With the rapid development of terahertz (THz) science and technology, THz devices have aroused great interests[
Chinese Optics Letters, Volume. 20, Issue 1, 013602(2022)
A VO2 film-based multifunctional metasurface in the terahertz band
We proposed a multifunctional terahertz metasurface based on a double L-shaped pattern and a vanadium dioxide (
1. Introduction
With the rapid development of terahertz (THz) science and technology, THz devices have aroused great interests[
In this work, a multifunctional THz metasurface device based on is proposed. When is an insulator, transparency windows at 0.4465 THz and 0.639 THz are achieved due to destructive interference. When is metal, the -polarized wave can convert into the left-handed CP (LCP) wave and the right-handed CP (RCP) wave at 0.3–0.42 THz and 0.72–0.92 THz, respectively. Moreover, the effects of the incident angles and geometric parameters are also investigated. In addition, the proposed metasurface structure can be combined with Pancharatnam–Berry (P-B) phase to obtain the transmitted and reflected planar-array antenna. More interestingly, in our design is a film that does not need lithography to obtain a certain pattern, which improves the convenience of fabrication and experiment. Our work provides an effective design of a multifunctional device in the THz region that has broad application in the communication system.
2. Design and Result
Fig. 1(a) illustrates the sketch view of our proposed THz multifunctional metasurface. As depicted in Fig. 1(b), the unit cell consists of three layers: two L-shaped metal patterns, polyimide, and film. The parameters are listed in Table 1. The metal is aluminum with the conductivity of in 200 nm thickness on a 50 µm thick polyimide. The middle layer is polyimide with the permittivity of and the loss tangle of 0.002. For the 200 nm thick film, the insulator-to-metal transition properties of can be described by different values of conductivity to realize the switchability of multiple functions[
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Figure 1.(a) Sketch view and (b) unit cell of the proposed multifunctional device.
2.1. Dual-band EIT and linear to circular polarization converter
Figure 2(a) displays the scheme of the dual-band EIT and linear-to-circular polarization converter. Figure 2(b) shows the transmission of the proposed structure in Fig. 1 when the is in the insulating state. A dual-band EIT effect is obtained in the two frequency bands: 0.35–0.5 THz and 0.6–0.85 THz, shown as a black curve in Fig. 2(b). To show the dual-band property, the spectra of the unit cell with the single small and large L shapes are represented by the dotted line and the dashed line, respectively. It is clear that the EIT effect appears both for the small L and the large L structures. The EIT peaks are located at 0.575 THz and 0.517 THz for the small and the large L structure, respectively. When we combine the two L shapes together, the dual-band EIT effect occurs. As the two excited L elements are weakly hybridized, the two EIT modes are close to their initial frequencies[
Figure 2.(a) Scheme of the dual-band EIT and linear-to-circular polarization converter. (b) Transmission curves for the metasurface with the double L (black solid), the small L (blue dotted), and the large L (red dashed) shapes when VO2 is in the insulating state. The cross symbol denotes the fitted result based on the “two-particle” model. (c) The surface current distribution at the two transmission peaks.
To show the physical mechanism behind the dual-band EIT effect, the surface current distribution at the two transmission peaks and is given in Fig. 2(c). It is seen that the two L shapes are excited strongly by the incident field at , and an out-phase resonance appears. Therefore, the high transmission peak appears at [
To further support the above assertion, the “two-particle” model is used to quantitatively describe the dual-band EIT effect. Here, two particles marked 1 and 2 represent the small and large L shape, respectively, which meet the following differential equation[
The simplified transmission for Eq. (1) can be obtained as
To verify the “two-particle” model of the dual-band EIT, two transparency windows are fitted separately and combined to form the complete curve. For the fitted analytical curve of two EIT bands, we get , , , , and . As for the second band, we set , , , , and . All of the parameters above are in THz. The fitted curve (the green dots) is displayed by the cross symbols in Fig. 2(b). It is almost the same as the simulated curve, which demonstrates that the “two-particle” model can be used to explain the dual-band EIT effect.
The proposed unit cell structure behaves as a linear-to-circular polarization converter after the insulator-to-metal transition process. As demonstrated in Fig. 3(a), for the normal incident -polarized wave, the reflective wave of the converter can be expressed as[
Figure 3.(a) Reflection of Ryy and Rxy. (b) The phase and phase difference for the reflection of Ryy and Rxy. (c) The calculated ellipticity of the polarization conversion.
