Photonics Research, Volume. 13, Issue 1, 163(2025)

On-chip topological transport of integrated optical frequency combs Editors' Pick

Zhen Jiang1,2、†, Hongwei Wang1、†, Peng Xie3, Yuechen Yang1,2, Yang Shen1,2, Bo Ji1,2, Yanghe Chen1,2, Yong Zhang1, Lu Sun1, Zheng Wang1, Chun Jiang1,5、*, Yikai Su1,6、*, and Guangqiang He1,2,4,7、*
Author Affiliations
  • 1State Key Laboratory of Advanced Optical Communication Systems and Networks, Department of Electronic Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China
  • 2SJTU Pinghu Institute of Intelligent Optoelectronics, Department of Electronic Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China
  • 3School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 639798, Singapore
  • 4State Key Laboratory of Precision Spectroscopy, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China
  • 5e-mail:
  • 6e-mail:
  • 7e-mail:
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    Optical frequency combs in integrated photonics have widespread applications in high-dimensional optical computing, high-capacity communications, high-speed interconnects, and other paradigm-shifting technologies. However, quantum frequency combs with high-dimensional quantum states are vulnerable to decoherence, particularly in the presence of perturbations such as sharp bends. Here we experimentally demonstrate the robust on-chip topological transport of quantum frequency combs in valley photonic crystal waveguides. By measuring the time correlations and joint spectral intensity of the quantum frequency combs, we show that both quantum correlations and frequency entanglement remain robust against sharp bends, owing to the topological nature of the quantum valley Hall effect. We also demonstrate that dissipative Kerr soliton combs with a bandwidth of 20 THz maintain their spectral envelope and low-noise properties even in the presence of structure perturbations. These topologically protected optical frequency combs offer robust, complex, highly controllable, and scalable light sources, promising significant advances in high-dimensional photonic information processing.


    Integrated optical frequency combs (OFCs) offer a vast number of time and frequency modes, significantly expanding the dimensionality of photonic systems. Due to their distinctive frequency signatures, OFCs have been extensively studied across both classical and quantum domains, encompassing classical dissipative Kerr soliton (DKS) combs and quantum frequency combs (QFCs). Fully coherent DKS combs have wide applications in ultrafast ranging [14], optical communications [5], optical spectroscopy [6,7], frequency synthesis [8,9], and optical computing [10,11]. In addition, QFCs operating at the single-photon level can generate high-dimensional quantum states in the frequency domain, enhancing the complexity and scalability of quantum information processing [1214]. Recent studies have shown that QFCs enable high-dimensional frequency entanglement [1518], energy-time entanglement [1923], and time-bin multiphoton entanglement [24], offering promising applications in quantum communication [25] and quantum computation [26]. It is well known that high-dimensional quantum states are susceptible to decoherence in the presence of sharp bends [27,28]. Therefore, a key challenge in quantum information technology is to achieve robustness of high-dimensional quantum states against sharp bends.

    In parallel, topological photonics introduces new capabilities for photonic devices, including unidirectional light transport, along with immunity to structural defects [2937]. Due to the topological protection properties, topological photonics is soon introduced into nonlinear optics and quantum optics, inspiring many significant advances, including the topological harmonic generation [38,39], topological nonlinear imaging [40], topological single-photon and biphoton states [4143], topological quantum emitters [28], topological frequency combs [4447], topological quantum interference [48,49], and even topological quantum logic gates [50]. However, the topological protection of high-dimensional quantum states against sharp bends remains unexplored. Valley photonic crystal (VPC) waveguides, which emulate the quantum valley Hall (QVH) effect, exhibit promising characteristics such as broad bandwidth, low transmission loss, and ultra-compact chip sizes [51]. These features open exciting possibilities for achieving robust on-chip topological transport of high-dimensional quantum states with large bandwidths.

    Here we experimentally demonstrate the on-chip topological transport of both QFCs and DKS combs in VPC waveguides. Our VPC topological waveguide supports topologically protected kink states with a significant topological bandgap of approximately 25 THz, enabling the topological transmission of OFCs with extremely wide frequency ranges. Using a Si3N4 micro-resonator with a free spectral range (FSR) of 100 GHz, we can access QFCs and DKS combs at different pump powers. We measure the coincidence-to-accidental ratio (CAR) and joint spectral intensity (JSI) (in a 5×5 mode subspace) of QFCs, and find that the quantum correlations and frequency entanglement are topologically protected. Additionally, we demonstrate that fully coherent DKS combs, including single-soliton states, multisoliton states, and soliton crystals, maintain their spectral envelope and low-noise features even after traveling through the topological interfaces. Our findings show the potential for topologically protected unidirectional transport of high-dimensional quantum states and phase-locked soliton states, promising new approaches to high-dimensional information processing utilizing topology in classical and quantum optics.

    2. RESULTS

    A. Design of VPCs

    Our topological device supporting the on-chip transport of OFCs is illustrated in Fig. 1(a). The topological waveguides are fabricated using a silicon-on-insulator (SOI) wafer with a silicon layer thickness of 220 nm (see Section 4). The VPCs are composed of a graphene-like lattice with a lattice constant of a0=433  nm. Each unit cell comprises two triangular holes with side lengths of d1 and d2. For unperturbed unit cells (d1=d2=216  nm), the C6 symmetry leads to a degenerated Dirac point at the K and K valleys. Breaking the inversion symmetry (d1d2) results in a complete bandgap in the Brillouin zone (see Appendix B). It is noted that the eigenmodes at the K and K valleys exhibit opposite polarization. The valley Chern numbers of VPC1 (d1=122  nm and d2=295  nm) and VPC2 (d1=295  nm and d2=122  nm) are calculated as Cv1=1/2 and Cv2=1/2, respectively (see Appendix A). At the interface between VPC1 and VPC2, the interchange of VPCs reverses the sign of the valley Chern numbers. Note that the difference between the valley indices at the K point across the interface is ΔCedge1K=Cv2Cv1>0 [34,52], which determines the propagation direction of the edge state around each valley.

