As an important part of modern optics, singular optics has attracted more and more research attention in recent years[
Chinese Optics Letters, Volume. 20, Issue 2, 023602(2022)
Detection of cylindrical vector beams with chiral plasmonic lens
The cylindrical vector beam (CVB) has been extensively studied in recent years, but detection of CVBs with on-chip photonic devices is a challenge. Here, we propose and theoretically study a chiral plasmonic lens structure for CVB detection. The structure illuminated by a CVB can generate single plasmonic focus, whose focal position depends on the incident angle and the polarization order of CVB. Thus, the incident CVB can be detected according to the focal position and incident angle and with a coupling waveguide to avoid the imaging of the whole plasmonic field. It shows great potential in applications including CVB-multiplexing integrated communication systems.
1. Introduction
As an important part of modern optics, singular optics has attracted more and more research attention in recent years[
In order to develop more applications of CVB, detection of the CVB’s polarization order becomes an important research hotspot not only in free-space applications, but also in fiber and integrated optical systems. Traditional CVB detection methods usually include parallel-aligned liquid crystal display[
In this Letter, we propose and theoretically study a new method for CVB detection by using an on-chip microscale structure of a chiral plasmonic lens. In such a structure, single SPP focus can be excited by an incident CVB with certain polarization order, and its focal position is determined by both the incident angle and the polarization order of the CVB. Based on analyzing the relationship among the three key factors (focal position, incident angle, and polarization order), the polarization order of incident CVBs can be detected by measuring the other two. Furthermore, to avoid imaging the complete SPP field to get the focal position, we design a dielectric waveguide close to the chiral plasmonic lens to couple the energy of SPP focus, and thus the detection of CVBs can be simply realized by monitoring the optical signal transmitted through the waveguide. Our numerical results agree well with the analytical model and demonstrate that detection of CVB can be achieved by the proposed structure. This method could be of great significance to the development of miniaturization and integration of singular optical devices.
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2. Principle of the Chiral Plasmonic Lens
Figure 1(a) shows the schematic diagram of the proposed structure of the chiral plasmonic lens, which is a semicircular shape composed of multiple spin-sensitive unit cells of nano-slits on a 200-nm-thick gold film and a glass substrate. A 633 nm wavelength plane-wave CVB is incident from the bottom in the plane with an incident angle to the axis. Due to the scattering of the nano-slits in the semicircular-shaped structure, SPP waves are excited and propagate on the gold surface with a converging wavefront and then generate a focal field of SPP on the gold film. The details of structure parameters and single unit cell are shown in Fig. 1(b). Each unit cell includes two mutually perpendicular nano-slits with and has been proved to show chiral response to the spin polarization state (left/right circular polarization) of incident light[
Figure 1.(a) Schematic diagram of the chiral plasmonic lens. (b) Structural parameters (up) and single unit cell with two slits (down). (c) FDTD simulated result of SPP field in the xy plane excited by the chiral plasmonic lens. Two layers of the structure are used to enhance the SPP field. (d) FDTD simulated result of the SPP field excited by a single semicircular slit with 100 nm width and radius R = 4 µm. (e), (f) The analytical model results corresponding to (c), (d). In (c)–(f), the order of CVB is m = 3, and the incident angle θ = 0°.
To demonstrate the function of the designed structure, we consider a CVB with polarization order [Jones vector shown in Eq. (1) and polarization state shown in Fig. 2(c)] normally illuminating onto the structure from the bottom, and then we compare the generated SPP focal fields in two cases, including a traditional plasmonic lens [single semicircular slit shown in Fig. 1(d)][
Figure 2.(a)–(c) Polarization distribution (black arrows) of CVB with m = −2, 1, and 3, and the corresponding (d)–(f) SPP field is excited by the above three CVBs. The white line indicates the center position (x = 0). (g) The SPP focal field profile in the x axis with different order m. (h) The relationship between SPP focal position in the x axis and the CVB order m.
