1State Key Laboratory of Magnetic Resonance and Atomic and Molecular Physics, Innovation Academy for Precision Measurement Science and Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan 430071, China
2Physics Teaching and Experiment Center, Shenzhen Technology University, Shenzhen 518118, China
3University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
4College of Sciences, China Jiliang University, Hangzhou 310018, China
5Hefei National Laboratory, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230088, China
6Wuhan Institute of Quantum Technology, Wuhan 430206, China
7Hefei National Research Center for Physical Sciences at the Microscale and School of Physical Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026, China
In the field of quantum metrology, transition matrix elements are crucial for accurately evaluating the black-body radiation shift of the clock transition and the amplitude of the related parity-violating transition, and can be used as probes to test quantum electrodynamic effects, especially at the – level. We developed a universal experimental approach to precisely determine the dipole transition matrix elements by using the shelving technique, for the species where two transition channels are involved, in which the excitation pulses with increasing duration were utilized to induce shelving, and the resulting shelving probabilities were determined by counting the scattered photons from the excited state to the ground state. Using the scattered photons offers several advantages, including insensitivity to fluctuations in magnetic field, laser intensity, and frequency detuning. An intensity-alternating sequence to minimize detection noise and a real-time approach for background photon correction were implemented in parallel. We applied this technique to a single ion, and determined the - transition matrix element 2.9979(20) , which indicates an order of magnitude improvement over existing reports. By combining our result with the lifetime of 8.12(2) ns, we extracted the - transition matrix element to be 2.4703(31) . The accurately determined dipole transition matrix elements can serve as a benchmark for the development of high-precision atomic many-body theoretical methods.
【AIGC One Sentence Reading】:We developed a high-precision method to determine dipole transition elements using a single Yb+ ion, achieving significant improvement and serving as a benchmark for theoretical development.
【AIGC Short Abstract】:In quantum metrology, precise dipole transition matrix elements are vital for evaluating clock shifts and parity-violating amplitudes. We devised a universal method using the shelving technique with a single Yb+ ion, achieving high precision by counting scattered photons and implementing noise reduction strategies. Our results, demonstrating significant improvement, provide benchmarks for advancing high-precision atomic theory.
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Singly ionized ytterbium ion has attracted significant attention in recent years due to its potential applications in various fields. It has been extensively studied for developing ultra-precise atomic clocks [1–3], investigating the effects of parity nonconservation [4–6], searching for bosonic dark matter [7], exploring new forces through isotope shift studies [8,9], probing variations of the fine structure constant [10–12], examining violations of local position invariance [13], and investigating local Lorentz symmetry [14–16]. also finds applications in quantum computing [17,18], quantum simulation [19], quantum phase transition studies [20,21], and quantum sensors [22]. Precise knowledge of properties, especially the transition matrix elements between two atomic states, is indispensable for all these applications.
For instance, the dominant contribution to the differential scalar dipole polarizability of the clock transition - stems from the transitions - and - [23], which implies that the accuracy of these transition matrix elements directly determines the uncertainties of the blackbody radiation shift of the clock transition. Additionally, these elements are essential for evaluating the parity-violating amplitude of the - transition [4,6]. All of the above mentioned applications are linked to the state, which has a cooling termination pathway to the state. Meanwhile, having a good understanding of the transition matrix element of - is crucial for accurately determining the theoretical limit on state detection of an qubit [24].
However, accurate calculation of these transition matrix elements has proven to be challenging due to the abundance of low-lying states within the one-hole-two-particle configurations like and the strong mixing between different electronic configurations [6,25]. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to perform high-precision measurements of the transition matrix elements. Unlike atomic transition frequencies, measuring transition matrix elements is still notoriously difficult, especially when it comes to achieving uncertainties at the level of –. However, by combining theoretical information on atomic structure with measurements of “magic-zero” wavelengths in Rb atoms conducted by Herold et al. [26] and with measurements of Stark shifts caused by electronic dipole coupling to Rydberg states in conducted by Woods et al. [27], researchers are able to determine the transition matrix elements for the - line in Rb and the - line in with high precision, respectively. Nevertheless, due to the complex energy level of and Yb, applying these methods to the ytterbium system may not yield accurate results. Hettrich et al. [28] measured the transition matrix element of - in by comparing dispersive and absorptive light-ion interaction measurements. This methodology could potentially be employed to determine the - transition matrix element in in a similar fashion. Another approach to obtaining the transition matrix elements involves combining branching fractions with lifetimes [29,30], but the uncertainty of these measurements depends on the precision of the lifetimes and branching fractions.
