Photonics Research, Volume. 9, Issue 5, 757(2021)

First demonstration of an on-chip quadplexer for passive optical network systems Spotlight on Optics

Dajian Liu1, Long Zhang1, Hexin Jiang1, and Daoxin Dai1,2、*
Author Affiliations
  • 1State Key Laboratory for Modern Optical Instrumentation, Center for Optical & Electromagnetic Research, College of Optical Science and Engineering, International Research Center for Advanced Photonics, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China
  • 2Ningbo Research Institute, Zhejiang University, Ningbo 315100, China
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    An on-chip quadplexer is proposed and demonstrated with four wavelength-channels of 1270, 1310, 1490, and 1577 nm. The present quadplexer consists of four cascaded filters based on multimode waveguide grating (MWG), which are composed of a two-mode (de)multiplexer and an MWG. For the fabricated quadplexer on silicon, all four wavelength channels have flat-top responses with low excess losses of <0.5 dB as well as the desired bandwidths, which are about 16, 38, 19, and 6 nm, respectively. The cross-talk for both upstream channels and downstream channels is less than -24 dB. Moreover, the data transmission of 10 Gb/s of the present silicon quadplexer is also successfully demonstrated.


    (a) PON wavelength plan. US, upstream; DS, downstream; BW, bandwidth. (b) PON configuration with the coexistence of GPON and 10G GPON. (c) Structure schematic diagram of a quadplexer.

    Figure 1.(a) PON wavelength plan. US, upstream; DS, downstream; BW, bandwidth. (b) PON configuration with the coexistence of GPON and 10G GPON. (c) Structure schematic diagram of a quadplexer.

    As it is well known, silicon photonics has become very promising because of CMOS compatibility, low waveguide loss, and high integration density. Numerous silicon photonic devices have been demonstrated successfully for data transmission [59]. In particular, for PON systems, lots of special photonic components are needed [1012], such as diplexers, triplexers [1315], and quadplexers [16]. Among them, diplexers and triplexers have been developed successfully with silicon photonic technology in recent years. In contrast, it is still a big challenge to develop on-chip quadplexers due to the special requirements for the wavelengths as well as the bandwidths of the four channels. To the best of our knowledge, no on-chip quadplexer has been reported yet.

    As shown in Figs. 1(a)–1(c), a quadplexer is proposed to realize the co-existence of GPON and 10G GPON by combining the two channels of 1270/1310 nm for downloading and the two channels of 1490/1577 nm for uploading. The corresponding bandwidths for these four channels are 20, 40, 20, and 5 nm, respectively. There have been several typical on-chip WDMs using for example, arrayed-waveguide gratings (AWGs) [17,18], etched diffraction gratings (EDGs) [19], microring resonators (MRRs) [20], and Mach–Zehnder interferometers (MZIs) [21,22]. According to the working principle, AWGs and EDGs are suitable for multichannel WDM systems with uniform channel spacing in a wavelength range limited by the free spectral range (FSR). Even though a novel cross-order silica AWG triplexer with three channels of 1310/1490/1550 nm was proposed to break the FSR limitation [18], it is still inflexible for AWGs/EDGs to achieve nonuniform bandwidths as desired for triplexers as well as the quadplexers considered in this paper. Similarly, WDMs based on cascaded MZIs do not have nonuniform channel spacing as desired and the wavelength range is also limited by the FSR. Furthermore, it usually requires critical control of the phase shifts and the coupling ratios for MZIs, which causes fabrication challenges. When using MRRs, designers can make the channel wavelengths flexible and the channel bandwidth is also flexible. However, the bandwidth is usually 1–2 nm or less and the FSR is only several tens of nanometers, according to the minimum bending radius. As a result, MRR-based WDMs also do not provide a channel bandwidth as wide as 5–40 nm and an operation wavelength range as wide as 300  nm. In summary, it is difficult to realize such a quadplexer with highly nonuniform broad bandwidths (i.e., 5–40 nm) and very sparse channels in a 300 nm wide wavelength range from 1270 nm to 1577 nm by using regular photonic filters, such as AWGs/EDGs, MRRs, and MZIs.