    (a) Scheme of VPC waveguides supporting on-chip topological transport of OFCs. (b) Edge dispersion of the VPCs, where the yellow region denotes the operation bandwidth of the valley kink state. Right panel: Hz field distributions for the topological edge state. SEM images of the (c) straight and (d) Z-shaped topological waveguides. (e) Measured transmission spectra of the straight (orange curve) and Z-shaped topological waveguides (green curve).

    Figure 1.(a) Scheme of VPC waveguides supporting on-chip topological transport of OFCs. (b) Edge dispersion of the VPCs, where the yellow region denotes the operation bandwidth of the valley kink state. Right panel: Hz field distributions for the topological edge state. SEM images of the (c) straight and (d) Z-shaped topological waveguides. (e) Measured transmission spectra of the straight (orange curve) and Z-shaped topological waveguides (green curve).

    Figure 1(b) shows the calculated edge dispersion of the VPCs. There exists a pair of valley kink states (blue curves) with a bandwidth of approximately 25 THz (highlighted in yellow), spanning from 175 to 200 THz. Importantly, such a large bandwidth allows the topological transport of OFCs with a bandwidth of approximately 200 nm at telecommunication wavelengths. The two valley kink states with opposite group velocities are locked to different valleys, referred to as “valley-locked” chirality [33,34]. The right panel of Fig. 1(b) displays the field distribution for the valley kink state at kx=0.68π/a0, showing strong localization of electric field around the interface.

    To verify robustness against sharp turns, we designed two types of waveguides: straight and Z-shaped topological waveguides [see scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images in Figs. 1(c) and 1(d)]. The in-and-out coupling of the topological waveguides is achieved using lensed fibers, with an insertion loss of 6 dB/face. As shown in Fig. 1(e), the measured transmission spectrum of the Z-shaped waveguide closely matches that of the straight waveguide, indicating that the valley kink states are robust against sharp bends. It can clearly be seen that the measured transmission spectra align well with the simulation results (see Appendix B). Due to the cutoff excitation wavelengths of the pump laser, we are only able to access the topological bandgap from 1490 to 1640 nm.

    B. Topological Transport of QFCs

    Thanks to the large topological bandgap of the valley kink states, we are able to achieve on-chip topological transport of broadband QFCs with frequency entanglement. Our QFC is generated using a Si3N4 micro-resonator with a high-quality factor (Q-factor) of 1.68×106 (see Appendix C). To manipulate the broadband phase matching for spontaneous four-wave mixing (FWM) processes, we carefully design the waveguide cross-section to achieve weak anomalous group-velocity dispersion [53].

    Figure 2 shows the experimental setup for the topological transport of OFCs, with the details provided in Section 4. We pump the Si3N4 micro-resonator at below-threshold power around 1550 nm. As a result of the spontaneous FWM process, a two-photon high-dimensional frequency-entangled state, also referred to as a biphoton frequency comb, is generated [14]. The QFCs with a high-dimensional quantum state could significantly increase the capability of quantum information processing [15,24]. Generally, the quantum state of the QFC can be written as [15] |Ψ=k=1Nαk|k,ksi,        with|αk|2=1,where |k,ksi is the signal and idler photons for the kth comb line pair, k=1,2,,N is the mode number, and the complex element αk represents the amplitude and phase of the signal-idler photon pair. The |k,ksi is given by |k,ksi=dΩΦ(ΩkΔω)|ωp+Ω,ωpΩsi,in which Ω is the frequency deviation from the pump frequency ωp, Δω is the FSR of the resonator, and Φ(Ω) is the Lorentzian spectrum function. The quantum state |k,ksi is a superposition of multiple frequency modes, symmetrically distributed around the pump mode.

    (a) Experimental setup for topological transport of OFCs. To generate QFCs, the pump laser is actively tuned by a proportional-integral-differential (PID) controller, while the auxiliary laser is not used. To generate DKSs, both lasers are utilized to pump the resonator. EDFA, erbium-doped fiber amplifier; FPC, fiber polarization controller; CIRC, optical circulator; OPM, programable optical power meter; FBG, fiber Bragg grating; OSA, optical spectrum analyzer; ESA, electrical spectrum analyzer; TBPF, tunable bandpass filter; SPD, single-photon detector. (b) Experimental setup for the DKS spectrum measurements. (c) Experimental setup for time correlations and JSI measurements of QFCs. (d) Experimental setup for RF beat notes of the single-soliton states and a CW reference laser.

    Figure 2.(a) Experimental setup for topological transport of OFCs. To generate QFCs, the pump laser is actively tuned by a proportional-integral-differential (PID) controller, while the auxiliary laser is not used. To generate DKSs, both lasers are utilized to pump the resonator. EDFA, erbium-doped fiber amplifier; FPC, fiber polarization controller; CIRC, optical circulator; OPM, programable optical power meter; FBG, fiber Bragg grating; OSA, optical spectrum analyzer; ESA, electrical spectrum analyzer; TBPF, tunable bandpass filter; SPD, single-photon detector. (b) Experimental setup for the DKS spectrum measurements. (c) Experimental setup for time correlations and JSI measurements of QFCs. (d) Experimental setup for RF beat notes of the single-soliton states and a CW reference laser.