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In this work, we introduce a novel experimental method for accurately measuring the dipole matrix element for the - transition in . Our approach involves using a shelving technique and the excitation pulses with increasing duration with a bin size of 100 ns to determine the shelving time. The associated shelving probabilities are determined by counting the scattered photons from the excited state to the ground state . To ensure accuracy, our protocol includes a real-time background photon correction method that eliminates any background lights and their fluctuations. To minimize detection errors, we employ a highly synchronized sequence for laser control, an intensity-alternating sequence for atomic excitation and photon counting, as well as a power stabilization scheme. The method of counting scattered photons from to is not sensitive to fluctuations in laser-light polarization, intensity, and magnetic field [31]. Compared to the approach of Hettrich et al. [28], which requires a clock laser for quantum state readout, our method is simpler and relies less on a re-pumping laser [31].
We performed measurements on a single ion stored in a miniature four-blade linear Paul trap to determine the electric dipole transition elements. The ablation technique [32], combined with ionization lasers at 399 and 369 nm, was used for ion loading. We specifically selected the ion because it provides easier measurement due to higher fluorescence [33]. The sketch of the experimental setup and relevant transitions are shown in Fig. 1. The trap used to confine the ion is a miniature four-blade linear Paul trap, which is made of 0.3 mm diamond rectangular slices, and the electrodes are constructed by precision laser cutting and gold plating. With this operation, the trap has a more symmetrical structure that can reduce the effects of heating and micromotion. The two blade electrodes were used as radio frequency (RF) electrodes, and the other two blade electrodes were used as opposite RF phase. Two additional electrodes in orthogonal directions were used as compensation electrodes. The center-to-center spacing of adjacent blades is 0.8 mm, and the tip-to-tip spacing between the endcaps is about 8.0 mm, as displayed in Ref. [34].
Figure 1.(a) Sketch of the experimental setup for dipole transition matrix elements with single trapped ion. (b) energy-level diagram of low-lying states (not to scale), where denotes the branching fraction of the state into the state.
When the ion was confined in the trap, excessive micromotion of ions could be effectively compensated for by adjusting the voltage at the endcap and the compensation electrodes. Compensation was monitored by position change in a charge-coupled device (CCD) and by using RF photon correlation methods. In addition, in order to reduce the de-excitation caused by the collision between the ions and background gases and ensure a stable measurement environment, the ion trap was installed in an ultra-high-vacuum chamber with a background pressure less than . To avoid low-frequency magnetic field noise, the vacuum chamber was surrounded by two layers of μ-metal shielding and a low-noise current source was used to supply stable currents on the three orthogonal magnetic coils. A magnetic field of about 0.4 mT along the trap axis and linear polarization of the laser lights were used to avoid any optical pumping and coherent population trapping. All laser beams were guided through optical fibers and reached the ion, and polarization matching was employed by using quarter and half waveplates in front of the fiber couplers. In order to reduce the influence of beam quality, the three-dimensional precise adjustment frames at each laser beam were used to adjust the laser’s position. Meanwhile, the mechanical irises were used to shape the lights and keep the good beam quality. One 369 nm light overlapping with 935 nm light was used for the optical pumping process with different powers and times. Another 369 nm light with power of 250 μW and beam waist of 60 μm was used for photon detection and Doppler cooling. Both 369 nm lights were power stabilized. The sketch of the experimental setup is shown in Fig. 1(a).
The ion was Doppler cooled primarily using the - dipole transition at 369 nm because of the short lifetime of the excited state [35]. Due to the fact that the decay channel from to [24] interrupts the cooling cycle, a re-pumping laser light at 935 nm is used to quickly deplete the clock state via the state, ultimately returning the ion back to the ground state. This process helps maintain the photon counting rate at an acceptably high level. Additionally, a laser with the wavelength of 760 nm is used to deplete the ion from state via the state back to the ground state due to collision with background gases. The relevant transitions related to the - and - dipole matrix elements of are shown in Fig. 1(b).
