when they act on the same two photons twice in a row. By using two photons a1 and a2 to encode the control qubit, the two CNOT gates are not acting on the same two photons, thus avoiding this problem.

    B. Experimental Setup

    Figure 3(b) shows the experimental setup for implementing the two QIT schemes. Two photon pairs are generated by passing femtosecond-pulse UV laser through type-II beta-barium borate (BBO) crystals (see Appendix A). Photons a1 and a2 of the first pair are prepared at ϵ|Ha1|Ha2+ζ|Va1|Va2, which serves as the initial state of system A. By passing through the beam displacer BD1 and its surrounding waveplates (HWP2, QWP2, HWP3, QWP3, HWP4, and QWP4), photon b from the second pair is prepared at η|H0b+κ|H1b+λ|V0b+μ|V1b, which serves as the initial state of system B. The upper (lower) rail of photon b is then superposed with photon a1 (a2) on a partial polarization beamsplitter (PPBS). The PPBS, the loss elements, and its surrounding half wave-plates can realize a polarization CNOT gate on photon a1 (a2) and photon b in the upper (lower) path [41]. These two polarization CNOT gates together realize a CX4 gate on qubit A and ququart B (see Appendix C), and the state of the three photons becomes ϵ|Ha1|Ha2(η|H0b+κ|H1b+λ|V0b+μ|V1b)+ζ|Va1|Va2(η|V0b+κ|V1b+λ|H0b+μ|H1b).

    C. Results of the 4-to-2 QIT

    To demonstrate the 4-to-2 QIT, ϵ and ζ are set to 1/2, and the three-photon state after the CX4 gate can be written as 12|Ha1|Ha2(η|H0b+κ|H1b+λ|V0b+μ|V1b)+12|Va1|Va2(η|V0b+κ|V1b+λ|H0b+μ|H1b).Active feed-forward is needed for a full, deterministic 4-to-2 QIT. However, in this proof-of-principle experiment, we did not apply feed-forward but used postselection to realize a probabilistic 4-to-2 QIT. By postselecting the |H0b and |H1b components and converting |H0b to |Hb and |H1b to |Vb using BD2 and its preceding waveplates, the three-photon state η|Ha1|Ha2|Hb+κ|Ha1|Ha2|Vb+λ|Va1|Va2|Hb+μ|Va1|Va2|Vb,is obtained. By projecting photon a2 to |D=12(|H+|V), the two-photon state of a1 and b becomes η|Ha1|Hb+κ|Ha1|Vb+λ|Va1|Hb+μ|Va1|Vb.The two qubits of quantum information originally concentrated on photon b are now distributed over two photons a1 and b, which indicates that one qubit of quantum information has been transferred from photon b to photon a1, thus achieving a 4-to-2 QIT.

    We then measure the fidelity of the final state, F=Tr(ρ|ψψ|), which is defined as the overlap between the ideal final state (|ψ) and the measured density matrix (ρ). The verification of the QIT results is based on fourfold coincidence detection which in our experiment occurs with a rate of 0.22 Hz. In each setting, the typical data collection time is 10 min, which allows us to sufficiently suppress Poisson noise.

    Five different initial states of B are prepared for demonstrating the 4-to-2 QIT: |ϕ1B=12(|0B+|1B)=12(|H0b+|H1b),|ϕ2B=12(|0B+|2B)=12(|H0b+|V0b),|ϕ3B=12(|0B+|1B+|2B+|3B)=12(|H0b+|H1b+|V0b+|V1b),|ϕ4B=12(|1B+|2B)=12(|H1b+|V0b),|ϕ5B=12(|0B|1B|2B|3B)=12(|H0b|H1b|V0b|V1b).Figures 4(a)–4(e) shows the 4-to-2 QIT results of the five different initial states on specific bases from which the fidelities can be extracted. For each of the five initial ququart states |ϕ1B to |ϕ5B, the fidelity of the final state of A and B is, in numerical sequence: 0.8860±0.0298, 0.7686±0.0271, 0.7342±0.0255, 0.7375±0.0203, and 0.8220±0.0164, which are summarized in Fig. 4(f). The fluctuation of the fidelities in the experiment stems from the fact that the realized CNOT gates have different performance for different control qubits, i.e., the noise is higher when the polarization of the control qubit is horizontal.

