Three-dimensional (3D) shape reconstruction has been widely used in the practical applications of modern information technology in machine design, industrial inspection, robotics, and game industry due to its high speed and high flexibility[
Chinese Optics Letters, Volume. 19, Issue 10, 102601(2021)
Dual-frequency fringe for improving measurement accuracy of three-dimensional shape measurement
A new phase unwrapping method based on dual-frequency fringe is proposed to improve both high accuracy and large measurement range of three-dimensional shape measurement by synthesizing the projected dual-frequency fringes obtaining higher and lower frequencies. The lower-frequency one is their phase difference, which can help unwrap the wrapped phase of the higher-frequency one from their phase sum. In addition, the relationship between the measuring accuracy and the frequencies of the projected fringes is studied to guide the frequency selection in actual measurement. It is found that the closer the two frequencies are, the higher the measurement accuracy will be. The computer simulation and experiment results show the viability of this method.
1. Introduction
Three-dimensional (3D) shape reconstruction has been widely used in the practical applications of modern information technology in machine design, industrial inspection, robotics, and game industry due to its high speed and high flexibility[
The phase unwrapping algorithms can be commonly classified into spatial phase unwrapping[
Among temporal phase unwrapping algorithms, one popular method is to use the dual-frequency (or wavelength) phase-shifting technique[
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The phase sum with high sensitivity in two-wavelength phase-metrology (TWPM) was proposed for the first time, to the best of our knowledge, by Mustafin and Seleznev in 1970[
2. Principle
In 3D shape measurement using fringe structured light, the intensity of deformed fringes recorded by a digital camera can be given by
Since there are three unknowns, , , and , in Eq. (1), at least three images with different phase shifting should be used to calculate the wrapped phase .
The phase value provided from Eq. (2) contains phase discontinuities. Its corresponding continuous phase distribution can be unwrapped as Eq. (3):
As shown in Fig. 1, in 3D shape measurement based on dual-frequency fringes, two projected fringes with different frequencies, and , are projected to obtain their corresponding wrapped phase and by Eq. (2). The basic process of this dual-frequency method is to subtract the wrapped phase from , sum the wrapped phase and , and then adjust the results to be within the range of :
Figure 1.Principle of the proposed dual-frequency method: (a) four phase-shifting patterns of fh; (b) four phase-shifting patterns of fl; (c) wrapped phase ϕh; (d) wrapped phase ϕl; (e) phase difference ϕd; (f) phase sum ϕs; (g) one cross section of the unwrapped phase difference Φd, fringe order kl, and wrapped phase ϕl; (h) one cross section of the phase sum ϕs, fringe order ks, and unwrapped phase Φl.
If the phase-difference map ranging from 0 to covers the whole range of the surface, phase unwrapping is not necessary because can be regarded as the unwrapped phase, i.e., . can be used to obtain the fringe order for each point on the low-frequency wrapped phase for phase unwrapping. We choose the low frequency rather than the high frequency , which is to reduce the phase unwrapped order errors caused by noise amplification.
The fringe order of is
This results in the unwrapped phase of , which is given by
The fringe order of is
This results in the unwrapped phase of , which is given by
The measured object’s absolute phase map can be obtained by subtracting the phase of the reference plane from the unwrapped phase in the phase-sum information.
The synthetic frequency information and their phases depend on the frequencies of the projected fringes. By selecting the appropriate fringe’s frequency, the synthetic frequency will change accordingly. The phase difference extends the range of measurable depth variation by the synthetic lower frequency. In addition, the synthetic phase sum has an averaging effect in the process of calculating the synthetic frequency and thus smoothing the phase noise.
In order to illustrate the relationship of phase difference with phase sum, the sensitivity gain is defined as
That is, the phase sum is times more sensitive than the phase difference. The purpose of using phase difference is to synthesize a lower frequency . In other words, if the phase difference is meaningful, the phase-difference frequency must be lower than the original low frequency of , so it is necessary that
However, the synthesis fringes corresponding to the phase difference should cover the whole measurement area, which means that the two projected frequencies are close to each other, and is much larger than three. The measurement accuracy increases with the increasing sensitivity gain . Therefore, the value of can be used to guide the selection of frequency.
3. Computer Simulation
We simulated 3D shape measurement by using FPP for a tested object whose shape distribution acts like the peaks function. The diagram of the computer simulation process of this work is shown in Fig. 2. The process of phase unwrapping uses the phase difference to help the phase-sum unwrapping.
Figure 2.Chart of the computer simulation process of the proposed dual-frequency by FPP.