    Figures 3(a)–3(c) show the measured single-photon spectra at the outputs of the micro-resonator, straight, and Z-shaped topological waveguides, respectively. We observe comb-like spectra with a bandwidth of 80 nm and a mode spacing of approximately 0.8 nm. In our QFC, an individual signal or idler photon forms a coherent superposition of 48 frequency modes, signifying the realization of a quantum system with at least 48 dimensions. Notably, the spectra of the QFCs detected at the output ports of the topological waveguides are nearly identical, indicating that the QFC experiences no significant loss after traversing sharp bends. This observation is consistent with the transmission spectra of the topological waveguides shown in Fig. 1(e).

    (a)–(c) Measured single-photon spectra and (d)–(f) signal-idler coincidence histograms of the QFCs at the outputs of the original micro-resonator, straight, and Z-shaped topological waveguides, respectively. The pink, purple, and yellow marked regions denote the selected signal modes, idler modes, and several modes eliminated by the FBG, respectively.

    Figure 3.(a)–(c) Measured single-photon spectra and (d)–(f) signal-idler coincidence histograms of the QFCs at the outputs of the original micro-resonator, straight, and Z-shaped topological waveguides, respectively. The pink, purple, and yellow marked regions denote the selected signal modes, idler modes, and several modes eliminated by the FBG, respectively.

    To confirm the quantum correlation of our QFCs, we record the relative arrival time between correlated photon pairs (S7I7) and uncorrelated photon pairs (S7I8) as coincidences. Any events involving uncorrelated photon pairs are considered accidental counts, which include dark counts, background counts, and uncorrelated photon counts [20]. We fit the three coincidence peaks using the second-order Glauber correlation function gsi(Δt)exp(Δt/τ), where τ represents the coherence time of the correlated photons. The fitted coherence times for the three QFCs are 2.90 ns, 2.69 ns, and 2.45 ns, respectively, which align with the resonance linewidth (around 115 MHz). Due to the decoherence of quantum states at sharp corners, the coherence time of the photon pairs is slightly reduced. After transmission through the Z-shaped waveguide, the coherence time decreased by approximately 8.92% compared to that in the straight waveguide. This small degradation indicates the topological protection of time correlation in the QVH systems. In addition, we obtain CAR values of 9.7, 10.7, and 10.2 from the correlation peaks, respectively. It is worth noting that high on-chip power (6 mW) increases accidental counts, leading to low CAR values. Furthermore, we demonstrate that our topological QFCs can function as wavelength-multiplexed heralded signal-photon sources (see Section 4).

    Furthermore, to assess the spectral correlations across the photon-pair spectrum, we measure the JSI distributions for mode-by-mode photon counting, covering five sideband pairs (S48I48). The JSI, which demonstrates spectral correlations, arises from energy and momentum conservation [54]. The results shown in Figs. 4(a)–4(c) clearly reveal the frequency correlation of the signal-idler modes generated through the FWM processes. Only photon pairs that satisfy the energy conservation relation (2ωp=ωs+ωi) exhibit strong frequency correlation. We implement a correction for the three JSIs by subtracting the accidental coincidence counts (induced by dark counts, background noise, and after-pulse detection of InGaAs SPDs).

    Quantum properties of the QFCs detected at the outputs of the micro-resonator, straight, and Z-shaped topological waveguides. (a)–(c) Measured JSI distributions. (d)–(f) Distributions of normalized Schmidt coefficients λn and entanglement entropy Sk.

    Figure 4.Quantum properties of the QFCs detected at the outputs of the micro-resonator, straight, and Z-shaped topological waveguides. (a)–(c) Measured JSI distributions. (d)–(f) Distributions of normalized Schmidt coefficients λn and entanglement entropy Sk.

    We use Schmidt decomposition to evaluate the frequency entanglement of QFCs [55] (see Appendix E). Figures 4(d)–4(f) show the distributions of normalized Schmidt coefficients λn and entanglement entropy Sk for three QFCs, respectively. The Schmit coefficients λn represent the possibility of obtaining the nth quantum state, where nonzero Schmidt coefficients (greater than one) indicate the frequency entanglement [55]. The Schmidt numbers K=(λn2)1 and entanglement entropy Sk=λnlog2λn are used to demonstrate the presence of two-photon frequency entangled states, where a larger K value indicates higher-quality entanglement [55]. We obtain the entanglement entropy of 1.41, 1.16, and 1.07 for three QFCs, respectively. Moreover, the Schmidt numbers K are calculated as 1.89, 1.63, and 1.53, respectively, which proves the existence of frequency entanglement. By comparing the Schmidt numbers of QFCs at the outputs of straight and Z-shaped topological waveguides, we demonstrate the robustness of frequency entanglement in the presence of sharp bends. Notably, using superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors (SNSPDs) could significantly improve the Schmidt numbers. By filtering out the off-diagonal elements in the measured JSI, we can achieve a Schmidt number greater than 4.0. Such a significant Schmidt number indicates the presence of a quantum state with effective dimensions of D=4. Consequently, this can lead to a topological high-dimensional quantum entangled state, paving the way for intricate, large-scale quantum simulations and computations.

    Alternatively, one can evaluate the single-photon purity, which is associated with the factorizability of two-photon quantum states via Schmidt decomposition. Typically, single-photon purity is quantified by Tri(ρ^s2), where ρ^s=Tri(|ΨΨ|) denotes the density operator of the heralded single photon, and Tri is the partial trace over the idler mode. Note that the heralded single-photon purity is given by Tri(ρ^s2)=K1 [54]. For our QFCs, the single-photon purities are calculated to be 0.53, 0.61, and 0.65, respectively, indicating the emergence of high-purity quantum states.

    C. Topological Transport of DKS Combs

    We also perform on-chip topological transport of DKS combs using the same Si3N4 micro-resonator. Before the experimental scheme, we numerically simulate the dynamic evolution of DKS combs described by the Lugiato–Lefever equation (LLE) (see Appendix F). However, accessing stable DKS combs in micro-resonators is challenging due to limitations imposed by laser tuning precision, frequency stability, and short thermal lifetime [53]. To address these challenges, we use a dual-pump method to extend the region of soliton existence (see Section 4). Also, the beat between the auxiliary and pump lasers could facilitate the generation of soliton crystals [56].