    Experimental results for the quantum information transfer from ququart B to qubit A. (a)–(e) Measurement results of the final state of A and B for the initial states |ϕ1⟩B, |ϕ2⟩B,…, and |ϕ5⟩B. Here |±⟩=12(|0⟩±|1⟩) and |±i⟩=12(|0⟩±i|1⟩). (f) Summary of the fidelities of the partial quantum state transfer for the five initial states. The average achieved fidelity of 0.7897±0.0109 overcomes the classical bound of 2/3. The error bars (SD) are calculated according to propagated Poissonian counting statistics of the raw detection events.

    Figure 4.Experimental results for the quantum information transfer from ququart B to qubit A. (a)–(e) Measurement results of the final state of A and B for the initial states |ϕ1B, |ϕ2B,, and |ϕ5B. Here |±=12(|0±|1) and |±i=12(|0±i|1). (f) Summary of the fidelities of the partial quantum state transfer for the five initial states. The average achieved fidelity of 0.7897±0.0109 overcomes the classical bound of 2/3. The error bars (SD) are calculated according to propagated Poissonian counting statistics of the raw detection events.

    D. Results of the 2-to-4 QIT

    To demonstrate the 2-to-4 QIT, λ and μ are set to zero, and the quantum state after the CX4 gate can be written as ϵ|Ha1|Ha2(η|H0b+κ|H1b)+ζ|Va1|Va2(η|V0b+κ|V1b).By projecting both photons a1 and a2 to |D, the quantum state of photon b becomes ϵη|H0b+ϵκ|H1b+ζη|V0b+ζκ|V1b.This ququart state of photon b is then analyzed by the measurement setup consisting of BD2, its surrounding waveplates, the polarization beamsplitter (PBS), and the single-photon detector D3 (see Appendix D). The two qubits of quantum information originally distributed over system A (photons a1 and a2) and system B (photon b) are now concentrated on system B, which indicates that one qubit of quantum information has been transferred from system A to system B, thus achieving a 2-to-4 QIT.

    Nine different initial states of A and B are used in the general quantum state transfer experiment: |ψ1AB=12(|0A+i|1A)|0B=12(|Ha1|Ha2+i|Va1|Va2)|H0b,|ψ2AB=12(|0A+i|1A)12(|0B|1B)=12(|Ha1|Ha2+i|Va1|Va2)12(|H0b|H1b),|ψ3AB=12(|0A+i|1A)12(|0B+i|1B)=12(|Ha1|Ha2+i|Va1|Va2)12(|H0b+i|H1b),|ψ4AB=12(|0A+|1A)|0B=12(|Ha1|Ha2+|Va1|Va2)|H0b,|ψ5AB=12(|0A+|1A)12(|0B+|1B)=12(|Ha1|Ha2+|Va1|Va2)12(|H0b+|H1b),|ψ6AB=12(|0A+|1A)12(|0Bi|1B)=12(|Ha1|Ha2+|Va1|Va2)12(|H0bi|H1b),|ψ7AB=|1A|0B=|Va1|Va2|H0b,|ψ8AB=|1A12(|0B+|1B)=|Va1|Va212(|H0b+|H1b),|ψ9AB=|1A12(|0Bi|1B)=|Va1|Va212(|H0bi|H1b).Figures 5(a)–5(i) show the 2-to-4 QIT results of the nine different initial states on specific bases, from which the fidelities can be directly extracted. For each of the nine initial states |ψ1AB to |ψ9AB, the fidelity of the final state of ququart B is, in numerical sequence: 0.8018±0.0271, 0.7220±0.0289, 0.6997±0.0241, 0.8772±0.0217, 0.7897±0.0257, 0.8080±0.0249, 0.8770±0.0130, 0.8431±0.0134, and 0.9171±0.0138, which is summarized in Fig. 5(j).