The continuous phase is pixels. The frequency of a projected fringe pattern is actually defined as in an FFP system, where is the number of pixels in each period. According to Eq. (5), both of the original fringe frequencies and (, ) are lower than the synthetic frequency (). Taking the data along 250th row as an example, the wrapped phase, the unwrapped phase, the object’s height, and the height error are plotted in Fig. 3. The phase differences are shown in Fig. 3(a), and the phase sum is shown in Fig. 3(b). Figures 3(c) and 3(d) show the process of the phase unwrapping.
Figure 3.Computer simulation results of the proposed dual-frequency in 3D shape measurement. (a), (b) One cross section of wrapped phases (Tl = 170 pixels, Th = 150 pixels) and synthetic phases (Td = 1275 pixels, Ts = 79.7 pixels); (c) one cross section of wrapped phase ϕl, phase difference ϕd, and fringe order kl; (d) one cross section of wrapped phase ϕs, unwrapped phase Φl, and fringe order ks; (e) one cross section of the restored object’s height; (f) one cross section of the restored height error.
In order to compare the performance of the proposed method, a random Gaussian noise with a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of 27 dB is designed to be added in the simulated fringes, and all of the phase distributions have been transformed to the height distribution. Figure 3(e) shows the cross section along one row of the restored object’s height. Related to the simulated object’s truth shape, the corresponding height errors restored by two original projected fringes and the synthetic fringes were analyzed, and their cross sections along one row are shown in Fig. 3(f). Due to the higher synthetic frequency and denser wrapped phase fringes, we can see that the noise of the synthetic frequency’s restored height (magenta line) is obviously smaller than that of the other two. The standard deviation (STD) of the synthetic frequency’s height error distribution is 0.325, while those of and are 0.490 and 0.433, respectively. In effect, the noise is reduced by the superimposing operations in the process of calculating the synthetic wrapped phase. Therefore, the measurement accuracy can be increased with this proposed dual-frequency technique.
In this simulation, the phase sensitivity gain between the phase sum and phase difference is given by
To confirm the relationship between the sensitivity gain and the measurement accuracy, we carried out simulation by selecting a fixed high frequency of 1/30 and changed the low frequency from 1/31 to 1/125. Figure 4 shows the trend of measurement accuracy changing with the low frequency.
Figure 4.Trend chart of measurement accuracy with the high frequency of 1/30 and changing low frequency.
It is clear that the accuracy is the best when the dual-frequency fringes are close to each other. We conclude that the effect of phase sum for improving accuracy relies on the ratio of to . As can be seen from the figure, the phase sum is not meaningful after the intersection of two lines. Therefore, we find is approximately 2.4 at the intersection. From the above, it is meaningful to use dual-frequency fringe for . At the point of , the accuracy of the proposed method is higher than that of the conventional method. Therefore, the phase sum in the dual-frequency technique can obviously improve the measurement accuracy.
4. Experimental Results
To further verify the performance of the proposed method, we developed an FFP system including a projection system [digital projector with a digital light processing (DLP) chip and the resolution of pixels], imaging equipment (UI-3250CP-M-GL camera with the resolution of pixels), and a computer. The distance between the projector and the camera was about 200 mm. The measured objects were placed at around 500 mm in front of the FFP system, where a flat board was used as the reference plane. Fringe patterns were generated and then projected onto the tested surface. Afterward, the deformed fringe patterns were captured by the camera.
In our experiments, the absolute phase calculated by a 24-step phase-shifting algorithm is used as the ground truth. It should be noted that all of the images have been cropped according to the tested object in the following illustrations. In these experiments, we compared the 3D reconstruction accuracy of the proposed method with that of the conventional dual-frequency method reported in literature [24]. In order to verify the proposed method, the reference plane was first measured, and the reconstruction phase error is shown in Fig. 5. The measurement accuracy of the conventional dual-frequency method is mainly determined by the high frequency of two projected fringes, so it will not be improved even though the low-frequency fringe is changing. The STD of the conventional dual-frequency method is 0.0165, while the STD of the proposed dual-frequency method is, respectively, 0.0130, 0.0143, 0.0154, 0.0164, and 0.0170 with the increasing .
Figure 5.Reconstruction phase error of reference plane (a) by the conventional dual-frequency method and (b)–(f) by the proposed dual-frequency method with different low frequencies (fh = 1/45, and fl = 1/50, 1/70, 1/90, 1/120, 1/140).