    By scanning the pump laser from the blue to the red side of the resonator mode, one can clearly observe the comb evolution processes, including Turing rolls, chaotic states (breathing soliton states), multisoliton states, and single-soliton states [57]. Typically, a sharp decrease in intracavity power implies the arrival of a bistable state (referred to as a soliton step), which also demonstrates the arrival of a soliton state [53]. By stopping the pump laser scan at soliton step regions, DKS states can be easily accessed.

    Figures 5(a)–5(c) show the measured optical spectra of the single-soliton states at the outputs of the micro-resonator, straight, and Z-shaped topological waveguides, respectively. These spectra show the smooth sech2-shaped spectral envelope with a bandwidth of about 20 THz. The single-soliton spectrum also exhibits a 3 dB bandwidth of 29.3 nm, corresponding to a soliton pulse width of 87.5 fs. To further verify the noise performance of the single-soliton states, we use a CW laser to beat with one of the spectral lines of the combs. The resulting beat notes exhibit distinct frequency lines with resolution bandwidths (RBWs) of 100 kHz and signal-to-noise ratios of 30 dB (see Appendix H), indicating excellent low-noise characteristics.

    Measured optical spectra of DKS combs at the outputs of the original micro-resonator, straight, and Z-shaped topological waveguides. (a)–(c) Single-soliton states. (d)–(f) Multisoliton states. (g)–(i) Perfect soliton crystals.

    Figure 5.Measured optical spectra of DKS combs at the outputs of the original micro-resonator, straight, and Z-shaped topological waveguides. (a)–(c) Single-soliton states. (d)–(f) Multisoliton states. (g)–(i) Perfect soliton crystals.

    Due to the inherently stochastic nature of intracavity dynamics, multisoliton states with a random soliton number N can be accessed during the frequency-tuning process [53]. The measured spectra of the multisoliton states in three cases are shown in Figs. 5(d)–5(f), where the spectrum of a multisoliton state is caused by interference among several solitons. As the number of solitons increases, the spectral characteristics become progressively more complex [57]. In other words, the intracavity solution for a multisoliton state can be described as the sum of several distinct, independent soliton solutions located at different positions. Interestingly, the adiabatic backward tuning method can effectively reduce the soliton number, allowing the transition from a multisoliton state to a single-soliton state [53].

    We also access perfect soliton crystals using the forward tuning method with relatively low pump powers (100 mW). The formation of perfect soliton crystals results from the collective self-organization of multiple copropagating solitons. Figures 5(g)–5(i) show the measured spectra of perfect soliton crystals in three cases. The combs exhibit several evenly distributed supermodes separated by 13 FSRs, leading to a mode spacing of 1.24 THz. Additionally, our perfect soliton crystals can be regarded as a single soliton with a larger FSR, which can be used to generate ultra-high-repetition-rate DKS combs [58]. In the time domain, 13 DKSs with constant pulse separations of 2π/13 are present in the resonator, reaching the maximum allowed number of solitons for the given pump. Since the comb power is distributed across 13 supermodes, the power of each supermode is amplified by a factor of 132, and the energy conversion efficiency is increased 13-fold compared to that of the single soliton state [57].

    Benefiting from the large bandwidth of topological waveguides, we demonstrate the topological transport of DKS combs over a spectrum of approximately 20 THz. Remarkably, all DKS combs pass smoothly through sharp bends without noticeable loss. Despite traveling through sharp turns, the DKSs retain their specific spectral envelope and low-noise characteristics, demonstrating the topological protection of soliton properties.


    We have experimentally demonstrated the on-chip topological transport of QFCs and DKS combs at telecommunication wavelengths. In our fabricated VPC structures, we observe topologically protected kink states with a bandwidth of 25 THz. Using a Si3N4 micro-resonator, we access both frequency-entangled QFCs and mode-locked DKS combs. We show that the quantum correlations and frequency entanglement of high-dimensional quantum states exhibit no significant decoherence in the presence of structural perturbations, owing to the topological protection of the QVH effect. Furthermore, we demonstrate that mode-locked DKS combs retain their perfect spectral envelope and low-noise characteristics even after passing through topological interfaces. Topologically protected OFCs provide robust, complex, highly controllable, and scalable quantum resources, offering promising advances in quantum communication and information processing.

    4. METHODS

    A. Device Fabrication

    We fabricate the topological devices on an SOI wafer with a 220 nm thick top silicon layer and 3 μm thick buried silicon layer. The edge coupler, silicon waveguide, and VPC structures are etched to a depth of 220 nm. We then deposit 1 μm thick SiO2 cladding using plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD). The entire chip is deeply etched and diced into multiple individual chips. The devices are fabricated using electron beam lithography (Vistec EBPG 5200+) and an inductively coupled plasma etching process (SPTS DRIE-I). For details on the fabrication process of the structures used in this work, see Refs. [59,60].

    B. Experimental Setup for QFC Generation

    In this experimental setup, we use a compact CW laser (Pure Photonics) with a wavelength of 1550.78 nm to pump the Si3N4 micro-resonator, and an EDFA to amplify the pump. Two cascaded bandpass filters are used to suppress the amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) noise generated by the EDFA. The power effectively coupled into the resonator is 6 mW. A temperature controller (TEC) is used to control the thermal instability of the mirco-resonator. The output QFC is coupled into topological waveguides after the polarization control. A 99:1 BS is connected to the output port, where 1% of the output power is detected by a programmable OPM (Joinwit) to monitor the pump power, allowing active control of the laser wavelength using a PID algorithm. The use of PID control ensures a stable resonant state for long-time coincidence measurement. The remaining 99% of the output power is filtered by an FBG, and the remaining QFCs are split by a 50:50 BS. The signal and idler modes are selected by two TBPFs (WL Photonics) with a bandwidth of 0.11 nm, and detected by two InGaAs SPDs (Aurea Technology).