    Experimental results for the quantum information transfer from qubit A to ququart B. (a)–(i) Measurement results of the final state of B for the initial states |ψ1⟩AB, |ψ2⟩AB,…, and |ψ9⟩AB. Here |±⟩=12(|0⟩±|1⟩) and |±i⟩=12(|0⟩±i|1⟩). (j) Summary of the fidelities of the general quantum state transfer for the nine initial states. The average achieved fidelity of 0.8151±0.0074 overcomes the classical bound of 2/3. The error bars (SD) are calculated according to propagated Poissonian counting statistics of the raw detection events.

    Figure 5.Experimental results for the quantum information transfer from qubit A to ququart B. (a)–(i) Measurement results of the final state of B for the initial states |ψ1AB, |ψ2AB,, and |ψ9AB. Here |±=12(|0±|1) and |±i=12(|0±i|1). (j) Summary of the fidelities of the general quantum state transfer for the nine initial states. The average achieved fidelity of 0.8151±0.0074 overcomes the classical bound of 2/3. The error bars (SD) are calculated according to propagated Poissonian counting statistics of the raw detection events.

    The reported data are raw data without any background subtraction, and the main errors are due to double pair emission, imperfection in preparation of the initial states, and the nonideal interference at the PPBS and BD2. Throughout our experiments, whether 2-to-4 or 4-to-2, we are actually transmitting one qubit of quantum information. Specifically, in the 4-to-2 experiment, particle B is preloaded with two qubits of quantum information and sends one of two qubits to A. In the 2-to-4 experiment, the one qubit carried by A is transmitted to B which is already preloaded with one qubit of quantum information. Therefore, the classical threshold should be 2/(d+1)=2/3 in our experiments. Despite the experimental noise, the measured fidelities of the quantum states are all well above the classical limit 2/3, defined as the optimal state-estimation fidelity on a single copy of a one-qubit system [42]. These results prove the successful realization of the 4-to-2 and the 2-to-4 QIT.


    In this work, we have experimentally transferred one qubit of quantum information from a 4D photon preloaded with two qubits of quantum information to a 2D photon. We have also experimentally realized the inverse operation, namely transferring one qubit of quantum information from a 2D photon to a 4D photon preloaded with one qubit of quantum information. Our experiments show that quantum information is independent of its carriers and can be freely transferred between quantum objects of different dimensions. Although the present experiments are realized in the linear optical architecture, our protocols themselves are not limited to the optical system and can be applied to other quantum systems such as trapped atoms [19], ions [21,22], and electrons [23].

    The techniques developed in this work for entangling operations on photons of different dimensions can be used to prepare a new type of maximally entangled state such as 1/2(|0a1|0a2|0b+|0a1|1a2|1b+|1a1|0a2|2b+|1a1|1a2|3b), where photons a1 and a2 are both 2D and belong to system A, and photon b is 4D and belongs to system B. System A and system B have the same dimension but a different number of particles. Such maximally entangled states with asymmetric particle numbers can be used as a physical resource for realizing quantum teleportation between systems with the same dimension but different particle numbers.

    Our approach can be readily extended to higher dimensional cases (see Appendixes E and F). With these QIT operations, one can either concentrate the quantum information from multiple objects to one object or distribute the quantum information from one object to multiple objects. Such operations have the potential to simplify the construction of multiqubit gates [43,44] (see Appendix G) and find applications in quantum computation and quantum simulations.


    For the sake of simplicity, in Fig. 3(b) of the main text, we only show a simplified version of the spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC) sources. Figure 6 shows the detailed experimental setup for generating two photon pairs. An ultraviolet pulse laser centered at 390 nm is split into two parts, which are used to generate two SPDC photon pairs. The lower part of the laser directly pumps a BBO crystal to generate a pair of photons in the state |Vb|Ht via beamlike type-II SPDC, where photon t is used for the trigger. The upper part of the laser goes through HWP1 and QWP1 to prepare its polarization at α|H+β|V. It then passes through an arrangement of two beam displacers (BDs) and HWPs to separate the laser into two beams by 4 mm apart (such configuration was first adopted by Zhong et al. in Ref. [45]). The two beams then focus on a BBO crystal to generate two photon pairs in the states |Va1|Ha2 and |Va1|Ha2 via beamlike type-II SPDC, where the subscripts denote the spatial modes. |Va1|Ha2 and |Va1|Ha2 are then rotated using HWPs to |Ha1|Ha2 and |Va1|Va2, respectively. Photon pairs of |Ha1|Ha2 and |Va1|Va2 are then combined into the same spatial modes using two BDs. After tilting the two BDs to finely tune the relative phase between the two components, the two photons a1 and a2 are prepared into α|Ha1|Ha2+β|Va1|Va2, which is the desired quantum state of system A.

