Continuous polishing, which is widely used in optical processing, is very important to obtain high-precision and supersmooth surfaces. This process is also applied in high-power laser facilities[
High Power Laser Science and Engineering, Volume. 3, Issue 2, 02000001(2015)
Mechanistic study of continuous polishing
To establish the mechanism of surface change in a continuous polishing system, an ideal mathematical model is built based on Winkler’s hypothesis and the Preston equation. The basic features of the model are the change rates in the surface peak–valley (PV) values of the workpiece, conditioning disk and pitch lap, rather than the specific surface shapes. In addition, an equilibrium state exists in the system, indicating that the surface change rates are all zero. Under equilibrium, the surface of the lap could remain flat, and it is insensitive to the surface error of the workpiece. These characteristics lay the theoretical foundations for high-efficiency and high-precision polishing. The methods to obtain an equilibrium state with flat surfaces are then proposed and confirmed experimentally. High-precision surfaces better than λ/10 (λ=632.8 nm) are consistently produced experimentally.
1. Introduction
Continuous polishing, which is widely used in optical processing, is very important to obtain high-precision and supersmooth surfaces. This process is also applied in high-power laser facilities[
2. Ideal continuous polishing model
The continuous polishing system consists of a massive rotating table with a polishing annulus, a conditioning disk and workpieces. Preston’s equation[
In the continuous polishing process, the material removal equation is applied to the workpiece and the conditioning disk with different constants . To a widely used pitch lap, this feature is similar to a series of independent springs because of the grooves on the surface. The lap is simplified to a one-dimensional Maxwell fluid based on the thickness, so the Preston constant considers lap wear, and viscous flow can be set for the pitch lap.
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Winkler’s hypothesis is applied to calculate the contact pressure for simplification and can be written as follows:
The following assumptions should also be considered prior to modeling:
Given the force balance of the workpiece and the conditioning disk, the contact pressure distribution can be determined on the basis of Winkler’s hypothesis and assumption (4). The changes in the pitch lap surface, workpiece and conditioning disk can then be established. To simplify the calculation, the contact pressure is assumed to remain unchanged in a cycle, and the surfaces at the end of the cycle are modified. A computer is used to control the surface according to the program flow chart in Figure and
correspond, respectively, to the relative position between the workpiece or conditioning disk and the lap surface in the thickness direction, and the dip angle of the workpiece or conditioning disk.
correspond to the sustaining strength and sustaining moment to the workpiece or the conditioning disk determined by
, which can be carried out though numerical integration by dividing the contact area into many elements. For convenient calculation, the grid is generated by the radial lines and concentric circles of the lap surface. The mesh density should be sufficiently high to guarantee computational accuracy, which can easily be verified by increasing the density and comparing the results.
is the weight of the workpiece or the conditioning disk.
are the given upper limits of calculation errors, which are positive numbers approximating to zero. The error criterion is given by
The initialization includes every size of the lap, conditioning disk and workpiece, the position and density of the conditioning disk and workpiece, Young’s modulus of the lap, the Preston constants and rotation number, calculation errors, increments for and
, and some parameters for integral operation and output file path.
Setting the initial surface figure refers to setting the profiles along the radial directions of the workpiece, lap and conditioning disk. The profiles can be described as functions or height values at given radial positions in this program.
The workpiece and conditioning disk have different values of and
, but we consider that the computing method for both of them is identical, so
refer to both the workpiece and conditioning disk. On the basis of the scanning and variable step method, values of
that satisfy Equation (
as standing for a decreasing amount of compression for the lap caused by the workpiece and the conditioning disk, with
being positive standing for the outer part of the workpiece and the conditioning disk on the lap surface being lower than the inner part. If the initial given
result in the total pressure being greater (smaller) than the weight
and the moment for the outer part of the workpiece or the conditioning disk being larger (smaller) than the inner part, then
should be increased (reduced) and
should be reduced (increased) until the comparison reverses, following which
should be reduced (increased) and
should be increased (reduced). If every time the comparison reverses, the increment applied to
is multiplied by a constant smaller than unity, then Equation (
and the increments are easy to set – for example, setting
to the thickness of the lap,
to zero, the increment for
and the increment for
degrees, their values will soon be updated such that Equation (
A large number of numerical tests have been performed to verify the accuracy and consistency of the model. For example, it has been found that increasing the Preston constants causes faster changes in the surfaces, and changes in the surface figure from different initial shapes, such as concave, convex, ‘M’-shape and ‘W’-shape, are found to be consistent with experiment.
3. Study of the continuous polishing characteristics
3.1. Basic rules of surface figure adjustment
According to the model, two basic rules are found:
(1) Without moving the conditioning disk, the surface peak–valleys (PVs) of the pitch lap, conditioning disk and workpiece will change at constant speeds after their surfaces completely match.
This rule indicates that an inherent feature of the system is the rate of surface change rather than the specific surface. The rate of change in the workpiece surface PV based on the parameters in Table and the relative humidity is 60% in the polishing workshop. The horizontal axis in Figure
; the constant should be smaller for the fused silica, which is harder to polish. Reference [
. The value
may not fit the experiments, but very high accuracy is not necessary because the Preston constant does not influence the surface change rules, which were the main factors to be studied. The wear rate of the conditioning disk and the pitch lap are of the same order as the fused silica according to experience, so all the constants are set to
. The rotation speed is two revolutions per minute.
