1State Key Laboratory of Extreme Photonics and Instrumentation, College of Optical Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China
2Department of Physics and London Centre for Nanotechnology, King’s College London, Strand, London WC2R 2LS, UK
3Jiaxing Key Laboratory of Photonic Sensing & Intelligent Imaging, Intelligent Optics & Photonics Research Center, Jiaxing Research Institute Zhejiang University, Jiaxing 314000, China
Ultrathin plasmonic nanostructures offer an unparalleled opportunity for the study of light–matter interactions at the nanoscale and realization of compact nanophotonic devices. In this study, we introduce an ultrathin gold nanoribbon array and demonstrate an electric approach to actively tuning its plasmonic resonance, which leveraging the extreme light confinement capability in the ultrathin plasmonic nanostructure and a robust nanoscale electro-optical effect in indium tin oxide. Optimizing the design (to a total thickness as small as 12 nm for a 2-nm-thick gold nanoribbon array), we numerically demonstrate a spectral shift in the plasmonic resonance up to 36 nm along with an approximately 16% change in the transmission at a gate voltage below 1.7 V at the wavelength of 1.47 μm. This work presents progress towards electric tuning of plasmonic resonances in ultrathin metallic nanostructures for various applications including surface-enhanced spectroscopy, spontaneous emission enhancement, and optical modulation.
【AIGC One Sentence Reading】:Ultrathin gold nanoribbon arrays allow electric tuning of plasmonic resonances, enabling compact nanophotonic devices. We achieved a significant spectral shift and transmission change with a low gate voltage, marking progress in plasmonic tuning for various applications.
【AIGC Short Abstract】:Ultrathin gold nanoribbon arrays offer exceptional light confinement, enabling compact nanophotonic devices. This study showcases electric tuning of their plasmonic resonances using indium tin oxide, achieving a spectral shift of up to 36 nm and a 16% transmission change at a low gate voltage. This advance paves the way for electrically tunable plasmonic devices in spectroscopy, emission enhancement, and optical modulation.
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Surface plasmons in metallic nanostructures have continuously attracted extensive research attention because of their ability to break the diffraction limit and confine electromagnetic fields at the subwavelength scale that can greatly enhance light–matter interaction [1,2]. This has triggered a series of breakthroughs in fundamental nanophotonic studies [3–7] together with the realization of highly compact nanophotonic devices, such as (bio)chemical sensors, nano-lasers, optical modulators, and photodetectors [8–18]. Recently, ultrathin (few nanometers in thickness) noble-metal films have sparked great research interest because they can support extremely confined plasmonic modes in the visible and near-infrared (vis-NIR) spectral regions, and provide an enhanced nonlinear optical response [19–26]. This is further driven by the development in fabrication technologies for high-quality ultrathin gold and silver films [21,22,26–28]. Combined with the advanced nanofabrication technology, these ultrathin noble-metal films can be patterned into ultrathin plasmonic structures [21,25,26], which allow access to the regime of extreme light–matter interactions for fundamental studies, as well as the development of applications such as surface-enhanced spectroscopy, spontaneous emission enhancement, high-sensitivity optical sensing, and optical modulation.
While the near- and far-field response of ultrathin plasmonic structures can be tailored by engineering the geometrical parameters, it is highly desired to have the ability to tune it dynamically [29]. On one hand, this is necessary for shifting the plasmonic resonance, which is highly sensitive to fabrication errors for ultrathin metallic nanostructures [26], to the designed wavelength; on the other hand, development of a dynamically tunable plasmonic resonance can enable an on-demand enhancement of light–matter interactions, which can remarkably extend the scope and applicability of ultrathin plasmonic nanostructures for applications such as surface-enhanced spectroscopy [12,30], spontaneous emission enhancement [31,32], and light modulation [33–36]. Among the various tuning approaches (e.g., based on thermal, electrochemical, mechanical, electrical, and optical mechanisms) [15,37–41] developed for metallic nanostructures, electric tuning is of great interest because of its advantages including fast response time and easy integration. Indium tin oxide (ITO), as a highly efficient electro-optical material, has been widely used for electric tuning of plasmonic response in metallic nanostructures [35,36,42–45]. However, due to the ultrathin thickness (few-nanometer scale) of the electrically induced accumulation layer (i.e., the active region with an electrically induced permittivity change), it is mostly exploited for electric tuning of metal–insulator–metal or metal–insulator–semiconductor plasmonic structures, in which a strong overlap between the plasmonic modes and the nanometer scale accumulation layer in ITO can be achieved.