    In this paper, we propose and demonstrate what we believe, to the best of our knowledge, is the first on-chip quadplexer by using four cascaded multimode waveguide grating (MWG) filters. Previously, we realized a four-channel coarse wavelength division (de)multiplexer based on cascaded MWGs that works well in the 80 nm wide O-band covering the channels of 1271/1291/1311/1331 nm to satisfy the demands in short-distance optical interconnects (e.g., data centers) [23]. Recently, a silicon-based on-chip triplexer was also realized with three cascaded MWGs for the three channels of 1310/1490/1550 nm in fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) systems [24]. For the realized triplexer, the challenge is to design the MWGs carefully with optimized apodization strengths, corrugation depths, and periods, to achieve low losses and low cross-talk as well as the desired bandwidths of 100, 20, and 10 nm for the channels of 1310, 1490, and 1550 nm, respectively. In contrast, the design for the MWGs for the present on-chip quadplexer is even more challenging because of the ultrawide operation wavelength range covering the O-, S- and L-bands (i.e., 1270/1310/1490/1577 nm) and their nonuniform bandwidths of 20/40/20/5 nm. It means that one should carefully take the waveguide dispersion and the grating effects for more than one mode into account. Fortunately, four MWG-based filters were successfully designed with satisfactory performances. For the fabricated on-chip quadplexer, flat-top responses have been achieved with low excess losses of <0.5  dB and low cross-talk of <24  dB for all channels. Such a compact silicon-based, on-chip quadplexer with excellent performances can be easily integrated with other silicon photonic devices and thus will be useful for PON systems.


    Schematic configurations: (a) proposed quadplexer; (b) MWG-based filter, consisting of a mode (de)multiplexer and an MWG-based filter; (c) mode (de)multiplexer based on an adiabatic dual-core taper; and (d) longitudinal apodization for the MWG.

    Figure 2.Schematic configurations: (a) proposed quadplexer; (b) MWG-based filter, consisting of a mode (de)multiplexer and an MWG-based filter; (c) mode (de)multiplexer based on an adiabatic dual-core taper; and (d) longitudinal apodization for the MWG.

    For the first MWG-based filter operating with the channel of 1270 nm, the TE0 mode carrying the data is received at the input port, propagates forward, and is then converted to the backward TE1 mode through the MWG. Finally, it is coupled to the TE0 mode at output port O1 through a TE0/TE1 mode (de)multiplexer. For the 1310 nm channel, the data carried by the TE0 mode are also launched at the input port and go through the first MWG-based filter with low excess loss and low cross-talk. Similarly, the data for the 1310 nm channel finally drop at port O2 by the second MWG-based filter. For the 1490 nm and 1577 nm channels, data are launched from ports O3 and O4, respectively. For the 1490 nm channel, the launched TE0 mode from port O3 is first converted to the TE1 mode through the TE0/TE1 mode (de)multiplexer and then is converted to the reflected TE0 mode through the third MWG filter. This 1490 nm TE0 mode goes through the second and first MWG filters successively with low excess loss and low cross-talk and finally exits from the input port. Similarly, the launched data of 1577 nm from port O4 are manipulated by the fourth MWG-based filter and also finally exit at the input port. In particular, bent waveguides are introduced between any two filters to radiate the residual higher-order mode (TE1) and greatly reduce the undesired Fabry–Perot resonance.

    (a) Calculated dispersion curves of an SOI strip waveguide for the TE0 and TE1 modes at four wavelength bands (i.e., 1270, 1310, 1490, and 1577 nm). Simulated transmissions of the designed mode (de)multiplexer for the wavelength band of (b) 1270/1310 nm and the wavelength band of (c) 1490/1577 nm. Insets: simulated light propagation in the designed adiabatic taper.

    Figure 3.(a) Calculated dispersion curves of an SOI strip waveguide for the TE0 and TE1 modes at four wavelength bands (i.e., 1270, 1310, 1490, and 1577 nm). Simulated transmissions of the designed mode (de)multiplexer for the wavelength band of (b) 1270/1310 nm and the wavelength band of (c) 1490/1577 nm. Insets: simulated light propagation in the designed adiabatic taper.