    For the JSI measurement, the SPDs are set to gated mode with a 20 MHz repetition rate, 20% quantum efficiency, and 10 μs dead time. The signals are then sent to a time analyzer to record coincidence events.

    C. Experimental Setup for DKS Comb Generation

    In this experimental setup, we use the dual-pump method to generate DKS combs by a computer-controlled soliton generation system [61]. The pump laser is excited by the same CW laser and amplified to 0.4 W by an EDFA. An additional auxiliary laser of 1 W power is used to stabilize the intracavity energy to extend the soliton steps. To reduce the crossed interaction of the two pumps, they are changed to orthogonal polarization modes by two independent FPCs. The two lasers are injected into the bus waveguide in opposite directions, with two circulators separating the input and residual pump light. The output comb is split by a 99:1 BS, with 1% of the output power detected by an OPM. The other 99% of the output power is split by a 90:10 BS, where 10% of the remaining power is sent to an OSA to measure the spectrum of the generated Kerr combs. After the polarization control, the remaining 90% of the residual output is coupled into the topological waveguides. The output of the topological waveguide is then sent to another OSA to monitor its spectrum.

    In the computer-controlled soliton generation system, the auxiliary laser is tuned to the resonance wavelength to generate primary FWM sidebands. Note that the frequency modes of the pump laser and the FWM sidebands generated by the auxiliary laser are removed from the optical spectrum. The pump laser is automatically tuned from the blue to the red side to access the soliton states. The script assesses the intracavity state by monitoring the measured output power in the frequency-tuning process. Once the soliton state is accessed, the automation script gives the “stop” command for the pump laser (see Appendix D). In this case, the soliton state will hold for several hours.

    D. Calculation of Heralded Efficiency for QFCs

    We also calculate the heralded efficiency ηh, which is the probability of detecting an idler photon when the signal photon is detected. In general, the heralded efficiency can be given by ηh=cc/csignalηdet [62], where cc and csignal are the coincidence and signal count rates, respectively, and ηdet is the detection efficiency of the SPD for the idler mode (20%). Based on the obtained measurement, we derive a heralding efficiency of ηh=6% without considering the losses of the experimental setup.


    For unperturbed unit cells exhibiting C6 lattice symmetry, degenerate Dirac points occur at the K and K valleys. The effective Hamiltonian in the vicinity of the K (K) point is given by [34,63,64]: HK/K=τzvD(σxδkx+σyδky),where vD is the group velocity, σx and σy are the Pauli matrices, and δk=kkK/K denotes the deviation of the wavevector. With the distortion of the unit cell (d1d2), the Hamiltonian can be rewritten as HK/K=τzvD(σxδkx+σyδky)+τzγσz,where τz=1  (1) denotes the K (K) valley pseudospin, σx,y,z denotes the Pauli matrices, vD is the group velocity, and γ is the strength of the symmetry-breaking perturbation. The perturbation is given by γ1(BεzdsAεzds) (VPC1) and γ2(DεzdsCεzds) (VPC2), where εzds is the integration of dielectric constant εz at the positions of A and B. In this context, the VPCs are dA=0.72a0 and dB=0.28a0, consequently leading to the inequality Bεzds<Aεzds. Additionally, we can get |γ1|>|γ2|. It indicates that the modes at the K and K valleys exhibit opposite circular polarizations, specifically, left-handed circular polarization (LCP) and right-handed circular polarization (RCP). The valley Chern numbers of VPCs can be given by [34,35] CK/K=12πHBZΩK/K(δk)dS=±1/2,where Ω=k×A(k) is the Berry curvature, A(k) is the Berry connection, and this integration region contains half of the Brillouin zone. Hence, the disparity in the valley Chern numbers of the system is computed as |CK/K|=1, confirming the topological characteristics of VPCs.


    Topologically protected edge states in VPCs, also known as valley kink states [53], can be observed at the interfaces between VPC1 and VPC2. As shown by the red-dotted curve in Fig. 6(a), due to C6 symmetry, a Dirac point appears at approximately λ=1566  nm at the Brillouin zone corners (K and K) where d1=d2=216  nm. The inversion symmetry of the VPC can be broken by changing side lengths of triangular holes (d1=122  nm and d2=295  nm), which opens a bandgap as illustrated by the black-dotted curve in Fig. 6(a). To confirm the robustness of these edge states, we design a straight waveguide and a Z-shaped topological waveguide. The simulated field profiles of the valley kink states at the frequency of 193 THz (around 1550 nm) are shown in Figs. 6(c) and 6(d). The results reveal that valley kink states are highly centralized at the interfaces, and show robustness against sharp corners. The simulated transmission spectra of the straight interface and Z-shaped interface are shown in Fig. 6(b), revealing a topological bandgap from 1490 to 1640 nm. Such simulation results are consistent with the experiment result [Fig. 1(e)]. Note that for the edge states with wavelengths far away from the K point, there may exist random Anderson-localized cavities caused by coherent backscattering [65]. Since the potential cavities fall outside the scope of our manuscript, we will not delve into further discussion in this article.

    (a) Band diagram of the VPC slab with inversion symmetry (red-dotted curves) compared with inversion symmetry breaking (black-diamond curves), where Γ, K, and M denote the high-symmetry points in the first Brillouin zone. (b) Simulated transmission spectra of the straight interface (orange curve) and Z-shaped interface (green curve). (c), (d) Simulated field profiles of the valley kink states at the frequency of 193 THz (around 1550 nm) at different interfaces.