    Experimental setup for generating two photon pairs.

    Figure 6.Experimental setup for generating two photon pairs.


    The PPBS implements the quantum phase gate by reflecting vertically polarized light perfectly and reflecting (transmitting) 1/3 (2/3) of horizontally polarized light. To realize a perfect quantum gate with the PPBS, the input photons on the PPBS need to be indistinguishable to each other. To evaluate the indistinguishability of the input photons, a two-photon Hong-Ou-Mandel (HOM) interference on the PPBS needs to be measured. For large delay, the two photons are completely distinguishable due to their time of arrival. The probability to get a coincidence from an |HH input is then 5/9. In case of perfectly indistinguishable photons at zero delay, the probability drops to 1/9. From the above considerations, the theoretical dip visibility Vth=80% is obtained, which is defined via V=(cc0)/c0, where c0 is the count rate at zero delay, and c is the count rate for large delay. As shown in Fig. 7, the HOM interference is experimentally measured, and a dip visibility of Vexp=0.661±0.0015 is obtained, where the error bar is calculated from the Poissonian counting statistics of the detection events. The overlap quality Q=Vexp/Vth=0.826±0.0019 indicates that about 17.4% of the detected photon pairs are distinguishable.

    HOM interference at the PPBS for an |HH⟩ input. In case of perfect interference, the count rate should drop down to 20%, leading to a theoretically achievable dip visibility of 80%.

    Figure 7.HOM interference at the PPBS for an |HH input. In case of perfect interference, the count rate should drop down to 20%, leading to a theoretically achievable dip visibility of 80%.


    As described in the main text, an optical CX4 gate between system A (photons a1 and a2) and system B (photon b) can be implemented with a setup as shown in Fig. 8(a). Photons a1 and a2 encode the control qubit, and its initial state is ϵ|0A+ζ|1A=ϵ|Ha1|Ha2+ζ|Va1|Va2. Photon b encodes the target ququart, and its initial state is η|0B+κ|1B=η|H0b+κ|H1b. After passing through the loss elements that transmit horizontally polarized light perfectly and transmit 1/3 of vertically polarized light, photon a1 (a2) and photon b in the upper (lower) mode are superposed on the PPBS. The PPBS, the loss elements, and the two surrounding HWPs at 22.5° together implement a polarization CNOT operation on the input photons [41,46,47]. Such optical circuit can thus realize the following transformations: |Ha1|Ha2|H0b|Ha1|Ha2|H0b,|Ha1|Ha2|H1b|Ha1|Ha2|H1b,|Va1|Va2|H0b|Va1|Va2|V0b,|Va1|Va2|H1b|Va1|Va2|V1b.As a result, after passing through this optical circuit, the initial input state (ϵ|0A+ζ|1A)(η|0B+κ|1B)=(ϵ|Ha1|Ha2+ζ|Va1|Va2)(η|H0b+κ|H1b),would become ϵ|Ha1|Ha2(η|H0b+κ|H1b)+ζ|Va1|Va2(η|V0b+κ|V1b)=ϵ|0A(η|0B+κ|1B)+ζ|1A(η|2B+κ|3B),which is exactly the desired output state of a CX4 gate. The above optical CX4 gate operates with a success probability of 1/27. In practice, to combat low count rates, we adopt the method proposed in Ref. [41] to simplify the implementation of the optical CX4 gate. The simplified experimental setup is shown in Fig. 8(b). We achieve a correct balance by removing the loss elements and prebiasing the input polarization states during gate characterization. The initial state of photons a1 and a2 is now prepared at ϵ/|ϵ|2+|ζ|29|Ha1|Ha2+(ζ/3)/|ϵ|2+|ζ|29|Va1|Va2 instead of ϵ|Ha1|Ha2+ζ|Va1|Va2. The HWP applied on photon b before entering the PPBS is now set at 15°, thus converting photon b to the state 3/2(η|H0+κ|H1)+1/2(η|V0+κ|V1) instead of 1/2(η|H0+κ|H1)+1/2(η|V0+κ|V1), which is the case if the HWP is set at 22.5°.