Here, by combining the extreme light confinement capability in ultrathin plasmonic nanostructures with the efficient nanoscale electro-optical effect in ITO, we propose an all-solid-state electric approach to efficiently modulate plasmonic resonances in ultrathin gold nanoribbon arrays. We demonstrate that an ultrathin thickness of the gold nanoribbons, enabled by a recently developed fabrication technology, plays a crucial role in the efficiency of electric tuning of the plasmonic response. Exploiting the above advantages, we numerically show that a spectral shift in the plasmonic resonance up to 36 nm along with a 16% change in the intensity of the transmission dip of a 2-nm-thick gold nanoribbon array can be realized with an application of gate voltage below 1.7 V. These results open a new avenue towards the electric tuning of plasmonic resonances in ultrathin gold nanostructures and may find applications in miniaturized devices for surface-enhanced spectroscopy, spontaneous emission enhancement, and signal processing.
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Recent developments in ultrathin monocrystalline gold films [26,46,47] with low loss and strong field localization allow for development of new nanophotonic designs. In this work, ultrathin gold nanoribbon arrays (GNRAs, nanoribbons in the array are not coupled with a period three times the nanoribbon width), which support ultraconfined dipolar plasmonic resonances and can be readily fabricated in a large scale [21,22,26], were exploited for the electric tuning investigation. Figure 1 shows a schematic illustration of the proposed design for electric tuning of plasmonic resonance in an ultrathin GNRA, which is embedded in a high- dielectric, hafnium oxide () and then sandwiched between two ITO layers. When normally incident light having polarization perpendicular to the nanoribbons illuminates the array, it excites nanoribbon dipolar plasmonic resonances, which results in a dip in the spectral dependence of the transmission. When a positive voltage is applied between the GNRA and the ITO layers (upper panel of Fig. 1), a nanoscale electron accumulation layer is induced in the ITO at the interfaces [48], which leads to the modulation of the refractive index of the ITO in this region, including both real and imaginary (absorptive) parts. As the plasmonic resonance is highly localized around the nanoribbons and the thickness of is just a few nanometers [35], there is a good overlap between the mode electromagnetic field and the region of the refractive index change in the ITO, which makes the plasmonic resonance of the GNRA very sensitive to the induced refractive index changes, providing the mechanism for its electric tuning (as schematically shown in the lower panel of Fig. 1). The implemented approach is based on a recently developed fabrication technology for single-crystal atomically smooth ultrathin gold layers, which has already been used for the experimental demonstration of low-loss plasmonic modes and enhanced nonlinear effects [26,46,49].
Figure 1.Schematic illustration of a basic unit of the proposed structure used for electric tuning of plasmonic response in an ultrathin gold nanoribbon array. The thickness, width, and period of the nanoribbons in the array are , , and , respectively.
First, as a key precursor of the tuning effect, the change in the optical characteristics of ITO in a structure was investigated under the application of external gate voltages, with the thickness of the layer surrounding the ultrathin GNRA set to a technologically achievable value of 2 nm. Generally, the optical properties of ITO are described by the Drude model [50]. The application of an external bias across the structure lowers the potential and leads to the accumulation of electrons in the nanoscale ITO region adjacent to the interfaces. Self-consistent electrostatic simulations reveal that the distribution of the carrier density at the interfaces closely follows an exponential decay function under various applied voltages as shown in Fig. 2(a), presenting an agreement with the Thomas–Fermi approximation [35,51]. Notably, upon the application of a gate voltage as low as 2 V [purple line in Fig. 2(a)], the maximal carrier density is increased by times to the value of at the boundary, which significantly alters the local plasma frequency (where , and and are the electron charge and mass, respectively). The change of the plasma frequency then drastically modifies the ITO permittivity, (see Appendix A for details), where is the electron scattering rate and is the high-frequency dielectric constant. As shown in Fig. 2(b), with the increase of the gate voltage from 0 to 2.5 V, at the wavelength of 1.55 μm, the real part of the permittivity of ITO right near the boundary decreases from a positive value of 3.90 to a negative value of , while the corresponding imaginary part increases from essentially 0 to 1.24. Specifically, with the application of a gate voltage of approximately 1.4 V, the ITO can reach a highly attractive epsilon-near-zero (ENZ) regime [marked in Fig. 2(b)] [52]. Overall, due to the exponential decay of the electron density in the ITO near the interface, an ITO layer thickness of 3 nm is large enough for efficient tuning.