    Figure 6.(a) Band diagram of the VPC slab with inversion symmetry (red-dotted curves) compared with inversion symmetry breaking (black-diamond curves), where Γ, K, and M denote the high-symmetry points in the first Brillouin zone. (b) Simulated transmission spectra of the straight interface (orange curve) and Z-shaped interface (green curve). (c), (d) Simulated field profiles of the valley kink states at the frequency of 193 THz (around 1550 nm) at different interfaces.


    We utilize a Si3N4 micro-resonator to generate both QFCs and DKS combs. Consequently, dispersion engineering becomes a critical manipulation for producing predictive combs in the micro-resonator. The waveguide cross-section is numerically simulated using the COMSOL Multiphysics software. In this context, we select a waveguide cross-section with W=1.8  μm, H=0.8  μm, and θ=89°. A schematic of the waveguide structure is presented in the inset of Fig. 7(b). A bus waveguide is used to couple the pump to the micro-resonator with a gap of 0.45 μm.

    (a) Microscopy image of the Si3N4 micro-ring with W=1.8 μm, H=0.8 μm, θ=89°, and gap width of 0.45 μm. (b) Simulated GVD curves for TE and TM modes, where the inset denotes a diagram of the waveguide cross-section. (c) Simulated mode profiles of TE and TM modes.

    Figure 7.(a) Microscopy image of the Si3N4 micro-ring with W=1.8  μm, H=0.8  μm, θ=89°, and gap width of 0.45 μm. (b) Simulated GVD curves for TE and TM modes, where the inset denotes a diagram of the waveguide cross-section. (c) Simulated mode profiles of TE and TM modes.

    (a) Measured transmission spectrum of the Si3N4 micro-resonator. (b) Dispersions of the micro-resonator extracted from the measured transmission. (c) Lorentzian fitting of the resonant dip.

    Figure 8.(a) Measured transmission spectrum of the Si3N4 micro-resonator. (b) Dispersions of the micro-resonator extracted from the measured transmission. (c) Lorentzian fitting of the resonant dip.


    To downsize the generation system for QFCs and DKS combs, we have advanced our previous prototype [61] to establish compatibility for these applications. We focus on building a standalone microcomb source integrating all the necessary hardware into a 21.5 inch chassis to reduce possible off-board destabilization during the operation processing. Figure 9 shows our promoted microcomb generation prototype. Compared with our previous system, in this iteration, we optimize the generation setup for producing DKS combs with the dual-pump method, and QFCs with the single-pump excitation method. A TEC with a feedback controller is packaged at the bottom of Si3N4 chip; the precision of this temperature stabilization subsystem is 2 mK. Besides, we improve the concentration and stability of optical and electric circuit arrangement.

    Prototype for generating both QFCs and DKS combs.

    Figure 9.Prototype for generating both QFCs and DKS combs.

    We write corresponding scripts for the prototype’s software to produce DKS combs and QFCs. In the case of DKS generation, the auxiliary laser is controlled to reach a resonant mode far away from the pump resonant wavelength automatically. The pump laser is tuned from the blue to the red side, and stops until the automation script discerns the soliton states according to the intracavity power. In the case of QFC generation, the frequency correlation measurement needs a stable resonant situation. To ensure this, we use a PID loop to actively control the pump laser’s wavelength. In this script, once the pump laser accesses the resonant dip, the PID loop activates and stabilizes the output power.


    Here we theoretically discuss the generation of QFCs in our Si3N4 resonators. The biphoton states are generated from a spontaneous FWM process, satisfying 2ωp=ωs+ωi and 2kp=ks+ki, where ωp,s,i and kp,s,i are the frequencies and wavevectors of four photons. The nonlinear Hamiltonian of the FWM process in the resonator can be given by Hnon=χ(3)2LL0dzEp(+)Ep(+)Es()Ei()+h.c.,where L is the cavity length, and h.c. denotes Hermitian conjugate. The pump field takes the form of a classical wave [66]: Ep(+)(z,t)=Epei(kpzωpt)eiΓPz,where the term eiΓPz represents the pump self-phase modulation, Γ is the nonlinear parameter of Si3N4, and P is the intracavity power. In addition, the quantized field of signal and idler modes can be given by [66] Es,i()(z,t)=ωs,i2ε0ns,icAeffγs,iΔω2πμdΩs,i×as,i(ωμs,μi+Ωs,i)γs,i/2iΩs,iei(ks,iz(ωμs,μi+Ωs,i)t),where Δω is the FSR, Aeff is effective field cross-section area, γs,i is the linewidth of the cavity, ωμs,μi is the μ-th central frequency with ωμs,μi=ωp±μΔω, and Ωs,i denotes the deviation from ωμs,μi. Therefore, the nonlinear Hamiltonian can be given by Hnon=ημsμidΩsdΩiγsγiFμs,μi(γs/2iΩs)(γi/2iΩi)×as(ωμs+Ωs)ai(ωμi+Ωi)ei((μs+μi)Δω+Ωs+Ωi)t+h.c.

    Here, the constant term is η=EP216π2ϵ0cAeffωsωinsniχ(3)Δω.

    The interaction between signal and idler modes is Fμs,μi=L0dzei(2kpkski2ΓP),where we can define the phase-matching condition term Δk=2kpkski2ΓP. Applying the first-order perturbation theory, the biphoton state can be calculated by |Ψ=1idtHnon|0.

    In our resonators, the frequency deviation is much smaller than the FSR, that is, |Ωs,i|Δωs,i, and the index numbers of signal and idler modes are the same. Therefore we can get μs=μi=μ and Ωs=Ωi=Ω. Using these reasonable assumptions, the biphoton state can be simplified as |Ψ=ημdΩγsγieiΔkL(γs/2iΩ)(γi/2+iΩ)×sinc(ΔkL)as(ωpmΔω+Ω)ai(ωp+mΔωΩ)|0.