    CX4 gate with linear optics. (a) The standard optical CX4 gate. (b) The simplified optical CX4 gate.

    Figure 8.CX4 gate with linear optics. (a) The standard optical CX4 gate. (b) The simplified optical CX4 gate.


    A photon with both polarization and spatial degrees of freedom (DOFs) can encode a ququart state. To fully characterize such state, one needs to perform projective measurement onto various different ququart states. To fulfill this task, we build a ququart state analyzer as shown in Fig. 9, which can project the input ququart to any state in the form of (a|H+b|V)(c|0+d|1). This setup works as follows. Suppose the input ququart state is (a|H+b|V)(c|0+d|1). After passing through QWP3 and HWP3, which are used to convert a|H+b|V to |H, the ququart state becomes |H(c|0+d|1). The subsequent two HWPs (one at 45° and the other at 0°) and the BD are used to convert |H(c|0+d|1) to c|H+d|V, which is now a polarization qubit state. QWP4 and HWP4 are then used to convert c|H+d|V to |H, which can pass through the PBS and get detected by the SPD. As a result, for any input ququart state, only its (a|H+b|V)(c|0+d|1) component can pass through the setup described above, which effectively realizes the desired projective measurement. By changing the parameters a, b, c, and d, this state analyzer can be used to perform a full state tomography on the input ququart state.

    State analyzer for a single-photon ququart state with both polarization and spatial degrees of freedom.

    Figure 9.State analyzer for a single-photon ququart state with both polarization and spatial degrees of freedom.


    The scheme of 2-to-4 QIT can be extended to the higher dimensional case, i.e., transferring one qubit of unknown quantum information from a qubit to a qudit. We call the operation of aggregating quantum information from two particles to one particle the Merge operation, and Merge(2,d2d) denotes the aggregation of quantum information of a qubit and a d-dimensional qudit to a 2d-dimensional qudit. The quantum circuit to implement Merge(2,d2d) is shown in Fig. 10(a), where the initial state of system A is α|0A+β|1A, and the initial state of system B is i=0d1γi|i, which is a d-dimensional qudit. A controlled-X2d (CX2d) gate is applied to A and B, where X2d is a 2d-dimensional unitary gate defined as X2d=k=0d1(|kk+d|+|k+dk|), which swaps |k and |k+d for k in the range of 0 to d1, expanding the state space of system B from d to 2d dimensions. The state of A and B is thus converted from (α|0+β|1)i=0d1γi|i=i=0d1(αγi|0A|iB+βγi|1A|iB)to i=0d1(αγi|0A|iB+βγi|1A|i+dB)=|+Ai=0d1(αγi|iB+βγi|i+dB)+|Bi=0d1(αγi|iBβγi|i+dB).After measuring A in the |± basis and forwarding the outcome to B, a 2d-dimensional unitary operation (I2d or Z2d) is applied on B conditioned on the outcome and thus converts its state to i=0d1(αγi|iB+βγi|i+dB),where Z2d=I2d2k=0d1|k+dk+d|.By comparing Eq. (E2) and Eq. (E1), one sees that the two quantum states have exactly the same form except for the difference in the state basis, which means that the quantum information originally stored in A and B has been merged into B.

    (a) The Merge operation. The quantum circuit for merging the quantum information of a qubit and a d-dimensional qudit into a 2d-dimensional qudit. (b) The Split operation. The quantum circuit for splitting the quantum information of a 2d-dimensional qudit to a qubit and a d-dimensional qudit. (c) Implementing a three-qubit quantum gate using Merge and Split operations.

    Figure 10.(a) The Merge operation. The quantum circuit for merging the quantum information of a qubit and a d-dimensional qudit into a 2d-dimensional qudit. (b) The Split operation. The quantum circuit for splitting the quantum information of a 2d-dimensional qudit to a qubit and a d-dimensional qudit. (c) Implementing a three-qubit quantum gate using Merge and Split operations.