In order to achieve multi-period continuous measurement, the 935 nm re-pumping laser’s frequency was referenced to a HighFinesse wavelength meter WS8-2. The 369 nm light was frequency referenced to an ultra-low-expansion (ULE) standard Fabry–Pérot cavity according to the Pound–Drever–Hall scheme, making the linewidth about 300 kHz and drifts about 1.06 Hz/s. The signal detection was realized by the 369 nm fluorescence generated by the spontaneous decay of the ion from to and was monitored by a photomultiplier tube (PMT) and CCD. The scattered background light was filtered from the fluorescence signal by two narrow-band-pass filters and a pinhole with diameter of 40 μm. The photon collection efficiency was after carefully optimizing the position and focus of imaging and lasers. A computer was used to record all experimental data, and control the photon-counter, all acousto-optic modulators (AOMs), and shutters simultaneously via a field programmable gate array (FPGA) at the accuracy of nanosecond level.
A. Theoretical Scheme
The electric dipole spontaneous emission decay rate can be expressed according to Refs. [5,36–38]: where represents the transition wavelength in Å and is the spatial part of the reduced matrix element of the electric dipole operator.
When the ion is shelved in the state by 369 nm light, the fluorescence signal displays an exponential decay. This is evidenced by the population trapping in the state, which occurs due to the presence of two channel transitions. The decay probability of a fluorescence signal can be described by the function: Here is the decay parameter with being the fractional population of the state, is the linewidth of the state defined as , where represents state lifetime, and is the branching fraction into the state. The population , which depends on the power of the 369 nm light with a constant beam waist and resonant frequency, can be calculated using the following equation [24]: where is the laser’s saturated absorption power of the transition. With this, the decay parameter can thus be expressed as
Obviously, the electric dipole transition matrix element can be obtained from the spontaneous decay rate . , and the saturation intensity can be extracted from a series of decay parameters by using Eq. (4), while each is obtained by Eq. (2) from the measurements of decay probability at different intensities. Here, the decay rate is for the - transition.
B. Experimental Implementation
A simplified diagram illustrating the time sequence and energy levels involved in determining the dipole transition matrix element between the and states is shown in Fig. 2. This sequence consists of six major steps that are repeated for each measurement. Step 1 involves Doppler cooling of the ion with a duration of 5 ms. Additionally, the 935 nm quenching laser is applied for extra 0.1 ms to excite the ion from the state to the state. This ensures that the ion is in the ground state. In step 2, a series of laser pulses with increasing duration is used to shelve the ion back to the state. This is necessary due to the branching fraction of the ion. Step 3 involves detecting the rate of shelving, ranging from zero to one. If the shelving is unsuccessful, scattered photons can be detected from the to transition. To induce incoherent shelving to the state, two laser pulses with duration of 15 μs and wavelength of 369 nm are applied. These pulses are resonant with the - transition. One of the laser pulses is saturated (with a power of 250 μW), while the other is half of the saturated power. The number of photons during the ion is shelved to the state with those two pulses denoted as and . Here, two pulses at different intensities are assigned to minimize the counting rate error and other errors associated with the PMT dead time [31]. As we have demonstrated, with those two pulses, the ion could be totally shelved to the state. In order to subtract the background timely, both pulses are applied again, and the detected photons are denoted as and . Because the ion stays in the state, no photons are scattered from to , and the and just represent the background information. After background subtraction of , the number of detected photons scattered from to is . To normalize the detected photon counts from to timely, a similar measurement is performed in step 5 without the shelving process as step 2. The operations performed in step 4 are identical to those in step 1, ensuring that the ion is in its ground state. The number of detected photon counts in step 5 is given by . Here, and represent photons scattered from to within background, and and only represent background photons. The decay probability into the state is then determined by 1−, where the latter term is the normalized decay probability from to .
Figure 2.Simplified time sequence and associated energy level diagram (not to scale) displaying the - spontaneous decay rate measurements in a single ion.