    This equation describes the frequency correlation (as a result of energy conservation 2ωp=ωs+ωi) of signal and idler photons. Furthermore, the comb-like biphoton state can be considered a discretized result of continuous frequency entanglement [55]. That is, the individual photon (a signal or idler photon) is a result of a superposition of hundreds of frequency modes, leading to a two-photon high-dimensional frequency-entangled state [15]. Specifically, a signal (idler) photon generated from spontaneous FWM could be found in any signal (idler) frequency modes |ωp+Ω (|ωpΩ). And their emergence at corresponding frequency modes is highly correlated. These QFCs are also proved to be frequency-bin entangled [16,17] and energy-time entangled [19].

    Using Eq. (E8), we can assess the single-photon spectrum and JSI of generated QFCs. Generally, the single-photon spectrum of signal frequency modes can be given by [67] S(ωs)=Ψ|as(ωs)as(ωs)|Ψ=η2μγsγisinc2(iΔkL)|γs/2i(ωsωp+mΔω)|2×1|γi/2+i(ωsωp+mΔω)|2.

    This equation reveals that bandwidths of the single-photon spectrum are highly related to the phase-matching condition. A carefully designed dispersion may lead to a spectral bandwidth of 250 THz, ranging from near-ultraviolet to mid-infrared [68]. The generated frequency mode has a Lorentzian-like shape with a full width at half-maximum (FWHM) of 21γ0.64γ, where we consider γs=γ1=γ. For our resonator, we can calculate a peak FWHM of 74 MHz for signal (idler) frequency mode, where the cavity linewidth is γ=115  MHz.

    Besides, we theoretically predict the JSI of generated QFCs by Ψ|as(ωs)ai(ωi)as(ωi)ai(ωi)|Ψ. Therefore, the JSI can be given by CJSI(μ)=η2dΩγsγi(γs/2iΩ)2(γi/2+iΩ)2sinc2(ΔkL).Here, we can obtain these parameters from the transmission spectrum shown in Fig. 8(a), and ignore the term 2ΓP. The normalized JSI of our Si3N4 resonator is plotted in Fig. 10(a). Here we consider signal-idler mode numbers from 4 to 40 (modes 1–3 are significantly eliminated by the FBG in the experiment).

    (a) Simulated JSI of QFCs for the Si3N4 resonator. (b) Schmidt coefficients λn and (c) entropy of entanglement for the QFC.

    Figure 10.(a) Simulated JSI of QFCs for the Si3N4 resonator. (b) Schmidt coefficients λn and (c) entropy of entanglement for the QFC.

    To verify the frequency correlation of our biphoton frequency comb following the on-chip topological transport, we employ a coincidence count system to assess the JSI of QFCs. The entanglement exhibited by photon pairs can be elucidated by the factorizability of the JSA [55]. The JSA can be approximately obtained from the JSI by A(ωs,ωi)|(A(ωs,ωi)|2. We employ Schmidt decomposition to validate the entanglement in the generated quantum frequency combs. If the biphoton state can be decomposed into a function of ωs and ωi, it signifies the presence of high-dimensional frequency entanglement. The JSA can be expressed as follows [55]: A(ωs,ωi)=n=1Nλnψn(ωs)ϕn(ωi),where λn (NN) is denoted as the Schmidt coefficient, and ψn and ϕn are orthonormal functions of ωs and ωi in the Hilbert space. λn, ψn, and ϕn are connected by these equations.

    Subsequently, Eq. (E11) can be restructured as A=n=1NλnψnϕnT.

    With Eq. (E12), Schmit coefficients λn can be computed by solving the eigenvalue equations. Notably, when the count of non-zero Schmidt coefficients λn surpasses one, or when the entanglement entropy Sk>0, the biphoton states exhibit frequency entanglement [55]. Moreover, the entropy of entanglement Sk and the Schmidt number K serve as effective measures for quantifying the entanglement: Sk=n=1Nλnlog2λn,K=(n=1Nλn)2/n=1Nλn2.

    The entanglement of biphoton frequency combs is identified by Sk>0 or K>1; the large value of Sk and K leads to a high quality of high-dimensional frequency entanglement. For our Si3N4 resonator, the Schmidt number and entropy of entanglement are calculated as K=11.40 and Sk=9, respectively [Figs. 10(b) and 10(c)]. In the high-dimensional spaces, the Schmidt number K is an effective metric for quantifying the degree of entanglement between signal and idler modes. Therefore, the effective dimensions (numbers of relevant orthogonal modes) are larger than 11. However, the Schmidt number calculated from experimental data is not large enough because of the performance limitations of InGaAs SPDs. Due to its high-dimensional entanglement, QFCs have broad application prospects in quantum communication [6971] and quantum computing [72,73].


    The LLE [74] describing the nonlinear evolution of the light field in micro-resonators can be given by the nonlinear Schrödinger equation (NSE) zA(m)+α2A(m)+iβ222T2A(m)=ig0|A(m)|2A(m),where A(m) is the field envelope for the m-th roundtrip, and L is length of the micro-resonator. The boundary condition can be written as A(m+1)(0,T)=ΘAi+1Θexp(iδ0)A(m)(L,T),where T represents the fast time variable that describes the waveform, Ai is the pump field, and Θ and δ0 are the coupling coefficient and detuning of the resonance frequency, respectively. α, β2, and g0 are the roundtrip loss, second-order dispersion term, and nonlinear coefficient, respectively.

    Assuming that the light field changes very little after a propagating distance of L, then /z can be replaced by a slope with zA(m)(z,T)|z=0=A(m)(L,T)A(m)(0,T)L.