Figure 2.(a) Numerically calculated electron density inside an ITO layer (initial free electron concentration ) in a structure (inset) as a function of the distance from the interface under the application of various gate voltages. (b) Changes in the optical permittivity of the ITO as a function of the electron density at a wavelength of 1.55 μm. (c) Simulated transmission spectra (given in percentage of the difference in the transmittances between regions with and without plasmonic structures) of plasmonic structures with various GNRA thicknesses; their peak resonance wavelength is tuned to be the same (1.55 μm) by adjusting the nanoribbon width (see the legend), keeping the period always set to . (d) Corresponding near-field distributions for active plasmonic structures constructed using GNRAs with thicknesses of 1, 5, and 10 nm at the resonance wavelength of 1.55 μm. (e) Calculated ratios between near-field intensities integrated within the ITO layer and over a rectangular region with the sides separated from the nanoribbon edges by a distance marking electric field decay from the ITO/air interface [see the dashed white box in the top map in (d) as an example] for the plasmonic structures with various GNRA thicknesses.
The interaction strength between the plasmonic GNRA and the active ITO layer determines the characteristics of the electric tuning of plasmonic resonance in ultrathin GNRA. Therefore, it is important to study the plasmonic properties of the ITO-integrated GNRA (with a 2-nm-thick layer and a 3-nm-thick ITO layer having a free electron concentration of ). To carry out accurate electromagnetic simulations, additional optical loss related to the thickness-dependent electron scattering on the ultrathin GNRA boundaries was considered. Particularly, permittivity of single-crystalline gold from Ref. [53] was corrected with the impact of the boundary scattering using the Fuchs theory [54,55] (see Appendix B for details). As shown in Fig. 2(c), to obtain a plasmonic resonance around 1.55 μm, GNRAs with various thicknesses and widths (keeping the period ) can be used. Specifically, with the gradual decrease in the thickness of the nanoribbons, the required width of the nanoribbons also decreases. The corresponding near-field distributions for plasmonic structures constructed using GNRAs with thicknesses of 1, 5, and 10 nm for the resonance wavelength of 1.55 μm are presented in Fig. 2(d). One can see that the near-field maps for GNRAs with a smaller thickness demonstrate better relative localization of the electromagnetic field in the active ITO region. To quantitatively illustrate this trend, the ratio between near-field intensity integrated within the ITO layer adjacent to the nanoribbon and the entire integrated near field was calculated [Fig. 2(e)]. The results confirm tighter field confinement and consequently a higher overlap between the mode electromagnetic field and the active ITO layer for smaller nanoribbon thicknesses, which is highly beneficial for greater interaction of the plasmonic mode with the nanoscale permittivity change in ITO to obtain better electric tuning of the plasmonic resonance. Ultrathin GNRAs can be fabricated by patterning a large-size ultrathin gold flake into a nanoribbon array using electron-beam lithography and plasma etching techniques as demonstrated in our previous work [26]. Particularly, the thickness of a single-crystal gold flake currently achieved is as small as approximately 2 nm. Therefore, the electric tuning of ITO-integrated GNRAs with nanoribbon thickness of 2 nm is first investigated. For the plasmonic resonance in the telecom spectral range, the width of the nanoribbons for the 2-nm-thick GNRA is determined to be 102 nm [Fig. 2(c)].
