A vortex is a universal phenomenon in nature, and it also exists in light that is referred to as an optical vortex (OV)[
Chinese Optics Letters, Volume. 20, Issue 12, 123601(2022)
High-efficiency monolayer metallic metasurface for modulation of orbital angular momentum
The optical vortex beam has widely been studied and used because of its unique orbital angular momentum (OAM). To generate and control OAM in compact and integrated systems, many metallic metasurface devices have been proposed, however, most of them suffer from the low efficiency. Here, we propose and experimentally verify a high-efficiency monolayer metallic metasurface composed of semicircular nano-grooves distributed with detour phase. The metasurface can generate single or an array of OAM with spin-sensitive modulation and achieve the maximum efficiency of 60.2% in theory and 30.44% in experiment. This work has great potential in compact OAM detection and communication systems.
1. Introduction
A vortex is a universal phenomenon in nature, and it also exists in light that is referred to as an optical vortex (OV)[
With the development of applications of OV beams, various methods to generate and modulate OV have been proposed, including spiral phase plate[
In this Letter, a monolayer reflective-mode metallic metasurface structure is proposed and experimentally verified for high-efficiency generation and control of OV beams. The metasurface is designed with chiral unit structures of semicircular nano-grooves on a gold surface, which shows both high efficiency in reflected light and spin-dependent modulation on the reflection direction. The distribution of all nano-grooves on a gold surface is designed according to the detour phase principle[
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2. Design Principle of the Metasurface
The schematic diagrams of the proposed metasurface structure and its working principle are shown in Fig. 1. Figure 1(a) shows the schematic diagram of the metasurface, which consists of an array of semicircular nano-grooves on a thick gold film and a glass substrate. A light is normally incident onto the metasurface, and, after being modulated by the phase hologram of the metasurface, the reflected light propagates to the left or right side depending on the right- or left-handed circular polarization of incident light, respectively, thus showing the spin-Hall effect of light[
Figure 1.(a) Schematic diagram of the proposed reflective-mode metallic metasurface structure. (b) Schematic diagram of the single unit structure of the metasurface with structural parameters. (c) Schematic diagram of the principle of detour phase.
The unit structure of the metasurface with parameters is presented in Fig. 1(b). The horizontal and vertical period lengths of the structural unit are and , respectively. The width of the semi-ring is , the outer ring radius is , the groove depth is , and the thickness of the gold film is . Here, the single semicircular groove can be regarded as a series of rectangular sub-grooves that has well-known spin-dependent geometric phase, and thus a continuously varying geometric phase can occur along the semicircular groove, finally leading to the spin-Hall effect of the reflected light.
Figure 1(c) shows a schematic diagram of the detour phase principle based on the distribution of two adjacent grooves. Here each groove represents the single semicircular nano-groove shown in Fig. 1(b) that can be considered as an independent scatterer. After the light is incident into the two nano-grooves, diffraction light is emitted at each nano-groove, producing secondary waves like two point sources. When receiving the far-field diffracted light at a fixed angle , the optical path difference between the two wavefronts is ( is the distance between the two grooves), and the corresponding phase difference produced at that angle is ( is the incident wavelength). Thus, the phase difference can be controlled by changing the distance . Through expanding the two grooves to a two-dimensional array of grooves with a horizontal period and making , we can achieve modulation of in the range of by just adjusting the position of the groove within each period , as shown in the top of Fig. 1(c). Based on this principle, a two-dimensional phase hologram can be formed by choosing the positions of all grooves in each period of the proposed monolayer metallic metasurface and finally achieving holographic phase modulation on the reflected beam at the fixed angle [
In order to generate OAM in the reflected beam, a spiral phase distribution can be formed on the metasurface by the above-mentioned detour phase principle, and thus the distribution of semicircular nano-grooves on the gold surface looks like a fork grating[
3. Optimization of Unit Structure
In order to improve the performance of the metasurface, including the conversion efficiency of reflected light and the polarization extinction ratio (ER) of the two spin-polarized lights, several key parameters of unit structure are studied for optimization. As shown in Fig. 1(b), some parameters are fixed (, , , ) according to the fabrication conditions, and the other two parameters of ring width and groove depth are studied for optimization. The 3D finite-difference time-domain (FDTD, Lumerical FDTD Solutions) simulation method was used to analyze the influence of the structural parameters on the polarization ER and conversion efficiency at the wavelength . Here, the polarization ER is defined as , where and represent the energy of the far-field +1st and −1st diffraction orders [right and left side in Fig. 1(a)] of reflected light, respectively, which is used to quantify the spin-Hall effect under the incidence of LCP or RCP light. Figure 2(a) shows the ER results obtained by FDTD simulation under LCP incidence. It can be observed that the polarization ER is greater than 30 dB in most regions, and the maximum ER is about 70 dB. We also study the efficiency of the metasurface, which is defined as the percentage of the energy of the desired far-field or diffraction order in the total energy of incident light. Figure 2(b) shows that the efficiency of the metasurface can reach more than 60% in some regions. To obtain both high polarization ER and large efficiency, we finally select the value of parameters as and , with the corresponding optimized polarization ER of 63 dB and efficiency of 60.2%.
