Edge modes of photonic topological insulators, which travel along the boundary of the structure and are robust against perturbations, have recently become a subject of much interest.1
Advanced Photonics Nexus, Volume. 2, Issue 1, 016006(2023)
Anomalous broadband Floquet topological metasurface with pure site rings Article Video
Photonic and acoustic topological insulators exhibiting one-way transportation that is robust against defects and impurities are typically realized in coupled arrays of two-dimensional ring resonators. These systems have produced a series of applications, including optical isolators, delay lines, and lasers. However, the structures are complicated because an additional coupler ring between neighboring rings is needed to construct photonic pseudospin. A photonic anomalous Floquet topological insulator is proposed and experimentally demonstrated in the microwave regime. This improved design takes advantage of the efficient and backward coupling of negative-index media. The results contribute to the understanding of topological structures in metamaterials and point toward a unique direction for constructing useful topological photonic devices.
1 Introduction
Edge modes of photonic topological insulators, which travel along the boundary of the structure and are robust against perturbations, have recently become a subject of much interest.1
Diversified CRR arrays, which provide a suitable platform for the study of topological photonics, have received substantial attention. The roles of pseudospins in opposite directions are played by the clockwise and anticlockwise propagation directions of light.24
Metamaterials/metasurfaces, artificial materials composed of subwavelength unit cells, provide a powerful platform for manipulating the propagation of light. The backward and efficient coupling mechanism of left-handed media (LHM) can also be used to solve the above problems.55
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2 Design and Method
The near-field directional coupling between resonance rings plays an important role in the realization of Floquet topological structures.24
Figure 1.Schematics of the photonic pseudospin in the coupled ring system. (a) Reversal of pseudo-spin in forward coupling. (b) Consistency of pseudo-spins in the process of backward coupling. The upper (lower) row denotes pseudo-spin-down (up) mode. RHM and LHM are marked by pink and yellow, respectively.
In the circuit-based system, the relationship between the electric and magnetic fields can be easily mapped using the relationship between voltage and current. As a result, the electromagnetic response is equivalent to the circuit parameters. The structure factor of the TL is defined as , where and denote the characteristic impedance and effective wave impedance, respectively. For the TL model of the LHM in Fig. 2(a), the structure factor is . The impedance and admittance of the circuit are represented by and , respectively. The direction of the magnetic field produced by the current can be determined from Ampere’s law, as shown in Fig. 2(b). By mapping the circuit equation (telegraph equation) to Maxwell’s equations, the relationship between circuit and electromagnetic parameters can be described by and , respectively. and are the vacuum permittivity and permeability, respectively. is the angular frequency. The effective permittivity and permeability of the circuit system can be tuned using the lumped elements in the circuit. Figure 2(c) shows a simple effective circuit model for a circuit-based hyperbolic metamaterial. In this circuit model, the admittance and impedance are and , respectively. and denote the capacitance and inductance per unit length, respectively. Therefore, the effective electromagnetic parameters of the circuit-based LHM are and , respectively. Especially, the LHM can be realized when and .
Figure 2.Realization of circuit-based LHM. (a) Schematic of circuit-based LHM realized in the TL platform; the structural parameters are given in
A schematic of an array of CRLH ring resonators forming an anomalous Floquet topological insulator is shown in Fig. 3. Distributed CRLH TLs54,55 are used to design a LHM with a negative refraction index. The ring resonator can then be constructed by connecting left- and right-handed TLs in sequence. A square array of coupled CRLH ring resonators can be produced by arranging the resonators in close proximity. The size of the fabricated sample is . Unlike previous anomalous Floquet topological insulators, in which additional resonators were adopted as coupler rings,24
Figure 3.Schematic of anomalous Floquet topological insulator based on CRLH ring resonators. The size of our fabricated sample is
The band structure of the proposed array of CRLH ring resonators can be calculated as follows. A schematic of the coupling network constructed by resonance rings is shown in Fig. 4(a). The position of the resonance rings and the relationship between the wave amplitudes are indicated by square green boxes and red arrows, respectively. To determine the backward coupling between RHM and LHM waveguides, we first study the simple configuration of thre waveguide structure, as shown in Fig. 4(b). Using the computer simulation technology Microwave Studio software, the backward coupling is simulated; the corresponding electric field distribution is shown in Fig. 4(c). The amplitudes of the waves in the ring resonators are expressed in the form of a scattering matrix26,
Figure 4.Band structure and the edge states of the anomalous Floquet topological insulator. (a) Schematic of couplings between neighboring resonance rings, where the wave amplitude relations are marked by red arrows. (b) Configuration of
According to Eqs. (4) and (5), gapless edge modes appear in the bandgap range, as shown in Fig. 4(e). The red and green lines denote edge states corresponding to the upper and lower edges. The emergence of a topological edge state is one of the most striking properties of topological insulators. Anomalous Floquet topological metasurfaces in all three different frequency bandgap ranges belong to a topological nontrivial phases. Due to the topological protection, edge states in three different frequency bandgap ranges have robust transmission characteristics that the electromagnetic waves can still propagate along the rugged boundary with little reflection.
