The most widely applied model in the study of quantum optics is the Jaynes–Cummings model [
Journal of the European Optical Society-Rapid Publications, Volume. 19, Issue 2, 2023039(2023)
Atom-field system: Effects of squeezing and intensity dependent coupling on the quantum coherence and nonclassical properties
Recently, Kumar Gerry et al. [Phys. Rev. A 90, 033427 (2014)
1 Introduction
The most widely applied model in the study of quantum optics is the Jaynes–Cummings model [
Many quantum phenomena have been produced as resources for carrying out numerous tasks in the field of quantum optics and information, both theoretically and practically [
Quantum entanglement is the aspect of a composite quantum system that most captivates our attention as a fascinating occurrence. If the combined state of two particles cannot be represented as a product of the states of their constituent subsystems, then the particles are said to be entangled [
Motivated by the recent development of atom-field system in quantum optics, we analyze the interaction between a SLAS and 1-mode field initially in squeezed coherent states. The field has one mode and the interaction is affected by five photons. We extend the Jeans–Cummings model to describe the interaction between the atom and the SF and the system dynamics. We analyze the time evolution of the atomic coherence, non-local correlation, statistical properties within the bipartite system in the presence and absence of intensity-dependent coupling for different squeezing regimes of the field. A full understanding of the dynamics of atomic systems that interact with a quantized field is becoming crucial, especially with respect to applications for quantum optics and information science. To implement the quantum computer the most important ingredient is the quantum dynamics, in which one subsystem undergoes a coherent evolution that depends on the state of another subsystem.
The present manuscript is outlined as follows: In Section 2, we present the model which describes SLAS in a cascade type interacting with a quantized field initially defined in a SF. Section 3 describes the quantumness measures and the main results. Finally, a summary and conclusions are illustrated in the last section.
2 Physical model and wave function
Here, we introduce the quantum scheme of a SLAS interacting with a nonlinear field. The SLAS is considered with transition energy between the six levels ωj (j = 1,…, 6) where ω1 > ω2 > .... > ω6. The SLAS states |j〉 are ordered from the upper state |1〉 to the lower state |6〉. We assume that the SLAS begins in its upper state and that the field in the squeezed coherent states (SCS) denoted by |α, r〉. The state of the system at = 0 is |U(0)〉 = |α, r, 1〉 and the state |α, r〉 is defined by [
The interaction Hamiltonian can be expressed as [
The SLAS-field wave function at t > 0 and ξt being the scaled time can be formulated as:
In the case of absence of the squeezing (i.e. r = 0), the field is in the coherent state and
3 Quantum quantifiers and numerical results
3.1 Atomic quantum entropy
Here, we provide a brief description of the von Neumann entropy, quantum coherence, and nonclassical features of the radiation field based on the variation of the Mandel parameter.
In this manuscript, the SLAS-SF entanglement can be detected through the von Neumann according to the atomic basis or field basis. For a quantum system, the von Neumann entropy is determined by [
Let us now analyze the effect of the system parameters on the dynamics of the quantum entanglement of the SLAS-SF state. In
Figure 1.Temporal evolution of
3.2 Quantum coherence
The measure of coherence for a quantum state ρ is related to its off-diagonal elements by [
Now, we consider the dynamics of atomic coherence in the presence of SF.
Figure 2.Temporal evolution of
3.3 Statistical properties
The Mandel QM parameter can be used to measure the deviation of the occupation number distribution from the Poissonian statistics. This parameter was introduced by L. Mandel in quantum optics [
Negative values of QM corresponds to state which a photon number variance that is less than the mean. The minimal value QM = −1 is obtained for the case of Fock states. QM > 0 corresponds to the case of super-Poissonian statistics (classical fields) and QM = 0 is for the Poissonian distribution and corresponds to case of the standard coherent state.
Let us now consider the time variation of the statistical properties of the initial SF. For this purpose, the temporal evolution of the Mandel’s parameter is plotted in
Figure 3.Temporal evolution of QM for the field initially prepared in a SCS with |α|2 = 25. The subfigures (a, b, c) are for
4 Conclusion
In this manuscript, we have investigated the interaction between six-level atomic systems and 1-mode field initially in a squeezed coherent state. We have extended the Jeans-Cummings model to explore the interaction between the atom and the squeezed field as well as the system dynamics. We have analyzed the time evolution of the atomic coherence, non-local correlation, statistical properties within the bipartite system in the presence and absence of the intensity-dependent coupling for different squeezing regimes of the field. We have introduced the von Neumann entropy to detect the time evolution of SLAS-SF entanglement and the
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Mariam Algarni, Kamal Berrada, Sayed Abdel-Khalek. Atom-field system: Effects of squeezing and intensity dependent coupling on the quantum coherence and nonclassical properties[J]. Journal of the European Optical Society-Rapid Publications, 2023, 19(2): 2023039
Category: Research Articles
Received: Aug. 17, 2023
Accepted: Sep. 20, 2023
Published Online: Dec. 23, 2023
The Author Email: Berrada Kamal (