Figure 2.Effect of ring width and groove depth on (a) the polarization ER and (b) the efficiency of the metasurface. Far-field distribution of the reflected light when the incident light is (c) LCP and (d) RCP with the optimized parameters. (e) Comparison of −1st, 0th, +1st diffraction order far-field intensity between LCP and RCP incidence. (f) The efficiency and ER as a function of incident wavelength.
To demonstrate the performance of the optimized parameters, the FDTD simulated far-field distributions of the reflected light from the metasurface are shown in Figs. 2(c) and 2(d) for the incidence of LCP and RCP light, respectively. It can be observed that most reflected light propagates to the about 45° direction in the right side for the LCP case and the about direction in the left side for the RCP case, verifying the expected spin-Hall effect. Here, the reflection angle () can be modulated by the period () based on the principle in Fig. 1(c). The profiles of the above two cases in the far-field along the axis are compared in Fig. 2(e), clearly presenting the intensities of −1st, 0th, and +1st diffraction orders in the far-field pattern. For the LCP/RCP case, the spin-selected reflection peak in the +1st/−1st diffraction order dominates the reflected light, while the other diffraction orders are strongly suppressed, verifying the high polarization ER of the optimized parameters. Figure 2(f) shows the performance of optimized parameters at different wavelengths. It can be found that the FWHM of the efficiency peak is about 60 nm, while the , and therefore our optimized metasurface has a certain working wavelength range.
4. Numerical Study on OAM Generation
According to the above-mentioned detour phase principle, spiral phase can be loaded on the metasurface to generate OAM in reflected beams. In Figs. 3(a) and 3(b), we show the FDTD simulated examples of OV beams with topological charge ( and ) generated by the designed metasurface under RCP/LCP illumination, respectively. The metasurface has totally structural units and is about in size. It can be seen that, when an RCP/LCP light is incident, the reflected light generates an OV with topological charge ( and ) at the left/right side of the far-field as expected, showing the ring-shaped intensity distribution with the helical phase distribution covering . OV beams with other topological charge values can also be generated by changing the phase distribution on the metasurface. As shown in Fig. 3(c), an OV beam with topological charge () is generated by the LCP incidence in the right side of the far-field reflected pattern, with an increased radius of the bright ring and helical phase distribution covering . The phase distributions loaded on metasurface are shown in lower-left corner of Figs. 3(a)–3(c), which all look like a fork grating. The phase of each unit structure in metasurface is determined by the position of each semicircular groove in the horizontal period as described in Fig. 1(c).
Figure 3.Far-field distribution of the generated OV beam in the case of (a) RCP (l = −1), (b) LCP (l = +1), and (c) LCP (l = +2). The insets on the top-right corner, lower-left corner, and lower-right corner show the enlarged distribution of intensity, phase distribution on metasurface, and phase of the OV beam, respectively. (d) Phase distribution diagram of vortex Damman grating for 3 × 3 OV array. (e) 3 × 3 OV array with topological charges ranging from −4 to +4 is generated under LCP illumination. The modulated 3 × 3 OV array when the incident light is an OV beam with topological charge (f) l0 = −1 and (g) l0 = +2.