With the determined optimal parameters of the ITO-integrated ultrathin plasmonic structure, its electric tuning performance was investigated. The transmission spectra of the ITO-integrated ultrathin plasmonic structure having nanoribbons with a thickness and a width for various gate voltages are presented in Fig. 3(a). To expose the dependencies in detail, Fig. 3(b) provides a zoomed-in view of the transmission spectra in the wavelength region spanning from 1.45 to 1.6 μm. Then, the values of resonance wavelength and minimum transmission for various gate voltages are extracted [Fig. 3(c)]. With the rise of the voltage from 0 to 1.4 V, the plasmon resonance dip exhibits a blue-shift for about 36 nm from 1.55 to 1.514 μm, which is due to a gradual decrease in the real part of the permittivity of ITO with an increasing gate voltage. When the voltage increases further, ITO near the interface enters the ENZ regime, which introduces a significant optical loss in the ITO layer due to ENZ-related field enhancement (which will be explained in detail later) and the increase of the imaginary part of ITO permittivity, overall resulting in a rapid decrease of the transmission [Fig. 3(c)]. Particularly, the transmission drops to a minimum value of 24.8% at the bias voltage of 1.7 V. At the same time, the ENZ behavior causes a significant change in the field distribution of the plasmonic mode, which leads to a disruption in the monotonic trends of both characteristics around 1.7 V [Fig. 3(c)]. With a following increase of the voltage from 2.1 to 2.5 V, when the ENZ region moves inside the ITO layer further away from the interface, their behavior is gradually restored to a monotonic decrease. Noting that from the point of view of practical applications, excessively high voltage is more likely to induce the occurrence of tunneling phenomena [35], we restrained the simulated voltages to values below 2.5 V. Overall, the transmission change () and the corresponding modulation depth () of the ITO-integrated ultrathin plasmonic structure at various wavelengths are shown in Fig. 3(d). One can see that the two characteristics are well correlated. Notably, upon application of a gate voltage of just , the transmission change can lie in the region of 10%–16% in the broad wavelength range from 1.4 to 1.54 μm, with the maximum value of at the wavelength of 1.47 μm, corresponding to the modulation depth of 0.34. The achieved tunability in resonance wavelength and transmission can be considered to be very substantial as they arise from only a -thick active region in the ITO layer and undoubtedly benefit from the ultraconfined optical field of the nanoribbon plasmonic dipolar resonance. Moreover, to improve the tunability of the plasmonic resonance of the structure, a smaller array period that enhances the density of the nanoribbons together with their coupling can be implemented (see Appendix C for details). At the same time, it is worth noting that the smaller gaps would increase the challenge in device fabrication.
Figure 3.(a) Dependence of the transmission spectra of the electrically tunable plasmonic design (, , , , and ) on the applied gate voltage. (b) Zoomed-in view of (a) in a wavelength range from 1.45 to 1.6 μm. (c) Resonance wavelengths and minimum transmission values for various gate voltages extracted from (b). (d) Variation of the change in the intensity at the transmission dip with the wavelength and corresponding modulation depth upon application of a bias voltage of 1.7 V. (e), (f) Near-field distributions around nanoribbons at the wavelength of 1.55 and 1.516 μm and gate voltages of (e) 0 V and (f) 1.7 V. (g)–(i) Enlarged views (g), (i) of the marked regions in (e) and (f), respectively, together with (h) electric field distribution along the black and red dashed line (1 nm away from the gold edge) in (g) and (i), respectively.
To further elucidate the nature of such electric tuning efficiency, the near-field distributions of the electric field around the nanoribbons at the resonance wavelengths of 1.55 μm and 1.516 μm and gate voltages of 0 and 1.7 V are presented in Figs. 3(e) and 3(f), respectively. The enlarged views of the regions of the field localization shown in Figs. 3(g) and 3(i) demonstrate that under the application of the voltage the optical intensity starts to be confined in the ITO charge accumulation layers. More precisely, the plots of the normalized electric field intensity along the dashed lines in Figs. 3(g) and 3(i) clearly show the pronounced induced electric field in these regions [Fig. 3(h)]. This is related to the increase of the local electric field component normal to the boundary in the ENZ region (present inside the accumulation layer at the applied voltages above 1.4 V; see Fig. 1) due to the continuity of the corresponding component of the dielectric displacement. Thus, due to the induced field enhancement, the ENZ effect can introduce significant optical loss, which is translated to a rapid decrease of the transmission [Fig. 3(c)]. Therefore, a substantial modulation can be obtained at gate voltages below 1.7 V, which are (1) easily achievable, (2) safe in terms of the dielectric breakdown, and (3) at which tunneling effects can be neglected [35].