Then, one simple object with a smooth surface and one complex object were measured. The unwrapped phase was obtained to reconstruct the 3D shape of the measured object. Figures 6(a) and 6(b) show one of the captured fringe patterns with very close spatial frequencies having pixels and pixels. Figures 6(c) and 6(d) show the wrapped phase of the projected dual-frequency fringes. Figures 6(e) and 6(f), respectively, present the information of phase difference and phase sum. Figure 6(g) presents the fringe order . After applying Eq. (7), the unwrapped phase is retrieved, as shown in Fig. 6(h). Figure 6(i) presents the fringe order , and the unwrapped phase is retrieved by Eq. (9) and shown in Fig. 6(j). The phase sensitivity gain between the phase sum and phase difference is given by
Figure 6.Experimental results of measuring a simple object: (a), (b) one of the captured fringe patterns of fh and fl (Th = 80 pixels, Tl = 85 pixels); (c), (d) wrapped phases ϕh and ϕl; (e) phase difference (Td = 1360 pixels); (f) wrapped phase sum (Ts = 41.2 pixels); (g) fringe order kl; (h) unwrapped phase Φl; (i) fringe order ks; (j) unwrapped phase sum Φs.
In order to research the relationship between the sensitivity gain and the measurement accuracy, a series of experiments were carried out. The second experiment was carried out on a complex object with the projected fringes of pixels and , 70, 90, 120, and 140 pixels. Figure 7 illustrates the 3D reconstruction results, where the first one gives the 3D shape reconstructed by the conventional method, and the others are the 3D shapes reconstructed by our proposed method with different lower-frequency fringes. Meanwhile, to show their difference more clearly, the corresponding errors related to the absolute phase, which were calculated by the 24-step phase-shifting algorithm, have also been calculated and shown in Fig. 8. The STD of the conventional dual-frequency method is 0.0234, while the STD of the proposed dual-frequency method is, respectively, 0.0187, 0.0202, 0.0217, 0.0235, and 0.0241 with the increasing .
Figure 7.Reconstruction of the object’s absolute phase (a) by the conventional dual-frequency method and (b)–(f) by the proposed dual-frequency method with different low frequencies (fh = 1/45, and fl = 1/50, 1/70, 1/90, 1/120, 1/140).
Figure 8.Reconstruction phase errors with different low frequencies corresponding to Fig.
Figure 9 is a trend chart of measurement accuracy of actual experiments with a fixed high frequency and a varied low frequency. The measured object in Fig. 9(a) is the foam heart in the first experiment scene, and the measured object in Fig. 9(b) is the petal in the second experiment scene. It is obvious that the phase error becomes larger as the frequency difference between the two original fringes increases. It can also be concluded that the higher the sensitivity gain , the higher the measuring accuracy. However, there will be many interference factors in the actual experiment, such as the nonlinear error of the projector, uneven reflectivity of the object surface, camera resolution, shadow, environmental light, etc. It can be seen from the phase error distribution that it is obviously periodic, which is mainly caused by the nonlinear error of the projector. The experimental results are not as accurate as the simulation ones, but the trend is basically the same. At the point of , the measuring accuracy of the proposed method is higher than that of the conventional method, which verifies that the phase sum in dual-frequency method can improve the measuring accuracy.
Figure 9.Trend chart of measurement accuracy of actual experiments with a fixed high frequency and various low frequencies in measuring (a) the foam heart and (b) the petal.
5. Conclusion
In this study, a dual-frequency method in 3D measurement is certified to enhance the measurement accuracy. Compared with the conventional dual-frequency method, the proposed dual-frequency method employs the phase sum of two different frequency projected fringes to improve the measuring accuracy. A synthetic fringe is acquired, which is higher in frequency than either of the original projected fringes. The measurement results with the synthetic fringes are superior to that of a single frequency fringe, and higher measurement accuracy is also obtained. In addition, the relationship between the sensitivity gain and the measurement accuracy is also studied to guide the frequency selection in actual measurements. We found that the larger the sensitivity gain is, the higher the measurement accuracy will be. Especially, when , the measurement accuracy of the proposed method is also higher than that of the conventional method. Both the computer simulation and actual experimental results demonstrate the viability of the proposed method.
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Zixiao Miao, Qican Zhang, "Dual-frequency fringe for improving measurement accuracy of three-dimensional shape measurement," Chin. Opt. Lett. 19, 102601 (2021)
Category: Physical Optics
Received: Dec. 30, 2020
Accepted: Mar. 18, 2021
Posted: Mar. 18, 2021
Published Online: Aug. 12, 2021
The Author Email: Qican Zhang (