In addition to a single OV beam, an OV array with different OAMs can be generated by the designed metasurface, based on the principle of the two-dimensional Damman vortex grating[
If the incident beam is an OV beam with non-zero OAM, the diffraction order with the opposite OAM in the generated OV array will be restored from a ring-shaped distribution to a bright Gaussian point. Therefore, the designed metasurface device can also be used to detect the OAM of incident OV beams. In Figs. 3(e) and 3(f), we verify that when the incident OV beam has a topological charge of and , the positions with topological charges of and in the OV array [Fig. 3(d)] are restored to Gaussian points, respectively. Moreover, because of the spin-Hall effect, the detection of SAM and OAM of incident light can be realized simultaneously in the metasurface, which have been proved to have great potential in cylindrical vector beam (CVB) and cylindrical vortex vector beam (CVVB) detection[
5. Experimental Verification
To verify the effectiveness of our designed metasurface, an experimental system is built, as schematically shown in Fig. 4(a). The light source is a He–Ne laser with wavelength . The laser beam first passes through lens and lens to collimate and expand the beam and then is converted into linear polarization through a polarizer. After passing through a rotatable 1/4 waveplate, the linearly polarized beam can be converted into an LCP or RCP beam. Next, the LCP or RCP beam is focused on the metasurface through a objective lens. The metasurface-modulated light beam will be reflected to the direction of (right side) or (left side) and finally be recorded by and , respectively, to verify the function of the metasurface. The metasurface sample was prepared on a double-polished glass substrate, then the gold film with thickness of 200 nm was evaporated on the glass substrate by electron beam evaporation, and finally the semicircular nano-grooves were etched on the gold film by the focused ion beam (FIB) method. The scanning electron microscope (SEM) image of the metasurface sample fabricated is presented in Fig. 4(b), showing the array of semicircular nano-grooves on gold surface. The number of units in the metasurface was with the total size of about , and all structural parameters were chosen from the optimized numerical results (Fig. 2).
Figure 4.(a) Schematic diagram of the experimental system. (b) SEM image of the metasurface sample. Comparison of experimental results of left-/right-side reflected pattern under LCP/RCP incidence with (c) the uniform grating structure of semicircular nano-grooves and (d) the metasurface structure to generate OV beams with topological charge l = 1.
The experimental measurements of two different structures of metasurfaces were performed, including a uniform grating structure of semicircular nano-grooves and a spiral phase metasurface structure to generate OV beams with topological charge [sample in Fig. 4(b)]. Figure 4(c) shows the experimental results of reflected beam in both and angle directions under LCP and RCP illumination onto the uniform grating structure. It can be observed that under the incidence of LCP light, the reflected light produces a bright light spot on the right side and a much lower spot on the left side, in agreement with the theoretical predictions in Fig. 2(c). The measured efficiency of the bright spot energy on the right side in respect to the total incident light energy is about 25.56%, while the weaker spot on the left side has the efficiency of 4.59%, so the desired diffraction light (right side) is about 5.6 times more than the undesired part (left side). On the contrary, when the incident light is changed to RCP, the bright spot appears on the left side of the far-field pattern with the efficiency of 30.44%, and the weaker spot appears on the right side with the efficiency of 4.94%, demonstrating a contrast of about 6.2 times. These efficiency values are much higher than that of many previously reported transmission-mode metallic metasurfaces (usually less than several percent)[
It is noted that the experimental results of both the efficiency and polarization ER are not as good as the theoretical results shown in Fig. 2, mainly due to the limited machining precision in FIB fabrication of the metasurface samples.
6. Conclusion
In conclusion, we numerically study and experimentally verify the monolayer reflective-mode metallic metasurface for high-efficiency generation and control of OAM beams. The metasurface is composed of semicircular nano-grooves on a gold surface distributed with the detour phase principle. After optimization of the structural parameters, the metasurface shows both high efficiency in generated light and spin-dependent modulation on the reflection direction. A single OV beam and OV array can be generated by the metasurface, and it also can be used to detect both SAM and OAM of incident light. The proposed metasurface device shows advantages of high efficiency, easy fabrication, and very compact size, thus having great potential in applications such as integrated OAM/CVB detection and communication systems.
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Peijun Liu, Yanan Fu, Xi Xie, Changjun Min, Yuquan Zhang, Xiaocong Yuan, "High-efficiency monolayer metallic metasurface for modulation of orbital angular momentum," Chin. Opt. Lett. 20, 123601 (2022)
Category: Nanophotonics, Metamaterials, and Plasmonics
Received: Mar. 3, 2022
Accepted: Jun. 17, 2022
Posted: Jun. 17, 2022
Published Online: Jul. 13, 2022
The Author Email: Changjun Min (cjmin@szu.edu.cn), Xiaocong Yuan (xcyuan@szu.edu.cn)