Some differences are found between the calculated and experimental results because the Preston equation is not completely satisfied, as a result of the nonlinear characteristic of the pitch lap. Errors exist in the experiments and calculation because of interference and inaccurate setting of the Preston constants. However, the basic rules shown by the model are accurate because the shapes of the two curves are similar.
(2) An equilibrium state exists in the system, indicating that the surface shape could remain unchanged, and the shape could be flat or spherical with a small curvature.
The conditioning disk position corresponding to the equilibrium state is the equilibrium position marked in Figure
3.2. Workpiece polishing in the equilibrium state
Different radial positions of the pitch lap have different friction distances from the workpiece. Thus, the lap deteriorates regardless of the shape of the workpiece surface, even though it may be an ideal plane. Figure
If a conditioning disk is applied, the partial damage can be repaired naturally. Thus, the main task is to repair the general damage, which is most important in determining the workpiece surface figure. The workpiece surface can remain high-precision under equilibrium in flat cases, according to the above analysis. Further calculations show that the equilibrium state is insensitive to the surface error of the workpiece. If equilibrium with flat surfaces is obtained, exchanging the workpiece with another workpiece with surface error can also allow polishing to very high accuracy without moving the conditioning disk. This phenomenon indicates that in the process the curvature change is very small between the case of a mismatching workpiece and pitch lap and the perfectly matched case in the equilibrium state. These results can lead to a theoretical basis for high-efficiency and high-precision polishing. Figure with a density of
. All Preston constants are set to
. When the concave workpieces are replaced with convex ones, the surfaces are still highly accurate.
The equilibrium state can be found by measuring the rates of change of the workpiece surface under different conditioner positions (Figure rd of the annulus; hence, experiments could be performed in this range. The equilibrium position is actually not fixed, even in a certain machine, and the machining parameters remain unchanged. The position will change according to the workpiece parameters, such as the workpiece position, size, quantity, pressures applied, and so on. Thus, the experiments should depend on the workpieces to be polished. Simulation results show that if the workpiece is placed at the center of the lap annulus, the extent of worn area in the inner side of the annulus is larger than that at the outer side. If the size, or the quantity, or the applied pressure of the workpiece is larger, the conditioning disk should be pushed outwards to maintain balance. If the workpiece is moved along the radial direction of the lap, the conditioning disk should be pushed towards the opposite side to maintain balance. Figure
. Figure
Given the delayed response of the pitch lap, measurement results beyond the equilibrium state cannot represent the true surface shape, which makes the lap surface difficult to control accurately. The model shows a delayed response in which the surface does not stop changing immediately after the conditioning disk is pushed to the equilibrium position. To adjust the lap surface, the shape of the workpiece surface should be measured in the equilibrium state. Then, from the surface error and the change rates measured, the distance of movement for the conditioner and the conditioning time is determined. At the end of this calculated time, the conditioner is pushed back to the equilibrium position, and the surface figure is again checked when it is stable. If an error still exists, it may have been caused by an environmental disturbance or calculation errors. The disturbance and errors are eliminated, and the lap is reconditioned.
The key to stable machining is maintenance of the pitch lap surface. From the analyses above, a lap in the equilibrium state is insensitive to the surface error of the workpiece. However, when the position or size of the workpiece changes without moving the conditioning disk, the equilibrium state disappears, and the lap surface will deteriorate. Thus, the conditioner position should be adjusted according to the workpiece to prolong the ideal state.
4. Conclusion and discussion
An ideal mathematical model for a continuous polishing system is built. According to the model, the mechanism of surface changes in the system is examined, and the equilibrium state, which indicates that the surfaces remain unchanged, is found in the polishing system. The model shows that although the surface of the workpiece is an ideal plane, it will also damage the lap. Therefore, the damage caused by workpieces with surface errors may not be that serious – and this phenomenon has been proved theoretically. The change in curvature is very small between the case of workpiece–lap mismatch to that of a perfect match in the equilibrium state. This characteristic lays the theoretical foundations for high-efficiency and high-precision polishing. The procedures for obtaining an ideal equilibrium state are performed and verified experimentally.
Calculations show that the polishing process is actually deterministic, and the shapes of the workpiece surfaces can be precisely controlled. An unstable environment (such as fluctuations in temperature and humidity, and irregular airflows) and imperfect factors in polishing (such as the nonuniform temperature distribution of the lap and the workpieces, uneven polishing powders on the surface of the lap, unstable rotating speeds of the workpieces, and so on) will seriously impact the machining precision and make the polishing a nondeterministic process. However, with technological developments, such as a higher control accuracy of the environment temperature and humidity, enhanced performance of polishing machines, studies on the polishing materials and material removal mechanisms, as well as the application of computer simulations in conventional polishing, conventional polishing will become a deterministic process.
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Xiang Jiao, Jianqiang Zhu, Quantang Fan, Yangshuai Li. Mechanistic study of continuous polishing[J]. High Power Laser Science and Engineering, 2015, 3(2): 02000001
Received: Dec. 10, 2014
Accepted: Mar. 12, 2015
Published Online: Jan. 7, 2016
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