    The NSE gives how the light field changes when it travels a distance of L. Then we assume the power coupling coefficient is far smaller than one, that is, Θ1, and the detuning is far smaller than FSR, that is, δ02π. We can rewrite Eq. (F2) as A(m+1)(0,T)=ΘAi+(1Θ2iδ0)A(m)(L,T).To reduce the complexity of derivations, we replace the term m with slow time variable tR. Therefore, we can obtain the relation τA(τ,T)=A(m+1)(0,T)A(m)(0,T)tR.We can rewrite Eq. (F5) with a new symbolic expression: tRτA=(αL+Θ2+iδ0)AiLβ222T2A+iLg0|A|2A+ΘAi.This is the first form of LLE. Consequently, we replace several mathematical expressions to make the LLE more understandable. For example, the roundtrip time tR can be calculated from the FSR of the resonator by tR=1FSR, and the intrinsic loss and external loss can be expressed as κin=αL·FSR and κex=Θ·FSR, respectively. The total loss κ=κin+κex corresponds to the resonance linewidth. The normalized detuning is δ0=β1L(ω0ωp)=1FSRδω,where δω is the detuning ω0ωp. The second-order dispersion and fast time variable T are D2=L2πβ2(2πfr)3,        T=12πfrϕ.Therefore, we can get the second form of LLE: τA=(κ2+iδω)A+iD222ϕ2A+iLfrγ|A|2A+frκexAi,where τ is the slow time variable, and fr is the FSR of the resonator. By using Eq. (F9), we can numerically simulate the nonlinear dynamic evolution of the Kerr solitons in our Si3N4 resonator. In our simulation, the pump power is set as 0.4 W, the FSR of the resonator is 95.75 GHz, the nonlinear index is 2.5×1019  m2W1, the second-order dispersion is D2=5.95×106  rad/s, and the Q-factor is 1.68×106. We set a simulated effective field cross-section area at the pump wavelength by Aeff=2.1×1014  m2, and therefore the nonlinear coefficient can be given by g0=ω0n2/cAeff.

    The simulated intracavity energy and the corresponding spatiotemporal evolution of DKS combs as a function of the detuning are depicted in Figs. 11(a) and 11(b). We can clearly see several states, including stable modulation instability (SMI), chaotic modulation instability (CMI), breathing, and soliton states. The solitons always exist at the red-detuned side of the resonance frequency, where the intracavity field is bistable. The simulated optical frequency combs are shown in Figs. 11(c)–11(e), which reveal the existence of a single-soliton state.

    Numerical simulation results of DKS combs evolution.

    Figure 11.Numerical simulation results of DKS combs evolution.


    In this section, we study the evolution of soliton combs in VPC waveguides with certain dispersion. According to Eq. (F9), the temporal profile of the soliton can be written as A(t)=A0sech(tT0), where A0 and T0 are the amplitude and pulse width of the soliton pulse. The evolution of solitons in photonic crystal waveguides is also governed by the NSE, which takes the form of [75] iAz+1vgAt+β222At2ig0|A|2A=0,where vg=dω/dk and β2 are the group velocity and GVD, and g0 is the nonlinear coefficient. By taking the derivative of edge dispersion of topological edge states [Fig. 1(b)], we can calculate the corresponding group velocity and GVD, as shown in Fig. 12(a). The dispersion of valley kink states is almost linear in the bandgap [34], so the GVD is relatively small.

    (a) Calculated group velocity (vg) and GVD (β2) as a function of angular frequency. (b) Evolution of the single-soliton temporal profile along the propagation distance z.

    Figure 12.(a) Calculated group velocity (vg) and GVD (β2) as a function of angular frequency. (b) Evolution of the single-soliton temporal profile along the propagation distance z.

    Given the relatively low power of the single soliton (around 1 mW) and the short length of the photonic crystal waveguide (both the straight and Z-shaped topological waveguides are 28 μm), the nonlinear effect on soliton transmission is not included in this simulation. By solving Eq. (G1) with the split-step Fourier method, we can obtain the evolution of the soliton temporal profile along the propagation distance z. As shown in Fig. 12(b), the single-soliton envelope maintains a well-preserved shape during transmission, demonstrating the topological protection characteristic.


    To further characterize the performance of the single-soliton comb, a reference CW laser (TSL) is employed to generate a single-wavelength laser with a typical linewidth of 60 kHz. The output combs are heterodyned with a CW laser and then directed to a photodetector. The resulting electrical spectrum was measured with an electrical spectrum analyzer, as shown in Fig. 13. The RBWs are around 100 kHz. The signal-to-noise ratio was approximately 30 dB, indicating the presence of a narrow pulse width in this configuration of the single-soliton comb.

    RF beat notes of the single-soliton states for the (a) original DKS combs, and DKS combs after the transport of the (b) straight and (c) Z-shaped topological waveguides.

    Figure 13.RF beat notes of the single-soliton states for the (a) original DKS combs, and DKS combs after the transport of the (b) straight and (c) Z-shaped topological waveguides.

    [59] Y. Su, Y. Zhang. Passive Silicon Photonics Devices(2022).


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    Zhen Jiang, Hongwei Wang, Peng Xie, Yuechen Yang, Yang Shen, Bo Ji, Yanghe Chen, Yong Zhang, Lu Sun, Zheng Wang, Chun Jiang, Yikai Su, Guangqiang He, "On-chip topological transport of integrated optical frequency combs," Photonics Res. 13, 163 (2025)

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    Paper Information

    Category: Quantum Optics

    Received: Aug. 16, 2024

    Accepted: Oct. 28, 2024

    Published Online: Dec. 26, 2024

    The Author Email: Chun Jiang (, Yikai Su (, Guangqiang He (