To maintain consistent measurement conditions for and and to compensate for any ion heating in the trap, we repeat the arrangement of the Doppler cooling schedule after detecting . In the final step (step 6), the cooling and pumping lasers are activated for 5 ms, and the photomultiplier tube (PMT) count, referred to as , determines whether the ions remain in the cooling cycle (referred to as “bright”) or transition to the state (referred to as “dark”) due to collisions with background gases. A threshold value was set by [39] to discriminate those two states, and the data in the cycles with below threshold were not recorded. A valid interrogation cycle concludes when the fluorescence signal reappears, signaling the start of the next cooling period.
In each cycle of the shelving process, the duration of the shelving pulse, denoted as , was varied while keeping the laser power constant at a certain value, denoted as . A total of 60,000 clock cycles were performed, with ranging from zero to times 0.1 μs, increasing in steps of 100 ns. The maximum range of values was chosen to ensure that the final population rate approached one, allowing for the determination of the decay parameter . The experimental data points and the corresponding fitting using Eq. (2) are plotted in Fig. 3(a). Note that performing the measurement at the resonant frequency of the - transition is challenging due to ion heating causing photon counts to decrease or even ion loss. To deal with this issue, we referenced the 369 nm laser’s frequency to a ULE cavity with an accuracy of approximately 300 kHz. Additionally, to reliably determine the spontaneous decay rate at - resonant frequency, especially over long periods of measurement time, we select a series of red frequency detunings from to , and determine the decay rate at resonant frequency by extrapolation.
Figure 3.The data points are fitted to determine key decay parameters. (a) The fitting curve for the decay parameter at each 369 nm power through decay probability and its pulses duration time by using an exponential function Eq. (2). (b) The fitting curve for the spontaneous decay rate through variational decay parameter and its corresponding laser power by using Eq. (4). (c) The spontaneous decay rate is exponentially plotted against the detuning of the 369 nm laser frequency from the resonance frequency of the - transition. The shown data in (a) and (b) correspond to the point in (c) where the detuning is −6 MHz. The transition probability at the resonance frequency is determined to be 0.62796(81) .
In our experiments, we varied the power of the 369 nm laser from 0 to 550 μW, with a beam waist of approximately 60 μm. The resulting experimental data were then fitted to Eqs. (2) and (4) using two fitting parameters and . Figures 3(a) and 3(b) give an example of the experimental data and its fitting of decay parameter and decay rate at frequency detuning from resonance, where the residuals between the data points and the curve are also given. Similarly, such operations are repeated at different frequency detunings, and the obtained decay rates are plotted in Fig. 3(c). The data points have been fitted with an exponential curve (shown in red), and the decay rate at the resonance frequency is determined to be 0.62796(81) .
It should be emphasized that the ascertained decay rate was intricately linked to the intensity of the shelving laser, and the implementation of laser power stabilization was carried out in this regard. In order to mitigate any potential linear fluctuations during the measurements, data collection was performed in a randomized manner. This randomness is reflected in the fact that the laser power and pulse time do not change continuously from small to large or from large to small.
In accordance with our adopted scheme, the dispersed photons from the state to the state remain impervious to fluctuations in both light intensity and frequency. This immunity has been previously established, not only with regard to the strength and direction of the magnetic field [31], but also through experimental examination as in our prior work [40]. The error resulting from collisions between individual ions and the ambient gases is negligible, given the maximum collision rate of , which is orders of magnitude lower than the decay rate . Consequently, it has no impact on the decay parameter .
Furthermore, we disregard the decay from the metastable state in this context, as its lifetime of [40] is orders of magnitude greater than both the shelving and measurement times. The ion in state only has one transition channel, -. The decay rate from state to state is . Compared to the decay rate from state to state, the lifetime of nearly has no influence on .
For the residual birefringence in the detection optics, we checked this effect by adopting the same way as Ref. [31]. We varied the direction of the applied magnetic field and observed no variation in the decay rate within the statistical uncertainty of the measurement. Considering magnetic field induced states mixing and the mixing states modified decay rate, we changed the magnetic field to a relatively large value, but we did not find the difference of the measured decay rate.
Ion trap heating and ion’s motion may be another factor affecting the detected photons, further affecting decay information. The micromotion of ions could be effectively compensated for by adjusting the voltage at the endcap and the compensation electrodes. The compensation was monitored by a position change in a charge-coupled device (CCD) and by using RF photon correlation methods. After good micromotion compensation, the detected photons at high and low RF powers have no significant differences. The heating due to the residual micromotion can be reflected in the rise time for the fluorescence intensity to return to its original level after a prolonged blocking of the cooling laser beam. No delay was observed during the period of blocking time, which was three orders of magnitude longer than the experimental pulse duration we applied. That means the influence of heating and ion’s motion is very small and can be ignored.