    Regarding the ultrawide working wavelength range for the quadplexer, two broadband TE0/TE1 mode (de)multiplexers are designed, respectively, for the wavelength channels of 1270/1310 nm and 1490/1577 nm. For the wavelength channels of 1270/1310 nm (i.e., i=1, 2), the core widths at the input/output ends of waveguides A and B for the adiabatic coupler are chosen as (wia1,wia2)=(450,550)  nm, and (wib1,wib2)=(250,120)  nm, respectively. We chose the gap widths (wig1,wig2,wig3)=(1.2,0.18,0.5)  μm and the taper lengths (Li01,Li12,Li23)=(25,35,5)  μm. Figure 3(b) shows the calculated wavelength dependence of the transmissions from the TE1 mode in waveguide A and to the TE0 mode in waveguide B. From this figure, it can be seen that the designed TE0/TE1 mode (de)multiplexer has a low excess loss (<0.05  dB) and a low cross-talk of <32  dB in the desired wavelength bands around 1270 nm and 1310 nm. For the mode (de)multiplexers for the wavelength channels of 1490 nm and 1577 nm, the parameters are chosen as follows: (wia1,wia2)=(480,720)  nm, (wib1,wib2)=(260,120)  nm, (wig1,wig2,wig3)=(1.2,0.18,0.5)  μm, and (Li01,Li12,Li23)=(20,35,5)  μm. The calculated transmission of the designed TE0/TE1 mode (de)multiplexer is shown in Fig. 3(c). It shows that the low excess loss is <0.1  dB and the cross-talk is <30  dB for the mode (de)multiplexer in the desired wavelength bands around 1490 nm and 1577 nm. The simulated light propagation in the designed mode (de)multiplexers is also shown in the insets when operating at the wavelengths of 1270, 1310, 1490, and 1577 nm, respectively, which verifies the waveguide structure design.

    The grating structures are designed according to the phase-matching condition between the TE0 and TE1 modes so that the launched TE0 mode at the input port can be converted to the reflected TE1 mode. Here, the phase-matching condition is given as neff1+neff2=λB/Λ, where neff0 and neff1 are, respectively, the effective indices of the TE0 and TE1 modes in the MWG, Λ is the grating period, and λB is the Bragg wavelength. Here, grating tapers are introduced to connect the grating section and the input/output section, as shown in Fig. 2(b), to suppress the undesired reflection loss at the front/back ends of the grating section. To improve the sidelobe suppression ratios (SLSRs) and reduce the cross-talk, the grating is apodized longitudinally. For example, the superposition of the gratings is modulated with a Gaussian function of the position z in the propagation direction, as shown in Fig. 2(d) [i.e.,Δs=exp[b(zL/2)/L2]L/2], where Δs is the longitudinal shift, b is the apodization strength, and L is the length of the Bragg grating.

    Calculated transmittance spectra at the drop and through ports for the designed MWGs at the channels of (a) 1270, (b) 1310, (c) 1490, and (d) 1577 nm.

    Figure 4.Calculated transmittance spectra at the drop and through ports for the designed MWGs at the channels of (a) 1270, (b) 1310, (c) 1490, and (d) 1577 nm.

    Figures 4(c) and 4(d) show the calculated spectral responses for the designed MWG-based filters for the channels of 1490 nm and 1577 nm, respectively. Their parameters are chosen as follows: W3=W4=1100  nm, (b3,b4)=(15,5), (δ3,δ4)=(240,160)nm, (Λ3,Λ4)=(306,320)nm, (N3,N4)=(200,300), and N3tp=N4tp=20. Here, the apodization strengths and the corrugation depths for these two MWGs are chosen quite differently because these two channels are very separate and the bandwidths are very different. In particular, weak apodization strength is chosen for the 1577 nm MWG to achieve a narrow bandwidth of 5 nm. From Figs. 4(c) and 4(d), the designed MWGs have 1 dB bandwidths of 20 nm and 5 nm as desired, respectively. Both have box-like responses with low excess losses of <0.05  dB. When the quadplexer is used as a (de)multiplexer in ONUs, the crosstalk between these two wavelength-channels is 4238  dB.

    Simulated transmissions at the drop port of the designed MWG filter at the 1577 nm channel when assuming that there is some core-width variation (i.e., Δw=±10 nm and ±20 nm).

    Figure 5.Simulated transmissions at the drop port of the designed MWG filter at the 1577 nm channel when assuming that there is some core-width variation (i.e., Δw=±10  nm and ±20  nm).