The amplitude and phase shift of the reflection are plotted in Figs. 3(a) and 3(b). The phase difference of two components ( and ) is denoted by the black solid curve in Fig. 3(b). As the shadows mark, we can see that the is approximately equal to and in the ranges of 0.3–0.42 THz and 0.72–0.92 THz. Based on the equation mentioned above, the normalized ellipticity is plotted in Fig. 3(c). The ellipticity is less than in the frequency range from 0.3 THz to 0.42 THz (the gray shaded region), suggesting that the LP wave is converted into an LCP wave. At the same time, the ellipticity is due to the opposite direction of the current on the two L shapes, and the electric dipole moments on both elements are canceled by each other, nearly in the frequency range from 0.72 THz to 0.92 THz (the yellow shaded region), meaning that the RCP wave is obtained. Therefore, the proposed structure has the dual-band linear-to-circular converter performance, with one band showing linear to LCP, and the other band showing linear to RCP. The average converting efficiencies of the first and second bands are 68.7% and 94.5%, respectively.
2.2. Multifunctional metasurface antenna
Figure 4 shows the sketch map and basic unit cell of the multifunctional metasurface antenna with the parameters set in Table 2. On the top layer, two L shapes form the unit. The bottom layer is still made of . Different from the previous design, the 30° rotation angle difference is given between the two adjacent unit cells. Figures 5(a) and 5(c) show the transmission and phase of the cross polarization when the is in the insulating state. In the insert, the simulated unit cells rotate counterclockwise from 0° to 150° with an interval of 30° and are represented by different colors from black to pink. Figures 5(b) and 5(d) show the reflection and phase of the co-polarization when the is in the metallic state. From Figs. 5(a) and 5(b), we can nearly get the same transmission and reflection of the CP wave[
Figure 4.Sketch map of the planar-array antenna and elements of each column.
Figure 5.(a) Transmission and (c) phase of cross polarization for VO2 in the insulating state. (b) Reflection and (d) phase of co-polarization for VO2 in the metallic state.
Considering the P-B phase, 60° phase difference for the six rotation elements could cover the 360° phase. The six rotation units are periodically arranged on the axis. The abnormal reflection or transmission angles are determined by the generalized Snell’s law[
Figure 6.(a) Three- and (b) two-dimensional radiation pattern of the reflected beam. (c) Three- and (d) two-dimensional radiation pattern of the transmitted beam for VO2 in the insulating state.
When shows a metallic state, the bottom layer acts as a metal mirror. Figures 7(a) and 7(b) demonstrate the three- and two-dimensional radiation pattern of the reflected beam at 0.52 THz. It is obvious that the co-polarized LCP wave is reflected with a 21° angle[
Figure 7.(a) Three- and (b) two-dimensional radiation pattern of the reflected beam when VO2 is in the metallic state.
3. Conclusion
To summarize, a multifunctional THz metasurface is presented based on the insulator-to-metal phase transition property of . When is an insulator, a dual-band EIT window appears at 0.4465 THz and 0.639 THz for the TE polarization. Based on the current distribution and “two-particle” model, the physical mechanism of the dual-band EIT effect has been demonstrated. When the is a metal, the proposed metasurface behaves as a dual-band linear-to-circular polarization converter. The -polarized linear wave can be effectively converted to LCP and RCP in the frequency range of 0.3–0.42 THz and 0.72–0.92 THz, respectively.
By arranging the six unit cells with the metal pattern rotating 30°, a multifunctional metasurface antenna can be obtained. When is an insulator, the radiation of the LCP wave can be divided into four beams with two beams reflected and two beams transmitted. The simulation results are in agreement with the theoretical calculations. When is in a metallic state, we can only get the co-polarized LCP wave reflected with a 21° angle at the same radiation frequency. Moreover, in our design, the film does not need lithography to obtain certain patterns, which improves the convenience of fabrication and experiment. Our design opens a new way for the development of multifunctional THz devices and has potential applications in the THz communication field.
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Ziyu Liu, Limei Qi, Feng Lan, Chuwen Lan, Jun Yang, Xiang Tao, "A VO2 film-based multifunctional metasurface in the terahertz band," Chin. Opt. Lett. 20, 013602 (2022)
Category: Nanophotonics, Metamaterials, and Plasmonics
Received: Sep. 4, 2021
Accepted: Oct. 14, 2021
Published Online: Nov. 17, 2021
The Author Email: Limei Qi (qilimei1204@163.com)