We next demonstrate the improved photonic anomalous Floquet topological insulator. Each individual ring resonator possesses twofold degenerate modes, corresponding to a twofold pseudo-spin degree of freedom in which the clockwise and anticlockwise propagation directions of light play the role of the opposite pseudo-spins. By choosing the appropriate input port, clockwise and anticlockwise circulating photonic modes (e.g., two types of pseudospin) can be selected. As a result, two one-way edge modes can be excited along opposite directions. Figure 5 shows the results of full wave simulations of the electric field () distributions of the edge states. When the upper arm of the incident -shaped waveguide [marked by the red arrow in Fig. 5(a)] is selected as the input port, the spin-up edge mode is excited with a working frequency of 2.5 GHz. Owing to the spin–orbit coupling, the wave is transmitted to the output port only along the upper portion of the array structure. The electric field distribution of the component is shown in Fig. 5(a). Similarly, when the lower arm of the incident -shaped waveguide [marked by the blue arrow in Fig. 5(b)] is chosen as the input port, the spin-down edge mode is selectively excited and the wave is transmitted only along the lower portion of the array structure, as shown in Fig. 5(b). More details regarding the robustness of the topological edge states are discussed in the Supplementary Material. Our results provide a way to design the novel topological photonic devices with excellent performance using the negative-index media.
Figure 5.Simulated electric field
The experimental sample based on TLs is constructed according to the scheme in Fig. 3. The experimental setup is shown in Fig. 6(a). The signals are generated by a vector network analyzer (Agilent PNA Network Analyzer N5222A) and then input to the sample, which functions as the source for the system. The normalized transmission spectra for the pseudospin-up (red line) and pseudospin-down (blue dashed line) cases are shown in Fig. 6(b). The broadband nature of the topological edge states is indicated by the three bands with high transmittance, consistent with the dispersion relation in Fig. 4(e). In our experiments, the samples are placed on an automatic translation device, allowing the field distribution to be accurately probed using a near-field scanning measurement. The signal is generated from input of a vector network analyzer. A monopole antenna connected to output of the analyzer serves as a near-field probe to record the electric field distribution. The antenna has a length of 1 mm and is placed vertically 1 mm above the TLs to measure the signal from the electric fields of the TLs in the two-dimensional (2D) plane. The spatial distribution of the near field is scanned in steps of 1 mm in both the and directions. The field amplitudes are normalized according to their respective maximum amplitudes. Two frequencies of edge states 2.56 and 2.92 GHz are chosen, marked by the green dashed lines in Fig. 6(b). The edge state at 2.56 GHz with pseudospin-up propagates along the upper edge while the edge state with pseudospin-down propagates along the lower edge, as shown in Figs. 6(c) and 6(d), respectively. Similar to Figs. 6(c) and 6(d), the measured electric field distributions of two edge states at 2.92 GHz are shown in Figs. 6(e) and 6(f), respectively. The observed decay of the topological edge states mainly arises from the absorption in the CRLH TLs. Our results not only provide a useful understanding for studying topological structures using metamaterials, but also may pave the way toward realizing broadband topological photonic devices with topological protection in the microwave regime. Furthermore, using the mechanisms of multiple scattering in single negative metamaterials64,65 or the effective negative coupling coefficient,66
Figure 6.Experiment setup and observed topological edge states. (a) Photo and diagram of experimental setup for the measurement of the vertical electric field distributions. Our experimental setup is composed of a vector network analyzer, a three-dimensional mobile stage, and the sample to be measured. The sample is put on a 2-cm-thick foam substrate with a permittivity of near 1. The electric probe is a home-made rod antenna, which is connected to the output port of the vector network analyzer. (b) Measured normalized transmission spectra of pseudo-spin-up (red line) and pseudo-spin-down (blue dotted line) cases based on the configuration in panel (a). Measured 2D vertical electric field
3 Conclusion
In summary, using circuit-based LHM in a TL system, we propose an improved platform to produce an anomalous Floquet topological insulator in a square array of CRLH ring resonators. Additional coupler rings are not necessary, and the resulting topological edge state is broadband in nature. The robustness of topological edge states against a variety of defects has also been verified. Our experimental demonstration of selectively excited one-way edge states will further enrich the design of anomalous Floquet topological insulators and may pave the way toward designing novel photonic topological devices. Moreover, our methods have the potential to explore the topological properties in non-Hermitian systems,70 which may be useful for some applications, such as beam splitters71 and funneling of energy.72
Zhiwei Guo received his PhD in physics from Tongji University in 2019. Currently, he is a assistant professor in the School of Physics Science and Engineering at Tongji University. His current research interests include non-Hermitian photonics, topological photonics, circuit-based metamaterials, photonic crystals with metamaterials, metasources for near-field routing, and wireless power transfer.
Biographies of the other authors are not available.
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Zhiwei Guo, Xian Wu, Yong Sun, Haitao Jiang, Ya-Qiong Ding, Yunhui Li, Yewen Zhang, Hong Chen, "Anomalous broadband Floquet topological metasurface with pure site rings," Adv. Photon. Nexus 2, 016006 (2023)
Category: Research Articles
Received: Oct. 11, 2022
Accepted: Dec. 6, 2022
Published Online: Jan. 3, 2023
The Author Email: Guo Zhiwei (2014guozhiwei@tongji.edu.cn), Sun Yong (yongsun@tongji.edu.cn), Chen Hong (hongchen@tongji.edu.cn)