The effect of nanoribbon thickness on the electric tuning performance was further investigated. Here, for consistency, the resonance wavelength of the ITO-integrated plasmonic structures with various nanoribbon thicknesses at zero gate voltage is fixed at 1.55 μm by adjusting the nanoribbon widths. Figure 4(a) shows the dependence of the shifts of the plasmonic transmission dips on the gate voltage for ITO-integrated plasmonic structures with various nanoribbon thicknesses. It can be seen that for the same applied gate voltages, the shift of the dip wavelength decreases with the increase of the nanoribbon thickness . In addition, Fig. 4(b) shows the corresponding increase in the change of the value of the transmission dip minimum (the corresponding absolute value of the transmission dip is shown in the inset). These results suggest that the tunability of the ITO-integrated nanoribbon array progressively improves with the decrease of the nanoribbon thickness. Specifically, when the thickness of the GNRA is decreased to 1 nm, it gives a spectral shift up to 55 nm and a transmission change of at a gate voltage of 1.7 V at 1.55 μm. This can be explained by the observation that thinner nanoribbons produce tighter optical field confinement; therefore a much larger portion of plasmonic field interacts with the nanoscale permittivity change in ITO [Fig. 2(e)]. At the same time, for the ITO-integrated nanoribbon arrays constructed using nanoribbons with a thickness of 10 nm and above, the electric tuning effect almost disappears.
Figure 4.(a) Dependence of the shift of plasmonic transmission dip on the gate voltage for active plasmonic structure with various nanoribbon thicknesses. (b) Change of the value of the transmission dip as a function of the gate voltage for various nanoribbon thicknesses. Inset: corresponding voltage-dependent absolute values of the magnitude of the transmission dip. (c), (d) Shift of the resonant wavelength as a function of the gate voltage for various thicknesses (c), with the corresponding change of the magnitude of the transmission dip (d). Inset: corresponding voltage-dependent absolute values of the magnitude of the transmission dip.
Figure 5.Permittivity values derived from the Drude model for ITO for various carrier densities. Panels (a) and (b) present the real and imaginary parts of the permittivity, respectively, while panels (c) and (d) show the corresponding real and imaginary parts of the ITO refractive index.
The thickness is also a key parameter in determining the self-consistent distributions of the electric potential and the induced carrier density and therefore the distribution of the permittivity change inside the ITO layers. For consistency, the effect of the thickness on the electric tuning performance was investigated by slightly modifying the width of the nanoribbons to keep the same resonance wavelength at 1.55 μm (with the other parameters set as , , and ). As can be seen from Figs. 4(c) and 4(d), the alteration of both the resonance wavelength and the magnitude of the plasmonic transmission dip occurs at smaller applied voltages for smaller thicknesses of . This can be expected, as in this case there is a larger drop in the potential inside the ITO layers, which leads to a higher induced carrier concentration and therefore a more dramatic change in permittivity. In addition, the accompanying smaller overlap between the ultraconfined plasmonic field and the nanoscale electron accumulation layer in the ITO for thicker layers also contributes to the degradation of the electric tunability. Overall, it can be concluded that an ITO-integrated nanoribbon array with smaller nanoribbon and insulator thicknesses has better electric tuning performance. It is worth noting that, for certain applications such as surface-enhanced spectroscopy and spontaneous emission enhancement, the direct access to the optical near fields of ultrathin GNRAs is required. Therefore, the electric tunability of 2-nm-thick GNRA with only a bottom ITO layer was also investigated (see Appendix D for details). Under a gate voltage of 1.7 V, a spectral shift of 24 nm and a transmission change of can be obtained at the wavelength of 1.49 μm.
In conclusion, by leveraging the resonant extreme light confinement capability of the ultrathin nanoribbons and a dramatic electro-optical effect in ITO, having a particular synergy in the proposed ultrathin design, we have demonstrated an electrically induced 36 nm spectral shift in the plasmonic resonance along with change in the transmission for a 2-nm-thick GNRA. The operation speed of this electrically tunable plasmonic structure is estimated to be at approximately 2 GHz, as determined by the RC time of the structure (with a device size of , a gate capacitance of , and a realistic contact and wiring resistance of ). Being ultrathin and all-solid-state, the proposed electrically tunable ultrathin plasmonic structure is prospective for various applications such as surface-enhanced spectroscopy, spontaneous emission enhancement, and optical modulation.