Next, we theoretically explain why the chiral plasmonic lens can generate single SPP focus rather than multiple foci. In fact, an -order CVB can be divided into two different OV beams, including a right-handed circularly polarized OV beam with topological charge of and a left-handed circularly polarized OV beam with topological charge of . The corresponding Jones vector of the CVB is shown in Eq. (1), where is the polarization order of the CVB, is the azimuthal angle, and is the initial phase:
Owing to the chiral response of the nano-slits to the spin polarization state of incident light[
To further verify the different performances in Figs. 1(c) and 1(d), we calculate the SPP focal fields of the two cases with the analytical method. Considering that an incident OV beam has an electric field of ( is the distance of each point in the beam cross section to the center), the focal field of SPPs excited by the OV beam with a plasmonic lens can be expressed as[
3. Results of CVB Detection
Several previous works have demonstrated that the SPP focal field can be used to discriminate OV beams[
Besides the polarization order , the SPP focal position is also affected by the incident angle . Because an additional tilted phase factor can be induced by the incident angle to the incident light, the excited SPP could have a tilted wavefront, also leading to a shift of SPP focus in the direction. To study the effect of incident angle on the SPP focal position, we fix the CVB order and change the incident angle to calculate the SPP focal field, as shown in Figs. 3(a)–3(c). For the case of [Fig. 3(b)], we can observe that the SPP is focused at the center point (). For the other two cases of (3°) [Figs. 3(a) and 3(c)], the SPP focus moves to the right (left) side in the axis due to the tilted phase factor of incident light. In Figs. 3(d) and 3(e), we show the intensity profiles of the SPP focus along the axis, proving that the SPP focus moves to the left with the increase of angle . From Fig. 3(e), we find that 1° change of leads to a shift distance about 120 nm of SPP focus. Like the order , here the incident angle also shows a linear relationship with the position of SPP focus.
Figure 3.(a)–(c) SPP field excited by the CVB with different incident angle θ. The white line indicates the center position (x = 0). (d) The SPP focal field profile in the x axis with different incident angle θ. (e) The relationship between SPP focal position in the x axis and the incident angle θ.
Through the above results in Figs. 2 and 3, we find that the incident angle and CVB order have similar shift effect on the SPP focal position. Moreover, for a fixed CVB order , there must be a corresponding value of that can offset the shift effect of and thus pull the SPP focus back to the center (). For example, in Fig. 3(b), the shift effect of the CVB order is counteracted by the incident angle ; hence, finally, the SPP focus appears at the center position.
Based on the offset relationship between the incident angle and the CVB order in the shift of SPP focal position, we propose a method to detect the order by changing the incident angle to find the perfect offset angle that can pull the SPP focus back to the center. Although, according to the results in Fig. 2, the CVB order can be directly detected by imaging the whole SPP focal field with a super-resolved microscopy system [e.g., near-field scanning optical microscope (NSOM) in a previous report[
Figure 4.(a) Schematic diagram of waveguide focus coupling. (b), (c) Influence of SPP focus position on waveguide coupling (the white line is the waveguide area, and the result in the figure is Py). (d) Normalized transmission of the waveguide at different CVB orders and different incident angles. (e) The linear relationship corresponding to the peak point in (d).
For the detection of CVB order, in Figs. 4(d) and 4(e), we study the relationship between the CVB order and the incident angle from the resultant waveguide transmission peaks. Figure 4(d) shows the waveguide transmission as a function of the incident angle at different order . It proves that for different CVB order , the transmission peak appears at different incident angle, and their relationship, as shown in Fig. 4(e), is almost a linear result. Thus, based on the results in Figs. 4(d) and 4(e), we only need to change the incident angle until the transmission through the waveguide reaches the peak, and then the order of incident CVB can be determined according to the approximately linear relation in Fig. 4(e). This method could achieve a simpler implementation of CVB detection than scanning the whole SPP focal field with an NSOM system.
Although this is a theoretical research work, it can be realized in experiment. In our designed structure, the chiral plasmonic lens with nano-slits can be fabricated by a focused ion beam process on gold film[
4. Conclusion
In conclusion, we propose a microscale structure of a chiral plasmonic lens with a waveguide for detection of CVB. Owing to the spin-sensitive response of the chiral plasmonic lens, single SPP focus on gold film can be excited by incident CVB, and such an effect is verified by both the analysis model and the FDTD simulation methods. The influence of two key parameters of the incident CVB, including the polarization order and the incident angle , on the SPP focus shifting and coupling to the waveguide is investigated in detail. Finally, an approximately linear relationship between the order and angle at maximum transmission through the waveguide is obtained for the on-chip detection of CVB. This method has advantages of microscale device size and no requirement of imaging the SPP field with complicated super-resolved microscopy system and thus could show wide application potential in the fields of integrated optical information processing devices and on-chip optical communication systems.
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Chuangye Zhang, Changjun Min, Yuquan Zhang, Yanan Fu, Ling Li, Yulong Wang, Xiaocong Yuan, "Detection of cylindrical vector beams with chiral plasmonic lens," Chin. Opt. Lett. 20, 023602 (2022)
Category: Nanophotonics, Metamaterials, and Plasmonics
Received: Sep. 13, 2021
Accepted: Nov. 2, 2021
Posted: Nov. 3, 2021
Published Online: Nov. 19, 2021
The Author Email: Changjun Min (, Xiaocong Yuan (