The error caused by the Poissonian noise of the PMT is negligible, at the level of [41]. The errors resulting from the PMT dead time and spontaneous decay during the detection periods of and have the same undercounting rate and decay rate within the same time interval, effectively canceling each other out and leaving the photon detection unaffected. Without a pumping process with the 369 nm laser, using our photon detection scheme we determined the photon detection probability to be 1.000(1). The results demonstrated that this scheme can eliminate or at least largely reduce the effect of PMT dead time, which leads to undercounting of both and with the same error rate.
Following the statistical and systematic analysis, we have determined the final result for the - decay rate at resonance frequency to be .
Using Eq. (1) in conjunction with the measured decay rate and its corresponding transition wavelength of [42], we are able to determine the matrix element for the - transition to be 2.9979(20) with an uncertainty of 0.07%, representing an order of magnitude improvement in precision of 2.97(4) [6,24]. In addition, by combining this result with the known lifetime of the state of 8.12(2) ns [35], we are able to extract the transition matrix element for -, which is found to be 2.4703(31) . It is worth noting that our method achieves a comparable level of accuracy to the - matrix element measurement of 2.8928(43) in [28], while also offering a smaller uncertainty compared to the measurement of the electric quadrupole reduced matrix element of 12.5(4) for the - transition [30] in .
The relationship between and the lifetime is given by . By using the lifetime of the state mentioned above [35], we can determine the branching fraction for the - transition to be 0.00510(2). This represents an order of magnitude improvement in measurement precision compared to the previous study by Olmschenk et al. [24], which used ultrafast pulses and a time correlated single-photon counting technique. Figure 4 illustrates a comparison of the experimental and theoretical branching fractions [4–6,24,25,43–45]. Our result shows good agreement with the measurement of 0.00501(15) by Olmschenk et al. [24], and it is also in close proximity to all the theoretical calculations using different methods. However, there are some discrepancies in the dipole matrix elements and branching fractions between our value and the theoretical results, which may arise from the fact that all the theoretical calculations do not take into account the core-excited configuration in . These discrepancies highlight the need for the development of high-accuracy many-body theoretical methods.
Figure 4.Comparison of experimental and theoretical branching fractions for the - transition in .
In summary, we present a simple experimental scheme to accurately determine the transition matrix element from the state to the state in a single ion. The dipole matrix element is found to be 2.9979(20) , which is an order of magnitude improvement over the existing results [6,24]. By combining our result with the lifetime of the state, we are able to extract the branching fraction and the matrix element for the - transition. These transition matrix elements are crucial for accurately evaluating the black-body radiation shift of the - clock transition and the amplitude of the related parity-violating transition. Moreover, these highly accurate transition matrix elements can be used as probes to test quantum electrodynamic effects [46]. Our method can also be readily applied to precisely determine the matrix elements for the - transitions in , , , and at a precision level of –. Together with the available branching fractions of these ions [31,47–49], one can also obtain the lifetimes of the state and the - transition matrix elements with a precision of –. Finally, our method can serve as a guide for active atomic clock research [50].
Acknowledgment. We thank Z.-C. Yan, T.-Y. Shi, Y.-J. Cheng, J.-G. Li, J. Jiang, and M. S. Safronova for fruitful discussions.
Author Contributions.H. Shao, Y.-B. Tang, and H.-L. Yue carried out the device design and fabrication and drafted the manuscript. H. Shao, H.-L. Yue, Z.-X. Ma, and Y. Huang carried out the measurements. H. Guan and K.-L. Gao conceived the project and coordinated the research. Y.-B. Tang, F.-F. Wu, and L.-Y. Tang supported in theory and helped draft and edit the manuscript. All authors analyzed the measurement results and gave their final approval for publication.
H. Shao, Y.-B. Tang, H.-L. Yue, F.-F. Wu, Z.-X. Ma, Y. Huang, L.-Y. Tang, H. Guan, K.-L. Gao, "Precision determination of dipole transition elements with a single ion," Photonics Res. 12, 2242 (2024)