In nonlinear optics, when discussing the origin and expression of harmonic generation, it always begins with the equation
Chinese Optics Letters, Volume. 19, Issue 3, 031901(2021)
Variation in linear susceptibility tensor at crystal surface probed by linear Cherenkov radiation
At the surfaces of crystals, linear susceptibility tensors would differ from their counterparts in the interior of the bulk crystal. However, this phenomenon has not been shown in a visible way yet. In previous researches, numerous types of nonlinear Cherenkov radiation based on different materials have been studied, while linear Cherenkov radiation is barely reported. We experimentally prove the generation of linear Cherenkov radiation on the potassium dihydrogen phosphate (KDP) crystal surface and theoretically analyze its phase-matching scheme. In our study, o-polarized light and e-polarized light can mutually convert through the linear Cherenkov process. According to this result, we figure out new nonzero elements at off-diagonal positions in the linear susceptibility tensor matrix at crystal surfaces, compared with the normal form of a bulk KDP.
1. Introduction
In nonlinear optics, when discussing the origin and expression of harmonic generation, it always begins with the equation
On the other hand, the equation of polarization may also contain linear components in some specific circumstances, and thus could correspondingly result in a first-order harmonic generation in theory. However, if we want to observe and study this harmonic generation, it is necessary to separate the input and newly created first-order components exactly in the output beam, which is exiting the nonlinear material. Actually, extending some concepts in nonlinear optics based on ordinary cognition could help to verify our assumption.
Nonlinear Cherenkov radiation (CR) is a series of special nonlinear phenomena that has attracted some attention in recent years.
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This concept originates from an early theory in particle physics called CR reported in1934 for the first time, to the best of our knowledge[
From 1970 on, the theory of CR was introduced into nonlinear phenomena for the first time, to the best of our knowledge; Tien et al. observing Cherenkov second harmonic generation (CSHG) was the beginning[
Figure 1.Phase-matching scheme of CSHG.
Researches on nonlinear CR (NCR) are often based on waveguides[
When considering fundamental beam incidence on a nonlinear boundary, the stimulated polarization would be restricted along this boundary[
Figure 2.(a) Phase-matching scheme of CSHG for oblique incidence. (b) Phase-matching scheme of LCR for oblique incidence.
Taking advantage of birefringence in the crystal could help us to separate the input and output lights. Just as shown in Fig. 2(b), we speculated that the Cherenkov-type linear harmonic generation (or linear CR, i.e., LCR) would be observed by employing the boundary structure, and the output LCR probably has different polarization from the origin input light.
At the polished crystal surface, reflection is another factor that we need to take into account in the experiment. The distinctive cone-shaped emission of NCR will degrade into two symmetrical points when the boundary (regarded as a plane) is introduced. Further on, if total reflection takes place, the output harmonic generation would become single side radiation in our expectations.
Nevertheless, it should be noticed that the polished bulk crystal surface is quite different from the domain wall inside ferroelectric crystals. The latter owns much stronger built-in electric field and lattice distortion than the former, because domain reversal means that modulation of susceptibility can be described as to 1 (in a normalized form), while, for the boundary between air and crystal, modulation is only 0 to 1. So, in general, at the surface of the crystal, lattice displacement occurs, but it is weaker than the domain wall.
In the experiment, we employ a polished potassium dihydrogen phosphate (KDP, z-cut, , ) crystal. The incident angle of the fundamental beam can be adjusted by horizontal rotation.
Figure 3 contains two conversion processes provided that both - and -polarization components exist in the incident beam. The -polarization incident beam stimulates -polarization harmonic generation ( process), while the -polarization incident beam stimulates -polarization harmonic generation ( process). KDP is a uniaxial negative crystal, so according to the refraction index ellipsoid, in the process, the emitting angle of -polarization LCR is larger than the incident angle , and, conversely, the emitting angle of -polarization LCR is smaller than .
Figure 3.Light path scheme of LCR processes at the KDP surface.
2. Experiment
To verify the assumption in Fig. 3, we build a simple set-up to realize LCR. Figure 4 presents this basic set-up. From left to right, the major equipment used is a neodymium-doped yttrium lithium fluoride (Nd:YLF) laser (1053 nm central wavelength, 1 Hz repetition rate, pulse width), a -barium metaborate (BBO) crystal (used for doubling-frequency, non-essential), a half-wave plate (used for controlling the polarization state of the incident beam), a KDP sample with a rotation stage (along with the light propagation path, the left side of KDP marked with green color in the schematic is utilized as the boundary to generate LCR), and a screen. The doubling-frequency process in BBO crystal converts 1053 nm infrared light to 526.5 nm green light; this step is to verify experimental results at different wavelengths, ensuring reliability of our final conclusion. On the other hand, we change the direction of the KDP optical axis (shown in Fig. 5) to expand our research as well.
Figure 4.Schematic of the main experiment set-up.
Figure 5.Schematic of KDP placement on the rotation stage.