    (a) Microscope image of the fabricated quadplexers on silicon. SEM images of the grating couplers working around (b) 1300 nm and (c) 1530 nm, parts of gratings for (d) 1270 nm, (e) 1310 nm, (f) 1490 nm, and (g) 1577 nm.

    Figure 6.(a) Microscope image of the fabricated quadplexers on silicon. SEM images of the grating couplers working around (b) 1300 nm and (c) 1530 nm, parts of gratings for (d) 1270 nm, (e) 1310 nm, (f) 1490 nm, and (g) 1577 nm.

    Measured spectral responses for the four channels of (a) 1270 nm, (b) 1310 nm, (c) 1490 nm, and (d) 1577 nm.

    Figure 7.Measured spectral responses for the four channels of (a) 1270 nm, (b) 1310 nm, (c) 1490 nm, and (d) 1577 nm.

    (a) Measurement setup for the eye diagram, including tunable lasers, polarization controllers (PCs), Mach–Zehnder modulators (MZMs), pulse pattern generators (PPGs), an off-chip multiplexer (MUX), the device under test (DUT), an optical receiver (Recv.), and a digital communication analyzer (DCA). Measured eye diagrams for the channels of (b) 1271 nm, (c) 1311 nm, and (d) 1577 nm.

    Figure 8.(a) Measurement setup for the eye diagram, including tunable lasers, polarization controllers (PCs), Mach–Zehnder modulators (MZMs), pulse pattern generators (PPGs), an off-chip multiplexer (MUX), the device under test (DUT), an optical receiver (Recv.), and a digital communication analyzer (DCA). Measured eye diagrams for the channels of (b) 1271 nm, (c) 1311 nm, and (d) 1577 nm.

    (a) Microscopy picture of the fabricated identical MWG-based filters; (b) measurement responses at the drop-port; (c) the central wavelength deviation and (d) the 3 dB bandwidth deviation among six samples.

    Figure 9.(a) Microscopy picture of the fabricated identical MWG-based filters; (b) measurement responses at the drop-port; (c) the central wavelength deviation and (d) the 3 dB bandwidth deviation among six samples.


    In conclusion, in this paper we have proposed and realized a silicon-based, on-chip quadplexer for the first time, to the best of our knowledge. The quadplexer is designed with four cascaded MWG-based filters. In the present design, apodization gratings, grating tapers, and bent waveguides have been introduced to greatly reduce the cross-talk. All channels for the designed quadplexer have box-like responses with low excess losses (0.1  dB) and low crosstalk (<30  dB) in theory. For the fabricated silicon quadplexer, the bandwidths for the wavelength-channels of 1270, 1310, 1490, and 1577 nm are about 16, 38, 19, and 6 nm, respectively. The cross-talk is as low as 3020  dB, 3228  dB, 28  dB, and 36  dB for these four channels, respectively. One should notice that the present quadplexer only works for TE polarization. A polarization-insensitive quadplexer can be achieved by introducing an on-chip polarization splitter rotator [26]. In particular, in the present proof-of-concept demonstration, we used two types of grating couplers in the characterization for convenience. On the other hand, edge couplers can be easily used for light coupling between a fiber and a silicon strip waveguide to achieve broadband and polarization-independent coupling. More importantly, the present on-chip quadplexer will be very useful to further develop monolithically integrated transceivers on silicon, which has great potential in reducing the module size and power consumption as well as the package complexity and cost. Furthermore, it is also possible to combine the video signals (1550–1560 nm) and/or optical time-domain reflectometer signals (1625–1675 nm) by cascading two more MWG filters designed with the corresponding central wavelengths and bandwidths. Such a scalable quadplexer with high performances could be used widely to develop next-generation PON and WDM systems.

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    Dajian Liu, Long Zhang, Hexin Jiang, Daoxin Dai, "First demonstration of an on-chip quadplexer for passive optical network systems," Photonics Res. 9, 757 (2021)

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    Paper Information

    Category: Silicon Photonics

    Received: Jan. 22, 2021

    Accepted: Mar. 1, 2021

    Published Online: Apr. 26, 2021

    The Author Email: Daoxin Dai (