The permittivity of ITO is defined by the Drude model [35]: where is the high-frequency dielectric constant and is the ITO electron relaxation frequency. The local plasma frequency in the carrier accumulation layer, is defined by the local electron density , which in its term is inter-related with the local potential : where is the ITO Fermi energy and is the bulk free carrier density in ITO, both at a zero bias; is the effective electron mass in ITO, and is the elementary charge. Under the application of various external biases, the distributions of and at the interface were calculated in self-consistent electrostatic numerical simulations. The results were consequently converted to the spatially dependent distribution of ITO permittivity using Eqs. (A1) and (A2). The calculated permittivities and refractive indicies of ITO for various carrier densities are presented in Fig. 5.
The electromagnetic and electrostatic numerical simulations were performed using a finite element method (COMSOL Multiphysics software). As illustrated in the upper panel of Fig. 1, the nanoribbons were illuminated by a normally incident plane wave with its polarization direction perpendicular to the nanoribbons. Given the invariance of the numerical problem along the nanoribbon direction, it is reduced to a two-dimensional case. Taking advantage of the symmetry of the model, a unit cell was simulated with periodic boundary conditions applied to its sides. Additionally, periodic ports were defined to generate the incident plane electromagnetic wave and assure the absence of back-reflection. The array of nanoribbons with a rectangular cross section was modeled; it was characterized by a set of geometrical parameters, nanoribbon width , thickness , and period (Fig. 1). The refractive indices of and mica (a standard substrate for ultrathin single-crystal gold flakes, which are precursors for the GNRAs) were taken as 1.73 and 1.53, respectively. The static dielectric permittivities of and ITO were taken as 26.2 and 9.3, respectively. Considering the ultrathin nature of the nanoribbons, thickness-dependent electron scattering at the nanoribbon boundaries was taken into account. Adapting the Fuchs theory [54], permittivity of single-crystal gold from Olmon et al. [53] was modified to contain the electron scattering rate including boundary-assisted scattering: where is the bulk-metal electron relaxation rate, is the bulk electron relaxation time, and is the plasma frequency fit by Olmon et al. for a single-crystal case. Here, from the measured permittivity of single-crystal gold, the Drude contribution was subtracted to find the interband permittivity component, and then a modified Drude contribution was added with the scattering rate including the scattering on the boundaries: where is the nanoribbon thickness, is the boundary reflection coefficient derived from the experimental observations in Ref. [24], and is the electron Fermi velocity in gold. Using Eqs. (B1) and (B2), modified dielectric function of the nanoribbons was calculated; it is plotted for various nanoribbon thicknesses in Fig. 6. Moreover, one can note that the classical treatment of the optical properties of the ultrathin GNRA using the Drude model is adequate as the plasmonic electron oscillations excited by the normally incident light happen predominantly in the in-plane direction [25,26].
Figure 6.(a) Real and (b) imaginary parts of the thickness-corrected permittivity of gold for various nanoribbon thicknesses.
To further improve the tunability of plasmonic resonance of the structures, arrays with smaller periods (therefore smaller gaps between the nanoribbons), providing more pronounced transmission minima, can be implemented. As shown in Fig. 7, a 20-nm distance between nanoribbons (the width of nanoribbon is adjusted to be 60 nm to maintain the resonance wavelength around 1.55 μm) allows us to achieve twice large modulation depth and resonant wavelength shift (0.86 and 66 nm, respectively, compared with 0.37 and 36 nm previously). This behavior is related to a combination of a higher density of the resonantly excited nanoribbons per unit length and increased coupling between them due to smaller gaps.
Figure 7.(a) Transmission spectra of an active plasmonic structure with smaller period and width under different gate voltages (, , , , and ). (b) Variation of the change in the intensity at the transmission dip with the wavelength and corresponding modulation depth.
The top ITO layer in our structure can be removed [Fig. 8(a)], allowing direct access to the near-field of GNRA. As shown in Fig. 8(b), under a gate voltage of 1.7 V, a spectral shift of 24 nm and a transmission change of (corresponding to a modulation depth of 0.25) can be obtained at the wavelength of 1.49 μm.
Figure 8.(a) Schematic of an active plasmonic structure with only a bottom ITO layer used for electric tuning. (b) Corresponding transmission spectra of the active plasmonic structure under different gate voltages (, , , , and ).