Figure 6 presents the photos of light spots on the screen in our experiment and the corresponding phase-matching explanation. Figures 6(a) and 6(b) are the results for shooting a 1053 nm beam into KDP; Figs. 6(c) and 6(d) are results for a 526.5 nm incident beam. The wavelength at 1053 nm belongs to the infrared band, so we seek 1053 nm spots with detector cards. Besides, the reflected light spot has much stronger intensity than those of LCR to avoid destroying the detector card (1053 nm); to disturb the observation of LCR (green light at 526.5 nm is quite dazzling), we exploit a built-in indicator light of the laser (1053 nm) and dig a hole (526.5 nm) to mark the position of reflected light spots, respectively.
Figure 6.Photos of screen (right) and phase-matching analysis (left) of four serial experiments. All of these photos are under the condition that incident beam contains both o- and e- polarization states. (a) Using 1053 nm incident beam; optical axis of KDP is like Fig.
The photos of spots on the right in Fig. 6 result from their phase-matching scheme on the left, even the emitting angles of LCR conform to calculations (the measured data will be shown in the next section), indicating that two processes of LCR ( and polarization state conversion processes) really exist. Furthermore, Fig. 6 only shows the results when the incident beam contains both - and -polarization states. But, in fact, when rotating the half-wave plate, adjusting the incident beam to a pure - or -polarization state light, we clearly observe that one of the processes ( or ) becomes more and more apparent than the other one ( or ), until the LCR spot of the latter disappears on screen. Of course, we also employ a Glan prism to confirm the polarization states of the output LCRs and obtain a satisfying result as expected.
If we only analyze the process at 1053 nm [Figs. 6(a) and 6(b)], it seems that the -polarized light may also be from another origin—Cherenkov difference-frequency generation (CDFG) of the -type CSHG (green spots in photos and schemes) and the -polarized incident light. This assumption implies a second-order nonlinear process instead of a linear one. However, we did not find any CSHG that could participate in CDFG in the process at 1053 nm or in the two processes at 526.5 nm. According to the latter three observations, the light spots that interest us are very improbable to be CDFG. We believe LCR is a more reasonable theoretical explanation.
In this experiment, we measure the angles of the incident beam and output LCR to further verify our theory. Figure 3 has already generally indicated the geometrical relationship of incident angle , emitting angle of -polarization LCR , and emitting angle of -polarization LCR .
In the process, combining the refraction law with the relationship of phase-matching in Fig. 2(b), we can derive Eq. (2) as
Similarly, in the process, Eq. (3) can be obtained as
Within a set of graphs (Fig. 7), it is obvious that LCRs are very similar to nonlinear Cherenkov-type harmonic generation, and our theory is basically tenable. Figure 7(d) is relatively not so ideal, probably because the incident face of the KDP sample is narrow, as Fig. 5(b) shows, which makes adjustment and measurement become more inconvenient and inaccurate. If the KDP sample owns a more suitable shape and dimension, data could be better.
Figure 7.Theoretical predictions and measured results in the experiment on the relationship of external LCR emitting angles θ1 and θ2.
3. Theoretical Analysis
Furthermore, the generation of LCR implies some important things as well. For KDP (class ), which owns an inherent form according to symmetry of the crystal lattice[
However, considering the polarization states of corresponding incident beams and output LCR, simply using the original tensor cannot derive the results we observe. Therefore, there should be some new nonzero elements in the off-diagonal positions of the tensor. In Table 1, we make a summary of all cases in our experiments based on Eq. (4) to exhibit analysis of two bulk KDP surfaces.
According to the summary in Table 1, several equations can be derived through Fourier transform. For the optical axis being perpendicular to the reflecting surface, the process, the -polarized wave is expressed as , and
We use coordinate transformation as
Finally, we obtain an expression of the intensity of LCR:
From Eq. (10), we can see that if , being zero at the same time, the intensity of LCR will be zero, too.
Thus, similarly,
For process, we can get
Equations (13) and (15) can also confirm the respective evaluation of , and , that is discussed in Table 1 further.
4. Summary
In conclusion, through verifying and analyzing the characteristics of LCR at the bulk KDP surface, we investigate from a novel perspective. The existence of LCR is the clue to prove that for the tensor of some off-diagonal elements would become nonzero. We find that , , , and are potentially the nonzero elements. Meanwhile, according to the characteristics of crystal boundaries, the variations of are mostly due to the break of the symmetry of the crystal, similar to [
[1] P. A. Cherenkov. Visible emission of clean liquids by action of γ radiation. Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 2, 451(1934).
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Yan Guan, Fang Wang, Ying Yang, Deen Wang, Xin Zhang, Qiang Yuan, Dongxia Hu, Xuewei Deng, Huaijin Ren, Yuanlin Zheng, Xianfeng Chen, "Variation in linear susceptibility tensor at crystal surface probed by linear Cherenkov radiation," Chin. Opt. Lett. 19, 031901 (2021)
Category: Nonlinear Optics
Received: Aug. 5, 2020
Accepted: Jan. 27, 2021
Published Online: Mar. 11, 2021
The Author Email: Xuewei Deng (, Xianfeng Chen (