OCI Scodes 010.3640; 010.7340; 010.0280
Chinese Journal of Lasers, Volume. 47, Issue 12, 1204009(2020)
Algorithm of Retrieving Boundary Layer Height Based on Raman Lidar Water Vapor Data
Vertical stratification of the atmospheric boundary layer can hinder or change the vertical and horizontal transmission of energy, momentum, moisture, and trace substances. Therefore, the boundary layer height is particularly important for atmospheric research. The continuous changes in boundary layer height throughout the day in time cannot be obtained based on the sounding data. Further, the aerosol content gradient at the top of the boundary layer is not obvious, so the boundary layer height cannot be accurately given. In this paper, based on the water vapor mixing ratio data of Raman lidar, the boundary layer height is inverted by the slope method and the Dougls-Peucker (DP) algorithm, and the results are compared with the sounding data. The results show that the two are in good agreement.
OCI Scodes 010.3640; 010.7340; 010.0280
1 引言
2 数据来源与算法
2.1 数据来源
实验使用的拉曼激光雷达水汽数据来自SGP(Southern Great Plains)站点,其由分布在美国的俄克拉荷马州中北部(北纬36°36'18″,北纬97°29'6″,海拔为318m)和堪萨斯中南部的原位仪器和遥感仪器组成。SGP站点自1992年开始运营,2016年SGP添加了仪器,改善在边界层中捕获温度、风和相对湿度的能力,并改进拉曼激光雷达和气溶胶观测系统。SGP站点是唯一存在且连续运行的站点[
2.2 阈值法、导数法与理查森数方法
2.3 Douglas-Peucker分段算法
2.4 DP分段算法寻找边界层高度
Figure 1.Flow chart of PBL height is obtained by DP segmentation algorithm
3 结果与讨论
3.1 反演结果
Figure 2.Vertical profiles based on water vapor data of Raman lidar at different times. (a) 5:30; (b) 11:30; (c) 17:30; (d) 21:30
Figure 3.Boundary layer heights retrieved by DP slope algorithm
3.2 与探空数据的统计对比
Figure 4.Boundary layer heights based on Raman lidar water vapor data and sounding data
3.3 讨论
Figure 5.Height agreement of boundary layer based on Raman lidar and airsonde data
Figure 6.Comparison of boundary layer heights based on Raman lidar water vapor data and radiosonde data
4 结论
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Chu Yufei, Liu Dong, Wu Decheng, Wang Yingjian. Algorithm of Retrieving Boundary Layer Height Based on Raman Lidar Water Vapor Data[J]. Chinese Journal of Lasers, 2020, 47(12): 1204009
Category: Measurement and metrology
Received: Jul. 2, 2020
Accepted: --
Published Online: Dec. 3, 2020
The Author Email: Yingjian Wang (wyj@aiofm.ac.cn)