    The scheme of 4-to-2 QIT can be extended to the higher dimensional case, i.e., transferring one qubit of unknown quantum information from a qudit to a qubit. We call this operation of distributing quantum information from one particle to two particles the Split operation, and Split(2d2,d) denotes the distribution of quantum information from a 2d-dimensional qudit to a qubit and a d-dimensional qudit. The quantum circuit to implement Split(2d2,d) is shown in Fig. 10(b), where system A is initially in the state 12(|0A+|1A), and the initial state of system B is in the 2d-dimensional qudit state: i=02d1γi|i=i=0d1(γi|i+γi+d|i+d).A CX2d gate is applied to A and B, and their state becomes 12|0i=0d1(γi|i+γi+d|i+d)+12|1i=0d1(γi|i+d+γi+d|i)=12i=0d1(γi|0|i+γi+d|1|i)+12i=0d1(γi|1|i+d+γi+d|0|i+d).A projective measurement is then applied on B to measure whether it is in the subspace spanned by |0B, |1B,,|d2B, and |d1B or the subspace spanned by |dB, |d+1B,,|2d2B, and |2d1B. Based on the measurement outcome, unitary operations (II2d or XX2d) are applied on A and B, and their state becomes 12i=0d1(γi|0|i+γi+d|1|i).Comparing Eq. (F2) and Eq. (F1), it is observed that the two quantum states have exactly the same form except for the difference in the state basis, which means that the quantum information originally stored in B is now split into A and B.


    In various quantum information applications, including quantum computation and quantum simulation, multiqubit quantum gates are widely used. Theoretically, multiqubit quantum gates can be decomposed into two-qubit CNOT gates and single-qubit quantum gates for implementation, but in practice, such decomposition can be quite complex and consumes a lot of resources experimentally. Here, we propose a method to simplify the implementation of multiqubit quantum gates by using QIT methods. This approach essentially transforms an arbitrary n-qubit quantum gate operation into a unitary transform on a 2n-dimensional qudit, which is simpler to implement in certain circumstances. For example, for a path-encoded 2n-dimensional photon, when n is not very large, an arbitrary 2n×2n qudit unitary transform can be readily implemented using the Reck scheme [48,49]. We present below our method using a 3-qubit quantum gate as an example. Specifically, the method can be divided into three steps. (1) The quantum information of the three input qubits is converged to a single particle, which can be achieved by two Merge operations. As shown in Fig. 10(c), a ququart is obtained by a Merge(2, 24) operation acting on qubit 2 and qubit 1. Then a Merge(2, 48) operation acts on qubit 3 and this ququart to obtain a qudit (d=8), which contains the quantum information of the input three qubits. (2) The qudit is then subjected to an 8×8 unitary transformation, which has the same mathematical form as the matrix of the three-qubit quantum gate expanded in the computational basis. (3) The quantum information of this qudit is then distributed to three particles, which can be achieved by two Split operations. The eight-dimensional qudit is split by a Split(82,4) operation to get a qubit and a ququart, and this ququart is then split by a Split(42,2) operation to finally get three qubits at the output, thus completing the three-qubit quantum gate. For an arbitrary n-qubit quantum gate, it is often simpler and more resource-efficient to use our method than the traditional decomposition of n-qubit quantum gates into CNOT gates and single-qubit quantum gates, as long as n is not very large, i.e., the 2n-dimensional qudit can be easily unitary-transformed.

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    [34] M. A. Nielsen, I. L. Chuang. Quantum Computation and Quantum Information(2000).


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    Tianfeng Feng, Qiao Xu, Linxiang Zhou, Maolin Luo, Wuhong Zhang, Xiaoqi Zhou, "Quantum information transfer between a two-level and a four-level quantum systems," Photonics Res. 10, 2854 (2022)

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    Paper Information

    Category: Quantum Optics

    Received: Apr. 20, 2022

    Accepted: Oct. 13, 2022

    Published Online: Nov. 30, 2022

    The Author Email: Xiaoqi Zhou (

